I 1890
.14J# 1p
VOL. XXXVII. No. 105
SE KILLED Few Relics Remain To Mark Evolution LCONTINUE
F we i s Ra n TML Ll tO f U n io n F ro m 1 9 0 4 T o P re s e n t T im e;
:iS PL [LI Two lilac bushes now growing in the MicIganu student organization.'
front of the Union, which originally which was acclaimed as a forerunner
stod bfoe te omeof hoas c-and model for similar college insti-,a
lil Intyre Cooley, dean of the Law faculty ons over the country. The Pond
brothers, Irving Kane, '79E, and Allen
more than 60 years ago; a special Partlet, 'SO, Chicago architects; had
N'IE ATTEMPTING TO suite on the third floor of the build- designed and were superintending the E
LAND TOEThER jug furnished with articles from the cOnstruction of this building. A, ANS
Pond homestead which was removed elt res World War maeitself
" CTCH S FR ;felt by the T'io enthusiasts, how-
DETROIT' CATCHES FIRE i to make wayor the new Uiversty ever, and tie shel of the future edi- PEACH S POSSIBLE
--.structure and in which were reared ice was commnanderred for harrack>
Trwo Planes Had (Comipleted About the two Pond boys who were later All thoughts of beauty and architec- °enrit eThere
o;n re 2Oe)0, Mile Trip;a Lnded . to design the present building; and iure were cast aside; shelter and con- Ingr e e niWreuard For
Safely In Harbor the present Mimes theater, which (ditiomung of potential fighting material Monroe Do,-tribe
formerly housed the Union, today re- became the sole function of the large__
(By Associated Press) main as connecting factors in the 4 plant. Cots were placed in every ava- (B 0 A-Moci.lte Prs")
BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 26-Capt. evolution of the Union from nothing, ilable bit of space, and a temporary 16ssocia <rress)
Clinton S. Woolsey, a native of Mich- a quarter of a century ago, to its hall to feed the mass of S. A. T. C. WASHINGTON, Fe).
Sipresent extensive organization was thrown u1) on the south portion ed assurances that American forces in
igan, commander of the United States It was in 1904 that a group of stu- of the property. Nicaragua "will continue to extend{
zrny Pan-American plane, "Detroit," dents, alumni and faculty, seeking,a (Continued on Page Two) protection to British subjects in thatk
and Lieut. John W. Benton, of Cali- University social and recreational cen- country were conveyed to the Brit-
fornia, relief pilot were killed this ter which might "inculcate educational cur w eo ydohnn
AN6IL 'is' ambassador tdyb cigS
afternoon in a collision between the ideals through its student activities am;ass dIrUtoday by Acting See-
, and became a component part of edu- L retary Crew of the state department
"Detroit" and the "New York." cation," was organized and incorpor- in reply to the notification that the
The crew of the flagship "New ated under the laws of the state. rtsh rsr "Colombo" 1 5Tcu1se had been
Vork." Mai. Herbert A. Dargue, flight The , fC nl hn d h , iam wht ho c: irx
Veteran Mentor Of
Michigan Trackmen
-- Northrup Takes Only First Places For
Wolverines When He Ties In Pole
Vault And Wins Broad Jump
Stephen J. Farrell'
Veteran Michigan track coach who,
led a squad of 19 men into the Illi-
nois Relays yesterday.
1TI011 A.M PS01
UR BANA, Feb, 2O.-Two carnival records were broken and one
world's record time was lowered in the Tenth Annual University of
Illinois Track relays hel( here today.
Illinois' four mile relay team broke the record held by Michigan,
lowering the mark to 18 min. 13 3-5 sec., the last three runners on the
Illinois team ran the mile in less than 4 min. 3:1 sec.
Anton Burg, Chicago's great high jumper made a new mark in his
specialty, clearing the bar at 6 feet 5 1-4 inches. Werner, former Illinois
track star, appearing in a special invitation race, ran the 75 yard high
hurdles in 9 1-5 sec., lowering the Woids record time by I-5 of a
second. The new mark will not stand as WVerner knocked dlown the
.i. Vt tl tr1 q.J. ,a1Ga uCia v ..... ... ..._. a.. .. ._ o".. .,
. ..-- - - -- r.
commander, and Lieut. Ennis C.
Whitehead, relief pilot, were reported
uninjured. The "Detroit," which
caught fire, was a total loss.
The "New York" and "Detroit" were
flying from Buenos Aires to the Palo-
mar army airfield which is about 35
milesoutsideaof the city, after they
had arrived at the Argentine capital
from Mar Del Plata. The planes col-
lided in midair and the "Detroit"
caught fire.
Accident Happened After tCreetings
The accident happened only a
short time after the aviators had
landed in the harbor and had been
greeted by the mayor of Buenos Aires
in the name of the city authorities.
After their reception they took a
short rest, refueled and then started
for the Palomar flying field for the
Their arrival at Buenos Aires
marked the completion of almost half
of the scheduled 20,000 mile flight. On
Monday they were to start on the
homewardleg to the north, their des-
tination being Asuncion, Paraguay.
The crash between the "New York",
and "Detroit" occurred as the planes
were coming own for a landing on
the Palomar flying field. They were
in close formation and in the act of
mnakin~g a turn as the wing of the
" ew York" crashed into the left
wing of the "Detroit." the planes be-
came entangled and instantly began
to ,fall.
(By Associated Press) I
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-As- ;
sistant Secretary 'of War Dav-
ison, in charge of aviation, to-
night announced that the Pan- j
American flight will continueI
despite the, crash between twoj
of its planes near Buenos Aires. I
The two pilots could be seen by
the watchers attempting to restore
the equilibrium of their falling ma-
chines, but to no avail. Within a mo-
ment the "Detroit" was afire. The
four men aboard the planes which
were coming down rapidly were ob-
served adjusting their par chutes
and making ready to jump. Lieuten-
ant Benton 'for some reason was un-
able to get loose and was burned to
death. His body was taken from the
debris of the "Detroit."
Commander Dargue and Lieutenant
Whitehead of the "New, York" and
Captain Woolsey of the "Detroit" suc-
ceeded in making the leap, but Wool-
sey's parachute failed to open and lie
was killed by the fall. Dargue and
Whitehead came down safely and
were not injured.
ale wiy i azciU cAi V a') ssne'I Li II U I L It 0,HfMI s I't;ordered to Corinto. T .,iirniob
been converted into the theater were____IU Y U LIN I-
not sufficient, however,.for the rest- j "I note that This Majesty's govern-
less advocates of a strong and pro- l Locai Color Will 1isiinguisil Sets In ment feel that the presence of a war-
gressive central student and allumni( 23rd P1roduetion; Book Is By vessel may have a moral effect and !ieen's Men Win Title 1ia EIastern
organization. So by the fall of 1917, Esther Merriek, '2s may be a base of refuge for British Diision Of Conference; Will Meet
there had been begun on the original subjects," the American note said. I lnini For (llpionship
State street site a new structure for COMPANY NUMBERS 135 "I have further noted that it is not 'I
; intended to land forces and that the REGISTER THREE FALLS
Clever lines and a collegiate set- commanding officer will be instructed !
tings characterize hean-hr accordingly." Michigan wrestlers advanced within
GUIO 4H 'OVAE WIL chaacteize he tentythir an- Assurances that protection would;
nual Junior Girls' play which will be accorded British nationals was a step of their first Conference title
#oenMar. 14 at the Whitney theater given the embassy when 'the first by overwhelming the highly touted
PLA E E_ DN[D Y ghT Eight." is the title of the was received but the note did not field house, taking the first five bouts1
Brazilian Pianist To Appear Here As ten by Esther the o was witreach Ambassador Howard until after of themy sw
Local coloperr seril8 he had been advised and had in turn d ntrua tos
Last Number On Annual Choral Local colar will predominate informed the state department that decisions, to run p a 21 to 8 score
Union Concert Series throughout the entire production. The the cruiser had been sent to Corinto While the Wolverines were winningI
curtain rises on a girls' studio where by order of the London government, the championship of .the eastern di-I
STUDIED IN PARIS rst act takes Pace. The second ecision of Great Britain to send ! vision, Illinois downed Iowa in the
is situated in the living room of the the cruiser "Colombo" to Corinto had western title meet, 12 to 9.
Guiomar Novaes, Brazilian pianist, smed arte T o ion - a etion to n o ress. The Wolverines scored three points
cendwt!h icso fagopsentative IBritten of Illinois, ranking grheoakru15pondsar asl
will appear here Wednesday night in of gills to become emancipated and Republican on the naval committee, when Baker, 115 pond star, easily
Hill auditorium as the last number of live only their careers. There is also introduced a resolution which would defeated Hepburn, who was substitut-
the 48th annual Choral Union concert a crook element in the play to add re stPresident Coolidge to d ed for Eakin, with a time advantage
reqteuesene.t of more than nine minutes. Baker
series. This will be the last musical to the suspense, sufficient marines to Nicaragua to narrowly missed pinning his man in
The cast of this year's production safeguard the lives of American and ya ie ofnthe bo s molomon
event under the auspices of the School is unusually large, numbering 12 per- foreign subjects "so it will not the last miute of the bout. Solomon,
of Music in either the Choral Union sons, among whom the burden of the necessary" for foreign nations to send Michigan's 125 pounder, added five
of Extra Concert series until the May ,slialogue is almost equally divided. All warships into Nicaraguan waters. more potS to his team's total by
Festival the characters are college students of He said he was in complete acco throwing Schoolfield, Indiana ace, aft-
the ype amiiar o an 1 am bs. Olyer nine and a half minutes of wrest-
m.J the type familiar to any campus. Only with the administration's Nicaraguan s
i I one part approaches the character policy to the extent that European na- -n
do Boa Vista, Brazil, in 1895. She role, the produ'ction depending on tions may have reliance on American Watson marred Strr's unblemished
studied with Luigi Chiaffarelli in Sao lines and situations for its comedy. protection of their rights. 135 pound bout by
throwingihinwof taedoule armiloc
Paula for seven years and entered the f Including both cast and chorug more "If the Monroe doctrine eans what owg hi wit a double arlock
Paris Conservatory of Music in 1909. than 135 take an active part in the it says," he declared, "there should in the remarkably quick time of twoi
While there she won first place in the play. There will be 16 choruses and br no need for Great Britain or Italy and a half minutes. Wampler, Indi-
Conservatory contest from a field of several specialty numbers. to station cruisers in Nicaraguan wa- onsas stellar 145 pounder who was
388 contestants and she graduated in The music for the play has been ters. The presence of a British cruis- sideed the pick of the Conference
presnce f a ritih cr i hisdivision, 'was defeated by Sanerj
1911. Previously she had studied with written by the committee under the ier to be followed by an Italian war-n s
Isidor Philipp and won first honors in chairmanship of Margaret Cole, '28, ship is but fuel in the hands of the by a decision with an advantage of
her class at graduation. I and the score is now in the hands of revolutionists down there and an evi- nearly threee minutes.i
Sheha mae er ubicdebt t ;th I1 Mcia' substantial lead was ini-
She had made her public debut at the printer. The cover design which dence of at least diplomatic discord ica's o21stintsa when Capin-
seven; and after graduation from the both music score and program will between the United States and foreign Dcreased to 21 points when Captain
Conservatory in Paris she made a tour bear was designed by Jean McKaig, powers.i piona, threw Weaverence 158 pound cham-
of Europe. In 1915 she caine to North '28. Betty Nutt, '28, is the general ;ientrwfverminutein g
America and nmade her debut at New chairman of the play. She is as- WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-Adminis- team after five minutes of wrestlng
i York. Since then she has made seve- sisted by the following committee tration senators on the foreign rela- Iithan staper hold.v
ral tours of both the United States chairmen: Elsie Murray, '28, assis- lions committee have won their fight1 Indiana s star heavyweights proved
and Brazil and this is the sixth time tant chairman; Bernice Staebler, '28, to keep that committee out of Mexico til sars or the r pofns
that she has appeared in this country. business manager; Marian Welles, '28, and Nicaragua during the recess of theinvaders scared all of their poits
The May Festival, early in May, will costumes; Marian Van Tuyl, '28,I Congress. E by winning the last two bouts. Capt.
be the next outstanding musical event dances; Margaret Hawkins, '28, pro- C With his resolution proposing such Ralph Wilson, leading 175 pounder
staged by the School of Mulsic after- g;ram; Phyllis Richards, '28, publicity; a'visit meeting defeat in the commit- 1mi Conference wrestling , circles for
!f"ii eeig(eet ntecm i the last three seasons, managed to
the appearance of Mine. Novaes Oil Laura Osgood, '28, properties; Helen ! tee itself, Chairman Borah accepted easto tr six mnute f r
Wednesday night.1 Wootonl, '28, make-up. an amendment by Senator Swanson, of pin Preston after six minuutes of hard
I e n s a i h.W oo i 2, n ae u.I fighting. Rich, M ichigan's heavy-
Rehearsals for both (ast and chorus ; Virginia, the ranking Democrat, au- weight, fought a brilliant defensive
I1den Will Give F i have been going on since the middle i thorizing the committee to sit during i ouh i Iriana gian,
en W i i1e of January. According to Phylliso the recess, but comining its activity cut to nld Fisher, Indiana giant, to
a cTnereLoughton, '28, director of the play, within the borders of the United
ourses In eligion the production is in fine condition, and States. seBeides giving Michigan the right
will be ready for presentation before Administration senators held outis hign tit
Five courses to be given in the the advisors )f women Mar. 5. This j against the resolution even in this t nigt victor chetely Teng-
I spring semester of the Institute of will also constitute the first dress re- I form, but were outvoted by the Demo- :asth s det susted at the
Religious Education were announced! hearsal. crats and Senators Borah and John hd the hooiers lstea.
by Mr. George H. Alder, assistant to As in former years, a professional son, Republican, California, the poll! hands of the Hoosiers last year.
Mr. Thomas H. Jden, director of the orchestra headed by Phil Diamond, standing 10 to 8 for a favorable report ARE
Ann Arbor Bible chair yesterday. will play for all performances. to the Senate on the modified resole- BIG TEN PROBLEMS
The Institute of Religious Education -- --------- tioni. I SCUSSM RV VOST AT
first hurdle.
Illinois crack 'four mile relay team R. A. Robb, intercollegiate dash
set a new record for the distance and champion of ,Scotland, but now a stu-
gained another leg on the Mike Mason dent at the University of Michigan,
trophy. The new mark is 18:13 6-10. took the measure of Loren L. Murch-
Ohio State threatened the winner's ison of the Illinois A. C., one of
several times during the race but America's outstanding sprinters in a
Rice's burst of speed on the last lap special 75 yard dash. Robb broke the
cinched victory for the Illini. Horn- tape a scant ' few inches ahead of
berger fought hard to make up ha f Murchison, reeling off the distance
a lap, but the best he could do was o in 7 8-10 seconds.
bring Michigan into third place, Wis- Robb is studying at Michigan under
! consin was fourth. the Commonwealth Fund Scholarshi
In the 75 yard low hurdles, Spence and will not be eligible for regular
of Detroit City college, repeated his Varsity competition.
victory of last year, taking the race in The summaries follow:
8.4 seconds. Cooper of Michigan fol- Medley relay - University-880-440
Ilowed closely to take second place 440-1 mile. Won by Iowa State;
ahead of Krause of Nebraska. Jones, Notre Dame second, Indiana third,
SMichigam's other hurdler failed to Illinois fourth. Time-8 minutes,
place in the money.j 18 6-10 seconds.
Allison of Iowa made a sensational 1,000 yard run-Won by Phillip,
sprint at the finish of the 75 yard i Butler; Johnson, Nebraska, second;
J high hurdle to win from a fast field Burke, Chicago, third; Bevan, Ohio
in 9.8 seconds. All of the contestants State, fourth. Time-2 minutes, 21
were tied at the last hurdle. Illinois seconds.
I took second and Gthird places, Rayer Shot put-Won by Rinefort, Grin-
nosing out his teammate McKeever nell, 47 feet 1-4 inch; Lewis, North-
hy a Lew inches. .Ooo erof'Michigan western,-second, 45 feet,'2 2 nhe8
took fourth place. Thornhill, Kanss, third, 45 feet 1 1-2
In a special invitation 75 high inches; McG anelli, Missouri, fourth, 44
hurdle race, Werner, former Illinois; feet, 3-4 inch.
track star, covered the distance in High jump-Won by Burg, Chicago,
record time, 9 1-5 seconds, lowering 6 feet 51-2 inches; Brunk, Drake;
the world's record time by one fifth Wachowski, Illinois; Rettig, North-
of a second. The world's record of 9 western; tied for second, third and
2-5 will stand however because Wer- fourth, 6 feet, 1-4 inch.
ner knocked down the first high 75-yard high hurdles-Won by Ali-
hurdle. Guthrie, joint holder of the Iowa; Royer, Illinois, second; Mc
I record with Werner and Kinney of Kaever, Illinois, third; Cooper, Mich
Illinois, placed second leading Kinney igan, fourth. Time-9 8-10 seconds.
by a yard. 75-yard dash-Won by Grim, Mich-
Anton Burg, captain of the Chicago igan State; Farley, Missouri, second;
team set a new carnival record inthe Edington, Missouri, third; Kress, Ohio
high jump by clearing the bar at 6 State, fourth. Time-7 7-10 seconds,
feet 5 1-2 inches. Brunk of Drake, Broad jump-Won by Northrop,
Wachowski of Illinois, and Rettig of Michigan, 25 feet 5 inches; Simon,
Northwestern tied for the other three Illinois, second, 23 feet; Smith, Tex-
places at six feet 1-2 inches., as, third, 22 feet, 51-2 inches; Meisla-
Phil Northrup, Michigan won the son, Iowa; Royer, Iinois, second; Mc-
broad jump event with a leap of 2, I inches.
feet five inches. Simon of Illinois was Four mile relay-Universities-Won
second and Smith of Texas took third by Illinois (Fairfield, Sittig, McElwe
place. Rue); Ohio State, second, Michigan,
The pole vault event ended in a five third; Wisconsin, fourth. Time--18
way tie, for first place, Patterson, ( minutes, 13 and 6-10 seconds. (New
Texas, White, Illinois, Glasser, Mar- carnival record, former record 18 min
quette, Northrup, Michigan, McAtee, utes, 16 seconds, made by Michigan
all going into a dead lock at 12 feet in 1926.)
6 mnches. 75 yard low hurdles-Won by
Grim of Michigan State led the field Spence, City College of Detroit;
in the regular 75 yard dash, breaking Cooper, Michigan, second; Krause,
the tape in 7.7 seconds. Farley of Mis- Nebraska, third; Doornboss, Kansas,
souri was second, E±ddington, Mis- fourth. Tiime-8 4-10 seconds.
souri, third and Kriss of Ohio State Pole vault -Patterson, Texas
fourth. Hester and Lasser of Mich- White, Illinois; Glaser, Marquette;
igan were shut out in the first semi- McAtee, Michigan State and North-
final heat. rup, Michigan, all tied, for first, see-
University of Iowa's one mile relay ond, third, fourth and fifth. Height-
team, carnival champions last year, a12 feet, 6 inches.
won handily tonight with a ten yard One mile relay-Won by Iowa;
margin at the finish. The time was Iowa State, second; Michigan State,
3 min. 26.6 sec. Ames finished second. third; Wisconsin and Minnesota, tied
Michigan State third and Wisconsin for fourth. Time-3 minutes 26 and
and Minnesota tied for fourth. Mich- 6-10 seconds.
igan never, figured in the race.
tineoot of Grine1l won the shot "SCONSIN LOSE
put with a heave of 47 feet one and aI LOSES
quarter inches. Lewis of Northwes- IN CFAMPIONSHIP
a tern took second ahead of Thornhiij RACE TO INDIANA
of Kansas.LdR
With Conger running as anchor
man, Iowa State had little trouble in (y Associated Press)
I winning the University medley relay. BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 26.-
The time was 8.16.6. Notre dame took Indiana jolted Winconsin's champ-
a second r)lace and Indiana third.
The "Detroit" completely burned, I is under the supervision of the Ann;
whle the "New York" was wrecked. Arbor Bible chair and the Studentl
?viammy persons who had gathered to ;Christian association. It will open its
witness the landing on the flying spring semester Tuesday, March 8.
fiield, saw instead a dreadful tragedy The following are the five courses that
in which two American aviators who I(will be given during this semester:
had only a few minutes before been "The Unknown Bible" to be given byE
comdlimented on their skill met Prof. Conard H. Moehlman, of the.
death. School of Religion; "The Social De-
velopment of the Child" to be given byI
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Feb. 26-The Mrs. Herbert S. Mallory, director of
Pan-American goodwill flyers had ! the social service department of the
coipleted about half of their 20,000 Michigan State Psychopathic hospital;
mile journey which started from San "A Study of Miracles" to be given by
Antonio, December 21 when disaster Mr. Iden; "A Study of the Pro.blems
overtook the "New York" and "De- Involved in the Organized Expression
troit" at Buenos Aires today. of the Student's Religious Life" to be
The flight of the five amphibian lead by Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister,;
planes and their crews of ten ofi- of the public speaking department,
cers v as beset with difficulties from Prof. L. A. Hopkins, Mr. Ira M. Smith,
the outset. They were delayed in hop- and others. Dr. Frncis S. Onderdo;k I
ping off from Duncan field here by will also give a course, the subjectj
rain and fog, of which is not yet announced.
(t_er mishaps occurred at the A banquet will be held at 6 o'clock
f1.e rm. continued southward but tle next Tuesday in Harris hall at which
aviators surmounted obstacles in more detailed plans will be given.
l' e'r path and there were no casual- Prof. Wilbert L. Carr of the Latin!
ties until today. ! enactment and Mr Tar Hort .serm-
Pmresident Claenc Cok Litleand Dr. Clarence C. Little, president of
PresidentE.JClayceCookiteamndI the Umiversity, has been appointed I
FPresidenit E. '. Ottwuay of the Alumni
association launched a program yes- achairman f the committee to study
---V+ n acondition to make recommendations
CINCINNATI, Feb 26.-Alumni of
the more famous universities of the
middle west, assembled for the meet-
ing of the Big Ten Alumni Club ofI
Cincinmati, tonight listened to an ad-,
dress by Fielding H. Yost, athletic di-
a terday at the meeting of the associa-
tion's directors for closer relations
be-tween the University and its grad- j
uates which will lead up to the cen-
tennial anniversary of the University
in 1937.
Questionaires prepared at the meet-
ing will be sent to all of the 60,000
Michigan alumni to determine various'
factors in their relation to the Univer- a
relative to a central co-operative body rector of
to advise governing boards of state in which
educational institutions, according to i more imr
anouncement from Lansing. the admni
The action of Gov. Fred W. Green athletics,
followed a conference in Lansing at Western
whichi representatives of the Univer- address f
sity and other educational institutions "Into th
of the state considered the governors section of
proposal to create an advisory educa- universiti
tional board. tions fall
Other members of the committe 4re university
Regent Walter H. Sawyer, Hillsdale; in part, f
Dr. Kenyon L. Butterfield, president resent.
of lichigan State college; W. O. (Con
Hotchkiss, president of Michigan Col- r
lege of Mines; Dwight B. Waldo, presi- VIENN
dent of Western State Normal school. I mania, ha
the University of Michigan,
he presented some of the
portant problems regarding
nistration of intercollegiate
piarticularly those of thei
Conference. The text of the
his room is gathered a cross
-the product of the Big Ten
es. As such certamin obliga-
upon your shoulders. As
men you are responsible,
or the universities you rep-
atinued on Page Three)
A.-King Ferdinand of Ru-
.s had 15 radium treatments,
sity. t
Clyde Colby, '1.2E, president of the
Cleveland University of Michigan
club, offered a proposal to the meet-
ing by which the University would
create standards of citizenship in an
effort to recognize the service which
its graduates have done for their com-
finnnity oli1-r-b r1nr n-in-
- I
W. La Pet.
MICHIGAN.......7 2 .778
Purdue ..........6 2 .750 I
Ons lip aspa ations by winning a close
game here tonight, 31-2.. After the
opening minute of play Indiana gained
a lead which it relinquished only once
during the game. Superior floor play
which netted many short attempts
was responsible for the Hoosier vie-
tory. Miller opened the scoring with
a foul goal for Wisconsin, but field
baskets by Krueger, Beckner and Sib-
Illinois . . -