SI'\DAY T i I Rt':1I I" 27, 1! 271
Publicai~lon Ii the Bulletin is conlstructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p.,im. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
F 1. llowrani, of Syria and a member of the Club, will give a briEfi illustrated r ocuts them uipon a sing-le end, to mb
Stalk oni the history of Syria. Inlvitationi is ext ended to all thos:e Nwho are 1 Ilse he quiclty andl comletcely, andl
inter estcd in the Cosmopolitan Club or in the subject our spe aker s will yet to dlo all this withl a chiivalrou-.
cover. Those who are not able to comec for supper are wvelcome,, to comec.rcy;:rdl for tihe righLt of othiers aund ;he
later for the meeting which will start promptly at seven, ! rules of the gam,'Tis is a trahinng
Nir . 3 i i:., tPrestide id. , hat lies at the heart of all dlevelopi-
____ment. of an indi vidwil towar~id good nn~t
XRippa. Kappa Psi : usefil (cit izenship.
I\Iecti, Sunday, Februar'y27, tat 5: 00 P. M. in Room :308, Michigan "Most of the coaches in the country,
tUnion. I and all in the Big Ten. are coll('ge"
C. ('.Iliostrui). trained mnen. They have their placf.
-iii the schieme of educaftion and, for
Combined Curricula:
Application for admission to the combined curricula in Ltters and
Medicine, Letters and Law Letters and Dental Surgery, Letters and Nurs-
ing, and Letters and Business Administration for the fall of 1927 must
be rpade before April 20. Application cards may be obtained by calling
at the Recorder's office, Room 4. University Hail.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Transfer to MdIcti School:
Students who desire to apply for admission to tle Medical School for
the fal of 1927, not on the combined curricula, may leave their names
at the Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hall.
Florence Ifoir, Recorder.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Michigan Artists Exhibition is open to the public every afternoon
until March 7th.
B. 31. Donaldson, President.
To the Patrons of the Oratorical Association:
The Kennedy's, whose engagement Nas postponed from Nov. 23, will
appear in hill Auditorium on Tuesday evening in "The Salutation." Sea-
son ticket coupon number four will be honored. If this coupon has been
lost, present another one at the box-office and a new ticket will be issued.
Carl G. Brandt, Financial Manager.
Free-Lance Writing:
I shall be unable to meet the class in Free-lance Writing on Monday
evening, February 28.
1ona Hamilton IHaines.
Freshmnan, Group-M~r. Clark's:
There will be a meeting at my residence, 14 Ridge Way, Monday,
February 2 8th, at 7 :30 P. M.
A. L. Clark.
Condition Exam. Ceinstry 61:
The examination for dental students who received a "D" in Chemistry
'61 during the past semester will be given Saturday, March 5, 1927, from
912 A. M. Room 410 Chemistry Building.
Leigh C. Anderson.
Preliminaries, University Oratorical Contest:
The preliminaries leading to the University Oratorical Contest have
been arranged as follows: for Juniors, Tuesday, March 8; for Sophomores,
Wednesday, March 9; for Senors, Thursday, March 10. All contests will
be held in Room 3209 A. H. at 4 P. M. Those wishing to compete should
register in 'Room 3211 A. H.
L. Eich.
Civil Engineering Students:
Professor John S. Worley will lecture in Room 411, West Engineering
Building at 10 A. M. Monday, February 28th, and 10 A. M. Tuesday, March
1st, on Transportation. His lectures this month will be on Early Automotive
All members of the senior Civil Engineering class are requested to
attend. Classes in all Civil Engineering subjects scheduled at these hours
will be dismissed. Students taking work in other departments at these
hours must arrange for excuse in the usual manner, if they desiqe to attend.
H. F. Riggs.
Graduate Students in Chemical Egineering:
The regular monthly luncheon will be Tuesday, March 1.
Alfred H. White.
I am anxious to communicate with anyone who has had the Army Alpha
Intelligence Test at least five years ago and who also know their numerial
score. Such communication is for research work and there being so few
who answer these requirements that I beg any such individual to see me.
Howard G. Sa~ih,
Room 252 Natural Science Bldg. Phone Univ. 145M.
Psychology 33, 35, 37:
Make up examination Wednesday at 3 P. M. in Room 364, N. S.
W. B. Pillsbury.
Choral Union:
General rehearsal, men and women, Tuesday, March 8th, at 7:00 o'clock.
No ~ehearsal for women Thursday, March 3rd.
Earl . Moore.
Geography 2 and 32:
Lecture seating list is now posted on the bulletin board near boom 25
Angell Hall.
- P1. F. James.
Aerg Engneers :
Mr. Grover Loening will deliver a lecture before the Detroit Aero
Club, Monday, February 28, at 8:00 P. M. at the Book-Cadilac Hotel. All
interested are welcome.
F. W. Pawowski.
Senior Literary IDues:
Checks may be mailed to C. Russell Pryce at 123 Geddes Avenue..
Send cotect'amount. Dues are prerequisite to obtaining programs, in-
vitatons, caps and gowns, canes, senior ball tickets, and 'other activities.
Receipt will be returned.
C. Ruissel Pryce, Treasurer.
4rmn u106:
The class in German will meet Wednesday evening instead of Monday
for this week.
J. A. C. lildier.
Botanical Seminar:
Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, March 2, at 4 :30, 13173 N. S.
Bldg. Paper by 'M. *W. Seusitius-"Inido-Malayan flora with particular ref-
crence to Java."
It. A1.lDavis.
Mr. M. L. Frederick, Director of Business Training' courses, and Chester
II. 'Lang, '15, Comptroller of Budget, General Electric Company, will be in
room 402, Michigan ,Union, Monday, February 28, and Tuesday, March 1,
to present opportunities offered by the General Electric to Business School
and Literary College students interested in their training program and work
with their company.
C. S. Yoaikum.
(cnl nu d fromt Page Three)
selected group of students and his suc play.1
* ::2~f'. .:.:***'': results achieved by his students in agree '4-ceasatahrimaurlbyhe t e
ccmpetition with other groups. 11 cepted
'~ s;etimres wonder what effect a simr- "Thi:
\' rlar system of testing would have on deoc
~ ~ ' ~ teachers of other subjects in the uni- strongc
a 4 ersity; suppose, for example, a teach- but it
.- oel of history was asked to place ten, all act
of his pupils in comlpetition aainst is to in
-ro - t ten snimilar puails front another insti- for all
= 4 w %tutionr and that hi job depended upon of the
the outcome of the contest. Such a respect
systemr has the advantage of keeping "And
ft'.x the coach always on his toes, but it i While
elso has the disadvantage of making the co
*his job insecure and surrounding him( the at
Harr~y 1Pi~ with unnecessary concern, as to the I trol an
*tenure of his office. Too much em-
Who clani ps his earphones oni unIderitea thh Pis diver's suit before de- apai ntepr fteauripIr
sc eding Ito the bottom of torpus C",ri tU bay, where he ienployed iii15 hasvi n theowpa reomtealumnibupoen
feet of water 'coniiectjIig pipes for a pine ai. The arrangement enables ilim uwinnith ow, n a.t animoussbren
to listen to)(')1cI'tcrsfrom )all over' thr.e (r iSVN01i aonebeneath the sni 1)01te oc, nfcta mpsil
burden. fl
faeotewte.I"Ol most Saturdays during e fl
Ithere are ten conference University
the University high S lbool wil addir;','sfiu re organization. All members !football teams in action. Not more
C and their guests are urged to at tE.., l pr'onr yii.I than five can win. The probability of
Mrs,.(Cirl L Wic~urh, ]'residen. winning in eight consecutive Saturdays
Facil Wouin'sClb:is exceedingly small, yet there are
Facuisr YunerlS Clb: a good many Universities where cer-
Members and their gue0stS ', ill play c ar d. at the Michigan Union Thurs- i tamn elements of the alumni consider
day, March 3, at two o'clock. lReserva'ions hou1l be ade with Mirs. Dow the football season unsuccessful, ~n- I
i (telephone 9 127). less the team goes through the entire
M1rs. I iyiam Framyer. season undefeated.
_______"There are other features of inter-
Faculty Wouiac in~ lb: jcollegiate competition that are fully
Dane 'or 'arrly ai~iAlciini t i 1 ^',' Aadey Tresayeveing ias deserving of consideration, in esti-
Marc 1, t nne ocloc. mating the value of the season, as is
?[rs. Willimi Fra~yer. the percentage column. As an agent
___________of educatiol, competitive sport hasI
certain ver.y real functions to per-I
(ail ~cV4IPck _______
A meeting of Quar-t erdech: will be lb Tuesday, March 1, 7:t)0 P. AT.,
at the Union, Room 306. A >a per "The layini -up and the Fitting-out of
Shilps' will be presented by the Comnmcdoi e.
1 , P . e ito n, ;te ar l.
One of oar Sunday Night Su ppers ill be held Sunday, February 27
(today) at six 1. M. in the Auditorium of Lanoe Hall. The peaker will SOMETrHI
be Mr. Naseem Saybaab,a Syrian resident of Egyp, -who will take as his
subject "The renchl Mandatory System s Applied to Syria" Mr. Raja 85(
-. ~ ~ *~ ~Type your themes at
Special Prices on ani Exq1jivitc UG in' your Fra-
teniyColors nd it your 'Emnblem.
r 925 Church St. Phone 3155
~ ~___________________________________________
form. P7
tory for
i Wi
L a 1c
is not
hie abid
?rimnarily, it serves ats a labor'the most hart, are fulfilling te
the raiingof ctiznshp. Junction with credit.
RU IC o~c n 11a'er'But, may I mnake this final appeal
iluls t~v~r l'Iyef to you Uiniversity men? The value of
enever boys play games to- your coach must be judged by his sue -
they have a definite set of r'ules cess as a teacher and a developer of
ernl their conduct. SometimesI men and not by any other standardt.
may think that a certain rulel It nec'essar'ily follows, however, that,
as it should be. Nevertheless,.Jwhlen other things are equal, the best
ides by the rule or he doesn't taching will result in the most vic-
That is true self government, tories.
along each individual must i Slpori snJshiil Expetedi
to the rules of the game as ac- "'Today when one goes to a coill 1
by the majority.I football game, it is taken for grAnw(1
is is a fundamental principle of that hie vill see a high qua'.lty of
.atic civrilization. It has its sportsmanship on the playing field. No
?st appeal in our' great gaines, one expects anything else from the
must also be c'arried over into players. Tfhis, it seems to ine, is ai very
,vities of life. If our civilization high tribute to the work of the college
nean anything more than a free c o ches. We expect the boys to c'one
1we must get the pIersp~e'tive c-an We expect them to conduct
playgroundl. I'very citizen 'must! themselves as sportsmen and gentle-
;every law. inmeni. We will not countenance con-
Sthat is the job of t he ('oach.' duct fromi a player that might mar the,
others teach about citizenship i gamte. AWhy can we not apply the same
ech teaches the thing itself. On standards to the alumni and others
hletic fieldl a boy learns to con- whose part in the contest is in the
ad command his own powers, to stands?
Fletcher Dining Hall
915 Sybil fit.
Open 7 : ,') A. Af. to Midmnight
$5.50 for $5.00
Meal Boar
Rooms, $3.60) per week.
M1aid service- lot and cold water lin each rooum.
(Club privileges.
L. V. KIMBRELL, Manager
- --PA IR- - - --N- - - - -
You will like our
We Are Authorized Dealers
cna, e ington and oyal
Office Machines, your favorite
make, for rent (good machines).
Rider's Pen shop
315 State Stree'
' I-j'iY; W . k / s.LG0."L" .
: aLosic
Reserved Seats $1.00
rueda, arch 1,8 p. m.
- On Sale at Slater's.
Michigan Dawes :-
The regular meeting of the Michigan Dames will occur in t he F aculty 1
'Women's Club rooms, 226 S. Ingalls, Tuesday eveniing, March 1, at "a:rye sharp
for important business meeting after which Mrs. Cannon of the faculty of
; " L
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1 17% L21'
e 0
t o
A lcx
See what
has to
sav in
I saps I:
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