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January 29, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-29

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffics at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson°
City Editor.................Irwin A. Olian
Fredcrick Shillito
News Editors............. Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor......... .Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick 1
Marion Anderson Miles Kimball
Alex Bochnowski Milton Kirshbaum
Jean Campbell Richard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Clarence Edelson . Kenneth Patrick
Earl W. DeL La VergneMorris Quinn
William Emery James Sheehan
Alfred Le° Foster Nelson j. Smith, Jr.
Robert E. Finch Sylvia Stone
Robert Gessner William Thrurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. Glencer Herbert . Vedder
Harvey J. Gtderson Marian Welles
Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski
Morton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow
Paul Kern

sions throughout China, including ex-
As was true of the American offer
to negotiate new treaties, the proposalq
displays an attitude similar to that
shown in the extraterritorality agree- I
ment of several months ago. In addi-
tion, however, it demonstrates a con-
scientious desire on the part of the
British government to settle the diffi-
culty as soon as possible. Rather3
than wait until the civil conflict with-
in China is settled, as the American
plan almost necessarily must do, Eng-
land has indicated that it will deal
with both the Pekin and the Can-E
"tonese governments. In this way, they
will show no preference to either fac-
tion; they will be dealing with the
representatives of all the Chinese peo-
ple; and at the conclusion of the in-
ternal struggle they will be able to
operate under their new commercial,
treaties, previously prepared, while
the other countries will stiil be in-
volved in diplomatic action. Although
England is required to deal with the
situation more intimately than any
other nation, it seems that she is now
pursuing a more advanced policy than
is the United States.
The effect which this move may have
upon concerted action of all world
1 powers concerned in China is quite
interesting. ,With America and Eng-,
land both moving toward separate
action, it would seem that the united
action which might naturally ;follow
from the extraterritoriality agreement
might be pigeon-holed. On the other
hand, the initiative displayed by Eng-
land and the United States may dead
all the other nations concerned to a
general settlement. At any rate,* if
either England or the United States
succeed in making a settlement, it
will pave the way for better rela-
tions between China, whatever gov-
ernment it may have, and the rest of
the .world.
When the University wants to train
a football team it schedules practicej
games; when it wants to train a base-
ball team it sends it on a southern
trip; when it wants to train debaters,

t% :Fif~~~~~~~~litff r lIIIUJ IIIII111 111i1 flilli iltlillililillif11111"111111111111F nr lltlgng u11111111111111111ill 1111111tigggii ll1111
__ __ __ __3
;} W A N'IE1)-
What this country needs is an efli-:l
iTONGT: Comuedy Club presensi
cient weather bureau. If the Repub- t - F' (;°r
licans can't make up their minds s aler t :3(? o'clock. F 1or our Conven efce-Two r sCompetely t ke
whether to call his winter or sum- -
mer, let's put the Soealists in. -I'll! )ED USAWN LCTURE
A e ciw, y Vincent WallGH
Any party that can spend millions
TB hde estgct qualifications of trle arAth
to put a man in office ougtht to be able etqaiiat~so rea- 21
1o scare up a couple of thousand to tistry are sufficiently vague to make'- a g:
provide stabilization of the weather Mr. Shawt n hesitate, and apparently _________________________ ____________l__i__lll________lII IN 111i 11t111 11111y1g t11lllllllllttl111111111111

industry. A subsidy would help a lot.i
* * *t
Where you waded yesterday you?
slide today, and probably will bake in
the warm glow of the sun tomorrow.
We had it all arranged to go cutter
riding last night, and then the weath-
er man spoiled the fun by sending
rain. We wanted to go with an u-
brella and slickers, but couldnt get
an umbrella big enough for the horse.
* * *
Perhaps we can get one of those
cutter rides in tonight. Unless the
roads get too dusty.

for this reason he limited them to his
trade. There are those who dance for
their living-all the low comedy per-
sons cf the revues and such! 'there
are those wlio love the shows for their
blattan pn01l;city; and then there is
the artist, willi; to make the sac-
rhices and work tirelessiy for the
perfection that success demands.
Now all this did sound like bunk
y.steirday afternoon in University hall F

4 0 O



It 18 2 O tilfle to make sure that your
o ntain Pen is ready for Exams. We will
charge you'nothing for looking it over, or better yet, buy a
The pen that won't balk or run dry in the middle of an exam.
Holds enough ink for ten exams. Six to twelve times as much
ink as other pens.

Rider's Pen Shop

Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising...............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising............George 11. Annable, Jr.
Advertising............Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation ......... ......T. Kenneth Haven
Publication............... .John 1. Bobrink
Accounts ................Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Ray Wachter.
Melvia H. Baer J. B Wood
I3. M. Brown Esther Booze
Florence Cooper I!ilda Binzer

horses are as frisky as the cutter
boys say thiey are. (Don't send floiiers
unitil yOu make sure we took tile
- CIPY SUNDAE LATrEsT audit 0rium when Mr. Sh awn wxas Wai 1
Fame has at last come to Clippy. lyhoolng the cosmoPolite- ci thn im
Baseball players have candy bars pus. Eut it is really tine. The stage
named after them, and there are csi- in itself, and dancing is primarily a
gars bearing the names of the greatest (wing 01 the stage. has an appeal that
statesmen in our history, but Clippy ikeeps t hem all in the harness foi'
has an ice cream sundae specially years 01 o'ourso' Mr. Shawn places his
concoctedl to honor her. arit (in an inlinhi ely higher level than
* * * Variety and~ musical comedy with their
This "Clippy Special"' is a great jiot(ers andI slapdVsh comedians, or
dish, too, and Clippy herself would be any c f the othieri theatrical genres.
glad to eat one. Perhaps she will B3ut thle applhcation i emamis the same.
some day, if she ever runs away from1 Tii whle at of dant cing ithe in-
the campus white house again. rreaiosnthlnsad 'th
* * * the micaninug that is to be conveyed.
Whenwe eardaboit tis ew dshThe costumes and setting that are used
we chased right OVer 1 ( the Betsy aeol tnenso(Iawgtm
RPss shnn. and tnld themm wo thouight di~,o. The ntural shl idn
a an

315 State Street













Daniel Finley t.rionrA.eDaiel who differ from athletes in that they
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
. L y Hulse Selrna M. Janson may accomplish something with their
R. A. Meyer Marion KerrI
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading training after they leave school, it
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith tringafethylvesolt
HarolyTalcott anrece Wimonier herds them into a class, lets them
work for a semester, and then givesI
about a third of them 17 minutes on
the platform as the extent of their
SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1927 vast training.
About fifty men are interested
Night Editor-CARLTON G. CHAMPEI enough in debating at Michigan to try
out for the class. Fifteen of these, or
IRRECONCILABILE ATTITUDES a tew more, are taken into this class.
Last week the Senate Committee on Then, after they all work for nearlyI
Student Affairs considered the peti- a semester, developing one of the
tion of three fraternities to give most valuable qualities that an Amer-4
dances in conjunction the week-end ican citizen can have, the ability to
of the Junior Hop. The petition was express himself, six of these fifteen
granted, but with the provision that are chosen to compete with a teami
no outside guests could be invited to from another university. This is the
the two evening parties, and only one opportunity that Michigan offers to
guest per man at the afternoon dance. the man who aspires to some degree
This action was taken en tho grounds I of proficiency in the field of public
that the responsibility was divided be-j speech.
tween three houses and the dances It is not that more debates could
would therefore be more difficult to I not be easily scheduled. Harvard,
control. Yale, California, Kentucky, all sec-
fraternitytions of the country are anxious to
At the same time, one rmeet Michigan teams, and dozens of
may give a daneandsendwreni offers are turned down every year
vitationsto the entire membershipfor contests of this kind. It seems
of two neighboring houses, without rthesurdfthat aischool which
rather absurd thatashol hih
drawing down the ire of this commit- enr shol c
tee. And yet each of the three- fra-t
.it.w i itself to the training of six men, and
ternities acting together was willing giving them only seventeen minutes
to assume complete responsibility for aieceothe latform.eA footl
. apiece on the platform. A football
the dance at each of their houses.
Just how these two attitudes can be player who played with the team only
ra single quarter of one game would I
rhardly consider himself experienced.
If the University intends to interest Debaters with the same experienceI
itself in the number of persons at- are considered the fortunate few.
tending fraternity parties, it is going If Michigan has produced justices
too far. As long as one house can be of the supreme court and some of C
definitely held responsible, and can be America's leading lawyers under these
punished for infractions of rules, the conditions, it is inspiring to conceive
University has doneits part. And this what might happen if we were to give
was fully taken care of by the ruling these men half a chance here. When a
of last fall that abolished the "open" program of reform, with much press
party and led to written invitations. agenting and loud publicity, is an-
Each of the three fraternities en- nounced by the University it might be
tering the triple agreement was will- well to include, as one of the more
ing to be held responsible for the ac- modest and unsensational items, a few
tions of the men from the other houses i more debates for the men who work
while they were within its walls. t for whole semesters and never give
If each fraternity had applied for per- a public speech.I
mission, separately and invited 'the I__--_
other two, the permission would have THE PORK BARREL
been granted. Why, under these cir-j From the appearance of the rivers
cumstances, when they applied to- and harbors bill which has been ap-
gether, but1 with all three caring for proved by both the House and the
one particular party, was it not Senate, it may be judged that the day
granted? I of "pork barrel" legislation has not
To be sure, this was a ticularenieydspar.
entirely disappeared.,
case and other influences may have
determed the decision but for the When this measure was transmitted
Unieritydtoedlimiothguetflisthofto the Senate after being passed by1
Uiversity to limit the guest list of the House, it provided for expentli-I
any house, when it is willing to stand t
tures of $35,000,000. Then, in that S
responsible for its guests, is going too august body which has named co.n-.
far. Precedents once established are mittee after committee to safeguard
easily followed, and often point to the public interest, amendments were
future policy. Permission should be added which more than doubled the
granted in such cases, with it definite- appropriation.
ly understood that each house is to be The inclusion of these expensive
held responsible by the University for items which had been rejected by the
the actions of whoever may be an in- . .





d .1


$1.00 per Couple


tey ought to ay us tribute fow. Th classical technique the
use of the name ROLLS introduced to
humanity, and the faculty. ; . aasmasnohn;ti'Ete
y t * Bottom, clogging and soft shoe is
really but a perversion of older folk
T.lhey dished us lip a free sample I
_d _ - cances4 that were called into being

right away. If some of the placesI
that sell totsted rolls would. only feel.
that way about it we night partake of
some midnight lunches.
The only reason we went over after
the sundae was that we knew some-
body would think of it, and go in, in-
troducing themselves as Timothy Hay,
and demand a free sample. In order
not to embarrass anybody, we went
Virst, and tell this to you now as a

purely for entertainment, and that
have become mere show-off.
Mr. Shawn, in addition, exoneratedc
the chaice of the Denishawns in in-
corporating their Eastern numbers
into their current program, At the
end of the season, the whole company
is tired of the old routines, and is
ready to pioneer into new fields. The
public which was educated for a re-s
petition of this program condemns the
new features. Bitt if there was no
further work done in the field the
whole art of the profession would be
at a standstill, and this. is the main
purpose of the Denishawns in their
work-to create and infuse into their
work an originality and beauty thatl
can be continued.j

The futurr dominating factors
of the business world are the
young men of today. who will
take advantage of the opportu-
nities offered in our eflicient
business course.
<,cod Semester
Yebruary 14

A delicious surprise for your Sunday dinner.
Make your meals a success by servg ou
specialty ices and ice cream.
- -
DIAL 4101M
- -
"The Home of Pure Milk."
-1i1I111ilU IIilllllllllU II~iiil llilIlllii~ l1D11I~ 1:


warning that the trick won't work
s * s

i' I

Rolls will stage a big all-
campus dance tonight on the
diagonal, if the walks are as



State and William
Ann Arber



slippery as they were yesterday. "LAFF TAT OFF"- -
Refreshments will- be served in l On Mlonday and Tuesday nights,
the Clippy Stadium and En- February 7 and 8, Earl Carroll will
gineering arch. I bring Don Mullally's comedy "Laff
That Off" to the Whitney theater. The
* * * show is now at the Garrick after a
WESTERN UNION has suspended fourteen months run at Earl Carroll's
service to ROLLS. Ve weren't ableWalla k's Theatre in New Yor.
to pay the bills for the flood of tole-[ The lot deals with three young
grams expressing confidence (collect) bachelos who admit an a-tress to
in our interity. So we can't print any their apartment as their "sister' F
more. all right-they meian it. Tlhen they
* * * all fall in love with her after saying 101
A re-count has been demanded in they won't. The result is something ;
this Clippy Stadium election. We Avery -opwood and Frances Hodge-
haven't the funds to pay the salaries so Burnett might have done if they
of all the clerks needed, as the ex- he okt peculir t aThe ut it
penses of the first counting broke us. all is that it really is the New York r
cast; I think for the first time in the D
Wl "rahng ude pride Ihistory of Ann Arbor. And this re- oes
the money to finance the recoulnt r fe-es the common eomlant of the iesults?
road-which means every city in the
FOR SALE: Man's fur coat, skiis, country except New York-that theThere
violin, typewriter.-Daily classified. nderstudies and second tate 'hOss d
Taking the evidence in reverse order, p(ol'O 'replare the principals. ibere m
it looks like a disoaraged author :are thenames, if' you don't believe mco. rInv
whose landlady dislikes music, and me: Marion Wells, Pauliite Drake,
who broke an ankle on a steep hill, latte Foley, Clarence Oliver, William
and wants to go to the South Sea 'Cargaii, Norval IKeedwell and Ja'k
islands for a real rest. M'athz ws. won't vouch for th char-
* * *acte1 work, but other v se 0r. Mt
FRESHMAN are respectfully urged tyre is present ing thne seine comnpany.
to wear their pots--Student council. The work of Clarenca Oliver is wellJ
The most serious aspect of the matter known. As a character actor he lies
is that if present conditions are al- plavye Sito the George M. Ctoliain roles,
Inrro o nt~tnna x+ , - a iir"x]-czna nli 5 ~ f nt -

rerr . rrs. rrrrerr. . s re. ~,a .err., cor c ., . .i-rrr~~rr. :.i. ,rs r.o,, ,
1 ho







in inventory of this first-"month of the new year show favorable

is time yet to make the year a successful one and the best
nine wherein your policies were good or bad during this
vestigate your financial status, and change or improve
your own good.
Ytake IYourself a 'Success




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