SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAW THREE TI-IF MTCRTCAN flATLY X-lL r= A PIAJCWJ i EW EIGHT STORY HOTEL TO BE BUILT 'FOR G'IT OFEBE ON PRESENT LOCATION OF AL.LENEL TO BUSINE[SS SCHOO V!'"olfl :alpi Intended As. An Aid To!- I XIT- _...1 01_ _ t T_ I I r7d-tl %T P1t"v Ti"4 A i 1"'T Z TO c .k U-Init;[,-v4lly !'tmilomt.u Intarakfad In Heal Estate Work PRIZES TOTAL $69000 1 Four scholarships, totalling $6,000, have been offered the real estate de- partment of the School of Business Administration. Fifty pledges of $10 each, 'subscrib- ed by members of the Detroit Rteal'Es- tate board, constitute one of the four. Irving Huston, of the Huston-Morten- son compagy, announced at the last weekly meeing 'of the brokiers' divi- sion of the,*tro~t Real Estate hoard his plan,; to t~s'kblish a $500 a, year prize, foi "five years as an aid and en- couragement to University students; interestedl in real estate. The, two scholarships are each for $500 a year for three years. One, of these is being offered by the Grand Rapids Real Estate board and will be named the John Buys scholarship. John Buys is ex-president of that bhoard 'and at present is president of the Michigan Real Estate board. Thel other is being given by the Pred Pat- erson and Bros. Realty corporation The conditions governing'' these scholarships will be imposed by the I Regents under the advice of the bus- iness administration departmnet after the Regents have given their official' acceptance, which :is expected. ________________ ___________________t SYRACUSE,.N. Y.-Moses Finlestein senior' 15 years old, has been elcte to Phi .Beta Kappa.ece I Vorlev znows V'iews #, c.i 1 a L . ,;uDs '~fAuto Forerunner Nw rmOhrClee INSPECTS PAPERS tiew~s of the famous Maximillian - pi scd the topic of meeting of the Zoo- prints of early automotive,'. vehicles l ogical Journal club Thursday night. Iwere shown here recently by Prof. J.I INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.-After its pas- for funds will be condlicted in Ohio S. Worley of New York. The purpose; sage by the lower house of the Indiana ; ad In(iana, and n wspJaper editors; About 20 of the lea