POMNfl T V fnAE Forerunner Of The Daily In 1890 Bore
TO,,NIJU HTLLI1 VI L VLOLittle Resemblance To Present Paper
TO IHT VJIL C OSThis 7 istefifofe a would be published next. T ,was often
u F .;1i1snecessary to change printing firms in
various campus nstitutions and organizations, ncsayt hneprtngfms
3xblsedinr efottomct ea t heir order to meet the finanIcial exdge nces
terest to paosepetive participants. of the case. In contrast to the present
---;highly organized editorial and busi-
('RI'ICS C'ONSlJER HER BEST There appeared on this campus Sept. ness staff with a total of more than
IVO3IA N PIAN1ST ON 29, 1890, a four page publication with 80 members, the work on the paper
('ONCE lr STAWEth "Urst of the '90's was done entirely by a
the title "nliversity of Michigan group of nine men, who met nightly
Daily" boldly printed across the top to compose the paper that would ap-
FIRST APPEARANCE HERE of the first page. Tis paper, the fore- I pear some time during the following
~- runner of the present Michigan Daily day-for it did not come out at any
MIOMarch Issue Of Gargoyle To Portray
I lLSidelights Of Continental Traveling
i 'tIDL AND WALES Portraying sidelights of European An interpretation of an European
travel, the March issue of Gargoyle, court scene with the caption, "Queen
campus humor magazine, will appear. High," by Hill; a scene of Bolshevis-
:'[AKE 1 Or 3 on the campus this morning as a, tic activity titled "Everything is Hot-
"Continental Number." The cover sy-Totsy Now" by S. M. Hutchison,
Ire, T'I G 14' I?\ P WORKRS which announces the material of the '27; and a tourist cartoon by Al Vyse'
5' ILi, ' ' I'I D BYFIissue appear:, as a three tone work, '28, are among the other outstafnding
1 i ' : IA MIBI done by Frederick lill '27, art editor. pieces of art work in the number.
The impression rec'ived by students In the literary department, the fourthIi
traveling abroad, and by the t ypical installment of the "Adventures of Dan
OCCUR ON FESTIVE DAY American tourist are given in the Ruff at the Barber College" are given,
---- opening section of the number with narrating the exneriences of Ilan at a
After 7 Years Studying In Brazil She
Was Sent To PIaris For Further
Traiining By Government
Guiomar Novaes, Brazilian pianist,
will play here tonight in Hill audito-
rium as the last number on the 48th
annual Choral Union concert series
under the auspices of the University
School of Music. This is Mme. No-
vaes's first appearance in Ann Arbor.
The pianist was born in Sao Paulo
de Boa Vista, Brazil, in 1895, and at
the age of six began taking piano les-
sons from Luigi Chiafferelli in her
home town. For several years she
studied -in Sao Paulo, and when she
was thirteen the government of Brazil
sent her to Paris to study.
There she won the "contest for cor-
petitive examination from 388 con-
testants, and was placed under the
tutelage of Isidore Philippe. Previous
to this she had already appeared in
concert in Brazil, from the time she
was nine years old.
After studying for four years in
the Paris Conservatory of Music un-
der Philippe and others she won the
Conservatory prize at graduation from
20 contestants and started her con-
cert career. Numerous engagements
in England, Germany, Italy, and Switz-
erland followed and in 1916, when she
was barely 21, she same to the United
States and made her debut in Aeo-
lian halI in New York city.
She was very favorably received by
critics and following her debut toured
the United States. in the first of the six
tours she has made.
In 1921 Mme. Novaes was married
to a young man from her home town
who is a civil engineer by profession.
She is one of a family of 17 and her-
self has a daughter, Anna Maria.
Critics consider the Brazilian pianist
the finest woman pianist who is tour-
ing the concert stage today.
This will be the last major musical
event under the auspices of the Uni-
versity School of Music until the an-
nual May Festival, which will take
place early in May and upon the pro-
grain of which many of the leading
concert artists of the country will
appear. The Extra Concert series was
concluded by the concert of the De-
troit Symphony orchestra last week
and Mie. Novaes will conclude the
Choral Union concert series tonight.
Princeton Students
Plan Student Council
PRINCETON, March 1-Without a
senior council for the first time since
1906, undergraduates of Princeton uni-
versity today began formulating plans
for the organization of a new student
governing body which would represent
all classes of the institution.i
Officers of the four classes have
taken over the governmental range
discarded by the Senior council be-
cause it had not ben consulted by the
board of trustees in an edict prohibit-
ing the use of automobiles by under-
gradluates. The senior council, al-I
though it represented allcundergrad-
uates, was chosen from the senior
class by seniors and a temporary gov-
erning body announced that a consti-
tiution would be submitted which:
would provide for the election of a
body by all students.
Joseph Prendergast, president of the
senior council, today was doubtful
whether the body would have approved
of the automobile ban. He questioned
the fairness of upperclassmen, with
their time at the university limited to
months, passing upon a ruling which
would affect-some who still have sev-
eral years to spend at Princeton.
Hie explained, however, that was not
the reason for the resignation. He
said that the board of trustees has a
committee which was supposed to con-'
sult the senior council before promul-
gating new regulations.
NEW YORK March 1-Resignation
bore little resemblance to the cur- set hour. Noll unghamsliire Catastrophe Caused several illustrations under the head- number of dances. Experiences of a Production Began As Unpretentious
rent issue.IWith theadvent f faculty control 1;y Collapse of Water Pipes I ing, "Gargoyle Tours The Continent". Middle Western American with Rus- Drama (ven By Junior Class
It was oWl four columns wide andt the growth of The Daily continued 3Ihih olished 1ge The outstanding contribution in the sian royalty are portrayed under the Entertaining Seniors
about two-thirds the length of the regularly until the war period of 1917- development of this theme appears as title "The Novelist Abroad."
present paper. The first page was 18. The size of the paper was in- ( Asat res) account of "The Haddocks in In the editorial section, twelcome As a special concession to the cla
embellished with local advertising ap- creased until it had six pages in itsD " LONDON, March 1.-GreatoBritain's Pock. to fs ietndfping theGr- of 1928, permission was granted yes-
pearing at the heads of the columns, makeup and was six columns wide. nin aa trit i rominent among the art work of goyles intention of publishing theirerdatoth tralcitt
and on the last page was the only ap- The aily had by this time iistittd industry today was stricken by the issue is a ill page collection of next issue as an "Old Soaks" number the Junior Girls'el by ee
proach to the material found in the a dramatic column, and by its con- two disasters, one in wales and the cartoons entitled "Continental Stuff", isannounced.t n Committee on Student Ayb airs toetake
modern Daily--a list of incilents oc- nection with the Associated Press had other in Nottinghamshire, England, 11-the class production "Eight 'T
curing on the campus and news items begun to assume metropclitani aspects. with a death total that was feared Eight" to Detroit Saturday, March 26,
from other schools run under the cap- However, with the entrance of the would reach 65. MAPPLINITIL ORATORICwhere it will e presented to the pub-
tion of "The Campus." The paper con- United States into the World war, Tho for one performance only, at O-
tinued in much the same form until the campus journal was forced into The Welsh isaster took place intra hall
11900, when the name was changed to many unusual difliculties. Most of the a mine situated near Owm, a small The committee qualified its per-
the University Daily News, which in staff either left for active service or town that lies in the shadow of the CONhESTS POSIIL UED'mission by stating that this was not.
turn was modified in 1903 to The Mich- ( Continued on Page Eight) so-called movng mountaa, Eomen to b regarded as recedent and did
igan Daily, the name which has re last year caused a
den Publationstokyv the h apr- Unearby river to shift its course and Orders Will Be Taken Together With P'relimilnary Round For Sophomores not mean that the classes following
mai 1 nae otepsn . to overflow the town and many miner's equtets For Invtationts And Will Be Held 'Next Wednesday, n aonf schge p y
Before the Board of Control of Stu- Rms '' ,IJnor onee'u~n main reason for this change of poliy
dent Publications took over the paper homes. Pograms Atl Dues' Table Juniors Compete uesday rests in the fact that this is the last
Imanaged. The Board is organizehef i marine colliery of one of the la rg
minged.iTheOaEdess prganIzd i tig-bevale companem-g ARE ASKED TO PAY DUES FINALS TO BE MARCH 25 have to secure the $1,000,000 necessary
under state laws as a corporation own __ U ~ JEpiso h Eevl cmay AX:- to break gon o h rsptv
ng the student publications, and is poi em-,A0posponementufethedpreiminariesLeague buildingadtepoiso
III l~~~~~~~loying 1,700 men, 'aused deaths that gon o h rsptv
subsidiary to the Board of Regents. are known to number 23, with 28 men Up to the present time only 250 A postponement of th preliminaries g, and the Irofits of
sryhe was a strong prejudice State Ileiartmnenit Adds Comminunica- issing. Most of the latter are said seniors out of approximately 1,000 on of the University Oratorical Contest the play will go into the fund, the
Tragainst advertising in the University ilaHas No Rehltion TO) Oil And to be trapped by a wall of flame, and the list of seniors is completed, which leading to the final contest has al- performance itself advertising the ain.
Lhope for them has virtually been paid their class dues, including those ready been announced. All eligible of the women's organization, and
of Michigan Daily, and usually the hand Law C troery hyoe t who are taking combined courses, ac- sophomores will have their elimina- awakening the interest of the Detroit
advertising accounts had to be bal- TaEVnDEedCw129 operaters working cording to C. Russell Pryce, '27, treas- tion contest on Wednesday, March 9, public.
anced in trade at the stores of the FRICTION IS EVIDENCED when the explosion occured. Most of urer. Senior literary dues may be paid when one member will be selected for Ann Arbor performances of the
advertisers. Before the paper was the exlo ored stf t S tear ues y the contest. The juniors will have Junior
estatebones.ihesunordwllhae unorGirls' play are scheduled fromu
established on a firm financial basis'() thn were able to reach the surface, today at the table in University hall, their preliminary contest on Tuesday, March 14 to 19 so that the Detroit
iseiosotnddntkwexet(By Ass xi tc'd Press) but the others were so far under-! or checks may lbe mailed to C. Ris- Yy
its eitor oftn di not now xcep j 'March 8. At this meeting tw juniors; performance will occur one wee,
from datto ten dywhere nor ow it WASaINGTON, March 1-Flat r- ground that escape was impossible. Isell Pryce at 1923 Geddes Ave., as pay- aI rch . At this meeting two juniors performance will occur 11e e
r day- -I nhafusal of the state department to throw Poisonous fumes dove escue parties mnt of class dues is prerequisite to be chosen for the final contest. after the final appearance in Ann Are
any light on the American note hand- back repeatedly. obtaining programs, invitations, capsw.On Thursday, March 10 the seniors bor. It is planned to transport the
ed to the Mexican foreign office I Tonight a last attempt was being and gowns, canes and senior ball tick- t will e eleted to cme mts connsed wid the lay by
opndtewyt niie pcl- aet ec h nobdvcisets. two seniors will be elected to compete( mittees connected with the play by
MOVE MADE TO UNITEL opened the way to unlimited specula-i made to reach the entombed victims 1 es'against the two juniors and the soph- meancoruses.adteneesr
tion tonight as to the latest evidence from another shaft of the pit, but Applications for caps and gowns for omsA th ese ontss wllth e This y w et
hold in room 3209 Angell Hall, at 4 1918 that a Junior Girls' play-has been
NICARAtionANtwFACTIONSo gofrnfriction betweenty thehe28twosigg eernr en hopeliforceied attsafetyldof rthe3228 nmissinglste4i118 ten awJuilrberlreceiveds bat
ments. men was slender. The disaster, com- same place by the Cap and Gown o'clock in the afternoon. shown outside of 'Ann Arbor. In 1915
The dlepartment, however, ddsyngon theiesh National clay--St. comtewieprograms and invi- IOn March 25, the final contest will the production of the Junior class of
-- that the communication had no rela- David's day--was one ; the worst the tations should also be ordered at this take place in University hall. Out of 1916 was taken to Toledo at the invi-
Peace Mission Has Approved Of Diaz tion to the oil and land law contro- Welsh have known Ix recent years time. It was announced that the in- the five selected in the preliminaries tation of the alumnae association of
In Attempt To Induce Liberal versies, but made no comment on the and the whole country was plunged vitations would be ready as soon as one will be chosen to represent the that city. Three years later it was
General To Cease statement from Mexico City that the into gloom. the list of seniors is completed, which University in the Northern Oratorical shown in Detroit, the performance
note was of unusual importance. The other disaster, which took place will be probably some time in March. league contest to be held at Iowa,
U An iEfforts to guess the subject of the near Mansfield about two hours after Announcements for Senior Literary April 29. Here will gather the prin- bein eri t wome takin
US AIE IE N1nt agdaltewyfo h h w xlso sblee eti this year's showing the first ever to be
note ranged all the way from the the Owm explosion is believed certain canes will be made in a few days after ciple colleges and universities in the presented to the general public in
trouble American insurance companies to have taken the lives of 14 men. It final arrangements are completed. Middle West.- Detroit. U gtil 1922 the play was
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, March 1. - are having with the new Mexican occurred in a new pit of the Bilsthorne Individual orders are now being The winner of first honors .Dill be carefully restricted to women even in
A move to bring peace between the regulatory legislation to the possibil- colliery when a cage, descending with taken at either Moe's or Pratt's stores awarded the Chicago Alumni award. the city 'of Ann Arbor, the object be-
Liberal and Conservative factions is ity that the state department had pro- eight miners, was struck by 100 tons for senior engineer caps and gowns, and $100 in cash in addition to repre- I ing to keep it as strictly non-coummer-
being undertaken by three prominent tested direct communication from of water piping which collapsed. The Ralph B. Ehlers, '27E, committee sueating the University in May. Second cial as possible. The Junior Girls'
naPresident Calles to Senator Boah, not wreckage put the pit pumps out of chairman announced yesterday. Canes honors carry an award of $50 play has evolved from a simple be
native Nicaraguans-two Liberals and routed through normal diplomatic action and sent the cage crashing 280 should be ordered at Wagner's as soon Prof. Lewis M. Eich will catch the ginning,sthe first play being an un-
one neutral. channels. Another suggestion was I yards to the bottom of the shaft I as possible in order to insure delivery, winner for the intercollegiate contest. pretentious drama given by the
With the acquiesence of the Con- f that negotiations might be in pros- where nine men were working. and all seniors are urged to give these Professor Eich, when in Michigan, juniors In honor of and to entertain
servative president, Adolfo Diaz, and pet to extend the life of the Mexi- ;_juiorsinh___rofadtoentetai
sth e prvalsofe Amerian au- cn-Ameiand clis com hmission to '~Tmatters their immediate attention. won first place in the University Ora- the seniors. At present this tradition
the approval of the American au- can-American claims commissions to torical contest. This will be the first is adhered to through setting apart
thorities, they will start tomorrow to expire within a few months. fisher De versNew CONTEST year in the past 30 odd years that the f st night othe weto seniors
find the chief Liberal general, Jose It was pointed out, however, that T V aMANYETProf.tehomas C. Trueblood has notihoiattendtnemsektasur
MoncadaicsomewhereVinrthe.Mataga- correspondencehoscurt1ewhfreuentlyen CeatsfiaToer a supper
Moncada, somewhere in the Matagal- correspondence occurred frequently e re FOR TEN MILE SWIM coached the University representative. usually held at Barbour gymnasium.
pa region, and try to induce him to between the two governments without TR PProf .NTrue"lodiss edi" theIwi"m
give up his campaign in behalf of the even the fact that comunicationsjUy Associated Prcss) ter in southern Florida. dent Affairs first gave permission for
Liberal president, Juan B. Sacasa. (beensoexchangeds)debtAingismadet paeb-emissinAll
had been exchanged being made pub- HARRISBURG, Pa.,March 1-Gov- All students who are interested 'in the Presentation of the Junior Girls'
They hope to be able to convince lie. Most of these interchanges were ernor John S. Fisher today issued a Charts and other means of check- the contest are requested by Professor play to both men and women a few
General Moncada that further fight- on minor questions it was said. new certificate of election of William ing up on those enrolled in the Ten Eich, of the public speaking depart-
ing is useless and that it would be to There was a general disposition toS. Vare to replace the "certificate of Mile swim which opened yesterday in ment, to register in room 3211, Angell years ago, it did so with the distinct
the advantage of all concerned for accept at face value the statement doubt" handed him by former Gover- the Union pool proved far inadequate, hall at their earliest convenience. en in Ann Arbor only, hoping to pre-
him to take a step which would re- that the note did not concern the oil nor Gifford Pinchot. so popular has this new contest be-
j come, according to Union pool officials' I vent it from becoming commercial-
stilt in peace. They will point out and land law question. Whether the ?"0I
ssgiv-noteaiheyptut deinwes W- t he new certificate sets forth that' ' i KEN NEDY TROUPE ized. This year, however, the com-
especially that the opportunitynote is destined for simultaneous pub- Mr. Vare was duly chosen by the qual- in charge. More than 80 swimmers had RENDERS P AA mittee felt that by pesetingthe pay
en the country to have prosperity lication in Mexico and Washington at. ified electors of the state, whereas the enrolled last night. LAY AT , in Detroit, junior women would have
and free elections in accordance with some future date is not known but Pinchot certificate had stated that Mr. The 36 inch loving cup, upon which HILL AUDITORIUM an opportunity to materially av
the-proposal which President Diaz has there have been no preliminary ini- Vare "appears" to have been chosen the names of those who cover the teL an orn's aerilly aid
submitted to the United States gov- mations here that an additional se- on the face of returns. milesbbefore June 1 will be engraved, Ie whomens eague ng fund
ernment has been mounted and placed on dis- Charles Rann Kennedy, assisted by drive which ends In June, and create
ernment. rious controversy with the Clies ad- In issuing the substitute certificate s publicity for the fund among be-
Two United States officers-Maj. T. ministration had developed the governor stated that the Senate play above the main desk in the lobby, hisnwife, the former Edith Wynnepuityrs
S. Clarke, of the Marine Corps, and itefIstejdeo i lcinad In addition to having his name plac- Mathison, and Margaret Gage, pre- troters.
Lient. E. J. Moran-will accom~pany B A W LL TA t hat venorshouldmerelyattas ed on the trophy, which will soon be sented "The Salutation" last night in
BEIL 1W ILL START 3tto pemnndipa nerteaoeofheeglr /ANR
Word ofae iingoairan.ii N A ATI N T IPa transmitting agency between the ptonIeren ipla erte'Hl ioium son fth euANNUAL FROSH FROLIC
Word ofath viteg on a train in ON VACATIONnTRdte Seate pool, eachmembe' nwhocompletes the numbers on the annual Oratorical As- TO BE HELD MARCH 1
Nicaragua on which several American "Inasmuch as the duty of the Gov- 1 704 lengths of the tank within the I sociation lecture series. The play, H DH
Marines were riding as guards has Regent Junius E. Beal, accompanied ernor is purely administrative and specified time will be given a medal I written by Mr. Kennedy, was one HOUSTON IS CHAIRMAN
been received by the Navy depart-i by Mrs. Beal and Miss Loretta Be( has nothing to do with elections," lie by the Union. The total distance, the which dealt with the life of Dante,
ment at Washington. No one was in- will leave this afternoon on a vacation said, " grante the appicatio of M rules state, must be covered by swim- and united modernism with mysticism
jured andy the fire was returned. The trip to Europe. The party expects to Vare for a certificate in the form ming 1-4 to 1-2 mile at a time, seven in the interpretation of the "Divine
Cr d" criiat nte om chairman, will lead the Grand March
incident occurred last week. sail from New York tomorrow'. recommended by the United States !days a week if necessary, according -omoeda. I at the Frosh Frolic to be held Friday
Plans for the trip are indefinite, ac- Senate" Ito Mat Mann, swimming coach. Coach 'evening March 18, in the Michigan
'cording to Mr. Beal. They expect to M\r. Vare defeated 1Mr. PmnchuL and ;anmybefon at the poo duringUnobalrm.D cigwlhefm
vistEIRTYaCl" fst,Bthen motor ug Unied SatesSenat rGeore W regular hours to explain any further! A review of last night's per- o 2:00 o'cloc
RESTS W ITH JURY France and Englarnd. The tour will ton Pepper for the republican nomina- regulations and to register contest- formance of "The Salutation" Steinwick's 12-piece orchestra fiom
probably take them from eight to ten ion in the primary campaign. ants. The event is open to all Union' I will be found in the Music and Elkhart, Ind., has been engaged -to
(Dy Associated Press)rama Column. I play at the Frolic, it was announced
FEDERAL COURT,' NEW YORK, Mr. Beal graduated from the Uni- --at a committee meeting held last
March 1.--In a din and littered room1 versity with the degree of B. L. in ieseree XW il Mr. Kennedy, one of the better
in which another jury argued for 65 1882. From 1882 to 1904, h was edi- lknown of modern playwrights, and the Approximately 250 tickets for the af-
hir 'tor and publisher of the Ann Arbc' celled B Court At dSmoker founder of the Millbrook school of fair will go on sale the first of next
hours to a disagreement 12 men again Courier aid Times, and during the foude o teScholofwekntt botmiotekeird;s
are trying to decide the guilt or in-' Liberal and Applied Arts at Millbrook, week at a booth in the Union and also
nocence of former Attorney-General next two years( a mem o the (y Associate Press) P! Cook Little will N. Y., was remembered for his appear- in Angell hall. They will be priced at
- gnHueo ersnaie.M.(President Clarence Cappear-l will$5.00.
Harry M. Daugherty and former Alien Beal is now nearing the end of a 16 WASHINGTON, March 1.-Edward address a Hillel smoker to be held at Chere two years ago with "o'n h The following committees were ap-
year term as regent of the University. L. Doheny will lose $21,686,928 as a 7:30 o'clock Thursday at the MasonicC pointed last night: Tickets, Allen
ler. +________r'elt of tie Sumpreme or eiinpouto atngtwstesm
s Temple.President Little will speak on Oproduction last night was the same n and Raymond Palm, Orchestra,
The jurors were given the case at BA Ko4ILBU Lf yesterday cancelling his leases of Owenyp fdam stati hchh a
of BANK y WILL BUIstudent problems, which will be dis- een intereasted peiusly. James Allen, Favors, Jane Hickey,
1:10 o'clock this afternoon, followimng the lk Hills, California, oil reserve cussed in ain informal mannier. I ___y_______'_Decorations, Harriet Lawlor and
a two homur charge by Judge John C. NEW STRII UCT UREIi from the Navy department. The nature of the smoker is for the Ch '1r ti af i-. ncA..Riu;.
Ch' AI'l'rr H lU' Chipv AJI B~UI~
Knox. United States Attorney Emory -- Of this amount $9,900,000 in cash is students to get better acquainted and om m ttee low; Art, John Pennman.
F. lucknor concluded a summation Completion of negotiations invor- held by the receivers who have oper- have prominent campus men talk on i Chaperones for the Frolic were an
that had consumed two days in the Iing $1,250,000 for a 99 year lease on( ated'the reserve during the litigation. interesting problems. At the first C o per To H old Seat, nounced as follows: President Clar-
half hour between the opening of i property at the southeast corner of It represents the value of the oil he Ihillel smoker, held last fall, CoachT Ience Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Dean
court and the judge's charge. The jWashington and Main streets was an- 'received as a royalty payment for Fielding H. Yost and Benny Friedman-- Mortimer E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley,
jurors were taken to hunch before be- nounced yesterday by Hobert F. working the deposits on the reserve. addressed the gathering. (By Associated Press) Dean Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd
ing permitted to start their delibera- j Gauss, cashier of the First National The balance represents expendi- Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, will also WASHINGTON, March 1-Impeach- Dean Hugh Caot and Mrs. Cabot,
I . I'nn Ail iAll , za frv,, e for, a! hanr,,on I r r. , s ., el b t r c m rl y ihn Tn n v n icl !en ,,;, ,m l+nl,! , , ,, -m- n r e .i n tt.,... .a_ . -.,.., .-
Cf the Princeton Student Council as a
protest against the university ruling
against undergraduate maintenance of
automobiles was "perfectly justified".
in the opinion of the Spectator, stu-
6ent publication of Columbia univer-
"It (the council) had passed a sane
ruling on a problem that came within
its jurisdiction," said the local campus
ormin. "It refused to listen to dicta-