THE MICHIGAN DAILY H MS IL EK IPresent Women's League WasFone It istoward this g- By President Angell And Five Students, a yteore p[T~nI I LEUM' PR CISS---tion, promised as Editor's Note: Tiistenthoa'land opposite the series of articles by Daily staff members on I coeainwt eea au-sium, for the new bt varius cmpusinsitios adtrgniatofs al wme adMrs. t1ra 13. Jordan,irason mlind MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., 'March5-pbisofnanefr t aecla hir 1902ntof 1922,ithe o igeguetundr-m o.EP.Hrig,hedftedem terest to prospective participants. Iwsptudrw ry department at the University of tokt--s ud o e wmns atyaadnw innesota, is attempting to develop Ti er 80 gymnasium. The goal was finallyj crucial time. under improved, process by which pe- Tit-eenyasaoii80 eached after a long drive when Mr.!Ifv wmnsuenstgthrwt rs. W. D. R~enders Aeum may be extracted from shale.:fv oeLtuet oehe ihI evi L. Barbour, '6514, contributedI retary of the alum Shale does not contain oil In its 1 President James Burrell Angell met his gift. The new building was named leagume is within $1 .tural form, but it is produced by in what is now the Registrar's office,' Barbour gymnasium in honor of the amount. ating the shale. This heating pro- then the University chapel, to estab- ran who had madie possible its ex- President' Clarecu ss saturates the oil with sulphur luhl the Women's league of the Uni- istetice. lined the Women's1 that the refining of the petroleum versity of. Michigan. Previous to that House rules were first enforced by:; the nucleus of ap us obtained is an expensive pro- year there was not a women's or- the league after the appearance of system for women, ss because of the fact that. a great. ganization on the campu's. the league house in 1903. ably be the next lai al of the oil is lost. ProfessorI With neither financial assistance norj Since its beginning the Women 's I organization. rding believes that if a way can ; headquarters,-only enthusiasm-these league has become so influential an devised to remove the oil from theI pioneers struggled in the formation1 organization in the life of the women! WISCONSIN-Beli ale in such ra way that the sulphurI of the nucleus of the activity for all students that both alumnae and un-i gymnasium inadegm 'il remain in the shale, oil produc- Michigan women. They kept the old dergraduates have seen for a long, Director of Athletic ii from shale will be a success. chapel for their meeting place. time the need of new headquarters. drive for a new fief ri I that University il. , 'I SEELF EL N eniors "There is a time in every man's education when hie arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better or worse as his portion ; that though the universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to /' You may order your Caps and Gowns now. All new Garments which we carry in stock at all times for all classes. ~NO DEPOSIT, UNTIL YOU GET YOUR GARMENTS till.,, -Emerson. i DERRLILL PRATT 332 S. STATE ST. Ann Arbor Savings Bank. -I-- - - .r - U. I.r, COSMOPOLITAN CLUBS PRESENTS a I HILL AUDITORIUM Wednesday March Nine 8:00 P. M. N 50c--- ---and 750