4 PAGE TWO __~ ._ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIIL't1Sl)AY. Al XI -- .w- ntr~a~crinS ANNOUNCE DATES qjRIUDA1 BIOLOGY CAMP WOiKl., hummer Station On Sno~re Q Of ga Cle :august 119 OFFER 19 COURSES Class wtark at the Biologicadl station for the Summer "essiou will stars: June 27 &wld continue to Aug. I9, ind thecre w=,ill be off( red cour~eS for : i 4i ;: sity 0 ')V': f leSL ,,CaL It I''' ('t'j~iKi luulV ift-teti biig, ..at va irop , nn'CIE ir,,(1e- , Et(71a11;r 3it.; o1~ tm S" A ekft ball, UiN AS SOCIATIONT EER ORGANIZATION, nancial side of the organizat ion anhd a 'E~ tlhe governing body. T he budget for the Stuident Chris- 4 t ;, , c('dtOioi'fox the last six years Las ;{veraged about $20,000. Ths goes tova r(1mintaaning the fehair' c'amp pfor under-privileged (c'hilren w, l_)( -oil, Jackson, and Ann Arbor,' t ='. u ;> 1:'the nninntnance of properties, t noi toward, committee activities. ?More '.-"{!2(1 lo-vs are taken for two weeks to the camp at Paterson Lake, and ip. °e are giren a vacation which. tihew could not have had without theO help of the association. Three groups of these boys are taken so that the ca~ml lasts over a period of six weeks., An entering studlent is materially assisted by the aid which the Student Christian association affords him. Pri- marily in this line, it publishes the freshman handbook every year. Ani- i-novation this' year was the freshman rendezvous held at Patterson hlke. to which a large number of men who had been prominent in high school were invited and there learned about gradua.-tes, undergraduates, anml olp-Il pci'tit;ics for independent investiga- toi S, It is announnced in the Summxer sestsion bulletin of the Biological st~a- tton whihis x'wavzailable for, ( -- tribution.It T he sa tici1, wh.i.0h is loca'l::d aonthe shlores ofDougl as lake, -e(jiiiistaiA ul f_rntCieboygan, ': ac iua ;JCity andl Uctskyis situ a 1(1(1inl thetransit ion zone between the region of evergreeni cenlifro'uc forests ;,o the north and that of deciduous 'hardlwood(l orests tot the south, thereb F' offering chancesyi to stuady the vegel ation-types chara- tcristic of b)oth re: ;ions, it is assertedl by officials of the %tation. The regionsaoweldpkdtohetuyf animals, it is said, -ihere being 37 spe-t ies of mamminals,.'12 amphibiansan 12 reptiles.l The courses are arranged so that they'do not duplicate -the work offered ini the University, .but rather are in- tended to provide ;facilities for field workc of a, sort that cannot be carried on undTer urban c ondliti ens or with rrest ictidns impose-I1 byaouniversity ;chledule. No cours es aro affered ip. binn ing botany c,2° zoology. It is pecrissable that a 'stmln~ht give his (,ntire time to eithe r botany or zo- lo', or he may (11Vile it betwoen S E the sujects. Th. courses in, zor'logy list: ento- 71n,'l)gy, CornLCitholog , adva need orni - thulog, aichthyoo'!,y, lo rpetology, ade r.:n11manlogy,?i~i noom , helminthol- ('andr specialrcsa."h work in zo-, r"hg. nder the botinny division wvil begiven: taxonomy, 'of greena cryt')- gn, taxonomy of 1 le lbryophyte-_ ytematic botany, ala Jnt anatomy, d a'ced syttematic b )tany. ecolor-v plant geography, ad-x- need ecoalogy. cological plant anato:'iay, and : pecial "search work in botainy. M W WV# V.F d 'V Ar N VwrV Wr V 'U 'V or esl y hlm as iitit)',:'o I know2', hai. Lin'liz 11wz:s bilt*ot be fore th e t'rl abyfiidsraised iby the' YXoun g Al ': Chri! tian a ssociation t nuliot' t I h te tUllted tales. lt w5ass used1 (t' uri- ing t ar oes a 'Young MA3en'e Christian -a..,,o(iatiofl war wVork coun; ci I. The cabinet, of the Stu~ent Chris- Student club, the Japanese Stu dent llg o f Nvel -]i o sal b the Fil pin0 3'-) h4lub'thI'0. Thei R i tndust an club, the Negro-Cauc asian IW) ne'rsh1 1l1 fl 0-11, fihe Cosmopolitan club, the Span-bruht o . ish society, and the Polish literary anml expects to hlave s~'cr1l ;-re . 1 his spring. A1r. Sbher,,edP.14v>'- se'yare the groups of foreign stu1- (lent. f..5 1h1C.1held n er'ous mee tingfs cell"Visit here V'-",7n 'Irt'l. > ill l an e hail last fall. i'50t13St40 Ci'>' her ('~at ion. t he Coxo,) n 1 11 ?notherservice providedby the as- i-w lyi _ Pngn I;' i fl(iat ionl for bhe cam pus is the b1iiiig."" meetin 's I reilent lv 4'iaaa' N'Vhere Men-11Find Suits and Topacoat3 n rc~ Ranging from $8.5(0) o $W We urge you to Inspect Ou WNoolin Lefore dc.- cidirig where your neat Suit will be purchased - CUSTom TAILOR 4 ~619 East Williams Sit. The.w. \* "u= s; -Alhitg .-:-.- ca. -~_^::1 aelme ng thr e otu o hzcb '%' 1110 t r 14i 1 } WA~hING TON, D. C--Jch 8' lr I ,'j r..F ' "Sj YX i ~ .'4Tii, - l c _ , , T 2. .,' q'.. ,. , y n ) A') - L&r 'k' Phone 8191 Prr pi Delivery tia~i association is appointcdl by tll(- the customs of the campus. They president. v ho is elee-t e by a general heard many leaders and memliers of vote of the :students on tibe. campus. the faculty speak on such subjects as It governs the student, activities inJ fraternities, athletics and extra-cilr- connection wvit h the association. There ! icular activities. are12 eniersof he al~nctwho During the past year the Student take care of different branc hes of the Christian association lhas been of work. Tfhe board of trustees is cons- great assistance to the foreign stu- posedi of 23 men. who handle the ii- dents on the campus. The Chilic-- Special Daily Luncheon Special Daily Dinner Chicken Dinner Sunday 1204 South University E a' ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday, March 7 M I-SS S lHUMET PRESENT J' . 4. - a : - a -' ;' _ ., -.,_!" .-t. :. :35' '"^'![ '7B' ,41 -T ",;-. " z, fi r. ....' ,- i .:.:; ~~ - r'j N. k 4- k' '= .:1 " .«t . ..' . t: ' , " '. ' ..4'. iS. yt P n p a r A . ' h ::t'"' " '- "! '_ ;' ': .'.!: A' } < 7: _;, t .:k1 flv .<{ :...; 1 ; ," '} l ", f Ors :. "' T3gCk IT STARTS TODAY I' I I>1 \l s ' ' ro b0 as jiist organized its first Shippers Advisory board, patternedr ''ctl after that of the Unlitefld lates. It comes as a result of the suc- cess which the Shippers Adlvisory "~f1q in this country have nmade in Handling car-service disputes. It will consider matters pertaining to ratesr as well as service. ____- mam Misadvei Itr ,s When aBride And Groom Are T 11 .-- N 4j it ~ c Duike} 'rom the Detroit Engagement Cichestra, W';balcony, $2.75, $2.20, $1.65 > geetit cif -You'll Enjoy It Moire. Parted! _.. 1 i i i t E . ; r ; '. i p +' k -,. , 00 1r I E ,1 r 44 ' ' 4 I, K Y t, (T- TS/ I l-_ / . "44 ill ..XI 'a -v .IB'1' r' C 4"k1'e "f i ll a fjf. I,/ I AT THE night sessions, when class philosophers vie with class Merry Andrews in deciding the heavy problems of the world-or burlesquing them- notice the royal guest, Prince Albert. Chiming in with the spirit of the occasion. Fill'- ing the air with the finest Tobacco-aroma ever. Y.;r7 i '.; ",'C - .1 : , I i groan the Iv'bvel bzy GREC;ORY ROGERS With, l-- 4 )-t SP Vf I5('i t 4Ol S 11 an'7 3 kB I- -. r4 iie--o ae h AsC 04,'' 3(3311Z) yhtah'a re yiitt rlo- l in' rdmm' !II CVtOWt- vl''- (Ilad O 1 la x an~i Do you smoke Prince Albert? It will bring you more pleasure and satisfaction than you ever thought a pipe could give. TIhe instant you throw back, the hinged lid and release that wonderfl P. A. fragrance, you suspect you are in for some grand smoke-sessions. The very first pipe-load confirms your sus- picions. Cool as a gate-tender. Sweet as the week-end reprieve. Mild as the coffee in Coin- inons-mild, yet with a full body that satisfies 8 ,4 4 - t P. A. SO sold everywhere in tidy red tins, pound and hall- pound tin humidors, and. pound crystal-.glass humnidors with sponge-moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by fhe Prince Albert process. 3 I n I i If I..-A A I-u' IGADDED BILL ith _4' telal iiamcl;Comnedy Lighitniag ,Tumblers "SHOULD HUSBANDS PAY"9 A'T T rvr" in I YTr VT4 I