ESTABLISHED 1890 41P AL 4 .Jitr t ~Iai'g MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS :- . Y VOL. XXXVII. No: 93 PLANS ARRANGED FOR! 13TH CONFERENCE IN' NIGAWAV rumIurnIUn EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICK FIVE CENTN* aw I Senate Elections Committee Defers Thomas C. Winter And Helen Belcher, Action On Reseating Illinois Senator l';i Class Of '28, Will Lead Grand March WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.-An imme-1 A picture of Smith's continually IN FIFTH NUMBER 01 diate partial report recommending the hammering at the door of the Senate t } seating as a senator of Frank L. Smith # over a period of six years if he should ;.l;, !TROIT ALUMNI PLAN TO BROADCAST MUSIC 'Of 1928 JUNIOR HOP, iii umi 1111 LIfIUHI!LLI 1lH U was urged today by counsel for himbe refused the oath under his cre- _and for the state of Illinois, but action dentials from the voters of Illinois 1 was deferred by the Senate elections was drawn by Doyle. CHIIAT IMAN OF ISSOURI STATE committee until Wednesday. ,Doyle, who formerly was secretary HIGHWAY COMMISSION IOpening formal hearing of the case, of state of Illinois, said Colonel Smith WL SPEAK the committee listened to five hours could present his credentials at the ~-'of argument and appeal by James M. opening session of every new Congress PROGRAM IS ACCEPTED Beck, former solicitorgeneral of the during the term for which he was United States, who appeared voluntar- elected next November. Conference Aims To Solve Problems 1ily; Oscar Carlstrom, attorney general Warning was given by Attorney Regarding Administration, of Illinois, representing his state and General Carstrom that Governor Traffic Buildin I C. J. Doyle of Springfield, Illinois, Small would not withdraw the creden-. personal counsel for the senator- des- tials that he had given Smith as the ignate- successor to the late William ,B. Mc- Plans and arrangements for the Pointing out that the committee had Kinley and he argued that every day 13th annual Conference of Highway two separate functions under the Sen- the Senate refused to accept them it< engineers, which is to be held here ate resolution barring Smith, pending unlawfully deprived Illinois of itsC from Feb. 15 to 18, are almost com- a hearing, counsel urged that a fa- constitutional right to equal repre- plete, and the tenative program which vorable report be made on the propo- sentation in the Senate with the othert was formed, will be accepted with but + sition of administering the oath to states. a few changes, according to Prof Governor Small's appointee and to de- _ Rodger 14. Morrison, acting head of fer a hearing as to his fitness until af- _f the highway engineering department.' ter he has been seated. ,LP Theodore Gary, retiring chairman of Tbhe argument was advanced that Ii l! I the Missouri State highway commis- Smith could not be expelled until he sion, who was invited to address the had been seated and the declaration T l AIfI IP conference on "Modern American was made that a two thirds vote would TO LOCEL 43110 'r Transportation," has sent word that be necessary to unseat him once he LOoLrn dLpc ab dm e iilt h he cannot be present and his place had been admitted officially to the H on the program will be taken by Prof. Senate. Sherwood Eddy, Brought here By W. D. Henderson, director of the ! S. C. A., Will Address Student b University extension division, who (TIIMeetings In Hill Auditorium will speak on "Keeping up with the is PINIH TD TILK Time." U II ~lL II U IILIV TO HOLD PUBLIC FORUM n' The conference is an annual affair, held under the auspices of the en-I 0 a gineering college of the University, in ON AIGUIU Sherwood Eddy, world pacifist and I' co-operation with the Michigan State EN speaker who recently returned from n Highway department, and the Michi- i gan Association of Road Commission- German Prhfessor Is Now MakIngis sixth annual seminar of American ers and Engineers. Tour Of United States Discussing writers and speakers who have been i Ai1 To. Aid Roadhuilders Phases Of Chemistry studying conditions in Europe, willf The aim of the conference is to visit Ann Arbor from Feb. 20 to the d aid in supplying to road commis-1 WILL SPEAK THURSDAY 22. He is coming here under the d sionres and engineers, information auspices of the Student Christian as- o relative to highway administration, Members of the department of chem- Iin. his stay ii Ann Arbor, as- organization, financing, traffic, drain- ! istry will be addressed during the sociation officials stated yesterday, A age systems, foundations, construc- xmsocyatioE officialsusta yesterday, j tion, and maintainance of roadways examination weeks by Dr. Fritz Mr. Eddy will conduct a forum dis- 1 and bridges.1Paneth, professor of inorganic chem- Cssion in Lane Hall auditorium, and Although the conference is arrang- sane th University of Berlin. will deliver thre public addresses. f istry at theUnvriyo Bel. Two of these letures, it is planned,,! ed primarily for Michigan engineers, I Professor Paneth will speak upon will be delivered in Hil auditorium, representatives from other states will "Use of Radio Elements as Indicators," inb tura Sienc audi-m be present at the sessions discussing and his speech will be given at 8 other the various highway problems which j o'clock, Thursday, Feb. 3, in the am- .tor is President Clarence Cook Little in I will be consilered. phitheater of the Chemistry building. cne rence Cork wit I In addition to the program for the Professor Paneth received his de- a conference yesterday morning witv c first two days of the conference, which grees from the University of Ham- clbased the A mymaer a was announced in The Daily several burg, Germany, and since that time alsureguationsahe cluibces concern- weks ago, the following schedule is he has been associated with the chem- ing the nature of addresses in Uni- v arranged for the visiting engineers: istry department of several German versity halls would be observed dur- h On Feb. 16, the second day of the institutions. He also was attached to meeting, the annual dinner of the the chemistry laboratories of the Uni- ing Mr. Eddys visit. Col. Henry W. C Miller, professor of mechanism and i Michigan Association of Road Commis- versity of Glasglow, Scotland, for two r d sioners and Engineers will be held at years and then became a professor of engii an y is president o 6:30 o'clock at the Union. President chemistry at the University of Ham- Little furthermy and Navyted that he would S Clarence' Cooky Little, Gov. Fred W. burg. A few years ago Professor Pan-Litefrhrsadtatewol Green, and Frank F. Rodgers, state th cepte a p fg rofessor che try to arrange for the attendance at highway commissioner of Michigan, istry in the University of Berlin, etue o me acuce a will be the principal speakers at this which position he still retains entative who might announce ointo whc oito eSill betathe those present that Mr. Eddy's point event. Mortimer E. Cooley, dean of At the present time, Professor Pan- Iof viewrisnmerely one side of the J the College of Engineering and Archi eth is making a lecture tour of this question under consideration, and whoE tecture, has been announced as toast- country, discussing various phases of might urge the students to remain w master Fs r Sinorganic chemistry. His speech next open minded and to base their judg-r Foster Will Speak Thursday will be upon the use of ment on reason rather than impulse. On Thursday morning, Feb 17, the radium and allied inorganic elements The policy of the Board of Regents delegates will hold a session at 9:30 as indicators in chemical research. It with respect to the use of the audi- v o'clock in room 348 of the Whest En- has been announced by the chemistry toriums was declared at a meeting d gineering building, at which time C. :department that the lecture will be several years ago to be: a E. Foster, construction engineer of open to the public.I "1. No address shall be allowed m the Michigan state highway depart- which urge the destruction or modi-It mnent, will give an address on "Con- E 'Period I whic urg the"" "etrcto or modi-'' meExamination ddes o "on fiation of our form of government, tract Performance." Professor Rodger+ xamination Perio by violence or other unlawful meth Morrison will discuss "Materials Con- f Four Cole1ds, or which advocate or justify con- trol" and A. Mies, assessment dis- e s duct which violates the fundamentals I trict engineer for the state highway of our acceptgl codes or morals. f department,. will conclude this meet- o egin Tomorrow 2. Speechs in support of partic- a ing with a talk on "Relation of Coun- ular candidates of any political party e ty Drains to the Highway." Frank Final examinations in the literary or faction ordinarily shall not be per- w F. Rodgers, of the state department college, School of Education, Graduate mitted. The discussion of matters of 1 will be the presiding officer at this 1school and School of Business Admin- public interest relating to our politi- w session. . istration will begin tomorrow morn- cal, legal, economic, and general so- m , In the afternoon, the conference will ing. Some irregular classes were not cial institutions, if conducted in the u hear J. T. SLarpensteen, maintenance scheduled correctly and those exami- proper way, by proper persons, is of IT supervisor; A. L. Burridge, division nations were held yesterday. the very essence of education and is S engineer; and 'B. . Tney, mainten- The examination period will last of as much importance as a discussion ance engineer, all' of whom are con- two weeks, ending Thursday, Feb. -0, of any subject in the whole field of w nected with the state highway depart- after which the students will be given knowledge. It will not do to say that ment. a vacation. Classes in the literary there shall be no discussion before S Scollege for the second semester will our students of matters of public con- Summer Catalogue be resumed on the following Monday. cern by intelligent, well-qualified, and The complete schedule for these honorable persons." To Be Ready Soon schools follows, the time of examina- The addresses scheduled for Mr. tion being determined by the time of Eddy are: Sunday, Feb. 20-Speech at -rthe first meeting of the class. 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium on some Copies of the abridged announce- Monday, Jan. 31: A. M.-Monday at phase of the world situation; Mond- g ment' of the Summer session will be 11; P. M.-Tuesday at 10. day-"Dare We Think?" at 4:15 in B off the press the latter part of next Tuesday, Feb. 1: A. M.-Monday at Natural Science auditorium; Tuesday c week, and may be obtained from the 9; P. M.-Math 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 51. . morning-"Are Washington's Hopesb registration offices of the various col-' Wednesday, Feb. 2:A. M.-Monday Fulfilled" or "Danger Zones In Our i leges, It is announced by Edward H. at 8; P. M.-Ec. 51, 185. Republic," at 10:30 in Hill auditorium. (« Kraus, dean of the Summer session. Thursday, Feb. 3: A. M.-Tuesday at 9; P. M.-Rhet. 1, Psychology 31. TWO OF SHAW'S PLAYS v Friday, Feb. 4: A. M.-Tuesday at d Union To Be Open' 2; P. M.-Tuesday at 11. TO BE SHOWN BY MIMES sl I Saturday, Feb. 5: A. M.-Tuesday atls Regular service will be maintained 8; P. M.-French 1, 2, 31, 32, Spanish Two plays, "The Man of Destiny," s in all Union departments throughout 1, 2, 31, 32. and "Anna Janska, the Bolshevist d examinations and between semesters, ! Monday, Feb. 7: A. M.-Tuesday at Empress," both by George Bernard s Paul Buckley, general manager of the 1; P. M.-Sociology 51. Shaw will be presented by Mimes in p Union, stated yesterday. Tuesday, Feb. 8: A. M.-Monday at the Mimes theater for four days com- 10; P. M.-Monday at 3. mencing Tuesday, Feb. 15. The MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay.-Various Wednesday, Feb. 9: A. M.-Monday shorter one, "Anna Janska, the Bol- organizations of Uruguay have drawn at 2; P. M.-Tuesday at 3. 1 shevist Empress," will be given as a .. .. n a._ 0 Ad . A M__v_ i wfm e4- a :nth . '"U()HlAY IuN ADIOIUM .rI I I W ORKLD g GREATEST VIOLINIST '10 PLAY IN AITORIIU.) TOMORROW NIGHT BORN IN VIENNA Violin 3)aster Also Noted As Pianist Composer, Linguist And Painter; Studied Medicine Fritz Kreisler, considered by officials of the School of Music as the world's outstanding violinist, will appear at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi- torium as the fifth number on the 48th annual Choral Union concert series. Hie has played here several times be- fore, although not recently, and many critics consider him to be the world's greatest master of his instrument. Mr. Kreisler, besides his reputation as a violinist, is an accomplished pian- ist and composer, although he rarely plays the piano in concert, and he has made nearly a hundred records. He is also a linguist and in his youth studied both medicine and painting. His father was a Viennese physician and after his early training in music Mr. Kreis ler hesitated" between medicine andI music, but after studyingmedicinefor a year he decided to take up the violin and he went to Paris where he studied under Massart. Studied Painting in Paris While in Paris he also studied paint- ng at Julien's, but never painted pro fessionally He is one of the most assi- luous artists on the concert stage to- lay, according to officials of the School f Music, filling at times as many as even engagements a week. The violinist was born in Vienna. Austria, in 1875, and at an early age von recognition as a musician there Vhen he was ten years old he won the I irst prize and the gold medal at the vienna conservatory of music, in conm- I etition with many older and better nown artists. Two years later, after tudying for a year in Paris, he won he Grand Prix de Rome at the Paris onservatory of music. Shortly after, while a boy of 13, he toured America vith Moriz Rosenthal, Polish pianist vho appeared here last fall, and after is tour here he returned to Europe. In Austria he completed his studies n the Gymnasium, and after .deciding o take up music as a profession, h' wade his debut in Berlin in 1899. hortly after he toured America, again his time alone and two years later appeared in London. Since then he Ir layed in all concert centers of I vorld, including the leading cities r urope and many tours of America, where he has spent most of his time in ecent years. Owns Valuable Violin He owns one of the world's most aluable violins, the Josef Guarnerius1 el Gesu of 1737. He is also a devotee nd critic of art, and according to his nanager leans toward conservatism in his regard. During the war he served in the Aus- rian army as captain, having enlisted n 1914, and was on the Italian front or two years. He was then wounded Ind discharged after which he resum- d his playing and came to America vlfere he toured for two years from 916-18. When America entered the var lie cancelled his concert engage- nents here and did not appear again ntil 1919. Since that time he has' nade several tours of the, United tates. On his experiences gained in the var he has written a book. "Four weeks in the Trenches or the War tory of a Violinist" Thomas Winter ' general chair. are expected to be present. Extensive man, and Helen Belcher '28, who will preparations on phe part of the com- lead the grand march of the iannual nuttee during the past few months Junir Ho, tobe hld Fb. 1 inpromise to lend an unusual brilliance Junir Hp, o b hel Fe. 1 into the affair, which is considered the Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums, and at which more than 750 couples premier event of the university social season. Temporary Coifltt de Recoinn1ends f That Standing Committee Be Named To Consider Requests HEARINGS NECESSARY Due to the increasing complexity and importance of the needs of the l University in the matter of equipment and research, it has become necessary to insure a fair hearing to al.l projects which involve the solicitation of priv- ate support, . according to President Clarence Cook Little, and therefore, a temporary committee was organized to study and to report on the situation. to report on the situation. , This committee has reported in fav- or of the establishment of a standing committee to hear and consider the requests for support of special proj-i ects. The report states that "sinceI the preparation of a budget for next; year and the consideration of mat- ters needing private support are be- I coming increasingly important .with!; the Iapse-of time, it seems desirable to call the attention of all faculty mem- bers to the existence of such a com- mittee and to the fact that no projects involving private support of $1,000 or, more will be authorized by the Re-i gents unless the project has been previously submitted to the Committee { of Special Needs of the University.1 The membership of the committee is as follows: Chairman, Dr. W. W. Bishop, University librarian; vice chairman, Prof. H. C. Sadler, of the marine engineering department; sec- retary, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assist- ant to the President; Dean Henry M., Bates of the Law School, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the college of pharmacy, Prof. H. M. Randall of the physics de- partment, Prof. George C. Huber of the medical school, and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political science depart-' ment. ORIG NAL N. Y. CAST TO SHOW 'LAFF THAT OFF' "Laff That Off," by Don Mullally, will be given at the Whitney theater Monday and Tuesday, Feb 7 and 8. The comedy, which ran for a whole season in New York, will appear here with the original cast, headed by Clarence Oliver. The play was staged by Roy Wal- ling, in association with its author, Don Mullally, in Chicago first and af- ter a successful season there went to New York, which it recently left, to go on the road. Marion Wells, who recently played in "Dybbuk" and "The Phantom Ship," will also appear withf the company here.- MICHIGAN OVERWHELM SWIMMERS IINDIANA Three National Intercollegiate Marks Fall And One Established In Crushing Victory SCORE 60 TO 9 Michigan's 60 to 9 victory over the1 Indiana swimming team last night in the Union pool was marked by the' breaking of three national intercol-1 legiate swimming records and the' establishing of one unofficial national intercollegiate mark. The Wolverine swimmers captured first and second places in each of - the six events and won both of the relay races. Captain Paul Samson broke the first record of the meet when he swam the 440 yard free style in the fast time of 5:12.4, which is five seconds faster than the previous mark. Six Varsity men, Hubbell, Spindle, J. Halsted,! Darnell, Batter, and R. Halsted bet-, tered the existing marks for the 600 and 750 yard backstroke relays which were held by Yale, and set an un- official record for the 900 yard back- stroke relay. The time for the 600 yard event was 7:32.2 which is 15! seconds fasterathan the Yale mark; the time for the 750 yards was 9:36.3, 14 seconds better than Yale's mark; while the time for the 900 yards was 11:40. The Wolverine team, composed ofj Watson, Batter, Bement, and Darnell, took the lead by winning the 200 yard'I relay in easy fashion in 1:50.6. The 220 yeard breast stroke was featured by a close race between R. Halsted and Shorr of Michigan, in which the former won by a scant margin in 2:50.4. Miller of Indiana was third. Darnell captured the 50 yard free style in :24.2, Watson of Michigan was second and Winston of Indiana third.I Captain Samson won the 440 yard free style handily in 5:12.4, and Wag- ner, a teammate, defeated Zaiser, In-3 diana captain, for second place. Spin- dle bested J. Halsted by a foot in the 150 yard backstroke in one of tire closest races of the meet. Royer' placed third for Indiana, and the time was 1:54.6. Darnell captured the 100 yard free style and Samson defeated Bolyard for second place in a close finish. The time was :54.6. A. F. Shull To Teach In Summer Session I MOVING PICTURES ARE TO BE SHOWN FOR PATRONS AT ANNUAL DANCE PLANS NOT COMPLETED Uniform Taxi Rates Of One Dollar Have Been Secured From All Companies Boradcasting of the 1928 J-Hop, Feb. 11, is being considered by the Detroit Alumni association, and it is possible, according to Thomas 0. Winter, '28, general chairman of the aflir, that favorable arrangemnts can be made for the financing, which was felt to be prohibitive as far as the J-Hop committee was concerned. With the exception -of the radio broadcasting, plans are completed, it was announced, and the actual work is being carried on rapidly. One of the novelfeatures of this year's Hop will be the showing of movies for the I benefit of the patrons and patronesses. Booth Drawings Next Week Booth drawings will be made next week, and will be announced on the Imorning of the Hop, when the furni- turenis to be moved in bythe respec- tive booth committees. Decorating the two gyunasiums will begin on the Tuesday preceeding the (lance, and will continue through Fri- 'day. Professional decorators design- ed the decorative scheme and will do the entire work of arrangment. The state fire marshell will inspect the decorations Friday. Uniform taxi rates of $1 per couple each way have been secured by agree- ment between all the companies and the committee, it was announced yes- terday. Armoured knights and pictures of medieval castles will features the decorations this year, the general theme being "Medieval Royal." Stand- ards bearing griffins of burnished. bronze will stand at the corners of the booths, which will number 50, all of them being of equal size. Paintings Will Feature Four large transparent paintings, hung' at the ends of each of the halls, will be an unusual effect of this year's scheme. These pictures will hang from the ceiling. to the edge of the balcony, and were painted especially for this occasion.{ High arch/ays extending the length of each of the rooms will be created by drops of rose and gold satin trim- med with huge gold tassels. The back walls of the booths will be hung with gold and silver metallic cloth, draped -with folds of crimson satin. For the first time, movies will be shown for the entertainment of the patrons and patronesses, the con- mittee in charge announced yesterday. A screen will be hung from the raft- ers, facing the patron booth, but will be high enough so as not to inter- fere with the general decorative scheme or the dancing. A projection machine will be placed in the balcony, and short comedies will be provided at intervals during the evening. The committee believes that this will pro- vide divertisment for those patrsons and patronesses who do not care to dance. Favors Distributed Favors and programs for the J-Hop are almost entirely distributed, but those who have not secured theirs may do so by making arrangements with Paul L. Burton, '28E, cairman of the favors committee. Music fo rthe dancing will be pro- ( vided by Goldkette's Victor recording orchestra and the Fletcher-Henderson orchestra in Waterman gymnnasium, while Guy Lombardo's Royal Cana- dians will play in Barbour gymna- sium. The grand march is scheduled to be- gin at 10:30, with the "Victors" pro- vid ing the central tune, with perhaps "Varsity" alternating with it. Each fraternity or organization at- tending the Hop must sign a copy of the rules, and in adition must get the permission of the office of the Dean of Students for house parties to be given, C. E. Robinson, '28E, of the general committee has announced. BARTLETT WILL SPEAK ON ARCTIC EXPEDITION Through arrangement with the eology department, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett, noted Arctic explorer and ommander of the "Morrissey," has been secured to speak here Feb. 16, in Natural Science auditorium on The Cruise of the Morrissey." In telling the story of this cruise, which will include an account of the angerous return voyage from Hol- telborg, Captain Bartlett will pre- ent moving pictures taken by repre- entatives of the Pathe corporation uring the expedition of the Univer- ity of Michigan and the Putnam ex- pedition to Greenland last summer. Both courses in heredity and genet- ics will be given by Prof. A. Franklin Shull, chairman of the department of zoology and director of the zoological laboratory, during the Summer ses- sion, according to an announcement from the office of the dean of the Sum- mer session. Professor Shull will also offer work in advanced zoological studies. The other courses for the stmmer period include: principles of animal biology and embryology of verte- brates, by Arthur E. Woodhead; psysi- ology for teachers and embryology of vertebrates given by Harry T. Folger;E exnerimental zooIgv .vtnlogv and O i, BIG TEN STANDINGS 1; I j j 1 ii 1 c { DAILY J-HOP EXTRA DR. BISHOP TO CONDUCT RESEARCH IN EUROPEI W. MICHIGAN ......5 Wisconsin...... .4 Indiana.........4 Purdue ..........3 L. 0 1 1 1 Pct. 1.000 .800 .800 .750 Managers in charge of booths at the 1928 J-Hop are requested to main lists of their chaperones and guests to the J-Hop editor of The Daily as soon as possible. These lists should include the i i i II