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March 05, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-05

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i 1890


it 43UU








rtl1 O11A li®Y '


OR t
Declares There,
Morons, AndA
While environ
ant, the real ca
of individuals
found in the an
crate, in the o
fred Mjoen, wh
ernoon in Natu

DEOENEDACY Adelphi Holds Honor As First Forensic
Society Organized In State Of Michigan
Editor's Note: This is the eighth of a pha Nu, the other men's forensic
N series of articles by I)aily staff membhers ton
various campus institutions and« rganizat ons, society on the campus, began as an
IN OF MiD01 publishe] in an effort to make clear their offspring from the original Adelphi
functions andl their particular features of in- I
t p>e Sarrt 11 tseatresofInn 1843 through an internal revolt
in Phi Phi Alpha.
E PRESENCE OF In a small and freshly painted room The Adelphi House of Representa-
1h PARENTS, of Mason hall, there gathered 85 years tives began as a literary society in
p ATI-NGago, 1842, a handful of young men which a publication called the Hesper-
u ho felt the necessity for a public ian was read at the meetings. In this
LHREE CLASSES speaking society upon the campus magazine editorials and philosophical
wherein they might find an outlet for observations of life were written, as
their oratorical expression. It is back well as were eloquent and sonorous
Are Normal Criminals, to this society, called Phi Phi Alpha, I poems.
Abnormal Types Who that the present Adelphi House of It seems that the sontaneity and
Commit Crimes f Repreentatives indirectly traces itsl inspiration of the student members
origin. The Adelphi, through a unifi- underwent a slump, until it was
nment is not unimport- cation with Phi Phi Alpha in 1861, necessary to introduce women into
use for the degeneracy has come into the heritage 'of being the society, which move was unan-
is most frequently not only the oldest organization in imously carried in 1871. Immediately
ncestors of the degen- the university, but also the first for- after this innovation the, male mem- j
pinion of Dr. Jon Al- ensic society in the state. bership of the society greatly increas-
o spoke yesterday aft-t The Adelphi proper began 70 years ed.
ral Science auditorium. ago tomorrow, on March 6, 1857. Al- (Continued on Page Two) -

Crowds O(erlow Gallery To Watch
Effiorts To (yetn('misent To ,
1*ficieuci Metsure
(ly Associated Press)
WASFINGTON, March 4.--With the
unyielding grip of a filibuster in the
Senate throttling several vital bills,!
the Sixty-ninth Congress quit today by
congressional mandate.1

Cosmopolitan Club Announces Program
For Coming Annual International Night
International Night, annual tradi- the piano by Olga Elkowie and also a
tion of the Cosmopolian club, will be representation of Salah-Ah-Din the
Great by Raja F. Hlowrani. '28.
held at 8 o'clock next Wednesday Getb aaP orn,'8
hd The setting for this year's produc-
night in Hill auditorium. The pro- tion has been made by Alexis F nteff

gram has been announced and stu-
dents and artists from the Inter-
national Institute in Detroit will take
part in the production. Prof. A. 1).
Moore of the electrical engineering
department and Mrs. Moore have had
charge of the arrangements, and Les-

'30A, and the central figure is a rp-
plica of the pin of the Cosmopolitan
club which will stand ten feet high
and four feet wide. Panels represent-
ing eight of the nations taking part
have also been made by Lapteff, and
scenes from the life of the people of

Hill M
and six
in the
tered i

ter iaultiai, , is stdent chair- these nations have been incorporated
man. on the panels. For those countries
The feature of the program will be which are not represented by panels
a soprano solo by Anna Kozakevich there will be large size banners.
Suffieva, sister of Louis Kozakevich, Tickets for the production are now
who has taken the leading part in the on sale and are priced at 50 and 75
production twice in the past. Acts cents. The entire lower floor and
representing 11 nations in all will be part of the balcony will be sold at the
presented, and among the other num- higher price and the remainder of the

bers will be Syrian music played on

seats will cost 50 cents.

f Minnesota Defeats ilichigan
r By Scant Margin ,In Final
tretch Of 10 Yard Swim
By Wilton A. Simpson
national intercollegiate record
x Big Ten records established
Union pool last year were shat-
n the Michigan-Minnesota dual
ing meet held last night in the
pool. The Gophers, undefeated
petition in the past two years,
owned, 47-22, by the Wolverines
of the fastest dual meets held
Big Ten in many years, giving
an the Conference dual meet
ionship of the 1926-27 season.
Samson, captain of the Mich-
eam, led the list of record
ors by breaking the national in-
ogiate record for 40 yards free
n a 75 foot pool, and by setting
official 50 yard free style Big
cord, in addition to swimming
man on the 200 yard relay
which lowered the existing Con-
e record. Darnall of Michigan
d the Confernee Time in the
rd swim, Jim Hill of Minnesota
A his own mark in the 150 yard
troke, and Minnesota's medley
eam established a new record
Lace its old one set here last
ison Breaks Nationail Mark
son, in setting his national ree-


Dr. Mjoen gave as the possible -mlsame-n
Aore f eeeactemaigo Although a number of important( 1 1 1C LF ['M W L in tom
individuals of different races, or the maI [fur fl TICVFT SALELITTLE Tfl ftT 1tmiaures, caught in the last minute were d
presence of adisease in the parent or jam, failed of action, it was stated at 1 inone
some ancestor of the degenerate Ethe White House after adjournment iRn hi
which caused injury to the[ germ cells I a h rsi thdnitnin fMci
of ha idiidal STARTED ulT[ DA ! aPln v INITIATIONl i ~lt the President had no intention olr~ II~~NiI II'I 1 1111H f
of that indivdal champn
Dr. Mjoen's lecture was a ontinu- !calling a special session. If he ad- Paul
Dr ie' etr a otu-Ihet es to such a program, the Seven- i igan t
ation of his talk Thursday on "Crim- - _tieth Congress1 wil ot covee until 4range Coming And Going Of Mexican 1Yost And Oosterbaan Will Be Speakersalannlt
inahity and Genius as Biological Prob- Next Play O Mimes Series Is Fantasy Freshmen With 2.I Scholastic Average Decemes. i Ambassador Manuel Tellez Lacks At First Banquet Of Its Khind breake
Iems" and was entitled "What the With Mechanical Automatons As Will Be Taken Into Phi Eta mrConvincing Explanation To Be Given This Year tercoll
Thwves Lectures Body I style i
Minus-Individual Costs State and So- I2Principal Characters Signma 01 March 2 T ae gel in shyeaeu
cit eoee i akwt e --The fall of the gavel in the Senate an lun
ciety.' He opened his talk with a re- -today, was delayed until one minute MYSTERY NOTE GUARDED AIMS TO FOSTER SPIRIT Ten re
view of the lecture given h CAST INCLUDES OVER 40 WILL ONOR PRESIDENT I past noon while Vice President Dawes - anchor
bringing in. the importance of the WL II RrtM WNi --
ancestry of individuals as the cause lectured that body en its "deceptive (By Associated Press) Coach Fielding 1-i. Yost director of team w
for their degeneracy. ITickets for "R. U. R.", next play of President Clarence Cook Little will rules," which had been utilized to WASHINGTON, March 4.-The per- intercolhgiat athletics and Bennie ference
co th leiltv mainr fincolegaeotleic ndBnneI bettere
Cites Best Intermarriages the Mimes series, went on sale yes- be the principal speaker at the annual e tne legislative machinery for plexing tangle of Mexican-Amorican e ett0y
Dr. Mjoen believes that the Nordic, terday morning at the box office of the initiation banquet of Phi Eta Sigma, more than two days and nights. relations vied for public attention to-
Jewish, Mediterraneanh and Alpine Iere was a delay of nine minutes will be the main speakers at the an- lower
aes Meditertaneoid adAlne Mimes theater. The play will be given national honorary scholastic fresh in the. day with the passing of the sixty-
races can mate to good adavantage. ' 'iith gateway of the house, the lay hi asngo I iy ual freshman banquet to be held back st
le cited cases of this, and showed every night next week, beginning man fraternity, to take place Tues- clocks being set back twice in order ninth Congress, .but there was no sign next Tuesday night in the Union ball- relay t
that in these cases the children show- Monday and ending Saturday and day, March 22 in the Union. President that Speaker Longworth might con- of relinquishment in the attitude of I room. Myron Falk, '27, and his orches- to rep]
ed no signs of any degeneracy that I the tickets are all priced at 75 cents. Little will be initiated as an honorary clude an address reviewing the work officials who have cloaked recent de- .l 1year.wi rnish the music for the af- y
might have been expected from the "R. U. R.", (Rossunm's Universal member at this time. of the session, and calling attention jtvelopmentsawith1silencess-
f h w ae nte. that it had been demonstrated that1 fair, which, it was deinitely announc- Sam
marriage of the two races. On thei Robots) is a fantasy which has for its j The Michigan chapter of Phi Eta ta tha en(lnosrae htI Tve supmetowitheilecenaiwhcmtwayefnteyanonry Sm
other hand, Dr. Mjoen showed many sI under House rules a minority never The subject of the recent mystery ed, will be strictly informal. ord of
s principal characters mechanical auto- Sigma was established in November, could "thwart" any popular mandate. note exchanged between Washington Although three banquets were given second
cases of the intermarriage of the 'Lap
and Nordic races producing degen- mons. It was translated by PaulSe-1926, the national organization being Senate Remains Steadfast and Mexico City was still jealously by last year's feshman class, this is of the
crate individuals and believes that, for ver and Nagel Playfair, from the established in 1923 at the University Renewing at 8:,0 A. M. the fight guarded at the State department. The the first of its kind to be given this establi
this reason, this intermarriage f original by Kareh Capek. As far as is of Illinois. At the present time 48 over the resolution to continue the strange co nling and going of Manuel year, ani a large number is anticipat- record
races should be cut down as much as known by the officers of Mimes, it mcampaign funds committee, the Sen- IC. Tellez, Mexican ambassador, still ed. Looking forward to the class made
possible in order to take care of the hs never been atten~pted by amateurs meers coposetey 4Miciga c iate sat and snarled through three lacks convincing explanation, and games in May, the banquet is being by two
bfranthprdcinhrmakter and approximately 40 initiates will :ae xlaaio, and nMy tebnuti en
over-degeneracy, before and a half hours, and steadfastly re- even the State department said ofli given with the aim of fostering class In t
one of the first appearances of the b ae nnx [.1 il
Dr. Mjoenshowed the importanceIa o e of N w York Ct Iti Freshmen with a scholastic average fused to let down the bars for pas- cially it was unaware of the reason spirit. Iling's p
of the degenerate individual problem play outside of New York City. It is aof 2.5 figuring a mak of "A" count- sage of any legislation making ap- for his second start for Mexico City. An innovation in the arrangemnIt broke 1
Theater Guild pi'oduction. Irpito for goven ieit activitiesI The White House contributed only ( backstr
in society by citing the fact that the ean 40 crctesi. ig three points, "B" counting two pi' atiorH of the guests at small tables in placebk
birth rate of higher stocks of Norway used in the play, many of them in the points, and "C" one point, carrying which the Congress previously had the reiterated assertion that President of the large tables as formerly, has coveri
were gradually sinking below the senthant atleast11 hours of work are eligible prvCoolidge regards the question of con- been planned. Spindl
death rate, and that on the other attack the last human beings that are for membership in the fraternity. The The campaign funds resolution, the fiscation of American owned property ickets are on sale at the main desk presse
hand the degenerate individuals were ; av e asg numbe new tat fraternity is composed of members wrangle over which kept the Senate in I in Mexico as the major difference be- in the Union and will be Dlaced on by a s
increasing in number by means of hasen used in the production, al- from all colleges of the University. continuous session for a 37 hour tween the two goveinments, all other sale Monday in the lobby of Angell I Hubbel
.I mayplaces beenJ sources of friction being viewed asinhl.Tcesmyaobebtne nie
large families In. many ein though Charles Livingstone, '28L, will Freshmen admitted on advanced period, ended last midnight, failed as o aqesion. he Pr hall. Tickets may also be obtainedfin
Norway. he said, they are glad to get take the leading role. William E. standing are ineligible for member- did the d(iflciency and two public build- Identl now from freshman grup leaders.
ridof egeeraeendiidulsrytendIinbdhividuals fby'' sendb-l on roidnlent o ibelIide evbeievthhatsetlemntoflhemeInsmuhosftetUionmaageentsenat
- Lewis, '29, will take the female head. ship. Membership is available for firs ing bills, o pproviding funds to in- major dispute would solve, almost Inasmuch as the Unionmanagement Mo
ing them to other countries in order The Mimes spotlight vaudeville will semester freshmen or those who make itiate the vast construction program Iautomatically, all lesser complica- must know the approximate number Moody,
to get rid of them. The individuals, I be the next event on the spring sche- the average for the entire first year authorized last year. tions. of guests, all group leaders holding in the
when in the other countries, fre- ildue ofi' - who will be initiated at a later time. Crowds which overflowed the gal- tickets are asked to report to William feating
quently marry again and again. He ganization. Rehearsals for that will Initiates will be informed of elec- leries sat tensely and expectantly as V. Jeffries, '27, chairman of the under- ing,1
cited one case in particular of a start immediately following the pres- tion Wednesday, March 9. It is re- eort after effort was made to get I KREMLIN WALL CHOSEN class department in the student offices distan
criminal who was sent out of several entation of "R. U. R." and the acts uested that any freshmen who have the deficiency bill through. Turbulent FOR BURIAL F FORMER on the third floor of the Union by the ol
cities only to return. The cost of have already been chosen. . the correct average and are by chance scenes were enacted on the floors as FOR'BURIALondayORMErn5o.'clock
this individual in court trials alone Reservations for seats for "R. U. R." overlooked at that time will comimun- leaders pleaded with and condemned PROMINENT COMMUNIST CL SS ME O
was more than 500,000 crowns, and for any one of the six performances icate with the office of the Dean of, those who stubbornly refused the CLASS__EORIAL In t
the cost which the state will meet in may be made by phone at the Union. Students.-necessary unanimous consent. (OyAssPROVIDErss)scords
taking care of the degeneracy of the The box office at the Mimes theater ~ !ec owell Issues Loud Protest TByCBEO, iacdPress
individual's children will be more a will also be open from 9 to 5 o'clock T Once above the uproar Vice Presi- CHICAGO, March 4.-A final restin BY SENIOR DUES 1:37 6-
than this. Another case of a Japan- every day next week.T dent Dawes declared the bill passed, place along the Kremlin wall of Mos- mers
ese who married an American woman, passed,________ iefo
es h mridanAeIanwmn but Senator Howell, Republican in- cow, the "Westminster Abbey" of Com- tie for
a drunkard, resulted in descendantsDSs, manist Russia, has been designed for Plans to establish a student loan pool.
whsecottoth unte taesw UGIJRTtJ R P ESD 1\ I Sut Snto eraHwllsepbian-a o, the"Westminster Abbey" fCoinr ln oetbihasuetla ol
!DAUG___ ru'gnt f ebrsk, rshd dnth I fund as a class memorial from dues distant
whose cost to the United States was I r /^. I ;center aisle, protesting at the top of th ashes of Charles E. Ruthenberg,
more than $2,500,000. I FAILS TO AGREE; DR. HARRY PRATT JUDSON IS his voice. Dawes quickly rescinded general secretary of the Workers, collected this year, have been made yards,
Average Is Normal Criminal TAKEN SITI) ENLY WITH his action amid shouts of the senators 'Communist Party of America, who died by the memorial committee of the he ne
Dr. Mjoen assigned the population CIHEART DISEAMhE for the engrossing of the bill so it Wednesday, the central committee of senior class of the School of Educa- Gophe
of the world to three classes. The first might go to the President. 1 the all-union Communist party an- tion. According to Earl Lilie, 27Ed., afterc
of these consist of the normal crimi- (By Associated Press) iCHICAGO arc 4D Harry As the adjournment hour approach- nounced today. class president, this year's seniors Min
nal, who is merely the average hu- NEW YORK, March 4. -Colonel Pratt Judson, president emeritus of ed, the confusion in the Senate in- Alongside the remains of Lenin, and hope to set aside more than $400 for I compo
man being, needing a particular pro- Thomas W. Miller was convicted to- the University of Chicago, died suid- creased, presenting a picture in bold I other leaders buried in the Communist the nucleus of the fund, with the Hill to
vocation to cause him to commit a: day of conspiracy to defraud the gov- Idenly 'of heart disease in his hotel Icomntrast to that in the House chamber ishrine, the ashes of the Ameridan idea that the following senior classes 6 3-5
crime. The second class consisted of ernment by a jury which failed to day. where business had been concluded Communist leader will be placed as will add to the sum; and create a 3:17,1
morons who compose the largest class agree on a verdict on similar charges The noted educator had been ill five and retiring members were making the first foreigner to be thus honored worthwhile amount to be at the dis- 3:23 3-
and therefore the most dangerous. against Harry M. Daugherty. y The no anxiety lad been felt. farewell speeches. the ir inerntone posal of students of the School of over S
The third class consists of abnormalI The case against the formier attr- dasEbtdIuytechr Itmationahe.rd
s He was 76 years old. Doctor Judson 'lThe House proceedings were inter-. No other foreigner has been taken Education.
individuals who will be criminals no ney general was at once nolle prossed. was resident of the University of rupted to rush through a resolution across the seas to a final resting place Providing that future graduating the br
matter what environment they may: Miller, the alien property custodian 1907 until he reti'ed in care of the j beside the famed old Kremlin. John classses follow the example of the the ra
be subjected t o. Ini this last class, 1 in President Harding's administration 1923. oporesmemaoritm
Chc prgi'entminog'ai trathI .in the deficiency measure, but the Sen- j Reed, American author who died while present seniors, the fund will later be tempt
hectdteeapeoI emn r.Jdo a ihhma h sufficient to be offered to other t-btc
he cited the example of a German r ne n a i nte Mrs. Judson as with him at the ate upon receiving it kicked it around attending a Third Internationale con- sent the Uniersdttathe -but c
who killed 23 people before anyting America in faced hen tence, end. His daughter, Mrs. Gordon Laing, as it had the parent measure. guess in Moscow several years ago, is enrof the Uersttanl tge.
was done with him. This, Dr. Mjoen of two years in Atlanta penitentia'y hurried from her home nearby, but enrolled in the educational courses. I Wa
believed, is an example of many whom and a $10,000 fine. Dr. Judson was dead when she ar- of monuments to party heroes Micharo
environment does not affect. cleavage caused by the jurys ived. BAND TO APPEAR Ruthenberg's funeral here Sunday PRIZES OFFERED
Sugest Theefld ureap~eemient oi aughemity was cqm- i TNT __
Sugests Threefold Cure t e U e I Funeral services will be held Men- IN W INDSOR. FOIR will be the occasion of a Communist FU C I T Wug atso
Dr. Mjoen then outlined a program !l day afternoon in Joseph Bond chapel idemonstration a a parting tribut FO RVU3UI places
which he suggested to a conference >:nmory R. Buckner, who twice prose-l at the University of Chicago, with the, WTISC(NEETpatg ri e, ahk was 5
h l in P is li 1'3 a d w ih w s cuted time case, moved for quashin g IRe er nd Ch rls ilk y, pato o I! after which the body will be takemn to
held in ParisI1I andwhichwaseIndtmetqandd g n Reverend Charles Gilkey pastor of a crematory. The ashes will be taken Copies of the 1927 Michiganensian onds f
accepted in principle. By this C. Knox complying. the Hyde Park Baptist Church and More than 50 members of the Var- to New York Monday with a proces- will be awarded as prizes to the stu- ord s
program the following provisions His voice husky with emotion as he trustee of the university, in charge. isy band will appear at the Michigan- siom of followers accompanying the dents submitting the two manuscripts ever,
were made: to treat the crimial but Ihusky ith ein a - Interment in Oakwood cemetery will s In New York, another d t to be used in the satire section of the marks
'w ere iet egntotet h'plainly tried to snile, Daugherity fac-j olo.:\ bosi ock'ey contet tngt urn nNwYraohrdmnta
lmeathy rmer th teic to "Mayed the court and said: oreh.I . which will be held in the arena used tion is planned before the ashes are yearbook, it was announced yester- pool t
healthy rather than th sick, and to "May it please the court, perhapsh I Doctor Judson was born eJames- for national hockey league meets, at placed on board ship for Russia. day by Louis Robertson, '27, editor. R.
not only study the individual's action am taking a liberty few men couldI town, N. Y., the son of the Reverend Windsor, Ont Two busses have been One award will be given for the best Istroke
but also the individual himself.I take. I am the only attorney gener and Mrs. Lymamn T. Judson. e recei- satire on any fratenity on the cam- the
the first of these provisions were tat Ihas ee bn triedory feony. ed his bachelor of arts degree at chartered for the band, leaving An ACADE Y PLANS Ipus, whie the other will be given I
tefstpthat has ever been tried for felony.;W A18CADE8ArMrat4Y PLkAhiNaSenon
adapted in such a country as Italy, I innocent of this charge. I am Williams in 1870, and in 1883 gained mor a sock isern on, C for the best satire on any other sub- Michmg
gratefuloct o f hilhageis masters dge.AtrhssuetFloigasek dne nDtot'CONVENTION FO
which is now considerimng them, a thcos cs degree. Afteir his student .g a k. ject. Each satirical sketch must be turn,
study would be iade of the criminal c atio dimmin e or 1 days, Dr. Judson was awarded honor- the 'arsity organization will ferry APRIL 2 7 TO 2 9 ited to 300 words, although any fell ba
by judges skilled in biology. If the of its duty, which was not easy. As ary degrees by many universities and acoss soi an ma number may be submitted by each timew
byijudgeeskilld oloy colleges in thIe United States and Can- arema fo' the mea4t.entrant. Each entrant's tllephone Min
crimnial were found to be a degenerate far as Mr. Butler is concerned, lhe has'
ada. Monday afternoon, at 4 o'clock the I 2Members of the Michigan Academy Ietat ahetatstlpoe m
rather than a victim of circumstances prosecuted me most vigorously, but by, a mnumber and name, which will be kept the fa
-- band wiil ake a similar tmip, to play of science, Arts amd Letters will meet cofdnil1hudb rte nteigo
he should be sent to a working col- reason of the motion he has made, I; confidential, should be written sn the, ing o
heyhoud esnt o a oring co-reason ofthem oin heha ma eIst Dr. Butler Is Also Stricken I for the second contest of a three game at the University April 27 to 29 for back of each sheet. All submissions gan,
on sndhame nyoylsobeaeinstr CHICAGO, March 4.-TThe death of series between Wisconsin and Michi- the 32nd annual meeting of the o-1m's- feacrsta ln ubisub- I a
Under the second of these rOvis- claimed rights that every other Amer- . Nathaniel Butler, former presidentga. Director Larson who is now at- ganization, it was announced yeste- mitted by 5 o'clock Monday. for
Sth nublic health system would ian citizen should not he anted.of Colby university, and for many tending the National Education aso-
ios h ulchat ytmwudla , ,I man b

18 2-5
U. S.

,clipped two-fifths of a
the mark held by Rule
Naval academy, and, in

shing his 50 yard Conference
of 23 9-10, lie bettered the time
by Hirschberger of Wisconsin
-tenths of a second.
lhe feature race of the even-
rogram, Jim Hill of Minnesota
his own record for the 150 yard
roke race by 4 1-10 seconds,
ng the distance in 1:46 2-5.
e, Michigan's , sophomnore star,
d Hill to the finish, losing out
cant'margin in the final stretch.
41, his sophomore teammate,
d a close third.
all, the Wolverine free style
on, led the fast field of Samson,
and Bennet to a close finish,
100 yard free style race, de-
Samson by a touch . In win-
Darnall was forced to swim the
ce in 54 2-10 seconds, cutting
d Big Ten mark held by Moody
nesota by 1 2-10 seconds.
3 "ichigp. Wins In Relay
he opening event, Michigan
a victory over the fast Gopher
swimming the 200 yard relay in
10. Michigan's first two swim-
held the Minnesota team to a
the first four lengths of the
Darnall, swimming third, out-
ced S. Hill of Minnesota by two
giving Samson a lead which
ver relinquished. Moody, the
anchor man, gave up the race
covering 30 yards.
nesota's medley relay team,
sed of J. Hill, Purdy and S.
owered the Big Ten record by
seconds. The new time was
Minnesota's old record being
5. J. Hill gained a foot margin
Spindle in the backstroke, and
added enough over Snorr in
east stroke to practically cinch
ce. Seager made a strong at-
to catch S. Hill in the crawl,
ould not overcome the advan-
gner Betters 440 Yard Tinte
higan scored eight points in the
ard crawl when Wagner and
n finished in first and second
respectively. Wagner's time
:29 2-10, which was 85-10 sec-
faster than the Conference rec-
et by Samson last year. How-
Samson has turned-rin the re-
ble time'of 5:05 4-10 in a short
his season.
lalsted won the 200 yard breast
race for Michigan by sprinting
last length to beat out Purdy
rnesota by a touch. Shorr of
gan led the field until the last
but weakened in the sprint and
ack into third place. Halsted's
was 2:49 1-5.
nesota gained a first place in
ncy diving event, Barnacle gain-
'er Starrett and Batter of Michi-
vho placed second and third.
special 220 yard free style race
'e picked members of the fresh-
eam, Frantz gained a close vic-


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