rTITT) aY, "WA CTI .4, 1 )2 i THE MICHIGAN DAILY rncr FIFE FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1927 PACE FIVE 111P mom Y ''i +7j y jY, L1di 4+v r Af 14f I !. ------tom,- - , .-- ejW ) a 1 '4 S r c t t T STRE"SS CHAiRACTER I Ohio State Students'WME HO NTRSTCass Teams Riva Have Unique Society In Basketball Play I3S U SO S O E P Women sudentsof Ohio State un-niJ ODER POLTICSirC0cst l esklice thl1 I________hve_ imqueorganization! b-ni oftetfe cas1alctal 1i 21 iicih$ t ai' En o Te 1ChuwasiG Is li( 1ivenb th ol Thef 1900, according toth4t} Ohioigan to~ltaie lt thantern. seneioiCrC17 $evelopment,' toharacterathe Latof Fomiterewnwt.4 ician eate(1 the freshilen fmjor's );,LatsIvheIdaiua score Z~ereo$>melt O (111~ratter X_ a. x~ooyl soiety Women replresentative of various Idvda t1caldpaGb1 ndo h ainan fvrositrts o 7t namdor :has, last e1l to h,:is (s y. Thlis club, wasyetraafrnoatll. lari1. - g7d wt srosmov ' it was recently ascertained that theystrayfenontth mnhi. AD~~T HNO YSEM bind it. The itifl Was to set, side amaoiyer vitally interested in pol-Folwnisteinu: - - romATo HOeOonlyYinTEMSclties f teircountry. Out of 40 we- Selor 1Acadlejale ha Fmphasis throughout the meeting of could talk freely. For many years ite' nevee 7 rfse enM M~ly...1 s' i.( i~'~a interest. inpolitical affairs. Althlough {A. Miller ...... t .. .....~Si the National Association of Deans of w rras the headquarters of comittee raosgvnfrti neetvre .Proiz C.... .Clis Women, which is being held from Feb. adsrrt meigbcsic e-ronsieny os forths intertvaied- Q. Smkit ......C. .....i. C1 ii , 23 to 'March 8 in Dallas was on the ?ter places of meeting have beenl found i cndealye, tmotstnofthe osenrview-L. Smh...... ]. C, ........n'el it is somewhat deserted. Students have ' t"eleethtsne h oenhsL Kh....H ....L ly Individual student, especially dealing aI ~o been enfranchised it is her duty to M. McDcnald . .L. ...... .Aluffle'y with the development of character, ac- eqaiyadcnesto!sfuda-vote well whenever possi~ble. Women's, In a close and fast gamie the junliors cording to Miss Grace Richards, ad- ,a natural curiosity and a desire to seea won over the solphomnore ca(lemi1cS visor of women who attended the firsttr~lntt ea otat urn governmental affairs more carefully by a score of 32 to 26; the s enio7r ma- patof the convention. "It was inter- ,oisae(susd apsatvte attended to miay also account for the jors scored 34 points to the 22 made eatgtfolwtevrosmastaI interest displayed. by the junior acadlemics in t he conltest; were suggested by different people," are heard.' Less than one half of the 40 women in, which F+lorenc e Foster, '27. and stated iss Rihards.Ail article of the constitution pro- vote regularly, although they expect Evelyn Ogborn, '28, displayed excellent' stated iss Ricards. .vides that "the uniform shall be- a t 1 oatrcmltn hi ~u ehiu n X~~inlpaig "MssGoiiaWis da Georgiaot Whitehot wisan awlk t o o fdeanpetngtei of tchiwoanmenptoalplynga at Carleton college Northfield, Minn., ashort nulleda sortw isrtan arwalr-cation. Thirty-three do vote or intend practice Lt oswenaepgisthm rsmnam cas nd (1bteen the uirgedi her hearers not to lose faith t iha slld own inpp rn.Ithinode od o hnag emt hm feha1cdmcsadtes o !itohgive aoursetvaapphononcsy"tInsthose is often stated, that women do not more major,;,(11ue to the (lekult of the in ono curss nd ono sstesdays to have the ankle showing was1 read the newspapers. This may or former because of in iusu_""'iicnt hnum- although they have not been unqual- to be wearing short skirts.ma nobetu ofw en nth hrofpyrs ified success and to continue to strive maotbtuoomnonteeolaes for self-government as the expression Michigan campus, nevertheless they of student democracy which elevates, gap or to bring little irls to college (seemed fairly well informed on the Subscribe for the 31ciga;n Daily. Miss Agnes Wells, dean of women at experiences failure." two following questions. What is the__ the University of Indiana, in her turn IPerhapjs the greatest challenge was nfame of the mayor of your home ____________ contributed the idea that a girl who! p' eentedl by Mirs. Mabel Lee, lean town? What is the name of the Vice- « has lived harmoniously in a group of Colorado Coilege, Colorado Springs, President of the United States? Only will live harmoniously in life. There- Colorado, when she said: "The real three of the forty interviewed wereTr Ou fore, the effort should be sustained to work of the dlean is the pqlrception of u lnable to reply correctly to theC firstTrOu dvlptheinvdulhse dortni- power in others."' question. It is surprising t note tory, or sorority. Theivi~hn1prcssion which remained! though that 13 of the 40 women did Delicious wit meupon my return from the not know who is their vice-president.I "Goethe's opinion that character is convention was one of sunshine, cor- Women are gradually making a developed in the stream of life was dalpeople and an exchange of inter-? place for themselves in politics. Thisr Thapie osthedean' offocenbyt the estinig ideas" Miss Rjichards conclud- new field seems to fascinate them and ro se ThyvrstAmoPsbengofwhomaien at teelto stimulate them to their best ef- Unsitof jittrg wh advsuednt_______I____forts.. a SandwicheS syusemlfl nort deeanlantr d set Representative and Mrs. John 3. -- v______ thounshellr otheeaer ouldie r'Knrdo e okaebt xet The new grosgrain ribbon hats are the~ayes mahnr'fteda' fiefrKnrdo e okaebt xetdeveloped In two colors. the working purposes. of =the students. Miss Amos holds that the junior deansl-,______________ T17I~dm1 fAXT n I ,. j. _ I ._. , . r; Afternoon Frocks of Chiffon and Georgette $19.75 N 0 'T ICE' Elementary Rifle classes will begini Crawford, '29, Amber Royce, '30, Mar- next Monday. They will be given only garet Hanibal, '28, Eleanore Coryell, one lay a week i roan 4 to 6 o'clock. '29, and Irene Devine, '29.a To's intramuaral basketball games TI'e exact day on which these classes1 alpha Chi Omega announces the ae as follows: 4 o'clock, Zone 6 vs.2 will be given after the first meeting p~ledging of Eleanor lcolt, '29, Ailene I) it -clDelta Delta, Couzens hall vs. will be announced at a later date. All aYeo, '0 and Kathleen Ohiming, '21. llha Xi Delta, 5o'clock, Zeta Tau those interested are asked to sign at Tckt for the Senior supper will Alplha vs. Alpha Epsilon Iota, Theta-Barbour gymnasium or call Stella b~eTonsale every afternoon Miarch 2-10 Phi, Alpha vs, ('hi Om23ega. Sturos, 7114. at.Babu gymnasium. Supper will Junior Gis' m~ly rehearsals for to- fAlphla Phi announces the pledgingl be at the Union preceding the opening (Thav are as follows: 4 o'clock choruso Gretchen Schurtz, '29. performance of the Junior Girls' play 12 in par lor, chorus 9 in Sarah Cas-1 Delta Zeta announces the pledging March 14. well; 5 o'clock, chorus 1 in Sarah of Dora Nickels, '28. (:2sN,,ell, and chorus 7 in parlor; at 7; Sigma Kappa announces the pledg- Compose effects and matched ac- o'clock the entire play. ing of Aletta Sutherland, '29, Wilma cessories are still in style. -'A Extremely chic is the use of chiffon and georgette in the two piece mode-tucking, seaming, toning, pleats, tiers and bows vary their -straight lines-flattering style leaders of the Spring season, you will find them in all the gay colors, as well as navy and black-at prices which are strikingly moderate. (Second Floor) Aff and counsellors multiply the centers of interest, as well as increasing in- dividual responsibility. Such a scheme does away with the comarative re-' mnoteness of the student with regard to the dean's office which is present otherwise. "President Ellen Fitz Pendlton, of Wellesley College, in reply to the crit icism that colleges (id little to bridg the gap between high schools anda college for freshmen, said: "There is and should be a gap between high school and college.. All people should ! treat the college girl as a young wo- man. Thus will they grow to be wo- men, and any attempt to bridge theI - - -- ---.~'- --- -I Goodyear's 1 124. South Milin S. f Sponsor for the Fljwing Reasons: JIBO..AE of a specialyconstructed 100% PureWool fabric.w Practically wrinkle-less, C moisture-proof, and dustproof.i Man~tailred in the mannerj of th English. With intriguingly handsome silhouettes. Of remarkable endurance. Priced with g reat restraint. Eclusive with one - American maker IAnd with just ! ~ this Store(I °i in this city- H'q 4rTnw f -.~I j,~ ; I~ ... --i, Men's Guaranteed No-Rip Athletic Union Suits Full Cut - Full Size 98c White Broadcloth Shirts Collar Attached. 98e The Ann Arbor Dry Goods Company 316 South Main St. i HF 9 IN LL dLAiNLJ 212 South Main A6d t 2ACT .moo.. ..®,. TWMIWAT ADS I (d G~et the, Most Lit Of i The persons whome You admire R,.adio B-at:ter ies Ours Are New - Fresh - Full of I' .i I I S Eberbachs & Son Power Go. I are now sold exclusively by city 200-202 East Liberty St. I are those who know the signifcance of. well-kept clothes.t They 'realize the value of . a first- dclass lA Cleaning Pressin Service GREASE SPOTS and STAINS can be removed. If YOU are interested in your ap- pearance, we offer our services to you. I " ', .R'y' . w,' 'F ; MY 1 y -" i t P- t l 4 \i t\ The usual JACOBSON enterprise is evidenced in making it possible to obtain these exclusive (If c'ea,:3( you'll want to hear the latest in (lance ibis--Ilt3 cd by the famned Victor dance orches- Co s 'rni t.ode y and hear t hese fine record- gs pi rd 2 t1c wxondlerfutl Ortllophonic Vic- t rol. Blue :Iy s--Pot Trot (with Vocal Refrain) -Where's ThatiAinbox'?--Fot rocL(Focal Refrain) George Olsen and His Music I Know, That, Y ,,,i hu:o I --ox Trot (Voc l Retrain) Nat Shilkret and Victor Orchestra Like lie Like Me-- Medley Fox Trot" Waring's Pennsylvanians Lonely Eyes --Fox Trot (kith Vocal Chorus) Wistful and Blue -Fox Trot (with Vocal Chorus) Paul Wh iteman and Orchestra San, the 01(1 Accordlioni Music-F. T. (Vocal Refrain) George Olsen and His Music Ide's the Last Word--Yet Trot (with vocal refrain) Ben Pollack and1 His Californians I I Coats 'and Dresses at Ann Arbor's Popular Shop The smart woman chooses Betty Wales frocks and coats ; tho' more fashion-alert she is the greater her use of these alluring garments. Yet with all their. fascinating charm and their assured, correct loveliness, the Betty Wales slogan, smartness without extravagance," is true. of them every time, all the time. Prices prove it. WHITE 5WA N Ilushg-a-Bye--A ltz Idlolizinig--F(.x)Trot. Jean Gldhiette and His Orchestra Dresses The Season Through Are New Vocal* Records In a Little Spanish Town The Revelers Dlue Skies (with Saxzophone, (Guit ars and Piano) Johnny Mlarvin, Ed. Smtalle i've Got the Gili Gene Austin 'Deed 1 Do Johnny Marvin All Alone Mondlay The Revelers Maybe (from 011. Kay) Franklyn Baur "Grinnelil s Victor Record Service Is Superior!" I v DIAL 4287 --or- 21816 $38, $48, $58, $68 Coats The Season Through Are 0 z & ri I tl 'v