SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2G, 1927 0 THMr TCrT T T)~ATT'V f ..TmD '. ..."." "._...._ RY. ..26 , x.27 * 1G 1 V1 1iJ. 1 1\.JfY1V ." L1L i- YA ' 12-a +L BEPR TOFR EE ACHIncreasing Disorder Shown In Sections Of Shanghai LINII Near Foreign Settlements Of Turbulent Chinese ON IN TI ATI N OFIBTED LIGHT IS DISTRIBUTED City DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH A' NOUNCES PUBLICATION OF NEW BULLETIN PROF. HIGBIE IS AUTHOR Method. Whereby Process Of Predi g1 9 Daylight Becomes Feasible Is Developed By Engineers "Predicting daylight,' tn connectio WIth the problem of natural lightin in factories is no longer as far di tant as it seems, according to Done Hamilton Haines, of the engineerin research department. "The phras 'predicting daylight,' epitomizes i: two words the results of an investiga tion of the problem which has bee: carried on during the past thre years by Prof. H. I. Higbie of th department of engineering research and which has just been made publi by a 76 page bulletin issued this wee] by the department," stated Mr. Haine wAs a result of these researches which were done upon the reques and financial support of the Detroi Steel Products company, a method ha been determined whereby a proces of predicting daylight has become fea- sible. W. C. Randall, chief enginer of the company, assisted in the inves- tigation. Ideal Conditions Needed "This does not mean," said Profes- sor Higbie, "that the architect will be able to 'predict daylight' in a given building with accuracy, since such predictions can be made only under idealized conditions by the use of curves derived from formulae, but it does mean that a scientific basis-has been provided for such predetermina- tions." "Until a very few years ago," states the bulletin, "the science of artificial lighting has far outstripped the science of natural lighting, one reason being that the means for producing artificial light were costly and therefore had to be conserved and economized, while natural lighting was apparently so entirely without cost that thee was no necessity for economy in its use. Necessity Is Apparent "With the inc easing demand for better natural lighting in such stru- tures as school buildings and single- story factory buildings, in which uni- formity of natural lighting has been one of the problems, the necessity for devising a theoretical method of pre- dicting daylight and then making the widest possible practical application of the method became apparent," said Mr. Haines. Throughout the investigation, it was desirable to work with idealized con- ditions because of the difficulty of securinginformation on such factors as variation of the diffusion due to clouds, shadows from nearby build- ings, and other things. Working with the known factors, the room con- ditions,, mathematical formulae gov- erning the distribution of the light were worked out and these predic- tions were rechecked through exten- sive tests on actual buildings and scaled models of other buildings, and the correction factors were thus ob- tained so that they approximated the actual facts. Findings Are Tested In order to make the method, as developed by the investigation and In the bulletin was made to a number published in the bulletin, less than a matter of pure theory, its application in the bulletin was made to a number of types of practical problems on il- lumination. Professor Higbie was assisted in his work by E. J. Abbot, A. J. Martin, H. E. Krowles, and K. Y. Tang, of the departmentAof engineering research, and by A. A. Lenin. Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, chairman of the committee on engineering re- search publications, was editor of the bulletin. Copies have been mailed to tech- nical libraries and industrial concerns all over the country. BERIN:-President von Hinden- burg drinks lemonade every night. T AMP' SOCIETY they would oon become tripends. "Ltus make them tramps"_sai F _..,.ED 4ON LINER one of the cabin passengers and the j---society was formed in a few weeks NAL SISA r >with the motto "Good will and Good A A SSF P [ S TII TIi-, E, b. 25. Fellowship and good Tramps make -The"Ancient Order of Tramps" so- good sea-mates." sa cietyjust formed with headquarters Each member wears a badge in the i Associate Professor Of lal Estate on an Atlantic liner for its object the shape of a scarfpin representing the Presents New Index Method relief of monotony on sea voyages, battered bowler hat, red handkerchief, In Business Magazine sI cabin pa sngers a s boiling pan and stick of the road Seerlcain;:d stew- pnadsikftera ards during a dull voyage conceived tramp surmounted by initials A. O. RE-LIST PRICE USED the idea when passengers generally T. were ignoring the existence of each In the second annual number of other. One of the stewards suggested* CANTON.-Workers conference dele- "Michigan Business Studies," issued!if they were tramps on the high road gates have arrived. by the Bureau-of Business Research of the School of Business Adminis- tration, E. M. Fisher, associate Profzs- 3A L- L;I N sor of realty management, has pre-!/ sented a new method of analyzing real estate price movements. This study. which is being prepared in pamphlet - form, will be ready for distributioru the first of next week. - This method of analyzing real es-. r -' 0 ..'-w7_;'Q tate price movements consists of con- structing an index based on the prices at which identical properties are re- listed for sale at iegular intervals. Prices of real estate in Ann Arbor from 1912 to 1925 were tabulated for this purpose. More than 5,000 listings Exlusively Designed were examined, and about 2,000 quo- Whiteih cse & Hardy Shoes for Men tations of asking price were used in Pernnunently on Display the final computations. The figures indicated that the value GUY WOOLFOLK of Ann Arbor real estate arose grad- & CO. ually from 1913 to 1916 and 1917. Gen- eral decline then began which lasted IExclusive Lasts and Patterns through the year 1918. After the con Designed and Sold Only by elusion of the Great War in 1919 a Desgnd ndSod nl 1 Srapidascent began, lasting until 1924. W H IT E H 0S E &- ARC The results of this investigation co- BROADWAYA.40." STREET 144WEST42"STREET r' ikt closely with the judgment METRoPoLITAN OPERA -lOUsE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING of real estate dealers and observers 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET in the districts concerned, according PHIADELPHI A-1511 CHEST STREET to the observation of Mr. Fisher. With three armies fighting. or ma- Chinese policemen in the center as a 000,00 inhabitants, is a prize at which neuvering to gain control of Shanghai, "frontier guard." Likewise, in the the Cantonese or Nationalist troops, and with world powers acting to pro- lower right, two officers of the Chinese who have already made a remarkable Republican army are shown standing tect their ctzn in the area, the 'iIo advance fromA the southern to the cen- infront of a large European building.m s sections of Shanghai near the foreign It is within a few blocks of these tral portion of China, are aiming. settlements of which views are shown scenes that 3,000 British regulars They are now stationed about 30 miles above have become scenes of increas- i have taken up defense positions ex. south of Slianghai opposite the badly ing disorder. tending all along the border of the demoralized troops of Marshal Sun In the lower left picture which was international settlement because of Chiuan-fang, governor of the Shang- taken at the very outskirts of the the danger created by the arrival of hai area, whom they have once de- "foreign city" Chinese natives are many Chinese troops in the city. feated in battle.- shown at the extreme left with two Shanghai, with approximately 5,- To support Marshal Sun who has maintained his allegiance to the Pek- SPRINGS IN BOWL OF NEW STADIUM lg goenment ChangTs0-lin, lea- er oa the Nor hern (Pekmng)forces ARE UNDER CONTROL, DODGE ASSER TS has dispatched an army of 8,000 troops under the command of his relation, % j Chant; Tsang Chang, the military gov- "Now that we have the ground wat- arrangement will result in increasing ngTung. I incrasnigernor of Sha ugtung. er whipped, everything is straight the seating capacity by about 50 per I In the meantime, three United States plugging," declared H. P. Dodge, head cent when enlargement is deemed cruisers have been ordered from Ma- engineer in charge of the excavation { necessary. nila. to the Shanghai area for the Pro- on Michigan's new stadium, in an The company Mr. Dodge represents tection and possible removal of Amer- interview with a Press club reporter l has the contract for the excavation ican citizens from the danger area. Wednesday h wtonly. While no contract for the cc- An American transport with 1,200 "Not only have we had to contend ment has been let, it will be at least marines which was located in anotherI with old wells and springs, but town a month in his estimation before any Chinese port is reported to have ar- drainage has been running wild active work can be started. rived at Shanghai. I f jttt. l w * k HEAT i 9 YOUR LAST CHANCE .TODAY Harold Gets the H oise Laugh! p a "N i?/rY NINY cxao°gh to iiake a horse .r U with Co classic !augh becomes morc tLan a phrase this one. It' becomes a FACT! 'nyince yourself that this is a real c from old King Komedy himself. Supported by JOBYNA RALSTON through the bowl. This is all under control now, and we can, devote all j our time to other work. It has been necessary to build plank roads for the trucks, but these are better than the ordinary runways because spring rains will not affect them, unless the rain is heavy enough to float them." There need never be any fear ofI water remaining on the field once it is completed. The system of drains to be installed will be entirely ade- quate to handle almost any amount of water. The drains are to be laid diagonally across the field. They will be higher in the center and will drain both ways. Each drain will cross three others, and in case one or even two of the pipes become clogged, the surface water will be carried off. One large drain is to run entirely around the filed directly under the front row of seats. From this posi- tion, it will be possible to rod or clean out every drain on the field. Two large Wipes will carry all water from the fielddrains to a small creek that flows through the University golf course. There is one fact Mr. Dodge brought out that has not been emphasized. The entire plans and construction of the stadium are being made in such! a way that another deck or tier may be constructed in the future. Thie Ill I NONE Last Time UTTER- y EAT S: z l Today Shh. Girls -- -- The Prince ol Wales Some Girls Have Yhliun Wsih I'T? Coming Sunday! Coaing Sunday ! [T?J Has "IT.", ihey Had "IT!" HE WAS BEATEN What -i1S TO HIS KNEES! wl".,/.1 . ", ./l.I",PYY~".r " " J", .o~'. ..l':s '"'I«Id. .1".I : r, r. . =. .,s, . . .s : . .s . . d MIS/ a____ /___ __ _ __' li -And then he thought of the girl rvho believed -in him. A powerful, fast- moving story of a man's regeneration through love and a girl's faith! With Renee Adoree Ralph Graves y- - Yr; WI 00 / ,,)V l' C l i PRO~ I (w The Best in Meats I