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March 06, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-06

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WINNEgDhor Iesio Of Congress Has Been More Productive T P WR1
Of Legislation Than Siilar Sessions O f Late Ye;ars - Pollock4I INL T
"r. Of all makes sold, rented, exchange, r
iNT NA IN L CO ISThe Sixty-ninth Congress has diedf dio matter"th poliical scientist shortsssion in the Senate were pes an our work are guarated. Oursr
Student Worker Prize.1% Aarded rTo' death," D. James K. Polock of the'. Vice-President Dawes was ivenr
Taxi Driver, 1nhierslty Of politic'al science department said yes- additional ammunition for use in is another picture of a situation which! D . *[
Penusyvaula;Senior terday. "The short session, always campaign to change the Senate rulesishould never be tolerated. Either ihe'
i 1~~~~Ipressed for time, has ended as most to allow a majority to do business," N\orris amendment changing the (ate!1 ikesAed
"THE NBAT"TN"Eshort sessions have ended-in a great I Dr. Pollock continued]. "Such exhibi- Ifer the meeting of Cog ess, or some e ardNt4
IT~trol u hsssin ep t ilins of inefficiency and stupidity as elt'eeive cloture rule should be adpt- ypDele:L.C.S itendr on
The tudnt-orkr prze f $80stormfy and childish conclusion, has always characterize the close of a ed." Dao:L .SihadCrn
ofee y " h adp" frte etbeen more productive of legislation' ---.. --- -- _-__________________-____--------________
accuntby n ~ricn cllee th~tan any short session in recentt
deto umr ork yin industry or; er< ecniud
agento u e r In this session the branch, banking
agrculurehas ben won be So] Au-,bill which has been pending in Con-44
erbach, a senior in the University of ! gress for years was finally passed ; i
title of the 'winning essay. Second the requirements of a difficult sit-'
prize was awarded to Alfhild John- u ation was enacted by Congress and I
son of Oberlin for an account of her I igned by the President; andl an im-
experience in a hardware factory, and; portant banking bill also became a' (,
William C. Putman of Stanford Uni-J lawn through action of this Congress."
versity received third prize for his Dr. Pollock went on to point out thatsa"SrsothSa,1lwwspsedhihmrvdte
The judges of the contest were Je- deplorable governmental situation of /
rome Davis, head of the social service( Alaska by eliminating the duplicationJ
department at Yale; Pierrepont B. which exists at present (due to the
Noyles, President of the Oneida Coi- interference of practically ever'y de-.
munity; Leo Warman, head of the re- partment of the government in its af-
ed Clothing Workerrt of Anerica; Dr. Pollock went on to say that
Florence Kelley, general secretary of + President Coolidge did not fare very c
the National Consu~mers league, and well with this Congress. "The Senate !1i" ''i,?
Oswald Garison Vi~ard, editor of "The! has bnen uinusually strict in looking':.~i."?..° >
Nation."- over his apnOntmets, ald has 'eject- , r ,= l fy, ""i+4a, F ?ARa
Students from ktale, Havar'cId, Mchi- Ed anl un1SUa l nmbr of th1em. BOL '°R 'i 1h ?a j:' ! ".,.i{ ,f tiY'3;teHueadSnt aefotdah
gan, WisconsiL, John Hopkins, Bryn the I-louse and Senate have floute
Mawr, Oberlin, North Dakota, North- his wishes in several important mat-
western, Stanford, and the University tors. But such actions by Congress dc ::. :' #:=-.: "" _
of Pennsylvania submitted essays for pol., ot seem to weaken im llwith theh:::',.t.5. ', ..i : 1 .",d"a;°=u :' !p""'_ ,f'.:',',,
th ots.The industries in which I)C0:lC.lie as nt exrcisdo"at"'"":: .:':~:
te tu e t wok d rn e fom ri-tempted to exercise the influence tha. "'":44qi: s:?! '"::
raigadmnn otnig le ably his most useful contr ibution to
lugnd printing.leilto wath proslnhs
Mr. Auerbach, who drove a taxi for anleg s aesuthpiopsli i
the Yellow Cab Company of Philadel- ana esg u ges na way out
phia, says that he has learned as miuch o the difficulty of regulating the ra ~jaa on
during his three months of work as heJ am u to
has in three years of college, and that!11
he is "tickled to death when a page of YocaDulatth
'The History of Aesthetics' catches on'y eanwupiteth
aclos'Elsewhere, but noteA
.WTPiTfl manv - The itaI Ridr'S Service

"epaired. Om, machines
vice departmlent is onue
miery Store r
Typewriters,, Inc.
Pleasure, Trip
ic Majestic'

workers' strike has been settled.




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