THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUTARY 27, 1927 FEW RELICS REMAIN 'Earlier Founding Of University Verified OF UNONOQLTIDNBy Catalogue Of 1844~ (ContnuedfromPageOne)Support for Regent Junius E. Beal's (Coninud fom Pge ne) contention that the University was The opening within the last seve-'fuddin11 nse('f 87i -al years of the library and swim- fonid in the University catacs from riing departments has finally brought te year 1844 andl their iclude~ld his- about the completion of all the pysi-s toris of the school. The preliminary cal facilities for the organizadon's 5 p n1'ognia o facl prga, comprising supervision or s~ were taen in 817, the hil- assistance for practically all student l ie, 101 S i= (hs"1ose, and there seemsl to extra- curricular activities. Mms he no raon why the Uiniverst y seal I dramatic organization, is a Union de- I partment; the Glee Club is another i 'le~te lt 87 section of the inclusive institution; iW giiat iue ntehs andthehose ommtte, he ndr- 'tor.y of the University range frot andth husecomite, te ndr-1804 to 1. Si. TI 1804, by an act a " s class committee, and the numerous iCn s twsi fMcia aother athletic, recreational, lodgngildwa,;0asefothsupr' and culinary departments all contrib- n a e sd o h upr ute o te, xtesiveproram l f 11 e college Then, following this *The government of the Union is vest- !i h aeo rlmnr raia ed in the board of directors and the tion, mnfltoled by Regent Beal, and board of governors. The former, comiorn- earslater in 1821, trustees Iwere appointed, In 1824 another posed of seven students, six alumni, twne wa rnedt heueo three faculty men, and the fnancia JheUieriy secretary, has fll charge of all the Aotsxenyasatrti h activities and conduct, providing and . i'tbidn a rce nltecl enforcing rules and regulations for the legc proper was opened. In 145 the same, and determining the policies o'irt las!rauaed the Union in its work as an organiza- I itlses gcathaeteUdivr tion. I em oia htteUnvr I sity of Michigan was really founded The board of governors, consistingI in 1804 when activities towards its of four alumni, a Regent, the financia]lacltal creation were begun, or inj secretary and, the president of the 181we;h nvest rpry Union, administers the funds, and' 81we h nvriypoel maintains the physical properties. commenced. In the old histories { there is no mention whatsoever of the date found on the seal, 1837. Harvard Squad \ins Isome further interesting details tre found in the old catalogues, it In Triangular mVeet i mentioned that in 1861 the in- come of the University from the two i townships was $35,000 with an add- (By Assciated .Press) i tional $5000 coming in from outside BOSTON, Feb. 26.-Two varsity I sources. It is further amusing to records were broken and three were I note that up to the year 1852 there)I equalled as Harvard ran away with! either was no active president or he! the seventh annual triangular meet! was not considered important enough 11 with Cornell and 'Dartmouth here to- to be mentioned aong with the fac- night. Piling up seven firsts and scor- ulty in the catalogue. ilug in all but three of 13 events, the Corroborating the statement of Crimson amassed a final total of 54 1-4 Regent Beal, President Tappan, dur- pints to 33 for Dartmouth and 28 3-4 ing his administration, was officially for Cornell. called Chancellor of the University, }while his successor President Haven ,ubserlbe for the Michigan Daily. had an offcial title of President. SA PLEASURE IN STORE FORYO A A:RIVER OF ENERGINE will bring your last k years' SPRING WEAR back to that pleasing appearance with which you formerly prided yourself.{ Give us a Trial and convince yourself that our RIVER SOF ENERGINE, Process produces a beautifully cleaned garment that stays clean longer. I Dial 4191 Gomp 'any. 'l The Nome~ of En erg e'. 209 S. Fourth Ave. C. 11 URE .. n t;n / ,, /!mss k , , , ; h ' ''' ", ^s' Ir , r -' -, , 1 STARTING SV'P, -,T3AY -Not ceven i Ile world"', pre2m lre slio',ii big o~ i~O:~aa rdc'ciiiaci~ miuch ltEIiie,4 as ti k. Ann A rhor tizhl ic ivi o i vrn a'' rvwl hr at- dayt{. ThosIe ~who liave Inot xwili'i O tli E3 J to ti(!V heh:a i izad101 4d ulA tiIN'u lrs+ litle word Ithatl has set New Yorkissnid. ~ : i iaa' d ili ' sI p4er4 wj(1 h ,about. F > Ilk ' / MILLIONS ARE TALKILNG ABOUT F.' THAT IRRESISTIBLE SOMETHING! ___"MIS 127 Th Q~ _., ,;.s J C Or lazue r. CL I Al ANTU"'NIO rr IL IlL i II itV . s )J [. m { 't And Excellent Cast groducetiori Mladame Glyn diescribes "IT" as a m:agnetic force, the possessor of which attracts everyone. Ta king this literally, "'IT'' has "it" and never beore was this star so be-.4 witchingly cast, the screen's im- pish flapper outraps "Mantrap" in this classy comedy romance, wvr:t- ten and supervised by I hle world's authority oni women andl love. --21r I11\ 1/19 KODAK FINISHING 1 .Developing and Printing for the Amateur ENLA RGEM ENTS Have enlargements made of your good negatives. Many people that have had enlargements made were so' pleased that they came back for more. Why Not Try Cane? Francisco, Byce Photo CO.. [719 N. University Phone 4514 PLEASE NOTE 1ie cto this p lucdUioi's limt- i ted Engagcoment in Ann Arbor,! we urge those who can sce it. Sunday and come early. 4 k a I" F uTj y'24- '7 .d 1 y .- T.. >KS r n,. r ' tr b r ..y , r ,,fi .y a: , a COMEDY-SPICE-WIT AND WISDOM SECTION iACX S51VNNETTTPA! ALICE DtAV IN RtT Jtht ,' ,4 ' * ._ 11 , t. /,. 'w p . ' ( M - ".r fay : . tM1I III (,A N LO)CALS 'INEWAS fi"\J)AY POLICY 7:0)0 and 8:40 Balcony............... c Auditorium ............ 0 L~oges (reserved) .......75c WEEK-DAY MATENEE S bt{er Actor 'Priend! ARCWADE IEVI EW U 5 i } 11 .,