SATURDAY, J3AMY 2 ), 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FT IM _ - - 0 nt I wilm A 4 .r r l re i .._. . LEAlA LPAI 'ellowships Assist FIGHTS FOR SHORT' Blind Student Is Successful At State II ZETA TAU ALPrAMichigA FOR, WORKERS Colee;Teachers , 1Fu rmMchgn olgAssist By Reading she is able to mrove front place to place onl the camphJus With little dif- ficulty. This year Mhiss 'IMa Crindie is coni- . NOTICES 'TIT tollowingbaktllgie will beplay'ed til: m1orning a ;t 10 (I ','': ''e a [i Alh Ci 1. 111110 V I INNUYI 110 il-L onltimne Studies'I Tr.1Delta IDefeats Rappaino--, ppa(:aM- ma; Zone 14 and liapp,,ilAlpha A' Theta Forfeit t hclgg n will be represented abroad th ~v by four iunliidual3 who are twa:e 1.n ~onrnationa I fell owships. The w , :. z, r,: J:k . _^ yl "fii~:?, :. j a~orie Nicholson, holder of SCOR R EEONE9 SID D!ar-F Ieheim lfellowship, and l who 1is :. stuina; g in England. 'Phe second is Zd TauAlphadefea ,3 Martha.. Guernsey, '22, P.11. 1D.; at tih Cheever house by a score of 51 to 4 ;preseNt time an instructor in pyseho0- 1 in the basketball game yliaf-~ logy, and who holds a Social Science, ternoon ~t Barbour gymnnasiuml. IBe- Research fellowship to s idy-genetic ter team work enablet.1I ict~or'ious pyschology in Germany. This fellow-1 quintet to keep the ball in their ship starts with the second semester possession the greater part of thej of this year. time, the successful placing of baskets IMliss Guernsey was active in campus by the forwards, Erma Goodwillie, '28, activities during her four years of col-j ::\' .i~t. .r. usin 1 tinuing her st udy of music a nal hopes Nancy MacCrindle, formerly a stut ii> other folks," said Miss MacCrin-;in the future to enter theCnimnt (ldent of the Lansing School for the, &Me in an i erview recently. ''I know ' Conservatory' oft usic, weesewl B lind, together w ith 5~x o thers from ibt? 1 .-sho ld spend m ost of my t aspicti ne ' twmith: concert w o.rk o2 I1 21 i '.1 ; 1 ' it that inst it ution, is a stdcu t Mi vi - ~eIlgsorry for people." This is heri gan State college. It was at the en- i~cn year at the college, and al-,,t otae. t, thisrnniworkto s'' lilafo< couragement of the superintenu lti of th;uh her major interests lay in her musical edileatiohi. She is known the school for the blind that she en- ui she didl not study it last year. as a keeni thinker andl a st lidettof teredl college, for he wanted(1to prove Teaichevs at the School for the Blind Ihumnm nature. that those afflicted with blindness aidled her in carrying the regular__________ could go to a regular college and ad - course of study by reading her les-' Gold jewelry is the most ppli vance as readilv as their more for- sons to leer. F{rom necessity Misstyeoora ntowbigudiy tunate brothers. Aliss iJlaccrindie ac- MacCrindle has acquired a keen sense tp fonmn o en <"lb ILondon milliners as -hat ornaments-. Cording to the superintendent hias of memorizing, which suppliments proven a very convincing example. the reactions of eyesight. It took her 1 "I'm sometimes glad that I cant see a while to become established but now 1 k a i ,I _t i 5 0 t O t-D o ,!T i i! at the1' !A ny intram ural teir isigt prat 'ebaketball during th,' com- ingr, wee of iiE'xamixnatioviS:. may (10doso atan im btTuesday an Fi'day Vt 10 o'l. byv' calling the p' hysical edca tion ofice. 4 4 andic Merle Rtaine, '29, conlstintly in- Screasing the score in their favor. Catherine Fisher, '30, and Sylvia ~, Baird, '29, did distinctive work for the Slosing team. Following"Is the line-up: 1(1(Ilia Chiever h~otse Zeta fi . C. Fisher..... ..F......._Goodwillie S S. Baird.........+.......... V..Jta~ne I. Smith..... ..C......... A. Felske F . Macauley... .S. C........ D. Straub G. Fox.......... G........1. Gustine I. Ballantine.... G.......... Waters another one-sided score Was theire- suit of, the game between Delta Delta D~elta and Kappa Kappa Gamma, the score being 31 to 1 in favor of the Sformer. Despite the goodl floor work Sand strenuous playing of Irene Field, '2L -o the defeated _five, the1(,op- p fn:'orwarids -repeatedly see gred tte.J an td shot' it rothh 'e .net. The ine-uip was as follows: E-ap v_"R. 13rI~txt ',ft a . I . B~ell ... ..F..........f+.Foster AT. Rice......... F........Kt. Franc°is C. Kelder........C........... (roff' 1LI. Wescott.. 5. .. ......1A. Rice 1. Field.........G.:..... A. Utlsw orth F.'_Mazrston.. ,...G........ Ame riine Sub 1 . (rui Zone ,14: forfeited- to Alpha (Chi 't Omega and Kappa Alpha TheltaI,, Kappa Delta. ., At the present time the houses that a .,re ahlead in the" baskei ball tourn- I anet ateMartha Cool,-(dorumnetry, II- en New berry residIence, Betsy I'ar:1 ur ho jsc, Zeta "Tau Alphi Auand kappa~o' Delta. ... heeteamts have Awon three .gam~es-apiece by playing. or thr~ough forfeit. Games will be suispenid dur- ing examinations, but Ithe toun ma>>7 ;1t Will be resumed the first week of the p new semester. CHANGE LN T"YLE (By Associated Press) LANSING.-No change in the Uni- versity of Michigan of 1927 and the University of 1859 is more obivious than that of women seen on campus and their manner of dress, according w to George D." Chafee, the oldest liv, ing graduate oC the law school, who has written to the Michigan Hristori- cal Commission following his first vis- it to Ann Arbor after an absence 01 60 years. y ATl 'HE DETROIT ThEA TERS loge, rhaving been Wvomen's euitor ofj the Michiga~n Daily the Michigan- ensian, and the original Chimes maga- zine. She is also a member of the ,honorary organization of Mortar iHoardl, Stylus and Sigma Xi, and of the gen.eral sororities Sigma Alpha Iota and ('hi Omega. . TI'ho 0other 1two holder~sofforeignj telIc wshi ps this year from MichiganI are Prof. Ralph, Sawyerwho is studyl-I Home-like cooking. Meals at a reason~able price in everyf xvav, at the ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT I i ing in Berlin on a Guggenheim fellow- In its tight for shorter hours for ship, and Prof. Carter L. Goodrich1 working people, the National Con- who leaves next sem ester for Austra- sumer's league has a stlwart supporf.- Iha in a Social Science Research fel-jeriVMrs. G. X- Cusliing of New Jer- lowship. sey. One of the interests of the league ______________________ is the albolishment of, night work for , $ A vome~m. She is the founder and presi- INTER ST I HOM dent of the New Jersey League, and XVA1NES IN K N A 1 chairman of the industry committee _f ; of the New Jersey League of lWomen IVoters. Gentlemen -who prefer homemakers ( will have to look some place other4 Child welfare was also taken up ear- than the University of Kansas in theirj ly by the organization when it found search for them is statistics, made no restrictions on the hours of labor public there as the result of a recent and no rulings on the age of child quetotinnaire answered by the mem- workers. Mrs. Cushing's interest in bers of the Jayhawker institution, car- the work was started in the following my any weig ht.: manner: One hot (lay when she was Of 1513 young women students who comning home from the country she turned in their preferences as to what; saw an advertisement in a store win- line of work they wished to continue dwsyn httepaewudb Xter g radiuation, only seven express-: open 14 hours. Visualizing the con- t:d( a 'lesire to become homemakers.1 ditins to be borne by the clerks she Them e were 937(different occupationsI went home and wrote a' letter to the listed by the men andi women students h ead of the store. In ~return she re- ini the report, Of these 24 appealed; ceived a letter stating that the mer- to them both. Forty-eight were! chants were not responsible, but were given by the. men which dlid not ap- only meeting the demands of their - pear in the women's list, while 25 were customers. chosen by the latter which the men } scorned. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. 606 South Main St. Dial 4789 '215 South Main St. E a .a Do You Enjoy Good P~istry? You have not tasted Ann Arbor's best pastry if you have not tried ours. We Deliver. Ann Arbor Bak-ing Co. mm"d a For SPRIN(A' iI All the Are Now Being Shown at 14YARS HOESTOE 108 SO. MAIN ST. We are also, offering' all Gold and Silver Brocaded Pumps, formerly priced at $10 GIRLS! . You should come into 11he t ile shop andl see our new things in d ~1J1 aiiaty rasie~res anti lN~ i ll~~ikcIIaJ;onlE's5girdles. Just suitedI - 10 tothe midwinter (lance frocks. - Oua ~r (UIia siie rill please you and you must see our' _smart newv fringc-lninmmed Liuiollns. = Be sure and icgie us a call (lurinig the next few (lays while.° E getting ready ton the ..-Ilop and other delightful winter parties. - i~ ~ l OUAL1-YSHOP 109 West Liberty St. I- '4E ~bop H OU SE PARTY MANAGERS We are fixing up a special St. Valen- tine's Day box with a choice of our best candies --- direct from our owvn kitchens. Put bouxes,1 useful party. up in attractive heart - shaped they will make a popular and addition to any J..1-lop house 11T, SUGAR sowi I 109 South Main w-t. Phone 21414 I'~ THIEATRE$30 1) EROITWed. Mat.. I)ETIOIT75c to $1,40 heOne and Only Inimitable In a NwMsclpa GREEN FRUIT' / , , ' " ha .: 34 t 1 CAR RI CK -NOYWen~ EARL CARROLL Presents MLAFF THAT OF'" Direct frem 14 monhs at Wallack s Thcairce. . Y: Wih Ohv i !Ci. ~.Eve. &O-2,50: MalSb -S ,5O, plusear IX' ___________________________ ________s Now $5.85 Noon Lun"cheon, "Do I Sunday ,Dinner, 12 to 2 xvauee:ur..axms+ R rm .ow f; f BonstelleNIGHITS B75c Tow$2 -PLAYHOUSE- - Toes., Tlimmr,, Sat. 50~C and 7,-c 22 Hlors a N4i ow q o lms .Yw York Sbook Nyith Laughter "ALIAS THE DEA CON SHIJBERT LAFA.YErI E THIEATRIE -DETROIT 2:15--TWICE DAILY-S:15 Sunday -3ati'iees at 3-0O~ William Fox Presents THE YEAR'S G~REATEST PICTURE 'tI I i Is Done~ by Long Distance".~I COHODAS BROS. IFRUITS. VEOETABL.ES AND PRIODUCE$ iiOOGBTOkd. MICE.. January 4, lM?. Mr. R. A. Browni, Manager, Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Houghaton, Michigan. Dear Ar. Drown., I wish to thank you for the sugges- tions you have made regarding the use of long distaIce telephone service. Vie arevery much interested in this subject because the conduct of our business depends so much on the use of the telephone. In fact. I mig~ht say that all of our buying end a large portion of our selling is done over the telephone wire. These large wholesale grocers7 know the Value' of the fastest comnmunication~ service in their every- day business. i--Hop BreakfJast Served xa:: F -'F----- ,-wn~ah - o.LusekeepFin The difference between the housework of today and the housework of yesterday is the- difference between swift-moving, labor-saving electricity and the slow, ( toilsome work of the hands. There is an electric appliance for ,} ' "DELICIOUSLY every household task. They are A 4 a Assor'Led lso Just Bon Bons H oney Chips, Maple Walnuts, etc. Til 0CNI easy to buy, cheap to operate, and saving of time and health. Your cooking, washing, ironing, sweeping, dishiwashing and what not can be done in a fraction of l L.