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March 02, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-02

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~1t1~i B in a11 I
Published evey morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
l'ntered at the postoffc at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, assecond class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
bard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Blusines 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor............Irwin A. Oliaa
j Frederick Shillito
News Editors............Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............. Wilton A. Simpson
T'Pl~raph Editor...........Morris Zwerling
Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Bebymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford . Phels
Io Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurna
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Miles Kimball
Alex Bochnowski Milton Kirshbaun
lean Camnbel' Ricbard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
L.arcue ~ue r.ti,. Kenneth Patrick
Earl W. De LaVergneMorris Quinn
William Emery James Sheehan
led Eer loster Neson Jee Smith, Jr.
Robert E. Finch Sylvia Stone J
Robert Gesnes William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Mivlford Vanik
Coleman J. (lencer Herbert F. Vedder
Ixarvey J. Gunderson Marian Welles
Sewart ooker Thaddeus Wasielews ki
Morton B3.lecve Sherwood Winslow
PaA lKern
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising........... .Thomas Sunderland
Advertising...........G.eorge H. Annable, Jr.
kdvertisingui........... Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John H.Bobrink
Accounts ....... ........Francis A. Noruit
r-" f ib". Tr. Ray Wachter
Melvin H. Baer . B. Wood
D. M. Brown Esther Booze
klorence Cooper Iilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Marion A. Daile
A. M .Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Ilser Selma M. Jansen
R: A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith
Harvey Talcott FlNance Soene mer
Harold UtleyFlrne imir
It is indeed gratifying, to observe
that the general condition of the
Union, from the standpoint of profit
and loss, nQW appears to be more
sound than it has for some time. A
cursory analysis of the facts at once
reveals the why and wherefor of the
According to the financial report
for the first five months of the college
year, September 1 to February 1, the
total gain in the operation of the
building is considerably greater than
that of a year ago. Whereas only
three departments in the building-
the billiard .roon, soda bar, and
dances-show a loss, a gain over the
same five mnth s a year ago is indi-
cated in the eight other departments,
namely, the dining room, tap room,
lodgings, swimining pool, barber shop,
bowling alley, cigar stand, and theater
(Mimes' shows).
The loss in the billiard department
is attributed by Union officials, tp the
general decrease everywhere in the

popularity of pool and billiards. The
deficit in the business of the soda
bar, which was' slight, was accounted'
for by an increase in the overhead in
that department as well as the poorer
attendance at dances as compared to
a year ago. The loss in the dances
themselves is believed to be the re-
sult of varying qualities in the or-
chestras of both years.
While it is undoubtedly a fact, as
the president of the Union stated the
other day when accounting for the
general financial improvement, that it
is due in a large measure to the in-
creased use of the building, by stu-
dents during the fall, the efficiency of
the business management, as demon-
strated to date, is certainly worthy
of consideration and no little com-
I; would seem that Chairman Borah'
of the foreign relations committee is
something .else besides a Senator. Not
being contented with his efforts to
hinder the administration activities inJ
his Senatorial capacity, it now comes
to light that he has been in direct
communication with President Calles
of Mexico relative to the oil contro-
versies. This fact is not merely evi-
dence of the foolishness of Mr. Borah,

ling in nature does not excuse him
from his diplomatic blunder. Stand-
ards of diplomatic practice, while
somewhat fixed, allow for consider-
able freedom but the gentleman from
Idaho seems to recognize no bounds.j
Fortunately the foreign relations com-
mittee quashed his proposed official
investigation of Central American,
conditions. And although he would
like to think it possible, it would be
too much to hope that his colleagues1
on the foreign relations committee

It was Cheerleader's Night Monday
in the field house. More than nine
thousand people gathered to Witness
the passing of the megaphone from
Warring to Endriss. Treasurer Bob

.'.lfffilflll lf ill I i6 IIIli3ilifllilliifiliiill i i ill ii llflif Iif iIlffflillihill'lflill ll llill li lfiflllli11I IfIlil'
Music and Drama G AA
Gregor, organist, will present a pro- DISPLAYS OF WEEK-END SPECIALS
grain in the Twilight Organ Recital
series in Hill auditorium at:1.A H-
TONIGHT:G io i aei aGA 1 A1p iS
ist. will ipeseint the final progra m bi o A 4. ~.. ,,

may restrain him as effectively in the Campbell refereed.

future. ," t. .
* *,*
_Ihathe Choral nion series in Hil adi-
INPI~fIALDICII~iO iThe cheers- of the thousands of ,oia a So lch
INFORMAL DIS('USSION . torinm itt i O'Cla
With Great Britian's acceptance of frenzied spectators arose as Endriss *
his disarmament proposal added to I "rade the opening play in his official "THE SALTATI03"
that of Japan, President Coolidge, it capacity. A review, by Morris Zwerdling.
is believed, will attempt to bring about Some one expressed the feelings of
a three power agreement on the limi- "Old Timers" were back to take a goodly number present at the
tation of naval auxiliaries in place part in the ceremonies, two former dramatization of "The Salutation"
of the five power pact originally con- cheer-leaders participating in the big- last ni ght when he sad, "I don't
templated. ever indulged n know what it's all about, but they cer-
The enormous difficulties of tle en- ges orgy of cheersee nugdi
deav normhoever, makets suess n-by a Michigan audience between halves tainly do it Well.'' luen dy's interpre-
deavor, however, make its success of a basketball game. toion of the "Divinc Comedy' is dif-
problematical. England has indicat- . * ficult to understand without an inti-
ed, in the first place, that she must Perhaps it isn't significant, but a mate k nowled g of the work itself,
have auxiliaries adequate to protect locomotive carried the old cheer- I and the blissful ignorance of the
her long lines of inter-imperial com- leader out of office, and it was a loco- greater part of the respectful but
munication, and secondly, that unless motive that brought the new one in. somewhat bored listeners was ap-
France, who would be altogether out * * * parent.
of the conference, will restrict sub- INCIDENTALLY The play itself, a beautiful piece
marines, she cannot afford to limit As a special feature of the cere- of rhetoric, abounding in beautiful
cruisers and destroyers. To obviate, monies, the crowd was entertained by imagery, employs dialogue to develop
the latter difficulty, it has been sug- a basketball game between the Mich- the plot; the action is merely a strug-
gested that the proposed agreement igan five, and about every player Pur- gle between good and evil.
include a provision that any party be diue could muster.
authorized to exceed the limitations *
when menaced by the navy building At first it loked like a basketball
of an outside power. This amendment, it stCItIglI )icoe
game, bti oncagdt ~s
however, would likely do more harm reclln tatakiet, ih
than good in a war scare or naval perhaps ast a little tinge of handball
crisis. down near the basket, with Ilrrigan
If a three power conference is call- tad Oosterbaian competing for honors.
ed, it is believed that it will be effect-
ed mainly through informal diplo- AS IN DE EAT.. .
matic correspondence. In fact, it may There is a Michigan tradition that.
become an advance or a complimen- calls for the band to stay in the
tary discussion group for the more stands after a defeat, Playing "The,
formal negotiations which will begin Yellow and Blue." So seldom does a
March 21 between all world powers Michigan team lose, that few students
assembled at Geneva under the au-Mrealize that such a tradition exists.
spices of the preparatory disarmament ,a * * * e
commission of the League of Nations. But, why does the band remain in
If England, Japan, and the United the stands after a basketball game
States could enter the latter confer- which we win? Instead of a crowd
ence more or less agreed, they could which ewins Intead of a cd
probably influence France and Italy of cheering students, proud of a vic-
obisabrymanenm Frethan ndhoyoterytorious team, we find on State street
to disarmament more than they other- after a basketball game a bunch of
wise could in either meeting alone. people, walking quietly lest they Edith Wynne HMitison
Regardless of any such results which peple wlig ue sts.
might be secured, it would also seem w enh As for the atual staging, the corn-
very desireable that the former thre It must be swell to live in a col- pany managed rather well, aided in
nations understand each other upon legtown.phyial effects only by green hang-
the difficult question of naval dis- - e - . ings, a lost, set of steps, and two
armmament. wooden imitations of marble benches.
Kennedy marred his interpretation
If "It" is speed, the basketball team Kend mard is ntpeaioI
DOUBTS ABOUT LOCARNO Ih hit" somewhat by a tendency to the melo-
An illustration of the deep-seated I ts ia dramatic; he was, however, extremely
fea wic Eroea ntinshae o-If "It" is noise, the arhbuupb State( convincing il his portrayal of the
fear which European nations have to-: ac street doesn't have it, btHbs ihsprrylo h
ward an attack by each other was Ree ads hddy ( t, , agonies of a hell on earth. Mrs.
give reentl whn te Begiu De Reed and Eddy do
given recently when the Belgium D- IMatthison, heralded as the woman
fense Minister, speaking before the Cltm('sa' 110 with the almost perfect enunciation,
Belgium Chamber, urged an extensive tive" Clippy has it, but w bore out her reputation.
armament construction program which (can't pass. Miss Gage, however, was miscast
Four out of five may have "It," but
would safeguard his country from an in the part of Beatrice, the object of
attackby Gemanywe doubt it
attack by Germany. Dante's hopeless love, her deep con-
The effect of this war scare in ltralto voice was obviously unsuited
France, a month after Marshal Focli1 antfor the character of innocence she
.. The alumni can celebrate the 100th,
declared upon the removal of Allied . . typifies.
supervision of German armament that anniversary of the University ten But, all in all, if one excludes from
"Germany is disarmed in accordance ars from now if they want to, but Butdal inlfe excluessf
we prefer to have it as near the real consideration the vagueness of
with the spirit of the Versailles the plot and the dialogues which re-
treaty," was startling. First, the (ater t fosi th e minded one of "Aida" being s-ngeat
Paris newspapers launched a barrage .ieodefnnnetof " the May Festival.
of preparedness propaganda. Then, sity as 1817, ROLLS is honoring that * * *
Premier Poincare informed the Chai- event this week, since everybody clean THE ORGAN RECITAL
her of Deputies that the first bill forgot about it in 1917. Margaret MacGregor, of the organ
which it would consider in the present faculty of the University School of
session would call for several billion N Music, will present the Organ Recital
francs for fortifications on the German be decided. What are we going to program usually given by Palmer
give the University as a birthcay gift? Christian this afternoon at 4:15
as well as the Italian borders. Probably if a husband forgot all about o'clock in Iill auditorium. The pro-
Bot th e eflct hich his wife's birthday until ten weeks will include the following nun-;
pleasantly upon the security whichgri
afterwards, he would by an extra-fine gra
the two nations recognize in the Lo- bers:
Scarno pact, supposedly the peace guar- gift for her. We don't want money, Allegro (Symphony VI) .......Widor
antee of Europe. This agreement not we want suggestions as to a present. Prelude to "La Damoiselle Elue"
ante ofEurpe. hisagreniet nt *Debussy
only provides that all disputes between .. . I." " ..... " " ....- ""D"sy
Germany amid Belgium, and Germay Capriccio.................. Faulkes
and France, shall be settled by arlbi- I THE REAL INSIE DOPE ON Toccata, in C ................Bach
tration, but also that all Locario CAMPUS INSTrrUTIONS ( Lento from "Orpheus"........luck
Powers shall force these three nations Romance, Without Words . . . .Bonnet
to arbitrate all their difficulties IV. THE DAILY Improvisation (basso ostinato e
whether they wish to fight or not. The leading daily publication in the fughetta)...... ...Kark-Elert
Yet, the official attitudes just dis- University is The Daily. The Daily Toccata, "Thou art the Rock"..Mulct
played by France and Belgium in is the most important campus activity,
favoring greater armament plans show not even excepting study. Daily re- THE PULITZER PRIZE
significant doubts concerning the ef- porters "cover" every lecture, some- The speculations concerning the
fective ness of this agreement. times being the only ones there. awarding of this year's Pulitzer Prize

* .*x* are already frequent and probably as
THE ATHLETE'S SCHOLARSHIP AT TIMES The Daily makes errors. inaccurate as usual. The present ru-
While cynics may say that the rea- But then, even Toasted Rolls, another mors seem to point to "Saturday's
son why an athlete's marks are higher important publication, published al- Children" by Maxwell Anderson, who
than the average student's is because most every day, makes mistakes at has turned from the boisterous themes
+ -- .. ....P^__tme W4 m1-.i-l ximWhtciji t ad wll c --f of wnr to a domestic plav Other-os-

kt xjotn kinds of the viag'onal r


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An unusually attractive machine. Light touch, smooth, firm action.
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Anything from a Card to a Book.
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TONIGHT 8 - 10
You have probably been planning for some time
to drop in on one of ou; mid-week dances. If so,
tonight is the time to do it.
Dancing from Eight to Ten

Over George Moe's

Phone 8805


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} I 1
.arrow' c ... .......... ._

they have to be for eligibility reasons,
it cannot be denied that his grades
are slightly superior to those of the
mythical average student, Richard
Roe. The recent comparison made atI
the University shows that such is the

L11t .g s s 111%1 ,U UU Y1C ess
to one of them now while we think
of it. Hobbs and Eddy didn't debateE
two years ago, as we once mentioned.
It was Hobbs and somebody else. The
comedy element was still thereI

case and would further indicate that though.
Varsity men rank higher than re- * * *
serves or numeral winners. It also JUST LIKE A WOMAN, the Univer-
indicates that more credit hours are sity has tried to make herself appear
carried by men engaged in athletics. younger than she really is, by advane-
But it would seem that the under- ing the birth (late to 1837.
lying reason for the superiority of the *r* *
athlete's marks is the fear of becom- COMPLIMENTS will now be in or-

sibilities frequently mentioned Mau-
rine Watkn's "Chicago"-rather a
far-cry according to the less indulgent
critics; "Broadway," the Dunnmng-
Abbott play which is enjoying the best
box-ofice returns of the dramatic sea-
son; "In Abraham's Bosom"-a play
entirely of Negro life; and either of
the two Sidney Howard plays, "Ned
McCobb's Daughter" or "The Silver
Cord." The last named author was
the winner of the Pulitzer Prize two
years ago with "They Knew What
- Il n«,.T.Tx i r,.afl ,,



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