0 WXEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE FIVE~ V #P d -" 0 VT STUDENTS' PROBLEMSi A&TREATED DRN AN N UAL DEAN S' D SCMAG E'ET A D CO RI TY N ARBITRARY(V 0~ !' e . n,';. ,r ziilere. IA) xnrx UI i s 15 HU f .... _, fact tha t all increa'sing number of %e odshosai n feigseilS L fTC E SB 1 cousesto cqain thm it~h the rEOe-;IKET'VOf Interclass G me econlomlically, andI politically.i M I S A TiA d cut, at, the convention, thisTO A I tWratdnc, o acnpt _. t)0~ llsi :he w-onien st udent' lfive]y easy genme ycst eerday afit'.'lon o, h', ; nisili ii ae and ac-; Mailorders for the Junior Giris' play when they played the freshmai nma - lr ti t ins o okiliyb etto Bernice Staebier, '28, i os and beat them by at -core of :84- WX 8125>A 312. business manager, 1004 Olivia street1 21. Lois Parhs, '281 d, and EVelyn Oq-; I Ai~ii' ithil c cu"st ioi1, Miss Blea-: beginning today. The price, of tickets !horni, '28, were the stars of this5 >iauie t..~( .,,"'. of fla office of ad-; will be as follows*: main floor $2.50, and together accounted for almost gill ,o'b (P. aI4r-~ ciir Acadennes} The majors were again victorious'N ("TCr' A. MortC)nii ...nI........ A. Miller, when the junior majors d","oat ud the I A ."+ F. MIiller ........F...... Q. lBerkovitz freshman acadlemlics yesterdlay after-- " .. .Joiwe.........(.......... L. Groff' noon by a score of 36 to 8. The jiuiiors iJ Ilior Cirls' play reheairls for IL. Str-asser ....S. C........ M. Smith1 played a very fast game, and Mildred todayi are as follows: Aft 4to'clock:, V. Mc (,Cre ......(GA.......K Johnson' Hardy, '2814,d, was the star in points' choral -11 in sa rah ('aswvel1 Ange ll I. Sauliorne.............. L. Kahn having made nine baskets. The line- hall, chorus 10 in )parlor;, at 6 o'c°lock,. Wihtatokiexeld h e p was as follows: l (-horus 9 in Sarah ('a well Aiigell ball, odor majors (deat ed the sophomore ,Jiiiiior :Majors Fresh~. Aeaderniie. ,thorus 3 iil parlor. At 7 o'clock to- naecs in a. very fast game by a# M. HardyF....P . A. Janhusk~y nig~ht there will be a rehearsal of the ent ire frat .Evon mutb o0241 to 18. There was no one: IT. Child .........F.......... D. Dart! iat ~c i utb outsia n~liin player, but Mary Alls- M. Hough .......C......... M. Olison pent 'hous e, '27, 1lC] in scoring with 19 N. Hoover ...... S. C..... . Stall Ji~i U her cred~it. The lineup for M. Hfagedorn .... ....... M. Follmer 1 There are fifty women astronomers ;1his game was as follows : F. Treadwell .. .. G........ F. Sackett belonging to the Royal Astronomical ~e~iui'MII 01S Se~a.A edeiue ~Society. l' Foster.....F......... J. Davis1 The W. C. T. U. has launched a cami- 'MA Allshouse ... . F.... E. Middllewoocd! paign of education in an effort to New millinery will exploit double 1. Iebc e tP........ ake drinking in society bad form, brims. ('0NIRTL BY DEAN \SIof \NC:i(4-n whoattendled thel £,(2i.'l ofc: a, 34 oc ured information s APRO E REHMN EE ~o dnel'z; ,)slils fromIth Nton- APPROVEFRESHME WEEK!al Comittceeof l3ureaus of Occupha- ('el-geOffhalsI~irct n~ Tftiou, , at Chicago, where she stopped Co l ifchOf ia l's Experie st 1,it To on hli enturn tril. Statistics showl ili~ltga's3 cini n i ili that thec fields of advertising for wo- Advisory System 11inen, Ild(I(Id-iA rt ment 5Store woirkers Nee fr ndviua dveopen oare 30C] y rowde~Ci at the present Nee fo iniviualdevl~irnet o I imie, wh iile the call for social work-] students, and the problem (if fesh-- ters canl hardly be filled. There also man adjustmnent were two ofi the lead-semto 1be good olilort iuiC5r for wo- ing questions discuissedl at the (Col- -i libr,.iia us. and a big (demand for vent ion of the National Association of li -ue Io>01 eooni.Ofn- Deans. of Women, which is meetinug isinfc is th request for occu- from Feb. 23 to March G in Dallas, sp ?iiii 1i h (y slest; a, wh i(h requires texas. woncn tin_ some knowle,.dg : ~ ;: l, a: For Service and Qjality, None Better ! I s B \Not a chance of # I hat le--d-like, loggy .feling even during (arl Spring -iAyou / ~make a daily habit of Shredded W4heat. Th at's one reason Why this prince of whole wheat cereals graces the training tables of so many f~ colleges and schools. - Carefully separated, corn- -7 pLe&y cleaned, perfectly shredded, and thoroughly cooked whole wheat grains - that's all there is to b r t .K , Apparel for Women Main at Liberty 3 More Days of Our 1ST BIRTHDAY SALE Bargains Galore Spring Frocks Employ Geometric Tuckings The new showings at Mack's store of spring frocks are so varied as to be all inclusive and so smart as to justify your choice. They present frocks that exploit the geometric lines effected through intricate tucking, the smart V or square necklines so becoming and chic, the bloused waist, sometimes girdled and tied in front wvith a sash. Priced $14.75 up. r_- 1V n Jt t. ,' 1 '-- L. i , , -- i;lf'j !If I! i11!! ii;il ; l -:t ,: t . 150 Dresses at........... $9.95 WIIA I VG' Dresses that sold for almost twice that amount-all new Spring Styles, mnaterials of georgette and flat crepe. Colors all the Spring shades, figured crepe and black and white, in sizes 14 to 46. SPRING COATS Sport Coats-beautiful plaids, all silk lined and fur trimmed. All sizes, $14.95 to $49.50 it I- .. r t Very Popular - Easy to Learn to Play Entertaining - and Profitable, Too The Banjo There's no end to the popularity of the young fellow "who plays the banjo." And as a source of financial in- dependence the banjo ranks with any musical instrument. What is more, the banjo is easy to learn to play. Come in and let us show you our complete stock of high grade ban11os0. BACON - I'ARAMIOVNT - 'EGA MARTIN - LUDWIG - ETC. < book --gladlyarng in purchase of J 1 (1 up any. i'nstrument. DRESS" COATS-twills, twillsheen, Kasha cloth. chiffon broadcloth, tricotine, all the Spring colors and black and white, all silk lined and fur trimmed. All sizes. Priced at, $17.95 to $69.50 HOSIERY-new colors for Spring. Holeproof and Brilliant makes at $1.95 pair. - MILLINERY-New arrivals daily, at $5.00. '9 , TENOR iw BANJOS 5u UKULELES Big stock of these fine little $2.25 up takes ......... GUITARS I-liglI-grade makes in our 1 ') 0At' up1 Instruction. with every or banjo-uk( BIG STOCK VIOLINS COMPLETE OUTFITS priced from ......."P1 SA XOPHONE Eflat Alta, silver geld bell, T I I II I it e _ 1 9 r _ t