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February 27, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-27

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ST'DAY, FET33RCAR Y 27, 1927



.. .....,THE MICH...;AN.DAILY







C ML[EPLANS Flff To Irvprove M ethods A IFLE C[LUB ACCEPTS History Of Dean's Office Shows Return
Of IstrutingBunTo Advisry Capacity Established in
RHWMAN PMP Irf Isrctn M ~, wnM WIIPA TMflI, ___

IWith Mrs. Jordan's departure, Miss N O0 T CE
Jean Hamilton camne into office. She_____
96remained until 1926. No drastic' Intercliass ganws' schedulwd for
I cangs mark her four years,al Tues day . easi follows: at 4* o'clock

I IyLIJ tlt flIt9 t~ UflI U~ Ul * * *. ..:'::: * . iithough several of the institutions or- 'freshma
U<LII Jy IIU i When D r. Eiisa Mluser was apit!nea oprdwith 10 hn r"ganized under Mrs. Jordan developed solhom4
ed first dean of woolen of the Uie-Jra eti 1922,Ito a marked degree. Foremost among ics; at
Cn i~ttee Is :'idhed Into 'territorial: . . More extensive plas including a city of Michigan inl iE96 she took her Among the more important changes;teewsteJno il'pawihf'sii
(~rotips Who Will ~oliclt Allnew system of qualification and position in an advisory capacity. The'iaguated while Mrs. Jordan was in tpeetatat lms smc o Ohm
Fisaea oe matches with outside teams were office wvas established primarily with (chrgo were the organization of room-caateio asheMhgnOpr pp
adopted by the Rifle club at a meet-'a view to aid in developing the Univer- ing hoises for women, and =tfe" ater, Dr Clarence Cook Little, coming to 'pledging
DRIVE3 BEGINS TOMORROW v g feld last Thursday noon 'at the ity women along the lines of scholar- eection of the (ornitori~g. 'S p also the University to fill President Bur-; Bellevil
Lantern Shop. Captain L. Al. Bricker, ship, social life and the like and the' saw the beginning of student self- ton's place in 1925, inaugurated a' Holt, '28
Final details are now complete for@1°> assistant professor of Miltary 5(iecflC attempt has been made to reestablish! government in the form of the judic- somewhat different plan for the Uhni- ;
the freshman drive for life member- and tactics, explained that a series of this advisory function. The question ar y council which was established i (versity as a whole. This changed the is as a
sip in the Women's league building, tests increasing in difficulty will be of housing and the deed for a con. 913. it is interesting to note that te office of the dean of women to its prs- roblem
'which opens toorrow and willcon- ::* .&**. . given, the first one being prone In- tral office also came under consider, first Junior Girls' pay was written by etsaugigbc oisoiia fla
timethrughtheweek eningMarhlviduals making a certain score in ation, in these early days although ! Ms. Jordan and the present Mrs. Tia-(ie of an advisory position. while l\
5. This marks the last campaign' this match are to receive a medalf these were much less important then di Eleanor Demmon; their combined A raie tpeet tcnit all
among undergradutates toward the vir wile those qualifying in the succeed - than they ar r today, because of the efforts appearing as "A Modern Don of three advisers of women, and one1 their ws
million dollar fund necessary before < .....~ ing ones wil earn additional bars to comparatively small number of women Quixote." Miss Agnes Wells, who took assistant. Miss Alice Lloyd is chair- furtheri
the~ building can be begun. battached to the medal: With in- ,attending Michigan at that time. part in the first senior play in 103, is man of the advisorycmiteMssacco
A goal of $18,000 has been set In *t s. eoig mr paeti Dr. Mosher is herself a graduate now dean of women at Indiana. ! Grace Richards and Miss Beatrice Mrs.P
this drive, to equal the sume raisedrilits hoped that class tem can; of the Medical school, and she joinedI About this time, also, Dr. Angell, Johnson are the other two members,' equippe
among upperclassmen in the fal. The b( ognzd the Michigan faculty s the head of President of the University and Mrs. while Mrs. Norma Bicknell Mansfield of the
committee under Evelyn Ogborn, '28 .'.'j :§: Womnen's rifle teams belonging to tho pnsical education department. Jordan formed the sociteis which is assistant adviser. reside
chairman, has been dividled into ter- thki e ofrc vi eti She served as dlean of women from have developed into Mortorboard and Atho~gh the plan has been in effect ;has had
rioilgop. ahmme fth :...> atch which will be shot offs some 896 through 1902. During her sav sh. Wvvern. too short a time to point out definite'(ent wc
time previouspto March 31. Memberthehe
committee has written a personal let-' 'ieprvostoMrh31 br' did a great deal in encouraging stn-' h office of the dean of women, results, it as set up several gas rmd
g 3p oas. ro d
ter ' to each freshman whom she is ! f h rifle team of this University dent activities. She also helped to' as expressed by Dr. Angell, was not An attempt is being made to p)ut con-I is signil
to app roach, explaining the drive an - are scheduled this week against rep- ;obtain Barbour gynsu;adpr piaiy a disciplinary organ. He pre- trol more and more into the hands At any
enumerating a few of the many ben- resuaie fWs ignaUie-snly supervised all its organization. ferred it to be more of a human rela- of the women, especially in connection will co
eft flf mmesi n h ege rs. Winifred athaway stateihig Collaee College ouhIn ~ kn19 D. ~Mosher Bet rdan tion ship, with the dean of women with the judiciary council. Miss Lloyd and its
The committee meniber has also ar-t As she is considered the best in-; 'oklnad ir.Mya.B Jrdn "just standing ready to help", particn- is particularly interested in dormitor-urine thr
ranged for a personal meeting withI formed person in the country on sight Iowa, University of Missouri, and Uni- was 'chosen hrer successor. MVrs Jor- Lardv in matters such as loan funds,-
isig rs iire ~ rversity of Cincinnati. dan held tileofcnortet ers coasip+niig odtos
each girl. saicgrsinfed Hthaway __is_______e____ adt frt ntyas!coas ,adlvn odtos
The slogan "Break Ground, June a bout to vsit 16 states as a repr- sund os of its pre'sent dtcs and;Mrs. Jordan, in speaking of her work......
1927'" seems. close to fulfillment, for sentative of the national committee for C as~o'e Lc organization were delioped under her i the lean's office, has si:"One
Msgbon a lrpotd much en-tePvetinoBlnesofwchdrtoi.W nMis Jordan took her of thie things I tried hard to do was
thusiasni among the freshmen women.slei soatdrco.Th states IFr ]eedo i 1f.~ nrm apsto hr were only five deans to know as nmany college girls as pos- ~ ~ l:;;: :;:' >.:";:,:
It is believed that this freshman class have requested the help of the na,'o women in the whole United States. sible not merely as an official bt as :.
silpoal aetefrtueo omte nognzn nirt The Uiversity then had but 45 wo- a human being."
willproablyhav th firt ue ~rtioal ommiteein oganzin That Chinese women stay at home --~---------- -- ---- ____________
the building proper as undei'grad- saving classes so that children with more than (10 American women, is the DrNOTE BOOKS AND S
uae.srosy(eetv iinsc sopinion of Fu-rut Bei, Grad, one of Everything in Supplies for the Se
ate often educated as totally blind.- seven women who have come to Mich- eaecyerie aeInFuti
eduaton igan from Gining college, Nanking, La n rmterw t
N o enGv Re s n Mrs. Hathaway will also visit theI China. "The advantages of higher ed- ndy XW ork Exceptional nittiwhtYou want we hae it
orj S communities where such sight sa-i ucation are available to only a small Phione 444 1111 South I iiiersi
Fo inn 1A ie in c lasses are already organized and number of women in China, states
mNIe b rhi ld e ade a nationwidIe study of their Miss Be. "Women who do not go topeMmb rhpP dg sy! That personal touch that is appreciated by-_______ ____ _____
methods and accomplishments, college stag, at home and learn to do ( by_
- -- - - Ifine needlework and tatting. They those who want the best is to be found here.
"Why should I become a life mem- should have an opportunity to rise ! have little leisure for Chinese women.; Our hand laundry methods Insure the finest ofI
ber of the Women's League?" In aii ef- padcl hmevseulso a ms okhr.I
benhakdasvinrsma rvefr g a League building equal to the!I Miss Bei is a graduate of Gining, ludy a 1 an ih n reiin
fo t tUnwenhs q esi n w i h i o n al t e s lv s e u l mn i a m s o ha d.gear F E B R U A RYed C L E A R .
"en sesauhrrsmafrv o Uin omnsclee salse b ieadthoaroughly pleasing in every respect. Time: 703OMOR1OWi-M()3NIA'.
lifemembrshi aproaces, ore Moreover, life members, as alum-Prtsatdnmaio.Sh ex
lif ent emb ershp ppoahesingmore Poetntdnnntos See-Plaee: JAORON'S NMILNERY lEPAII
tha twnywoe owhiin ie, will be allowed to use the League I plained that although relatively few
memberships have been interviewedI building when they return and this i Chinese women receive a college ed--SP I GATC
by reporters from The Daily on tihe privilege is expected to serve as a cation, those who do attend college re- SPRINGe HATS r
subject. Duty and desire seem to be I bond between their scatter ed class. ceive instructio'n in tie same subjects Al h eetSrv oo n dis
the combined motives which prompt mates andl their Alma Mater so that as do American studlents. English is 204 (N'ort'tl a S. Dil 396AltlrevetSau'clo n hpsv
the signing of the membership pledges there will always be the feeling ofI an important branch of study, espe- gro~up.
according to the 'general opinion of "belonging" to thle Women's League. ' cilly in the schools founded by mis- ____________
the studnts quetioned.Life membershijp is believed by aill, sionaries. At Gining the women are________________________________
Upperclassmen who have already t6 be worth while. Every woman inter-i taught history, science, mathenatics.
subscribed expressed them selves as viewedl considered thne money well in- According to Miss Bei, Chinese w-
glad to have helped the woman stu- vested. As one said, "I never spent so men who come to Michigan find iJ
dent of the future who obviously will little from which I expect to receiveI hard to get used to our custom of t ~y-
receive more benefit from the League so much." Many feel that it is a small going out to classes and for meals. In P I gg1 E g) iD FHAIIR. SEPP
builingtha thse ho re radat-amount to leave here as their share the Chinese colleges the women live
ing within the next year. to wards giving future women a head- and study together like a large fai-PesnlS
Several persons cited the fact that quarters adequate to their needs. ily.
the 'facilities of Barbour gymrnasium - - - ____ ___ __________ ___I______
have become inadequate. Women who __________________________________
have worked on various committees
are not unaware of the difficulty of Spaghettisaerxeys nth rto ao
holding meetings on the stairway. Italian S a h ti Dinner Orepoesaceprsi h r fpo
Others declared that women on this Ivdn t~atv ar ~
c~mps hae ha fo tooman., vdir attactie. FairGrooming.Q
cviu aehdfrtomn years Now Served at .
an inferiority complex; that they
]lI III iI 1111 9 11 1 1t91@999111@1191I9111@99@9I5i .. -- . - -_

n majors vs junior acadt-mics,
ore major, vs, senior academ-
5 o'clock, junior uiajors vs
mi academics, senior majors vs
ore academics.
iKappa G:anmma announces the
g of Gurtha Williams, '28, of
le, Michigan, and Margaret
, of Staunton, Va.
tmeans of solving the housing
zMiss Richards has choke
Lfunds and oriental womien,
Mliss Johnson is woikfing pri-
with women who are earning
amy through school. She is also
in,g a plan for vocational guid-
Mansfield is exceptionally well
(A to act as °assistant because
fact that the was formerly
nt of the Women's League and
ltraining in dealing with stun
men. Tihe change in the namne
ean's office to advisory office
ficant of the change in attitude.
rate the present organization
rntinue throughout this year ;
success will no doubt deter-
.e plan for next year.
ondl Semes~ter. Notebook
Pens, Study Limps. No
ity Pbone 4744
rj I LN L
AT $3.95
vi1l le featured1 !n the sale
er vi e" r
p 11


- 6--8.
22 Bond, Thiayer -
e#0l11g111111f~litB!1lilt ittt l l a

1Tucsdai.;, Thursday, Sunday Night.

Dial 961i6

5 Nickels Arcade

_.. ,,_.'--, _ ..__ _ _


1': 30 to 20004
3:3 0 to 8:00)
Paula's Coffee Shoppe
IDial 9S50
2:21. South State Streetj

,, ;
\ .
' ..--



Fashion's Smartest Styles and Colors
NE and two-
piece models
--ensembles -
K 7 new, long, tight-
4 fitting sleeves -
new square neck
P tucks- fashioned
in quality mate-
~ _1i-9Ro- ma, crepe can- 3
; , <j- ton, flat crepe
41 r 1and crepe geor-
gette in the new-
est spring shades
--Queen blue,
nomn k e y skin,
black and the
!"-'my newrose ones

0 I
! Sports, Frocks, So-Called For They
Are Youthful And Sportline
in Style
A jumper of rose jersey, for instance, or of'green, has,
I horizontal stripings in metallice thread and clever pleats
at the front of the skirt--sportslike, yet also a good
utility Frock for general every-day wear, $25. Other
I woolen frocks $15 up.
i Other dresses designed oni sportlike lines are of silk crepe
I ! with circular folds, tiers of pleats, tucking and other
sumart details, giving a little more dressy effect for wear
I ; to luncheons and informal afternoon gatherings this
j Spring. Silk frocks, $14.75 up.
A Sports Frock this Spring does not always meani a dress
i i to be worn for sports, but rather one which has been
r dlesigned along the youthful and freely moving sports
lines, so becoming to women of every age. Th ese are

ASoft, Lustrous, Carressing~
Creation in Silk
Even in texture with no streaks and knitting
irreg~ularities. Tops wide and accommodat-
ing, knitted of a stout, mercerized lisle thread
with the "Ruby Ring" stop-run that abso-
lutely prevents garter runs from going below
the "Ruby Ring."
Offered in every shade for street or eve-
ning wear.







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