.GE EIGH T THE MICIGAN DAILY ' avava aavr as a.i. L" SATURDAY, JAN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to fall members of tie University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. Volume VII SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 '9, 1927 Numbnler 92 . R Tc All Members of the University : To insure as far as possible against duolication of effort and over- soliciting of willing afumni andl friends of the l'uiversity, and "to protect the various privately supported activities of the University, certain policies have, al'te: conference with the lDeans and repres7entativeps of the Faculty, been adopted by the Board of Regents. A coimmittee, known as the President's Conmttee on Special 'Needs of the University, has been appointed (Regents' Proceedlings, P. 107). This committee consists of seven [acuity members. Its Chairman is Librarian W. W. Bishop and its Secretary ig-. F. E. Robbins, Assistant to the P'resident. All projects which involve financial :support of $1,000 or more from private sources should be submitted before soliciting of funds begins to the Sec- retary-'of this committee., The committee will at its earliest- convenience consider the project and the list of those proposed as possible donors. On the basil of the advice of the committee wer shall all be much better informed as to the most desirable method of p~rocedure than we are at present. The object of this policy is to encourage research and to insure its successful support. Every effort should be made to cooperate with the committee and to strengthen its influence. V. C. Little. University Lecture:- Dr. Fritz Paneth, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Berlin, will lecture on Thursday, February 3, at 8 :00 P. M. in the Chemical Amphitheatre, on the subject "The Use of Radio Elements as Indicators."0 The public is cordially invited. F. F. Robbins. Furf lier Change, Faculty Meet ing, College of Literature, Scienice and thae Arts : Another change has been necessary in the date of the postponed faculty meeting. It will be held dlefinitely Tuesday evening, February 1, in Room 2225 Angell Hall, at 7:30 P. M. John R 1. Effinger. The, Building and Groundls Department is compelled to make certain repairs and will therefore be unable to furnish compressed air to any building from 7 o'clock Thursday, January 27, to 7 o'clock Monday, Jan. 31. Herbert G~. i atiis,, Assistant Secretary. Juior.11op House Parties: All fraternities planning to attend Junior-Hop or having parties the week-end of Junior-Hop (Feb. 11-13) must file their request cards and signed pledges i~n the Office of the D~ean of Students not later than Friday, January 28. No permits will be granted after Saturday noon, January 30. J. A. Bursley, P~ecan of Studeis. Librairy ('onnilitee, College of Litratnre, Science and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the, Library Committee of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts at 4 P., M. -on Tuesday% February lc Members of the Faculty having requests to lay before this Committee are asked tq (10 so in writing before noon of M~onday, January 31. Win. A.V. B ishop, Librariani. Psyc0hology 31, Final Exafnij1Ation : Students whose names begin with letters A to F will take seats in the !Natural Science ,AuOitoriuni; students whose ILA ,s C; }.-gin with C"I to N will take seats in Newberr y Hall Auditorium; students whose names begin with 0 to Z will tape seats in University Hail Auditorium.C A delbert Ford. school of 1Educat ion : r e)istration for sfudents cut ering the iSchoot 0o E(uaintescn sC'eeter wi~lI I?,ke place on Saturday morning, February 12, and Monday, IFebruary 14i. I louns 9i:00-12:100; 2:00-5:0(1). G~re& chen Iirag, R udr I I ~lECE..o ic aL to swi}) Ib ihcld lthis a fternoon 1:00 ti :u (l 1. _14, Ream 348 W. Engitnee:-ing building.; On a, cunt of i'~:n rs to the oirgan in Hlll Auditorium, the recitals will be omittedl during the two weeks 0f examinations. C hailes A. S ak, Keere1liry. ('hor.il Uion: Rehearsals: February I., Men ; Februiary 3, Women; February 8, Men and Women; February 10. omnitt ed. j Earl V. Moore, D~irector. Choral Union Ushers:I VIENNA.-Don Loro Zaka, Insurree- - All ushers are requested to report tion leader has fled across the frontier. at Hill Auditorium by 7 :30 Monday evening, January 31, for the concert by Fritz Kreisler. W.A. D)avenport, Ass't. Supt. For Exam s - iBuildings 'and Grounds iDept.{ IJunior 11esear'clh Clii: I F o u n ta in1 The regular meeting of the Jlunior. Research Club will be held on Tues- day, February 1, at 7:30 P. M. in Room 162 N. S. Two pap~ers will be pre-; B lu e B o o ] sented :. 1. "Household Refrigeration," by I L. A. Phillip. 2."icovery of a Devonian Fauna from Deep Well. Drillin,'gs in South-VA eastern Michigan," lby (G. M. Ehlers. )%E ahan ertr. W4 ' rc w r RssO"Architects' Buildino~ aL Construction of the new ar chitec- tural building which is to house the architectural college upon completion, j I ~ has been steadily progressing, and at' the present time, brickwork on theVIA 4a f 1 south and west sidIes of the- building' has been erected up to the second IR N A S (orf floor'. R T L-(ou- "The walls; of the new building rep- resent a very interesting experiment in! SALE-We are autht blending the brickwork," according to ables, and cal Prof. Emil Lorch, (lean of the archi-ofc mci tectural college. Twelve different kinds ofiemci of face brick are being used to pro-I du1ce a bl~endi in, thle texture of the!IRP IIGAlr Iwalls. This is the only building of its!I results and gi kind that will contain such a variety ofI face brick, believes Professor Lorchi.; SUPPLIES--Includi, The building is expectedl to be finish- ed by thle fall of this year.IR BERLIN.--Chancellor Marx's new t cab~inet, to succeed the one which tre-I pigned early last month, was consti- I tuted today. Dr. Stresemann con- Stinues as foreign minister. Co iedy' k Club Gives You { READ THE WANT ADS DEAD THE WANT ADS .. .. _ 1 Pens All the Leading Makes ks Every Size and Kind. ! UO THE RVERSITY rOKsaoRE LAS ~,fl~n~ w we~a am~r.. N.4flE REPAIRING . i 8 RN- t rill find our Ty e rite er- i ailed in Ann Art z favorite machine) in good order. lorized agents for The Corona and Remington Port- arry in stock some real good, reconditioned or rebuilt ies. Underwood, Remington, Smith, royal and others. takes. If others fail, 'bring them to us. We guarantee dive quick service. -I ING! To All House Presidents: Signing-ou~t slips for ;December arc dune in the Office of Advisers Women before February 5. The followiin liaises have not handed their slips for December : Asmnan Howser Scott Augspurger Jocelyn Schwartzbeck Blackaller Keppel Sheahan Coon Leatherman Vogt Dauner AR-Each ran Wood Eastman McNeill Betsy Barbour Fawcett Mason Helen Newberry Feiner M~atthias Martha Cook Frink O'Nara Chi Omega Hall Probst Collegiate Sorosis Hanselman Rock Kappa Alpha Theta H-oren Sadler Kammn Kamm G(hn of ill ma rig the famous Aulta Ribbons and Carbons. 315 State St. GOOD SERVICEI TONIGHT. IS THE LAST TIME YOU CAN SEE Norma iMansfield, Assistant Adviser of Women. French and Spanish Exanms Conflicts : Students having conflicts in examinations in French 1, 2, 31, or 32, and Spanish 1, 2, 31 or 32 will be examined in Spanish according to the exam schedule, the first Saturday P. M., February 5. (for rooms see another notice in this bulletin), and will be examined in French the second Thurs- day afternoon, February 10, Room 200 South Wing of U. Hall. " Philip EL Bursley. Spanish Examnations, Saturday, February 5, P. )L: Spanish 1.--Mr. Graham's sections in Room 206 University Hall. Proctor Mr. Grahiam. Mr. Bartley's and Mr. Burnley's sections in W'best Phy sics Lecture Room. Proctors are Mr. Bartley and Mr. Bursley. Mr. Logan's and Dr. Spaulding's sections in Room 25 Angell H-all. Proctors are Mr. Logan and D~r. Spauliding. Mr. Eddy's and Mr. Sanchez' sections in Room 231 Angell Hlall. Proc- tors are Mr. IDes arias and Mr. Sanchez.t Spanish 2.-All sections go to Room MB, Law Building. Proctors are Mr. Eddy and' 4r. llootkins. Spanish :31.-Ail sections go to Room 6 Newberry Bail. P'roctors are M1r. del Tora)fand Mr. il ercado. Spanish ft.--All sections go to Room 231 Angell hlall. Proctors are Mr. Pes ifltirais and MVr. Sanchez. (Those whose names are in bold face type are in charge). Philip E. Bursley. School of Education: February Seniors. All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and the receipts returned to the Recorder, School of Edut- cation, by February 11. Of~ce hours 10:30-12:00 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P'. M. Teacher's Certificates. Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Cer- tificate fee may now be secured at the Office of the School of Education. All students who expect to b~e recommendedl for the Teacher's Certificate at th egend of the present semnester must pay their fees an~yl retturn their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, by February i1. Office hours 10:30-12:00 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. M. GIretchien Krug, -Ale orter. ('ollege of Engineering and ,Archiitecture. Mthl. Z antji1a: The following examination periods havo been assignedl for mny classes in Math Z, Solid Geometry: Sect. 1 (Tu. and Th. at 4) Sat., Feb. 5, 1927, 9 to 11 A. MW. Sect.2 (Mon. at 7, Wed. at 9) Friday, Feb. 4, 1927, 2 to 4 P. M. My class in Trigonometry, IMath la, Sect. 8 (Wed. andI Sat. at 8) will have its examination on Friday, Feb. 4, 1927, 8 to 12 A. M. All these examinations will be hteldl in Room 317 W. Engineering Bldg. Those who were not p~resent when these periods wvere arranged and have conflicts with this schedule should see nc at once. N. J. Thmpson. Boapy IL Final Examination Feb. St ih at 9 A. M.: Dr. Pollock's section (Sect ion 5) will meet for t he final cexa..ninal ion in,Room B207 N. S. All other Sections in the Natural Science anudit oriuni as announced]. 11. 11 . Tuphper,'. social P11ychitltr3- 216: Enrollment in Social Psychiatry 246 will be limiited to those who have taken 245 and 249 aid( who are registered for 2therie Streets Fourth Sunday After the ltapihany. 8:00 A. M.-HIoly Communion (the Church). 9:00 A. M.-Holy Comnmnunion (Harris TBall). 10:00 A. M.---Student Study Circle. (Hlarris Hall). 11:00 A. M.-Mvorning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. 3:00 P. M.-Student and adult Confirmation class. 4:0(0 P. M.-Study Class in lHar- ris Fll under the auspices of the Men's Class. Leadler, Mir. Lewis. 6 :00 P. MV.-Student supper and meeting in IHarris IHall. LAST, iWARN- ING! SEATS A BOX OFFICE y( NOW F r x~ "Unless above Erect himself, is nian." himself he can how poor a, thing -Wordsworth -1 -.- B' nai B'tith .HILLEL.- FOUNDATION #>I: F. University Dial :3779 Slinday, Jilmmary 30 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Ave. 1 E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9 :00 A. M.-Bible study hour. CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES Corner 11i1lanid Tappan Kienneth R . Bowen, Past or 10 :80-Morning worship. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUCH (MIssoufi Synod) Third and West Hluroni Streets C. A. BRAU7EI, Minister. 9:00 A. NT.--Germnan service. 10:00 A. M.--Bibie Study. 11:00 A. lw-Em dish service I