,PAGE FEIGT _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY F~RTPAY, FRDAF1ARY 2,12 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. VOLUMIE VII FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1927 NI'MRER 103 Physics 33-FIrst Semester, 1926-.7r A final examination in Physics 36 will be given on Friday afternoon, February 25, 2-5, in the west lecture room of the West Physics cnir'iflg. Any one who was absent from the regular examination of February 9, or any one who was reported in the Dental College with grade D may take 1he examination on February 25. W. W. Sleator. 3lineralogy 18 (Dental Mineralogy): The examination for the removal of conditions in Mineralogy 13 Will be held in Room M-441, Natural Science Building, Saturday, February 26, 9 A. M. A.lbertI B. Peck. Geography 1 and 31: The make-up examination will be held on Saturday, March 5, at nine o'clock, in Room 6, Angell Hall. S. 1). Dodge. Department of Public Speaking: There will be a meeting of the members of the staff of the Department of public Speaking, Friday, February 25, at 4:10 P. M. in Room 3211 Angell Hall. R. 1). T. Hollister. Psychology 34L: A separate discussion section will be conducted for those students who have elected the laboratory and quiz only. This section will meet on Wednesday, at 8:00 A. M., in Room P364 N. S. For the next meeting, chapter X, on Perception, should be prepared. T. C. Schneirla. Aero 11 (also Math. 238): Students enrolled in this course are requested to meet me Friday at 5:00 P. M. in Room 13, East Hall, to arrange definite hours. Donat Kazarinoff. Faculty Concert: The following program, in the Faculty Concert Series, will be given in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, by the University Symphony Orchestra, Samuel Pierson Lockwood, Conductor, assisted by Grace Johnson Konold, Soprano and Thelma Ursula Newell, Violinist. The general 'public, with the exception of small children, is cordially invited to attend. "Parting," from the "Lenore" Symphony (Raff); Second Violin Concerto (Wienlawski) ; 'Marche Gauloise (Wekerlin); "Jewel Song" from "Faust" (Gounod); Third Symphony, A minor (Mendelssohn).! Charles A. Sink, Secretary. Phil Delta Kappa: Luncheon today 12 P. M. at Michigan Union. C. L. Anspach, President. TP WTIRTTR TH4INK. C-ITNESE ONLY DPROGRAM OF EVENTS ANNOUNCED BY KRAUS Stil Id E N' Io r N l; T l~ ANI 9 EN'TEI R 'AIN ME:NT IS N O (f PIETF IECURSIONS INCLUDED RI o!ehford II Pl 1yi Udes ldr Iir iee)iAn Of Iubert H EI(Iederson, '26, Will j IPresen( Several Plaia Included l the prograin of special lectures and entertainments for 1he' 1927 Summer session are 7' events, tentatively arranged, according to the announcement of Edward H. Kraus, clean of the Summer session. The pro-, gram has not been completed as yet. The addresses already scheduled in- I elude: "A Scientific Expedition to Some Coral Islands in the Pacific Ocean," Prof. James B. Pollock of the zoology department. Four Structures Are Destroyed In Army Barracks Fire NAVAL OFFICIALS REPORT 'CRIBBING' (Hy A sociated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-One see- end class man is to be dismissed and two or three third classznen will be demoted one grade for their connec- tion with "cribbing" at the Annapolis naval academy. Superintendent Nulton reported to- day to Secretary Wil~ur that the in- vestigation of how the second class- man, whose name was not revealed, obtained copies of mathematics exam- ination questions last December and sold them, would be continued. The in- structors in whose charge the examin- ations were placed, it was announced, have not been implicated. "Indications are that several men got an advantage from the situation without knowing what they were get- ting," said Secretary Wilbur. "The c - forts of the superintendent have been to deal with individual cases accord- in- to the degree of turpitude involv- ed." Picture of army contonement bar racks on fire at Governor's Island, N ew York, throwing lurid glare over harbor and lower Manhattan, at dusk, causing Gothamites to believe a di, sastrous conflagration was in prog- ress. Four structures were destroyed; eight men were injured. "Salvaging the Family," Prof. Ar- thur E. Wood of the sociology depart- under the direction of Robert Hender- inent. son, '26. The first, "The Last of Mrs.) "Evolution and Adaption," Prof. A. Cheney," by Frederick Lonsdale, will " Franklin Shull of the zoology depart- be given at three perfomances, June ment. 28, 30, and July 1. "Geology of Niagara Fails and Vi- Bernard Shaw s "Fanny's First cinity," Prof. Kirtley F. Mather of Play" will be shown on July 4, 5, 7, Harvard university. and 9. The third of the series will bel "Idle Lands of Michigan," Prof. K. Farquhar's "The Beaux Startgem," on C. McMurry of the geography depart- July 12, 14, and 16. Noel Coward's ment . "Hay Fever" is to be presented at per- "What Price Politics." James B. formances on July 19, 21, and 22. Pollock, Jr., of the political science de- Willard Mack's "Kick-In" will be partment, given by the group of Rockford Play- "Permanency and Popularity in Lit-! ers on July 26, 28 and 30. The last erature," Prof. Thomas E. Rankin of of the series by this company will be the rhetoric department. given on the evenings of Aug. 2, 4, "TheheApicatn Physicand 5, when they present Gordon Bot- S "The Application of Physical Chem-, , istry to Industry," Prof. Kruyt. tomley's "Grauch."y "With the Floating University on its The entire program of p~lays by the; World Cruise, I," Prof. W. Carl Rufus Rockford Players will be given under of the astronomy department. the auspices of the alumnae council "Wthstreloatimy UniparetonisI of the Women's League in ,Sarah Cas- "With tihe Floating University on its wvell Angell hail and there will be an World Cruise, II," Lionel G. Crocker aelssAnlhar d e b of the public speaking department. admission charge. -Graeco-Roman Egypt in the Light The (classes in one-act plays, play Graco-oma Egpt n te Lghtproduction, and Shakespearean read. of Recent Discoveries,' Prof. Francis prgucion and saeperaned- W. Kelsey, director of Near East re-, ing will also stage performances (bur-, erho h nvriy n h oreo h unnrssin s earhofey diersity NaEste-ing the course of the Summer session, "Lighting of Residences," Prof. H. which will be open to the public and ! H Higbie of the electrical engineer- for which no admission will be clarg- . .I i i . l i .i . -i ,i l I I e 4 a t. 1. S FORKNER TO INTERVIEW ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS E. A. Forkner, '04E, assistant sales nanager of the Wagner Electric cor- poration of St. Louis, will interview electrical engineers who are interest- ed in this work in room 274, West; Engineering building, today, it was announced by Prof. J. H. Cannon of the electrical engineering department, last night. A few positions in the company are open. MANILA-About 100 Manila Chinese have left for Canton during the last few days to join the Cantonese army. Try Our Delicious 11"NOasted Sandwiches After the Movies, and you wiil surelyget the treat of a life-time. SWEETLAND 212 South Main More than 85 per cent of movies shown in Buenos Aires are of Amer- lcan manufacture.1 POSTON, -Nearly 10 tons of the total membership was represented at the annual dinner'of the United States Fat Men's Club here. MOSCOW-Each of the Red army's 562,000 soldiers will cost $616 to main- tain this year. T he College Fellows All Meet at the Wolverine Cafe N DELICIOUS LUNCHEONS AND APPETIZING OFFERED A DINNERS ARE NT AMAZINGLY "LJ. STA Feb. 2 tellect opport Japa China method In t ucation branch vation. Thes Ameri presid the Se Wilbu chairm Relatio month The withn diers Orient with t dustra China, condit One being r tem o numbe NEED CHANCE 'TO SHOW INTELLECT "*prtmn presin ofthe NEE~I C ANCE TO HOW INTE LEC I on aleassociation ~of Illuminating En- gineers. NFORD UNIVERSITY, Calif., 1,000, fostered by young Chinese in- Jean Francois Millet: the Man and! 4.-The Chinese have great in- tellectuals, many of whom received His Art, and His Message," Prof. lugo ual capacity; all they need is I their education in the United States. I Thieme of the French department. unity. This system can be learned, in fact "Some Impressions of South Amer- n is a generation ahead of mastered, in 90 hours, he states. ica," Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po- In adapting itself to modern "China is now, under the eyes of litical science department. ds. the world, going through changes not { "TJfhe Gem Cutters of Idar-on-the- he modernization of China's ed- unlike those all modern governments Nahe," Dean Edward IH. Kraus. nal system in its higher have passed through, but she is hav- I "The Use of Stone in Modern Build- ies, she will work out her sal-! ing to meet all these changes at once," wgs," Prof. Walter F. Hunt of the says Dr. Wilbur in commenting upon architectural college. se thoughts are brought to hisimpressions of the awakening; "The UThniversity of Michigan Expe- ca by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Giant. E dition to the Philippine Islands,"r . ent of Stanford and brother of "She is forced to face three trying Carl E. Guthe, associate director of retary of the Navy, Curtis D. things at once. First, she is changing anthropology, University museum. r. Dr. Wilbur, organization her form of government; second, she Po. John Shimard ophesL gy, can of the Institute of. Pacific is trying to adapt herself to the re- Proff. J Shepnt ad of the psychology ons, has returned from a three quirements that have been forced by " Wdepartment. 's tour of China and Japan. science on modern civilizatiop on all "Thes, acstLard Expanion of Li- noted educator made contacts sides; third, she has to cope with the1 braries," Francis I Th. Goodrich, as- many scholars, statesmen, sol- interference of the foreigner and his ' sociate librarian of the University. and industrial leaders of the established privileges. This would fur- Reformation and Counter Refor- . He was impressed particularly nish a trying problem for any nation." tiraon, rtProf. Albert Hyma of the his- -n r r ______________________ind torydepartment. The other events on the program, as announced to date include: con- certs givein by the School of Music, ex- cursions to points around Ann Arbor as well as to nearby cities and in- stitcuions_ r'ecetions assmblies han- i n. LOW PRICES. Cheerful, efficient service brings the food from our modern, sanitary kitchen to you. Special Chicken' Dinners on Sundays. 329 South Main St. Across from the Wuerth Theatre Z3ILL01, p , , - quets, and visitors' nights at the Ob- servatory. STATE BILL WOULD STOP PLEDQING IN FIRST YEAR' LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 24.-For the purpose of stopping all first year pledging by any fraternity or sorority on the University of Nebraska cam- pus; or by any other society in any other institution maintained wholly or in part by the state of Nebraska, a bill has been introduced into the upper house of the Nebraska legisla- ture. The resolution states that the student who violates the law shall be expelled from the school at which he is a student. IOWA CITY.-Oak Park high school of Chicago, won the Iowa interschol- astic track meet. SECOND SEMESTER TEXT BOOKS- NEW AND SECOND-HAND AT WAHR'S UNIVE RSIT Y BOOKSTOR E he progress towaras moaern in- Mized civilization being made by despite the present chaotic ions there, he says. of the most important advances made, he declares, is a new sys- f writing which reduces the r of characters from 30,000 to TOKIO-A new passenger air ser- vice between Osaka and Shanghai, toI begin this spring, is being planned. HELSINGFORS-Illicit liquor traf- fic is being carried on along the Fin- nish coast. "Virgin Islands," Robert B. Hall of the geography department. There will also be a group of plays presented by the Rockford Players Y I I I R 1: ME Just planet more f it will this tir eastern height Merc its pr Venus. sky, an cannot be fou a little RCURY TO BE IN BEST POSITION FOR OBSERVATION EARLY TONIGHT after sunset this evening, the In order to obtain a good glimpse Mercury will be in a position of Mercury, it is necessary to look avorable for observation than for it either very soon after sunset reach for a year to come. At or very soon before sunrise, as the me it attains its maximum angular distance between it. and the elongation and its maximum sun is astronomically small, and thus above the horizon. it sets soon after the sun. ury will be easily located by The favorable position of Mercury oximity to the bright planet also affords an unusual opportunity Venus appears in the western to observe four of the most important nd is of such brilliance that it planets in the same evening-Venus be mistaken. Mercury will to the left and above Mercury, Jupiter nd a little to the right of, and a little nearer the horizon, and Mars i below, its sister planet. almost directly overhead. Oratorical T HE K ENN EDVYS Association 'RESENT "THE SALUT ATION" Lecture Reserved Seats $1OO uesday, March I, 8 p. m. - On Safe at Slater's STUB NO. 4 WILL ADM1IT hL L I The -dmmbk ew sai 4*.00 = LASTORTUNITY TO BUY = .00 $4.50 After Tod Price Advance to .I - +t . Q