ESTABLISHED 1890 r t xtl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I - VOL. XXXVII No. 103 EIGHT PAGES ANN AR8OR, i-ll''iIIGAN, FRIDAY,, FEBRUARY 25, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SHANGHAI FOREIGNERS PREPARE 'TO PREVENT INVASION OFSOLDIERSI A Mt RWA S. JAPANESE, AND POR.- TUC(I ESE VOLUNTEER TO STP LOP TiN( PRESENT COUNCIL IS RESULT 'CABOTfCAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS NOT OF MANY YEARS' EVOLUTION EFFECTIVE--PROFESSOR WAITE First Student Governing OrgaInizationJ Was Formed by iMich iga n Union MJD DAMS TO SPEAKBelieves Th.t Enactmient( ( Bill Would Be Theoretically Sound, But Would i) 19f; Present Number Of 1 n )emJers Is Smallest iTNot, In Practice, Bring About Expected Results EdOitor s ANote: IThs is the first of a series of articles by 1 aily staff members with varioas campus institutions and organizations, Ipublished in an effort to make clear their functioni and their particuk<:r features of in- terest to > ospective participants. 1 i a!1 1 t J A 1 Founded in the fall of 1905, the Stu- STRIKE IS ALMOST OVER of the oldest or- 110,0t) Laborers Are About To Return ganizations on the campus. To Work Following Execution Of 1 The first council was established by Nationailist Leaders the Union, and consisted of 17 senior, and junior students representing theI (By Associated Press) student body. During the past 22 years SHANGHAI, Feb. 24.-Foreign resi- the membership of the organization dents were called to arms in Shang- has varied widely in the point of num- hai today to prevent possible invasion ber. Running as high as 24 students of their settlement by defeated and some years, who held office for only demoralized soldiers of Marshal Sun one semester, the council, since 1923, Iuan Chang, proposed ruler of this has been smaller than at any otherj province of Kiangsu. time. Volunteer companies of Americans, Four years ago the council assumed' Portuguese and Japanese mounted its present composition with only mi-, guard to halt any irresponsible body nor alterations since then. It is now of Chinese soldiers from pouring into the foreign district and looting homes and business houses, as was done a' week ago at Hangchow by the same troops before they were forced from that city by the victoi'ious invading! [aitonese. ERA OFR OMANTICISM Many Troops Arrive I Trainloads of Sun's troops arrived Traces Realism And Impressionisn To from Sungkiang, 28 miles south of honndations In Era; Gives Shanghai, where the army. of 40,000 nacts For Support men was reported trampling and fal- uing back towards Shanghai without waiting for the attack of the Canton- SHOWS ART SLIDES ese, moving northward from Hang-! chow. "The realism which so surprises us A race developed today for posses- today and which we take as some rad- sion of Shanghai between troops from Shantung ,province, under General ical movement, and some new phase Chang Sung-Chang, and the army of of art, is nothing more than the shirt- the nationalist (Cantonese) govern- sleeve outgrowth of Romanticism, andI ment. Apparently the Shantungese the present trend of art to impression- won., . . Chang Sung-Chang, one of Sun's ad-s versaries in the field and recently his period," was the statement of Dr. supposed ally in the alliance of north- , Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Marquand ern warlords, assumed complete mili- Professor of Art and Archaeology atl tary control of Kiangsu province. Sun Princeton university, in his lecture on Huan Chang, only a few months ago, . . war lord of 113,000,000 people of five The Romantic Movement in Paint~ eastern Chinese provinces, apparently ing," yesterday afternoon in NaturalI has retired to private life, his where- Science auditorium. . abouts unknown-a great figure top- Dr. Mather than went on to'explain pled by Cantonese military force and some of the mistakes that have been political propaganda and the deficien- made and to outline some of the "fairy cy of his allies, tales" that have been handed down as the true versions of the Romantic (iByt Associated Press) movement. He told of the myths of the (AHAssoeated -The) hag-tyrannies and the oppressions that SHNGHAIa Feb.k 24.-The whn existed in art in Europe in the latter iai political strike of 110,000 workersd, part of the Eighteenth century and of wcs about ended tonight, brought to a the belief that suddenly there sprang close by the decapitation of more than up a new race of men whose ideal; was s0 aitrstonarsTheywereexeHuteChangliberty and who "wiped from the face soldiers a Marshal Sun Iluau Chang of the earth these ogres that were op- whose heavy swords were used to stop pressing them." It was only the lat- thespread of propaganda by nation- ter part of the myth, he said, that had alist government agents to aid the ari approach to the truth and lined advance of nationalist troops from itself with historical fact. Beeadins and shootings which the Asa support of his statement that Behaint gsn o di Pao-Chang Sun's the myths and commonly accepted pfoc amaionmisoneradmitsgwer by versions of the Romantic period were defense commissioner, admits weretby ;faulty, Dr. Mather explained his con- his orders, without question and with- eption of the growth of the Romantic I out trial, probably. totaled within five movement. He laid its real inception days at least 100. Half of these were to the growth of a new spirit of lib- done in public wherever the victims erty Which resulted in the social rev- were found but it is believed that at ._.t,,- ,,-t , comprised of 12 members as follows: Capital punishment, although theo- lives of occasional criminals is but a Six senior students, including the retically sound, is not effective in method of saving the lives of innocent resident, and three juniors are now lE A " ME1I(AI SChOOL TO practice, in the opinion of Prof. John men and women." elected each spring by the campus at S AiOPRTE A(TICAL B. Waite of the Law school. In dis- "What, in your opinion, will be the large, candidates being chosen by a tlRAINLNG 0 POCTORS" i cussing the capital unishmnent bill effect of the death penalty in prac- nominating committee. The seniors ---~ up for discussion in the state legisla- tice?" he was asked. hold office for one year, the juniors MUSIC WILL BE GIVEN ture during the latter part of. this "The real objection to the death for two. In addition, there are three '--- week, Professor Waite declared yes- penalty," Professor Waite continued, I ex-officio members who automatically There Will le Five Iuscial Interins terday that enactment of the bill "is that it will not result in enough t ss t chDituig The Course Of would not have any harmful effect executions; that, like all unenforced election or appointment to office. EIghth program nor would it do any great good. laws, it will beget contempt for law These are the managing editor of T'he Ir"Revivof thp death nenaltv" he rathe.hain renet.The death nen- , ____ tt,-'UI,.-', . - ____e_ Daily, the president o fthe Union, and explained, "will do no great harm-! alty is more or less sound in theory (By Ass a student member of the Board in j Development of the idea of appren- o n atcua od tmih eiu hl naifcor npatc.(ay Asscated tress) Contol f Atletcs.tiing adlvanced meical students to I nor any particular good.'- It might re- I but wholly unsatisfactory in practice stuent Ameberofthes.oard ii aDvaopment e dea o enstslt in an execution or two, but the IMost murderers don't think in advance LANSING, Feb. 24.-The state house The council elects its own officers, ,practicing physicians during the sum-s.Idof representatives today voted for cap with the exception of the president, mr vacaion, in order that the stu- harm is not in that. Many persons of the consequences. If they did - ital punishment, 61 to 35. The bill now det.who oppose the death penalty believe: hnwysol hyfa t n and has the power to fill any vacan- dent may become acquainted with the hinktwhyhshouldrtheytfeaheitsemn-?goes to the senate and if approved cies which may occur during the year. work of the general practicioner be- it quite right and moral to take the forcemeat?yr there to the governor for his sign- Its regular meetings are held tevery fore he is graduated, will be consider- lives of useful and innocent citizens f In Chicago in a year when there ture. If he concurs in the legislators' Wednesday night in the organization's ed by Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Med- in time of war because that is social: were 270 killings listed as murder action the death penalty for murder in offices in the Union. ical School, in the first talk on the defense. They forget that the war there was just one execution. Loeb Michigan will be restored after a eighth Michigan Night Radio program against crime and criminals is the and Leopold were exempted fromlapse (Continued on Page Two){___ which will be sent through thear most fundamental and necessary de- death by a judge. W of8 ears.' hs d Nat 7 o'clock tonight from the Detroit fense of society, and that taking the (Continued on Page Two) vealed a preponderance of sentiment Pcc Tai oDtsNI. I Ne station W. W. J. The subject of contrary to thatous other years, si- Dean Cabot's speech will be "The r rNROMJ ilar proposals have been voted down Practical Training of Doctors." IT[Nm D0P0SS DNI0NB N1 SIi the house in 1921 1923 and 1925, Something of the nature of animal Lu and passage of the Armstrong-Palmer intelligence as it has been discovered vehicle for electrocution of convicted through research work with rats and killers seemed certain, the represen- other animals generally used for lab- tatives argued as long and vehemently Men Swimming Ten Miles In Three oratory purposes will be given by as ever before. For two and one- ( Months 7'O Have Namreti Prof. Johrn F. Shepard, of the psychol-I half hours they talked for the bill Engraved On etarophy ; ogy department. Professor Shepard Reed Accused By Robinson Of Playing Nearly Every iepairtment Maitais and against it, in impassionedratory, has spent several years in such experi- Politics With Committee On Better Finanmia Standard while the galleries that were jammed mentation and a few of the results 'Campaign Funds I Than Last Year I listened attentively. IS GIFT OF NOVAK of his study will be disclosed during IAillAmeen t h -- lritalk. FIERY TILTS RESULT DINING ROOM HAS LOSS Prior to the lengthy deate, the Union members who swim a total Lay Will Speak house reviewed and killed an amend- distance of ten miles in the Union1 "Automobile Engineering Problems" (y Associated Press) Students are availing themselves ment that was put in the bill last will be discussed by Prof. Walter E. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-Fiery tilts more and more of the increased Union week by one of its opponents. It would pool between March 1 and June 1 may Lay, of the mechanical engineering de- between the Senate election investi- i facilities, and consequently the organ- have exempted any one convicted o have their names engraved on, a partment, in the third of the radio gesdization's financial condition is mark- circumstantial evidence, and in the large trophy cup which will be per- talks. Professor Lay is a member of gators, Reed of Missouri, and one ofedly benefiting, believes Lester F. opinion of sponsors of the bills and manently on display near the pool, the National Society of Automobile its most useful members, and Robin- Johnson, '27L, president of the Union. lawyers in the house, it would have Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of Engineers and of the National Re- son of Indiana, accompanied the de-j During last month almost every de- operated to nullify the effect of the the Union made known yesterday. I search council, and has been engaged bate today on the proposal to extend partment in the Union maintained a proposed law law. Only murderers The cup, which stands 36 inches in in recent years in research work in, the life of the campaign funds com- better financial standard, and the net convicted upon testimony of an eye I height, and is topped by a statue of the development of engines. He has mittee. operating profit figure showed a gen- witness would have been eligible fdr "Victory," has been presented to the also served as consulting engineer for The Indiana Republican accused the eral increase over January 1926, ac- the death measure, and it was pointed, organiation by Noack and Sons, jewel- several automobile manufacturers. Missouri Democrat of desiring to play cording to the monthly financial state- out that deliberate crimes are not so ers of Detroit, largely through the el- Randolph Adams, custodian of the politics with the committee with an men of the organization as prepared perpetrated. 'forts of Walter M. Noack, '24, who William L. Clements library, from the eye to the pathway to the White by the Union business office. Another amendment, proposed to,4 was interested in the establishment of original roster of the troops at the House in 1928, adding that with the Commenting upon this financial day, that was killed, would have ex- a Union pool when he attended the battle of Yorktown during the Revolu- committee's functioning he would-I statement, Johnson said yesterday, empted from the death penalty any University. tionary war, has discovered that con-' need no campaign funds and get plen- "The completion of all units of the killer under 18-years. It was success- Any member of the Union is eligi- trary. to former historical reports ty of publicity as he moved along, building, particularly the swimming fully opposed on the grounds that dis- ble to join the contest, the rules of there were more American troops than The Missourian countered with a pool and the Pendleton library, and a cretionary power vested in the jury which provide that not less than 25 French. This, with other facts obtain- declaration that Robinson had in- more thorough realization by the stu- to designate either death or life im- yards, which is one length of the pool, ed' from the collection of Americana dulged in "cowardly insinuations" dent body of the services rendered Prisonment in decreeing a conviction nor more than one-half mile may be that Regent Clements has gathered, and had given utterances to state- thereby has caused not only a greater as the bill now provides, would oper- covered in one day. Each swimmer will be comprised in his talk. ments which were "absolutely false." use of those units recently completed, ate to prevent dy miscarriage of Jus- who completes the 704 laps which Five Musical Numbers Robinson asserted that in investigat- but also all the other departments of I tice in cases of young criminals, comprise 10 miles will have his name i There will be five musical interims iuing the Indiana political situation last the building as well." I Governor Listens In engraved on the cup in the order ,in during the course of the program, I fall three weeks before the election, I Tap room cafeteria service, which Governor Green listened to part of which he finishes. Similar contests Kenneth C. Midgley, '28L, will open Reed had ridden into Indianapolis was one of the increasingly profitable the argument. will be held each semester, it is plan- 'the program with two marimnbaphone 1 "sitting alone on the front seat of a departments showed a more favorable Passage of the measure was preced.- ned, and the successful students will solos. Royden Susumago, Hawaii, and vehicle which had degenerated into a balance than a year ago, both on the ed by a debate in which Biblical al- have their names placed on the cup at biss Helen Sherrard, both graduate garbage wagon." lasis of the months of January, as lusions and poetical quotations were the end of the semester, and will also students of the School of Music, will Reed replied that if there was "any' well as on the five-month periods pre- freely interlarded. Two jministers, Rev. be presented with a special Union sing two operatic duets and arias. The I garbage in the wagon" it had been ceding Feb. 1. During the one month ,Andrew H. Haruly, of Saginaw and medal. It will not be possible to re- final musical number will be given by supplied by Republicans prominent of January 1927, students paid more hamev.WilliamB. Hartzog of Ing ceive a reward more than once, how- Miss Virginia' Tice, Ann Arbor, wh in conducting Robinson's campaign for than $10,000 for tap room service, ex- OPPOSed 'eah other, ever, Johnson stated. will play a number of piano numbers. election to the Senate and that he! clusive of the soda bar. More than $1,- Reverend Hartog a staunch oppon- Registration may be made at any In order that the radio programs would "dump the garbage into the 750 was Passed over the bar for foun- ent of the death' measure, cited the time with Matt Mann, swimming may incorporate the talks that are front yard of the Senator from Indi- tai service during the last 31 days commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill coach. of particular interest to the citizens of ana who will recognize the familiar! on record. and the Reverend Harnley retorted _-- the 'tate, an invitation is extended tojodor." Main dining room service and the with a quotation, "T'he Soul That Sin- rrado-stenrnstoendsextendstsfoswimming pool, although maintained neth Shall Die." College Head Denies i lsteners to send requests forI at a loss, according to the books are Rep. Charles H. Culver( of Detroit, *particular topical discussions by pro- COOLIDGE MAY SPEND. I being maintained on an increasingly attempted to substitue the whipping Desire Of Presidency fsorsof t veri t h Dot SUMMER IN MICHIGAN better standard. post for electrocution. He was ruled 'News station WWJ. A the close ofSU M RI out of ordr. t e i e i l tLosses encountered in the swim- NEW YORK, Feb. 24. - Emphatic Ihe seris in p1te sn al ofr the ming department, the president of the talks will be printed in booklet form (By Associated Press) UinteK lxK a denial of any presidential aspirations and will be mailed to all who send re- WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. - Rep.Union stated, are due largely to theLosueKluxKl L s was made by Dr. Nicholas Murray qexpense of maintaining an expert in- I I ussfor them. jFakT oho-h leet ih Butler in a recent interview with the sIstructor for the users of the pool. Bil- Supreme Court Case Columbia Spectator. "I have said this iigan District, called at the White liards, bowling and the regular dances so often," he asserted, "that it is tire- MELBOURNE.- The federal court, House to invite President Coolidge to all proved profitable to the organiza- some to repeat it, but it appear, decided yesterday favor of a 44- Iestablish a summer white house on tion, according to the monthly record.i (By Associated Press) shour week for the Amalgamated En- I Mackinac Island. The President, he This statement drawn up for -pres.. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-The Ku necessary to do so."Iufo rs "Nothing was farther from my gineering Union. said, told him he had reached no de- entation before the board of governors Klux Klan today lost in the Supreme thouht. I had no such intention then;i cision as to where he would spend of the Union contains a complete re- court its claim of the right to carry SI have no such intention' now; ido LORITENT, France. Airplanes are the summer but had Mackinac Island ord of the transactions of all depart- on activities in any state without ob- not propose to have any such inten- being used to police the fishing in mind as one of the places he might ments of the building for the month of taining permission from the state. tion." I grounds of the Brittany coast, visit. January 1927, as compared with the I The question reached the court conditions for the same period one from Kansas in an appeal by the Geor- ETOWyear ago. A statement of the financial gia Klan corporation which sought to ESTABLISHMENT OF DORMITORY SYSTEM WILL OFFER Icondition for the five months since the conduct its activities there without MANY ADVANTAGE S AND IMPROVEMENTS SAYS BURSLEY I close of the fiscal year, which was I obtaining permission as required by STATE HOUSE PASSES. MEASUR ON CAPTAL ~CPTLPUNISHMENT B 13 DEATH PENALTY MAY BECOME LAW AFTER LAPSE OF 41 YEAR PERIOD AMENDMENT IS KILLED Long Argument Ensues Before Vote Is Finally Taken; Governor Green Attends Debate least 50 Chinese were executed in pris- on and within military enclosures. Agents of the commissioner were known to have penetrated the French concession and kidnaped. some 30 na- tionalist agitators. A few kidnap- pings were reported to have 'taken place in the international settlement,# but these were not confirmed. The Chinese kidnapped from for- eign territory were 4arried off to military,* headquarters, and whether1 they were executed was not known. Simultaneously, proclamations de- clared at least a truce in the political strike and sent throngs of workers1 back to their jobs. It was halted part-1 ly by terrorism and partly by lack of. funds of the instigators of the stripgers. Li's proclamation cancelling his or- ders for execution of persons found' delivering public speeches and dis- tributing leaflets, or possesing in- flammatory literature, said: "I am touched by the numerous exe-- cutions by my subordinates! They were prompted thereto by my orders! to execute on the spot, without ques- I tion and without trial. This order I now rescind."I DEFENSE OF DAUGHERTY AND MILLERCONCLUDESj (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 24.-The defense has said its last word in the Daugh- crty-Miller trial. Summation for Harry M. Daugherty, former attorney general, and Thomas; W. Miller, former alien property cus-j todian, charged with conspiracy to def'raud theui- nited States of their' olutions which took place in England and France at the end of the eighte- enth and the beginning of the nine- teenth centuries. Dealing especially with Fiance, he told of the results of the French revolution which forced the artist out of the rut in which he had been working, due to the contract system, and forced him to look to his own resources and ingenuity for ideas and subjects. "The pride of the Romantic artist," said Dr. Mather, "was to be misunder-; stood. The average artist wants only1 to be understood, he wants to carry a message that will be understood and! will make 'impressions and changes. But the artist of the Romantic period wanted only to express himself, re- gardless of whether or not people un-1 de-stood the thing that he wanted to- portray." This, he said, is one of the Solution of many disadvantages of attainment which are impossible un- high price of land and other handicaps strongest features that exists for the 'the present University housing sys- der the present system. are two great, at least, for the present, proof of the fact that radical art of ( tem, the gradual establishment of a "As mentioned in the report of Dr. for the inauguration of such a plan. today is only the outgrowth of the University with a system of colleges Robert Angell, the present housing|But under such an ideal grouping the Romantic period. The freedom of that within the larger University group, system is far from satisfactory. i dormitories would furnish desirable period, he went on, is the thing that the increasing of loyalty to the in- Though many of the rooming houses faculty contacts and form ideal social has led to the impressionistic art of1 stitution, and the improvement of fa- are first class, some are not. It will ; units. today. cilities for the making of lasting take several years however, before' "As I have said, the first step in The latter part of the lecture was friendships, are seen by S. A. Bursley, a real program can be gotten well un- building men's dormitories would be illustrated with slides which were in- dean of students, as the result of the der way. First of all will come dormi- to construct those for the freshmen. tended to portray the extent of the 'final establishment of a dormitory tories for the underclass students. This would work in harmony with de- movement and some of the lines which I system as advocated in President Clar- These will be for women first of all, ferred rushing among the fraternities. it took. ence Cook Little's report to the Board present accommodations being for i Upperclassmen would room where of Regents. Dean Bursley in at inter- only about 325. The present legislature they chose. First year students would SMITH TO ATTEND1 view yesterday outlined some of the will be asked for an apropriation of j live for two semesters in dormitories changes in University life which the $750,000 and bonds are proposed to be; where they would have opportunities ST. LOUIS MEETING establishment of dormitories would 'issued for $750,000. This sum will be ( of making lasting friendships, they make possible. used, if plans mature, to construct; would have ample opportunity to de- 'For years," stated Dean Bursley, dormitories for 500 women. That will cide upon living accomodations for Registrar Ira M. Smith left last "we have been advocating the estab- be the initial step. Then, it is hoped the following year, and if they were so night for St. Louis, Mo., to attend lishment of dormitories to alleviate that funds can be secured from the inclined could judge far better the meetings of the high school princi- the disadvantageous features of the alumni with which to construct dormi- standing of different fraternities on pals' division of the National Educa- present housing system. I feel, that in 'tories for men, first of all the fresh- the campus. This would be the sec- #t# l7 '111111 :E .i ! t > , ;I ,) Aug. 31, 1926, is also compared ' withl the same period one year ago. Glenn Hunter Will Play Here Tonight Glenn Hunter, the actor who made a name for. himself with "Merton of1 the Movies," will appear at the Whit- ney theater tonight for one perfor- mance of "Young Woodley," a play by John Van Druten which recently clos- ed a season of eight months in New York. Basil Dean will stage the play, which has been directed by George C. Tyler, and Mr. Hunter" will play the title role of the youth. Mary Servoss will appear in the part of the profes- sor's wife and A. E. Anson will por- tray the part of the husband. Grant Stewart will play the part of the el- the Kansas law relating to -corpora- tiot organized in other states. Questioning of John S. Dean, counsel of the Klan, by members of the court, during his argument, was followed by Chief Justice Taft's announcement that the counsel for the state would not have to be had as the court was with- out jurisdiction in the case. An order giving effect to the court's decision to dismiss the appeal will probably be announced Monday. ROWLAND SPEAKS ON ARCHITECTURE Before a group of more than 100 students gathered at the annual smoker of the Aarchitectural society, C Wirt Rowland, well known Detroit de- signer, deplored th erecent tendency to dress buildings up with stone lin- gerie and lace, and the tendency to