1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A A AA AVAA%.-I AA%-At G it f J..14 1i. ll,..t i . ., .... :. EVE"Ry'eMORRISON GETS Yearing ;'Irack NMen1 FOUR TEAMS SURVjIVE THIRD ROUND TRTA YEDB lNI SECOND TCHANCE p IN FRATERNITY BOWLING TOURNEY' MISLF qSig 7B N 9ItiII ' iW th im rshmfy- en Al uidi 3v Hd CLOSES ..g . .re .. rth ow if y }f silonl, andl Phi J Illinois freshman I hinclads ill a f eb> fouir* I amsl to graphic meet this afteriiooni. The final roonl it Wolverine yearlings will run their day events in t he Yost Field house, xvil e fl~ ce~ I lie Illinois tecam will Compete at L'r- OhlillStheatl-thi bona, the i'esnlt of the two meets tei (tl n ~i i k being -ex1allge'd iWi byl] il ) ''ll Ii1b tac Mlichliganl squlad is on).ly fallr Paving the Il- i 1 comparison with theyycarling Itrac k natedl by Ohi.O menl of otlher Nrears, according 10 The t otal" pin ICoach Charles I'loyt. Not mluchi is tca n!, ' is as to.: known of their ability, as this is the Delta Alpha li first dual meet of the season. There uilo'i 7043, PhAi are several outstanding meinbers of Last nighit tI the first year squad, but the rest the inter-cl'a4S of the ma'terial is rather mlediocre. Cha pman is the (class5of1the s511 rint-'.isllllI f ers. Among the distanco Lian, Tilley seem'.s to he the b'est lperfor incr in the half xmile, while IHaydlen is the b est inl the mile. Robbinls, :si ar shot l)utter, tCO lt: ,' will he tunable to compete in this event on account of an injured knee. Hulbert will be the' Michigan entry in the weights. fThe Sucker yeu huligs, coached by SPitch Johnson, ha- "a several good mlen-° oil their squad. Krasne, who tosses the shot, is said to be the 1)est prosi- pect in the weight events to appear at the Illinois institution since Dan d'iEliliitl!IIIIIII ha~ ~ ~ ~~~e p''l111 llti CP ;ithe Sel3ioi' lit and thleJunlir ell- Kappa 3>'on()r te bo he P(ei A i{wling; team s cqua lilled to C> ,1 will, I tv held '1 vs- llnee jIn the finals which will lie hetld at thelcunion Mondayv ni-lht at 9 o'clock iSco(O c5 wcv _ : 2151, julior eniginteers 2) o t,E :ag.A- lingo ileVint: ophomore engineers 21 :1, sohomore toC the C raternllity it52151, freshman- cngiueer,,; E (ti le ota lit i,1! i6- P.rtr 1ounid trials- for fthe all-camipus Statew muniv 1ty. I fowl 5hootAng cantes wili beieild . ofa I of th e e i'cnminlill;Ievery afternoconi be't ween 2 and 8 dlo«=s: Signi2a (Chi 7257, o'clock until T1hursdlay. P'articipants nlsiloul 7069, Delta Up- :11:the fowl sh>iootinlg tourney are ulrgel m Tf you are a telephone subscriber call Jilni:-n the Adl-Taker, D)ial 2114 and your wsit t