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February 26, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-26

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Professor Shepard Cites Experiments
In Last Night' liseussion On
"Aninial Intelligence"
Although the medical student of this
age is rather fully equipped in the'
knowledge of disease and its causes, it
is primarily the aim of the college to
train practitioners rather than medi-
cal scientists, and this requires some-
thing more than a knowledge of
science and facts of disease, asserted

Original Varsity Ban
Instruments, Plat
EA1itor s Note: This i .; the second ,of a
series of articles by Waily staff members on
various campus institutions and organizat;ons,
published in an effort to make clear their
functions and their particular features of in-
terest to prosepetive participants.
Hanging in the office of Robert A.
Campbell, treasurer of the UniversityI
is a dusty and somewhat worn picture
of six bewhiskered individuals, ob-
viously of musical inclinations, from
the instruments which repose on their
knees. Next to that on the wall is
a framed photograph of the modern
70-piece university band, resplendents
in maize and blue uniforms. These are
the two extremes, so to speak, of the
story of the band so far as it can be
traced, and 'they are separated by a
period of 70 years.
The original organization, whose
music was derived from flutes and
stringed instruments, wap in truth
more of an orchestra than a band, but'
it is the first university group of
which there is any knowledge. An-
other picture in the collection tells a
different story, one of 1890, when a
nondescript group representing the

ds Used Stringed
yed At Joe Parker's
found for the most part at Joe Par-
ker's and its wages were in beer.
There is very little actual knowl-
edge of a University band existing be-
fore 1910, when Ike Fisher, an organ-
izer of dance orchestras around town,
directed free of charge a small number
of players. Fisher seems to have kept
at his work spasmodically until about
19104 n71915. nd in 1 (317 0! t Wi1lf d

Klll UHI"Ill FOR
li G F goMER

BRITISH ACTIONIrAnrp(mIp or roiirrnrir l


Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical school was playing actual band music
school, in speaking over the radio last -though in truth its audiences were
night. And to alleviate this condition
he suggested, it is the intention of the MIME R l R
Medical school to select a group of LHg
general practitioners situated chiefly
towns of not over. 2,500 inhabitants,
men of known character and capacity, IiJK ING lEHI IfOL
and to them will be sent, for a period
of two months, students who have Will Be Presented March 7 to 12 With
completed with credit three years in fast Of 40 Players Including
the Medical school. Much New Talent
Owing to the necessity of carefulI
selection of the practitioners and the ; LIVINGSTONE HAS LEAD
lack of nermanent organization in the
plan at so early a stage, this year only Cast rehearsals for the next Mimes
a limited number of the best students production, "R. U. R.," a play by
will be given the opportunity, Dean Karel Capec, are being held daily, ac-
Cabot -explained. cording to E. Mortimer-Shuter, direc-
Scheme Thought helpful tor, and it is possible that the Mimes
It is believed that the scheme will spotlight vaudeville which was plan-
offer to the prospective physician an ned for next Wednesday, Thursday,
opportunity to see the practice of med- , and Friday nights will have to be post-
icine as it really is, and not mere/ [poned because of the necessity of using
as he may imagine it to be. He will the theater for rehearsals. Practic-
Of necessity be way from the assist- ally all of the acts have' been chosen
ance of complicated apparatus and for the Spotlight vaudeville and will
equipment, and will meet with cases be announced in the near future. A
of illness in all degrees of severit large number of exceptionally fine
To Dean Cabot, one of the outstandinf talent was uncovered in the tryouts,
advantages of the new "apprentice" according to officers of Mimes.
rystem will be the insight given the The play "R. U. R." having as it
medical student of the economic and actors, is particularly difficult to give,
social- status of his patients and the actors, is particailary difficult to give,
relation of the physician to the comi- according to Mr. Shuter, and has
munity.' never been attempted by amateurs.
At the close of the two month per- 1 In additio to this fact there was con-
iod, a report upon the capacities and I siderable difficulty in securing a
capabilities of the student will be copy of the play, and the manuscript
made by the preceptor to the medical which is being used in the original
faculty, from which can be obtained translation made by Paul Selver and
"the necessary knowledge of their Nagel Playfair.
sturdiness of character and breadth of The play will be given March 7 to
sympathies, factors of undeniable im- 12 with a cast of 40 characters. A
portance in the awardint of degrees." large number of new talent will be
Professor Sheard Gives Talk used, although Charles Livingstone,
To the uninitiated student of com- '28L, will take the leading role. All
narative psychology, the expression of the parts are mechanical automa-
"animal intelligence" probably sug- tons, who are without feelingand
gests interesting stories of how ants which make the play very unique,
build and provision their nests, how according to Mr. Shuter.
the beaver builds his dam, or how-
."Mr. so-and-so's "horse regularly NAT!O1 AL cS r7L4
raises the latch that holds the barn-
yardlate and lets himself out to free- THREE OIL SHIPS
dom, suggested Prof. John F. Shepard,
of the psychology department" in talk- (By Associated Press)
ing on "Animal Intelligence" for the HANTKOW, Feb. 25.-Three Stand-
second address on the eighth Michigan ard Oil company motor vessels and
Night Radio program. They are pop- other small craft were commandeered
ularly explained, he said, by the ca- by the Nationalist government on the
pacities of instinct or the ability of the Yangtse river near Shasi, Feb. 17, it
animal to apply reason to the problem. became known today.
However, this sort of experience can. The proper flags were removed, and
be made use of by the student of ani- the Nationalist flag run up instead.
mal behavior because the observers Two of the Standard Oil vessels later
usually have not been careful and were released, but the third still
thorough and have left out details serves as a troop ship.
that should be known, or else have Shasi is in Shuteth province, about
inferred things rather than actually 800 miles from the coast.
ol-served them. Further, the precise
history of the animal previous to theE
particular act must be known, Profes- FORM ER FACUL T Y
sor Shepard pointed out. And therein MEMBER IS DEAD
lies the major problem, he said.,
Cites Examnple Of Birds Word has been received of the death
The question as to whether the act yesterday of Prof. A. L. McLouth,'87
- as done by instinct can only be an- head of the German department at
swered by keeping the animal from New York University. Professor Mc-
birth entirely isolated from all con- Louth was formerly connected with
ditions that might bring forth such an the University faculty, having been an
act, except when a test is being made, instructor of German here from 1892
and then all conditions must be accur- to 1895.
ately controlled and the animal's ac-
tions carefully observed. As an illus- WORK ADVANCES ON NEW
tration, Professor Shepard cited an in-
stance of the separation of a bird fromi ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING
all older birds The particular bird de-
veloped an individual song, quite dif- Brick work on the new architectural
ferent from that of its species. When building has been completed as far
reared with birds of another species as the second floor line. The arrival
than their own, they develop the song of a recent shipment of brick will
of the latter. Tendency to sing is in- enable the masons to continue their
stinctive., but the specific song is work without interruption, according
learned, was the deduction. to a report from the office of Profes-
A second experiment of a similar sor Lorch, head of the architectural
nat ure was recited by the speaker. college.
Chickens were hatched and reared in{
the dark, fed by a tube, so that there STOCKHOLM.-The castle of Glim-


1N14 or 1:11 0, J anAI t 2n1 L.' i 41 . reI L~al -' ' .'' .
Wilson was obtained by authorities 1,01t NEW M E A S IRE
Ito head the position in an official c- ---
At this time the band was increased
in personnel to about 25 or 30 pieces, ' 1o ruie Efecie Immediately
but its activities were still Wi a rather IJ lm e cN oIne lInstditutony
indeterminate level. After two more.I ith StateBns
years had elapsed this number was ( Par With State Banks
increased again-this time to 40, and A
cape style uniform combining maize WNary-laugen Farm Relief bill,the
and blue, appeared .now for the first pry-H ar R, the
time. proud aidwork of the western farm
Mr. Campbell became manager of bloc and the southern Democrats, was
the Univeristy band in 1923, at which consigned to the wastebasket today by
time it was in the embarrassing posi- presinial veto.
tion of a large organization with no With it died all hope of general farm
provision for its care. Mr. Campbell legislation at this session of Con-
succeeded in raising $1,500 from both gress. The Senate will vote tomorrow
the regents and the athletic associa- IOn the question of overriding the veto,
(Continued on Page Two) but the process will be merely a ges-
ture. No one expects the bill to mus-
- F ter the two-thirds now necessary for
K1 passage.
KLIhat its supporters do expect, is
hat the roll call will give notice to
the White House that they have not
surrendered, but have prepared to ac-
jjjj } (( {{{jj jcept the issue. A new battle over a
- -. new McNary-Haugen bill is promised
Mr. Kennedy Is Author Of Play To BeI when Congress meets again next De-
Presented Ii lill Amuitorium:; cember, and political leaders on both
Wrote "The Chastening" sides are prepared to see the contest
carried over into the 1928 campaign.
THREE ACTORS IN PARTV President lakes Iositive Stand
President Coolidge took his stand
"The Salutation," a play by Charles againstthe bill in unequivocal fashion.
Rann Kennedy, will be given next In a long veto message dissecting the
Tuesday night in Hill auditorium n measure, he declared it an "economic
Tuedaynigt i Hll udiorim o ifolly" to attempt to regulate farm
the Oratorical association lecture se-! y emyn to eulation
ries. The company will incinde surpluses by levying anlequazation
Charles Rann Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy fee on basic farm commodities, pro-
formerly Edith Wynne Mathison), and nounced the proposal discriminatory
Margaret Gage, a younger actress who because it did not apply to all farm
is a protege of the Kennedys. products, and said in plain terms that i
isMa proKenedyfthe i nedyst.it was a scheme for price fixing that
Mr. enndy i on of ne ellwould rase the cost of living and
known contemporary playwrights, would not benefit the farmer. For
having written, among others, "Theth
Admiral," "Old Nobody," and "The good measure, he sent along to the
Chastening." Though a mialive Eng- capital an opinion by Attorney Gene-
ishman, he has for many-years n ral Sargent, declaring the bill uncon-
lihah a o ayyasbeen stittional in its vital prtovisios.
connected with the Anmerican stage s 'onsIitsienahty Questioned -
and is one of the trustees of the Ben- As an alternative, to meet an ag
nett School of Liberal and A pplied As l nialonditin twich he conceded
arts, Millbrook, New York. le has 'ue unsatisftor the Preden
intodceda ew ecni ttlto be unsatisfactory, the President l
introduced a new technique to the irewdhircomnaonfrps
theater, ad his la "Te Chatn renewed his recommendation for pas-
r, and his play "he Chasten- sage of other plans proposed in Con-
ing," is one of the well known mod-1
gross for the recovery of agriculture.
S laywrights. This play was given le declared that these programs I
here two years ago when the company "offer promise of sound assistance to
visited the city on one of its previous the farmer without these unconstitu-
tours. tionalities, in vision of executive au-
Mrs. Kennedy, who was formerly thority, this contracting with packers
Edith Wynne Mathison, appeared here ?and flour millers and other manufac-
for the first time many years ago with furors, this over-production with its
the original Ben Greet players n inflation and inevitable trash, with-
U~niversity hal. Her voice and dic- 'out this indirect price fixing, buying
tion are considered by critics to be and selling, this creation of huge bu-
among the most perfect on the stage aellin s creatin oheMcu-
and she has achieved considerable reaucracies," involved in the ur.Nary-
Haugen measure.
prominence for her tragic roles. She tWhile stating that many other rea-
will play the part of Francesca DaE
w pla thepartof Fanceca D sgns existed why the measure ought
Rimini in the production here ITues-sisextdwhtemaurogt
not to be approved, the President said
day night. . the most decisive one was that it was
Margaret Gage, the third member of unconstitutional
the company, is a promising young
actress who has gained considerable
prominence for her work with the dASIsINGTONFeb. 5.President
Kennedys. She is a graduate of the Coolidge signed the Grant Banking,
Bennett school, trained by thedK-en billtoday, at the same time that he
nedys themselves, and has paye with etoed the MNary-Haugen farm ina-
them since her graduation. She play- sure, with which it had been linked
ed the part of the youth in "The in Senate consideration.
Chastening" and will take the role ;The McFadden-Petter act becomes
of Beatrice Portinari in "The Saluta- effective immediately, and puts an end
tion." to the long controversy over branch
Pat Harrison, Missisippi senator, banking by national bar.ks by plac-
will set the date for his appearance ing them on a parity with state banks
here in the near future, since the which are permitted by local laws to
Senate will undoubtedly adjourn be- engage in branb banking.
fore March 4. Theodore Roosevelt will After the most important section of
also appear as the last number on the measure, however, is that extend-
the series March 29. ing indefinitely the charters of the 12
Tickets for the Kennedy's perform- federal reserve banks. It was because!
ance are on sale now at Slater's book- of the importance of this section that
store and are priced at $1.00. those in charge of the bill in the
Senate invoked the debate limitation
YOST WILL SPEAK 'ule for the first. time on purely do-
Y nmestic legislation.
TO CLASS OF 1930 Feeling certain that the President
eventually would veto the farm bill,


(By Associated Press)-LLflULII1U1I I'IUI
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.--President
Coolidge sees no reason arising from
traditional American policy for inter-
posing objection to the British action
in sending a cruiser to Nicaragua for
moral effect and protection of 1ritish j
lives and property in that (ountry. ISO M LENIMA Sl(SNS TO PLAY
At the White House today it was PRolESSIONAL BASKETAL
said that the President understood
that British and Italian nationals, a(s
well as Americans, had sustained (fy Associated Press)
FLINT, Feb. 25.-S-ohn "fB"
property losses due to civil war dis- Molenda, star full back on the
turbances in Nicaraguan cities. No University of Michigan football
details were disclosed. team during the past two years I
The President feels, however, that - and a member of the 1926 basket-
in the circumstances the movement ofj ball squa, turned professional
the British war vessel to Nicaragua is tonight and signed a season con-
an ordinary precaution to be taken bytwa k
any government,although unusual in I tract with a local basketball
Latin-American countries so far as Molenda, who was a few days
European powers are concerned. ago declared ineligible [or ath-
A sharp distinction was drawn be- letie competition at the Univer-
tween the dispatch of the war ship sity for one year because of his
to act as a place of refuge for foreign i orsona causengfdhig
or t evcuae thm, f I low scholastic standing during
nationals or to evacuate them, if the last semester, played his
necessary, and any proposal by a first game with the Flint team i
European power to land naval forces ftngt.e idt intdtem
to enforce debt collections or other tonight. He did not indicate if
settlements of that character. he will return to Michigan.
Twenty Mile Line Of Barbed Wire And I--
Machilne Ians Placed To Chek Farrell States Team Facineg Test In
Any Entrance To Foreign Section Relays Tonight Is Greenest
Ever Taken On Trip
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, Feb. 25-Thousands of (Special to The Daily)
the regulars-fighting men of Great URBANA, Feb. 25.-Michigan's inex-
Britain, France and Italy-faced a 20 1 perienced squad of trackmen will face
mile line of barbed wire, sand bags more than 600 athletes from 68 col-
and machine guns today to check any
attempted entrance into the foreign leges and universities representing the
settlements of Shanghai by warring best of the Middle West in the Relays
factions in China's upheaval. 7 in the huge Armory here tomorrow
On board ship, ready to move into with high hopes of making a very
the line if -needed, were 2,400 Amer- creditable showing. Although only 9 of
ican Marines and bluejackets. Wash--
ington had ordered that they be landed Coach Farrll's large squad of 19 men
when necessary to protect American have ever been entered in collegiate
lives and property, and not before. competition before, there are some ex-
American authorities ashore believed cellent athletes among them.
the necessity had not yet arisen. "This }s without a doubt the green-
Behind the line of foreign troops, est team I have ever taken to an out of
Bhindrud the offointrotop, town meet," Coach Farrell stated, "but
which surrounded ยง the international
settlement and French concession and I am confident that we will take our
reached some distance into native share of the honors. Of course this
Shanghai where 8,000 foreigners pos- is the first meet Michigan has compet-
sessing property valued at $16,000,000 ed in this year," Farrell continued,
gold. "and lack of competition is bound to
The day passed quiet enough. A be a handicap, since all of the other
ceaseless rain that made a quagmire Conference teams have had meets of
of the country curtailed the move- one kind or another."
ments of Chinese troops and around I The four mile relay team includes
the defense lite and lessened the ac- among its members two sophomores in
theoro defenseelieuandalessnedethehac
tivities of armies concentrating on the Ionroe and Wuerful, and the other
struggle to determine possession of two men, Horberger and Iskenderian,
Shanghai and Kiangsu province. also were not members of the team
Shantungese troops from the. North, 1 which gained the second leg of the
, Mike Mason trophy by last year's vic-
eecontinued etoariehoertr-
enforce the demoralized forces of Mar- tory in the Relays. Illinois, with two
shal Sun Huan Chang against the Imen from last year's quintet returning,
threatened advance of the Cantonese. is looked on as a strong threat in this
Foreign soldiers and marines formed event, but their best miler, White, was
the defense line in response to the lost by graduation. If the Michigan
request of the municipal council to the team does as well as it has been doing
counsels of foreign powers to aid inI in the field house, it should win, ac-
the defense of' the city. 3,000 British cording to Coach Farrell, although the
troops took up their positions along strain of competition may be too much
the line. With them went marines of for them.
France and Italy. Michigan's other relay entries aret
not considered so strong and are gen-
erally considered by 'critics to have
State Senate Action but an outside chance of taking honors.
The two mile event is looked on as a
On Death Bill Holds toss-up with any one of half a
teams figuring. The Michigan entry is
Interest Of People, Hunt, Pfluke, Beals and Lomont. In'
_the mile event, Iowa and Illinois are
(By Assciated Press) j doped to fight it out foi- first and sec-j
LANSING, Feb: 25.--For the first ond with Minnesota a possible third.
time in recent years, since the revival Micgigan has entered Mueller, Ohl-
of the death penalty in Michigan has I heiser, Barton, and. Leonard. These
been an active legislative issue, eyes four men have been developing rapidly
of the state are on the senate here as and may possibly come in for a place.
a result of the overwhelming majority Mueller and Ohlheiser are yeterans of
vote given the Armstrong-Palmer last years' quartet which won the Con-'
electric chair bill yesterday. ference out-door race, but Feinsinger
The bill is now in the hands of the and Herrnstein will be missed.

senate judiciary committee, and like. (Continued on Page Seven)
that party in the house, it is regarded
as being unfriendly to the issue which OCEAN TELEPHONE
has marshalled vigorous support from E
every county of the state and pamrtic- ERVICE EXTENDED
ularly from Wayne county. But,
while some members of the committee (By Associated Press)
may not be in favor of the bill, it is NEW YORK, Feb. 25.-Transatlant-E
doubted if the sentiment of their col- ic telephone service will be opened;
leagues and the public demand for tomorrow to California, Oregon, Wash-
favorable action will permit them to ington, Nevada and Arizona. With they
remain adamant. It is expected that extension of the service to these five
the committee will report the bill out ! states, the entire United States will
without recommendation, as was done have direct connection with all of
by the house committee. England, Scotland and Wales, the
It is generally considered that the American Telephone and Telegraph
issue of capital punishment will claim company announced tonight.
chief attention in the senate for the ,jFive zones, similar to parcel post


Wolverines Outwit and Outplay 'Min
At Every Tirn of C ntest;
Lead 16.9 at Hlf

By Wilton A. Simpson
CHAMPAIGN, Feb. 25.-Michigan
entered into, the lead of the Big Ten
title race by defeating the University
of Illinois 30-26 here tonight in a bat-
tle similar to the Michigan-Illinois
game played in Ann Arbor earlier in
the season.
Coach Mather's men played like
champions tonight, outplaying and out-
witting the Illini at every turn.
The Wolverines had a whirlwind of
speed and used it to good advantage
whenever the Illini showed signs of
weakening. When the Indians threat-
ened the Michigan lead near the close
of the game, the 'Michigan used a de-
layed offense to break up the last
minute spurt:
Daugherity Scoreless For Half
The contest was featured by close
guarding throughout particularly on
the part of the Wolverines. Michi-
gan, usually considered as a strong of-

G AlE;


W. L. Pet.

MICHIGAN ......7
Wisconsin ........6
Purdue ..........6
Indiana ..........6
Iowa ............5
Illinois ..........6
Ohio State .......5
Chicago ...........
Northwestern ....0



MOPES, 3- 26

fensive teani and only

a fair defen-

sive squad, showed brilliantly on the
defense. Daugherity, t4he high scorn
ing ace of the Conference, was held
scoreless during the first half. Ii
the second period, however, the Il-
linois captain tried long range scor-
ing and was successful in four of his
Illinois had the decided advantage
on the number of shots attempted, but
the majority of the tosses were made
when the men- were off balance or
covered. Statistics show that Illinois
took 69 shots at the basket while
Michigan attempted only 38.
Oosterbaan was more talked of to-
night than Red Grange was in 1925.
The tall Wolverine was superb on the
defense and a mighty power on the of-
fense, particularly in his work be-
neath the basket. Harrigan was the
high scorer of the contest and the
outstanding man in floor tactics. Har-
rigan caused Illinois no little trouble
with his brilliant dribbling.
Take Lead FroW Start
Michigan jumped into the lead at
the start of the game, Oosterbaan lead-
ing the way with three goals scored
off the backboard at the end of the
first of the firsthalf, the Wolverines
commanded a 16-9 lead.
After two minutes of play in the
second period, Michigan had increas-
ed its lead to 20 to 9. With Daugher-
ity scoring on long tosses, and Olson,
dimunitive forward, sneaking in short
shots, Illinois gradually gained on the
leaders, coming within three points
of accomplishing its aim. With the
score 27-24, Harrigan took the game
out of the fire by scoring a goal and
a free throw.tDorn dropped in a
short shot for the final score.



Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics and Bennie Oos-
terbaan, '28, All-American end, will
be the principal speakers at the fresh-
man banquet to be held on March ,
in the Union ballroom. Music by a
large orchestra and special entertain-
ment has been planned.
Tickets will be sold at the main
desk in the lobby of the Union and on
the campus by various freshmen.
"No freshman should miss this af-
fair," said William Jeffries, chairman
of the underclass committee. "It is thei
first freshman banquet of the year,
and class tradition calls for ;a large

those having charge of the banking
mieasure anticipated an assault upon
the Federal Reserve system in Con-s
gress by the agrarians should there
be a delay in continuing the charters
which would have expired in eight
Under the branch banking section
of the bill, national banks located in
states which permit branch banking
by statute at this time will be per-
mitted to maintain branches within
the limits of the city, town or county
in which the parent institution is
A third major provision of the new
law legalizes investment banking by
national banks, thus validating a prac-


Oosterbaan ........3
Harrigan . .....4
McCoy....... ...2
Petrie .............0
Totals 1
Daugherity ........4
Lindsay ...........0
Dorn ..............1
Reynolds ..........3
McKay ............0
Gamble ........... 0
Lind ..............0

Fp 8
11 4




next week or two, or until that body

zones, have been, established to de-


!R afr~a-(Cnh- n ,-tn a,. (lj, ana .iT cnr

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