PAM TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY STIIYJANUARY 21, 1927 L __ __._, , . .... , .... _ -. . ........_ -.._-- a..... ....- .. nIvrII~rn v ]ATN ' _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ IWeelares That Sli, a inton Anid ,Aropliy:41 Are To Be Feared More Than Priessing Onl SAYS L AW ARE SOCIAL f I f (Special to The Daily) lug th cause of the great volunle of ,} ataai. teol-bti ze ',a' vsn ,Y ยข > "' ,.. cismi, Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law school, gave the principalades tonight at the annual idt-winter con,- r 7 vention of the Ohio State Br asola tion, which is being held her~e. Da Bates, at the outset, declared that therx. , recent statement made lby the pre,;- ident of one of the large univer sitios I that it was the chief business of th law to confine itself within the liar-' i rowest limits possible, was inlcorreoct. ~ Inasmuch as the law has been teriti- v r r cised since tihe earliest days of this country and consequently has had little if no effect, the problem eati!<; for analysis and re-analysis, he stt ad.' "The cause of the present feverish legislative lie deep in the character-f istic conditions, activities and think-X ing of our time." The development of common law, through judicial ac-- tion, he said, must rest largely on %1', precedent and the doctrine of 'stare! Photo)y Sedi'ng -----er~u fx'~ decisis' and these laws do .rot lend rrlsmciaeno orptedargeetfothsyA"J.Ii81 ___________ themselves to the swift processes ' ter sevc rl imonithls of work since their election last fall. Top row friomi cxi necessary in a period of agitation fid i gh: - ld, iipot,' A-Cale . Rbno,'8E irucW flux. .liouck, '27I'; Iaymondl Boer, '28; and john J'. iMolenida, '28. Midd~le rW: "If law be -that system of rules,, Paul Ht. Bassow, '28; Henry3 S. Grin-neil, '23; Thomias C. Winter, '28(~i standards and policies by which hu-! man) ; Myrtle SE;. AnIa, '2S?=z. Ad; andl Paill L. B~urton, '28 E. Bottom rowur: man beings live and deal with ea5tih Williami A. Gxiiette, '2111); Paul W, lBrustke, 'uH8L; George W. Rester, '27 ; XW other, and if that scheme or legal or- arrcn A. WGood, '28; aind Mariont S. H-odg soli, ",ME der is the product of custom, tradi- ------_-------" ~- ----- rg tion, precedent and the life of tile day, t19.Afegrdaigh spt the it must follow that when tradi- APPEZV. ;C.TIS L ~ions and customs arerail break- ,,, T A TO KE N two years with the Grand Rapids, t .h " s, 3 ES E I WE HAVE THE LARGEST SSTOCK OF BOTH NEW AND USED STEXT BOOKS IN THE CITY B AXIN T!13111 SECONVIIAND A. , All J { -rat -- +:n .;. 7T' Y* ', rx ' . ts ti 'i 'tw 5it'f a}p .; t 'h L ' . k h ' ' . d. !i n{s. ' . f ,k T K ,4 r ' ; ' .3L. i., ,hcartil ' it .9 y+ f 1 S r t k 1i 41p v "Yr ; ,a b 8 N> , 3 :h r ,, G s y ",, . tr, _ '3 _ .N ' }' . ..1' F'l13FC ......rr . :a ."(: n e'' +s . -. r ,+ S i , I Rima11ffa' 'tRi,',,,7 "'-i M T4