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February 26, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-26

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Chicrago Civic Opera ComnpanuyIV N1I
Give Programt In Detruit Week-
End Of Saturday, -Mar. 19

Detroit isprprntotrhsto
peaigttunostothe visitors who are expected to come
to the city for the season of lyric
drama which will be offered to the I : ::" '> :"...:::
public by the Chicago Civic Opera
compalYny begin pinr Ma eh 19. The
management of the Masonic audlitor; . :<::;:;:: , .">"::
iumn has been notified of a niinber of
ope!ra parties from adjacent Michigan
ctcAnn Arbor included. Tiket
for te peformncesmay e curedl
i'i tepromne rs eat Wahr's book store and all local
reservations are announced as being,
for the henefit of the Women's league.
i l Detroitiso'ne o1f the 18 American ..
Cities to be included in the itinerary
of the Chicago Civic Opera in its 1927 4
tour, which opened three weeks ago ; ,?.
in Boston. Baltimore, Washington andk
Pittsburgh have already been visited.
Two performances will be sung onl
the opening, day, Saturday, March 18. Mi14 Pnse 11' iieirmsti
rPhey will be "Tosca" at 2 o'clock and "Organization is the hope of thej
"The Jewels of the Madonna" In the ,yorking woman," declares Misr nRose
evening. Sunday night "Aid a" will Schneiderinail, president of the Nva-
constitute the performance. This tional Women's Trade Union league.,
work is generally consideredI as the~ Mi.ssSchiide<'nian is oneQ of the out-
"big show" of opera, because of its! standing agents in the securing of
spectacular character and--richness of i better worling condlitions for women.
Eastern pomp. The 'season will be She first b)ecameJ interested in trade
brou~ght to a close Monday evening unionism while engaged in the trade
with Mary Garden in Franco Alfmo',s i of cap making and organized her own
hovel work "Ressurection." This is a branich of the United Cloth H-at and
musical setting for Leo V'olstoi's play !Cap M\akers. She served as secretary
of the same name.I treasurer, member of the executive
The large seating capacity of the board and volunteer organizer.
auditorium has permitted the estab-
lishment of a popular scale of prices.
Executives and, engineers from the; Lantern, Festival Is
Chicago institution who have suveyed iC leetebi
dndelrthtiisa ra i o Incelent place to produce a grand operaIw
and that Detroit will hear grand opera F3ar off in Southern California,
as it should be, rendered for the firstr

T, !BO~~I~ Ann Arbor Resident Reviews Growth of SOTHERN D. A. R.
0 IIOffice Of Dean And Dormitory System ESABIS FN
C TT [ 1, i t mwtz frm 45 woen toseshe illhave to deal with. I of Texas have the opportunity of come-
---- t ~ofrn200wonien attezidiii! '1 hese dlemands have come largely j peting for" a scholarship offered byIlI
' Oe f~te ardstf~ozght;y~nlz,;of ii t'iic rii oftlclitsll n .<}? ront the AmericanAscaio fU i te D. A. R. of that state. A wvell ap-;
One f te hrdet fughtame oftheUniersiy o Miliion i ~ versity Women, who have in return pointed room in the Woman's build- I
the Inti amtrail basket ball tournament;I there have conio 10th 11 51 hllI reqluested that the (lean of women beinisauuulfetrofheso-
was flayed yesterday afternoon when ; lc:iige. . Mi i Crocker, a , given an authorized position on the arship which also includes three hun-i
iataCokdrioy e es gradug t' of Cornell, and a. formerifauly of the school. dred dollars to be used as the student
Pa rbour houise in one of th findalj state president of the Amierican Asso-= In speaking of the turn taken ini desires.;r
gaines of the tournament anal wasi ciationi of l iiveriy W'oown, i. wo ,Women's affairs toward grreater studentI Four letters of reconimendation
beaten by a score of 26-20. The game has resided in Ain Arb or for a numrl- Cotirol, Miss Crocker said, "What I must be included in the application
was bitterly contested from the be- h er of years, has had excellent op)or-' believe the student government needs which can be made by juniors and
ginning. through to the final whistle ;tunity to watch them.. to establish are not rules, but high seniors only. Awards are made ont
I but the lead -whichi Betsy Barbour- got One of the most noticeable, features md d Gefinite *standards. Where there the basis of health, scholarship, and r
at the beginning of the fourth quartert acecrinig to Miss Crocker, andl one; are rules, there will always be mis- ineeti( cr-urcla ciiis
was never overcome. Mildred h~ard~y, wh~ich she praised hlighilv, i<; thle c ebcievouzs sipirits who will break them. Health forms an unusual but essential t
'28, was the star player of this gamin ishmnt of of ginixeIl houss ori01 course, the trouble lies in num- requirement for an award of this
andl was responsible for all bat ti womenff~Vf such (Zs letsy flarbou rI lea l is and the (difficulty of personal con-! sort.
poiuts made by her teamn. hie lineu'tp Newberry, and Martlha (Cook do-ni I tac t with all the women on campus. It will be remiembered that in 1924 I
f or this game is as follows: tories. lit sp~eaking of these oirgi-;flow the new advisory system inaugu-!Ithe D. A. R,. establishedaWrMeo"
I-irthia Conk Betsy Baz'Jhoimr zatios, Mis (rocl~er felt tllit, too ratedl this year will work out remains rial Scholarship at the aniWarsiMemo-
M.Allshouse..F......... .ardy; much credit (could niot1)e 'given Ms.to be seen."/Mihgnnmeoy f~iert f
H-. Beaumont.... ......... A. Wiright llrra 13. Jordan, (leals of women from T he_ idea of a dean of women isi Michigan who lost their thves mentof
IQ. Berkovitz..C............ Cody, 1902 to 11522, who sponoredO the in ov('-j exceedingly new, but it has already I a.A eegny livesfn the
i F Poer.,. -.C.,. . .1. rabowsky; moInt for" dormitories and ecllour'agedl several prominent names on its list, also started in 1916 for the financial
;H1-. Wolters..............Mib. Follnier, the University woin in holding o utr(ie of the foremost being Alice Free- assistance of any student,, man or
S. Steros........ G.:......E. Smither' for a high type of estabi:,.hincnt, b)oth m nan Palmer at Chicago. woman, at the University of Michigan.
S Kappa Kappa Gamma forfeited to as to the baildig itself and the type i 4~
Zoe1,P eaPifr'ie oZt~of women admitted. Crepe de chine has been made Spring tones tendI toward the nie-
Tan Alpha, and Gamma Phi Beta, for- 1 Miss (Crocker also commiended the waterproof for raincoats. +ral.
feited to Theta Phi Alpha.I work of Mrs. Jordan in connection ________
wih rie.ntal women. r. .1 eri' ii
Says ndian Aff co~-operatedl with these foreign %vomen,
I ay Colorsy, Jewrelr.y anating them in settling in their*
unaccustomedl surroundings. I G( NEN RUI'TUfT~l'TT
"The growth of the offico of the =~K I
"Indian women are fond of jewelry; dean of women has been a gradual I-
and bright colored costumes," saidl but marked one," Miss Crocker stated. y
Elizabeth Arlick, '28, a foreign student, Starting as a mnere corner of the offhe BLACK XV.~L NLYI-
in a recent interview. "Although the of the dlean of the I-Tiiversity. it is t
costumes worn in different parts of I now a unique single institution, w'~ith X A TTI
India vary, there is a universal lovej problems to occupy the attention of!= VANLI.LLAt -
of ornaments and gay colors. XWealth several women. Here ait Michigan an j-
in India consists of jewelry." attempt has been made to keep) the'
Although Indian women have no; position to an avsr capacity; it TL
really national costume, Miss Arlick' was established as such.-
explained that in western India, 1Ben1-1 The requirements of the woman =Seia o This WXeek End.
gal, and numerous other provinces ' who holds t'_e position of dean have!Seiaco = I
the m ajority of w om en w ear the increased y arlsy. 't first it w as = .S re are-"w i h i t
"saee. whch s agarment or piece thought that a w omenl who coulod dealSev It
of cloth from five to eight yards long, wisely with other wo:-en and had --
The saree may be of any color, andl it somec university training was satis -
is (draped in a variety of ways. Skirts factory. Today, the average dlean of I + =
are never very short, as the women: women at large colleges is expected]
wear no stockings. Bracelets cover to hold her doctor's degree. It, is pre , th ar s nd o e v n s es i gs o ;f r bl , o , t at w r v r p si leI=
women's toes. European fashions are' she should have had her edlucatio~n in I L 4 0
occasionally worn by the natives, an institution with the ,,amo prob~lems
IA good restaurant where' you can eat a really I _"
appetizing meal for less than the price of sand - The Homne of Pure Milke"
wiches elsewhere.-
~~~~215 South Main SL. 4l111111!1ill111111i11111Itlil11lt11111111i1l1lill111!

Junior Girls' play- rehearsals for today
aro as follow-s: at 8: V0 o'clock, chorus
4B inl Saraih ('aswell,, choruses 1) and(
10) int P.17loi';uat 9: :10 o'clock, choruses'
1 aind7 in laarloi', chorus 2 inl Sarah
(aheI;at 11 o'clock, ch1orus 3 inl
SarahCasw llcoiuses 5 and 6 Iin
par'lor, afl 1:30 o'clock, chiorus; 12 in
'ara1h Caswell.
Ele-ctive out doors sports class will
'meet today at 10 o'clock at harbour
gynas:uium,. Everyone (Iress for snow.
For the first time in the history of
the legal profession in France, a wo-
man lawyer, Mine. Suzanne Villiere,
delivered a thesis at the Palais de Ins-
tice, Paris.

Knlit ted military capes for
wear are seen in Pais.


Frie1nch hlands taive dleftly com.-
lh;amd fine, soft fellt-with t'hou-
(jInetle---theIe talian hand-woven
TIhree~ differeit models have
cjust beien received from.
' Vogue Hats
(UarfiiikeI, Maker, of }1iftli
AvenueII, New York.

time on this occasion.
Statistics received from the office of
the Women's League show that there
a re 4 womnrn campusi who are

:Michigan L1antern Night, finds a twin
sister. Once a year, just before Com-
m iencement, the women of Occidental
College, Los Angeles, present a pa-
geant known as "The Procession of
Lanterns," choosing the tige of year
Iwhen California is at her best.
rDuring the early part of the even-,


eligible for campus activity who are igcahcmu raiainpeet
not active in any way. The poit Sys sonme short act. The setting for these
tem committee o fthe Women's League act a large patio with rose vines
urges that these women become inter- caunlimbinlg on the pillars and shrubs all
'cted in some~ aspect of campus activ- aonsf rs nefo n h
ity. Charts depicting the- redistribu- rracofadensci fflws
tion and arrangement of activity, combined with the soft lighting ef-
points have been finished' by the point fects len(1 a romance to the occasion.
system committee, and have been 1 After thme playlets, the procession
printed and distributed amonig the takes place that gives the event its
league houses, sororities and dormi- name.- The girls march in couples,{
tories on the campus. Women Stu.{ each couple carrying a Japanese Ian-
dents are asked to study' the charts, tern. The p~rocess ion p~roceed~s by way
noting the changes from last year, and, of terraces, lined with flowers, to the
choosing some kind of work in wlhic'h home of the p~resident of the college
they can apply themselves. where a reception is held. Viewed
- ecither from thq distanmce or close at
Small cpnventionally colored crepesj hand, the event is remarkable for its
are popular..-'beauty.


d siou on a t E ri :ei un n o n r 4

r S l
-i ~
hr" a
{iD II3
a7 1111 1

Gooseberry, Cloud
Pink, Mauve, Beige,
Bluebell, A p ric o t,
Li,,e Green, Canary
Yellow, Chartreuse,
M larine. Exquisitely
lovely, high sounding
names, all of them,
that lend their spring-
like beauty to these
frocks. The delightful
sort of frock to buy
now and wear right
through the summer
season. $14.75.

Detroit's Brilliant Three Dapv Season.
Complete in artiic l(per sonnel, orehest1rn, choruas, ballet,
p~roductiion~s, effects. and 1)11 %Wicl equiipmienht, 'sled i t
the ma~tcless .dvntag es (ofthe lbeauimfli
Four, glor ious perfor manctes ini three gala hays, hil rodcl ing
the greatest artists in the greazte:t opera1s.
Saturday,1'arch 19, at 2 Q TOSCA
With iIzio, Ha ckett, Oliviero, Forinich4 Me iol ich, 1)eF rere.
(Conductor'__Polacco ___ ____
ISATURDAY at 8, "Jewels of the Madonna"
' Raisa, Jacekson, I en h a, IHamlin, d'Ilerianoy, (Cn,-,, tMojii, Ithv41,
Oliviero, Ibiniini, Corps de Ballet. (onucitor, 11oizniii
{ pSunday, March 20, at 8 OpEeat- 11"A ID A "
b~alsa, Van Gordon, Marshl, 'ofteull, BomellL azari, Ballet.
Cond uctor. 31 oratlzoid
Monday, March 21, at 8 Laet oGeat- itO flITIONI'
Garden, Jackson, d'Iermanoy, Claessens, Hitch, Hoilcu, Ohii ero,
!Formnichl, Be Irere, Nieolic1i0 ('ondnl ctor . )Iora won i.
Seats to Fit Every Putrse-4$1.50, $21, $ y, t$1, $G (. No Tax.
Ticket Sale Opens Tomiorrowv at G riniell Bros.
Tickets for Anna tarbor oni Sale Now at lWabr's
--Benefit League.
.3 -
Hoe{hpMpl antec
lyE VT ET.Vii

.®. « a
Subscri*be to
1111 «w Mr
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« n " 1.
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For The Rest of i ne dear
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