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February 24, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-24

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5 .. ..
'...vim !n ... _., .......... .. v- .. m. ,..

oi eSuLI~hern baseball trip4
sch^(1;1 ed t:} bgin on April 8, CoachI
P,4y F sho:eha rcut II"squad of bat-
ter.l' toi (' andlidates who will vie
for l-laces oan the squad of 15 to be
selecte(d for the training tour.
Five pitchers, two catchers, and the
selec.ecd infield and outfield will be
probably taken on th e Itrip, Coach
Fisher said yesterdlay, while the re-
malning members of the squad will
be given all) opportunity in the prac-
tices after the team returns.
Don Miller, veteran pitcher, is the
only hatery manl certain to snake the
trip. One or two southpaws will be
chosen fr om the group comprised ofI
Horowitz, Moffett,.Whitney, and Neib-
lung, while 'Lowe, Stern, Montague,
Asbeck, and Gilmartin are the right
landers from whom the coach will
pick the other hurlers. With the 'ex-
ception of Stern and M~offett, the can-
didates are all sophomores.
Only three men loom as possibilities
for the catching berth. Davis, a vete-
ran, is the most probable selection,
while A'Reichman and Truskowski will
fight it out for the other vacancy.' The
latter will also be tried in the out-
field, Coach Fisher said isterday.
At present this position seems hardest
to fill, as Edgar, leading backstop in
the Conference last year as been de-
clared ineligible for competition.
Three veteran infielders, Loos,, short
stop, Friedman, third baseman, and:
Kubicek, second baseman, will again'
try out for the team. Morse, Wein-
traub, Robbins, Lipmian, and Heilstedt,
all sophomores, will furnish the com-
petition for positions,"and will attempt
to make the squad to fill the one or
two openings.
The problem of choosing an outfield
is the most uncertain at the presentI
time. Capt, Pucltelwartz, and Ooster-
baan, veterans, will both be ready for
service, although the latter will not
have much opportunity for practice
until the 'basketball season ends.
Gilbert, football star, who was forced
to quit the squad last year because of
illness, may ,main report this sea-
son. McCoy, center on Coach Mather'18s
quintet, will als9 report after the sea-
son closes, as will Truskowski An-
derson, and Corriden are other candi-
dlates for tih outfield posts.
The work thus far has been confined
almost entirely to pitchers and catch-
ers, with batting practice and pep
fames featuring the workouts. After
the basketb~all court in the Field house
has been taken away, the infield will

I -, I y

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1 1 . 1 {i' li :i. *

lCi. 'l, st'et"oift.I'.,z;i1W Iy."uluh'u
ilub, i:; thle c.,, ii2'W~ ;l LFlorida. u
[,'true ra S -lt1) itl t)110 ci

If you are a telephone subscriber call i, :ne ?No()T'TY
the Ad-raker, ijal 21-"4, and your N3 an t a~d
will be charged.
The Michigan Daily reserves the right t' FRAMEI them now -your 1aei~
classifv all wans ads inier ap'propriate 11"i-t!e n sige. An ro'
ingis and to r .vise or withhold objectionale o'l professn al pic11 ture f1:reml)(1rt
Copy. ofy poe~n, f:1-' 1
hicouncocsa3I'ATdaeprc- . ot t141ing pullication. Notice of ally error nimst be 2Sat t.t-t"u
gien in tine for tihe second~ insertions.__...
CASH RATES i LTEAII I egins wh n you plhonle
Taun cents per reading line (oil the basis of 8428. C. M. Gib L)on, CIhiroprlcto1-, 35
live average words to til ine) for one 7r tivWivh raa ~e-thr-a-
Ccnsprradi iefrtreo oeinsertions, i FOR totivellience, ..iirtd and atisfac-
Caish classifieds erived at the D aily ofice I
in The lPress Bumiding una Maynard Street. t ion, visit TrojnaKis B r
CONTRACT RATES Ilsho. te-hi-a
Special standardized rates given en appli a. !___________-sil
Lion. NTI'T "
IO LEHear "InI a JKittle S p,1as Townv,"
!On Victor Record. by "Tha Reveler:,;

rIw M1"1)Ihi,, .. 1 Isunibe~'~h . tb .en y
i,1 , ic I { }C7is, I' n tl se r
o,,,A1nil ' 1)1 tu > \i.i'{' 1 it 2 W .'. 12 .i' gddl' 1~
( 0 ( 1 ( 1 } e 1 b y t e1 -lr e o ' eitit e
I C'ia sb' I :t Y: 1 [, t~ og it L~. > 4 1"(Cle Ito;;t-.7 L',Cade1 d {' l ,, d : 1 a; U' tl{ '( z'
}.oud , n~nn u t ' t ~I "'(.~Th XO s2 ''5'') it li
,d( (' '.. ~l)1n I o\ o h. n01b jhd tu C7 ' ' r i ~ ' ft lv )11 a;'att n Ih
t Wt i:ty«s OIlbranI'itng ho'. ,). i t= C.ilrs 5bobs If ~Ge P; l 'll, e110(
di Gpie o'I "' swetp g Up 201& l)tfi. ' P rB' '_ii P>'K 't u cit ' 1 -tItl as ( l 1('it YdIi 1,1(:1 W}ert
..L .1't sI5''OllOta(, O lifOl. H ii'lyl 1 0 :' ig t f15 i1 ' i lf, 1' C(. 0( te ls
{l it {1 a (a ri s Zi theI1 ji l d.Cr a; (I (,gC-
a17'1;ztpiib i tl To lit I I(Ivnrdib i' niit (e ao ada ddl'ive.? l u
Pi {ri o to h g ens dg. Cv 'k°al' n

All makes of typewriters for sale or
rent. Excellent machlines at rea.-
.onable prircL=s. for rent. PromnptI
relpairing by experiencedl workcmen.
Courteous service. Aulta Brand
Ribhons and Carbons, Rider's Pen
Shrop, 315 State Street.

or as organ solo. Jesse Crawford.
at Schaeberle & Son Mlusico se
110 South Main. U
NOTICE,-Hats cleaned and blocked.
A dll kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and
repaired. Satisfaction gruiteed..
AINN ARBOR SHOP,. 625, E. Liberty.;

1~ P110111at; Iin a iii e N ionla Io gn e ; inO t
f'iil^^. 3 f, llt~ :..ina lanrl thli ()osterbaan. Xli'lIigaui..... ......
Star "~~j'~~~" Edgar I'it~t sblrg'h hlas a ('haol to b(( ieat ot hriaaAln)u a
StrMichig~an baseball recover, ; (ans eaue he{ac m Ex loishmurn. No'thwe.tel'n......6
who has been declared ineligible for the same sort of club" l onsyTi ,i'Cunnu:1 ilz, i nrdlne .. ..............6
competition this spr ing. Teloss )f'Thae (Panls' nalvantage, 1h'obelieves, .LtAi niaa............
Edgar will be telt keeniy by Coa c i (;Gcomes bona a ibet ter ha lranletilttchif ; 'IKrugr, \\Isco n..............(
Fishr 51(1 is quad fo he as b 0sI :siT. Ansd as for the Co~rhinals "t hey Krgrnia~.........(
outstanding catcher of the ('onf's enee (cete * ia u 1 ryba lat a1 , 01, o. ...... ........... 6
last year, -inl addition to addiing to the ":,t. Loais wasn't ti e bat ball "ltilh _____
Varsity attack. ;n ute league even t hough it Avon the
'n all probability "RudA" Davis, the1 pelnanit,"" was Iforusby's comment. 1
dliminuative backstop that gave +sdgar !"1twas the spirit andl(] o-operatI ion'
Dccasional re'sts last season, will lake ! iol '~x1l fellow=;hip and l nluIaltali( IN E
his place behind thte bat, anld by ilt;k' lug Bltht pulled them through .I first 4' s Ote ig'itt OW:
Iug use of his experience should ftill ! laice ail Orders Ni
the bill. Arr'ival of Vii"git Cheeves, forme, "A pt'rforml'.lenso 0pe)rfec(t if
. ~~(ago Cub's hurler, lifted the squadl -i'alh '{eiln N. YTelegr'
be given an opportunity ftor regular 'Mnmber to 14, most of wuhomn are GLENN
work. The squad will b)e removed! youthful pitchers aid catchers. Light, l -itilia
to the outside diamond as soonl as p rad ice, consistinig for the rmciat part ii"
weather permits. !of (coil iion rig Nworki, vwill smake up'I"Y UN
-- -d- tfoil until the harrival of Ite main i!Prices: The, l0t1i}, $
Subscribe for the MTichigan iDaily. ';Qtly ot regulars, on IV! ar ch 1. - _______________

2} .lleihtOrtI, 11( (1111 ;g 111 ' I-'11011, 'h1t.
1 lot to winl slit ed t s' nd pits, each
7'. , pit oilled to withlint12 fee(t of tilt' pinl and
'0 Burkie ca 11iP- roiled hI4'long Puitt on1
641 its $1,000 ride.
64 ' The inest iou r f tii':t~sii order
64 we,: Willis Klein, (,, rdclnpCity, N.
63: Y., 294 won $3,50 ; Trnny Armnour,
62 AWashingfton, 296, won Y<>( ; JIim('al-
GI1 berry, Chicago, 2937, wonf $275; Mike
61 Brady, New Yorlk, 298. _

TYPEWRITERIS-All makes, sold,'; NQ1I'U(E
rented, ex changed, cleaned, repair- Students desiring spare time Eas-
ed. Largest andl best stock to be ob-! ter v-.cation or summer work, se.2
twined anywhere. 0. D. 'MORRILL, Mr. Lewis or Mr. Smith at 332 East
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- I Jefferson, Thursday aind Friday. Our
er: Phon~e +6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-+ company pays weekly salary anti
ona Typewiritei's. inc. tf( extra Lcanus to those who can
_-;___ Ann Al'bor Mimneographing .shop-214
WANTED}-A garage near corner of Detroit St. Let' ui do yout' mimeo-
Hill and Church. Phone 4352. graphing and typewriting. First;-
102-103-1041 class work. Quick service. Lowest
- .. jprices. Dial 8683:


mvw-Setts, Feb,. °_:
it stands just this side of pa ,radise."
gmillat cast lin y
WOOIV .([ . DLn(- EYX 1"7 ¢

WVANTJ J-Accompanist for singing
act, wvorking in State Street Follies.
Mall preferred and should. have fair
singing voice. Call 7993 between
6 and 7 Thursday. 102
jWANTED-Students who like good
hot BARBECUES to know we de-
liver between 9:30 and 1V'30 P. MW.
BARBlECUJE INN, Dial 4481.
t c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.
WANTED-Student washing. Call
I21530. . 100=101-102
WANTED STUDENTS to know that
Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL 4306







I r
Soda Service Erom the Three Josi
Modern Ice less .Fountains
e Electric r efrigeraton has driven ice out. All three. Cakins-Fletcher
Drug Stores ae now beautifully and completely equipped with the finest
Iceless Soda Fountains America can produce. No matter what hour or
what the rush-the sundaes, sodas 'and Beverages served in our stores wil
be sparkling cold, zestful, appetizing, just right. We have gone the limit
- so that our thousands of patrons may have absolutey the finest soda foun-
tain service. New York, Chicago, San Francisco can boast no finer.
In short, our soda fountain departments are being put on the same^
high' basis which has given our drug our prescription and specialty depart-
.I merts state-wide reputations.
j ~~Thursda~y, Friday, and Saturday-Ail' Sundaes, Sodas and Drinks,_
Two for the Prige of One-Come and bring a Friend
FOR 115ICK iI'CE ilE 1OF WEIvCREA1 FIllEI. 24, 2 , 126 Jlt 11IfALTED
Wehave provided i IL
our soda tntains a pe
cial complartmient tot In keeping with the A most cordial invi-
keeping brick ice cream. M Nade froii a new
spirit of the formal
The temperature in thesetainsexnddo
conpaltientisawy opening of our three rcp mohr
below zero. Wil keep
tile bricks in good conti- wonerful fouttains, you to visit us dll- or creamy. Feb
tiont ntil you are ready ~ wl ev 'n' 4 5ad2
10 serve the.wewlsev a ur2425nd6
'Anly (1111( -l-companied secia ewgrde thisffoi'nal
by pa rentls will recive a spcalnwgrd ill be wonderful
liberal sam le of our Spe- of ice cream -the oeig pc a' o atdml
(1 al Banquet. ico Cream, ind you've loged
FREE;1. For the threeloesTwfrth
opening days fiBanquet for-real ice cream treats and special loesrxvfrth
Brick Ice Crcani will sell -the anquet Ic price of one. Cote
at till'some incpice 1s eg-
iar' vanilla luiek. Creani. brgans await you. and bring a friend
S cci I i1,her epart ents
$.00) Hot Water1 Bot- For the Men For the Women A Sample Box of
F, te,$.0- ubr colonial Club Ihavig " 250 ( .Cron01
Household Aprons - Creamr........................ . i ....-5 Candy FREE to
T'wo tor' the 1 01 of Coloniial lut Shavng 5"i) Sum ill 11let
01ne. Loioll...... 5c 1 f ro .... )1. 5every Lady.
Coitlinil (Club))Alter
Shaving't'alc..25..c 'uTwoo the Rric
ThI'is $1.25 Set'for $.00) of One
_ Li i~tSaea ackac 324 Soutah Statc LL Un L'iverity Aves. ,1el


Some good machines all makes. TheyI
are in good condition. Rider's PenI
Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thurI
LOST-A gold wrist watch. Hill Au-
ditoritum or Ingalls St. Phone 4751.
LOST-A large red and black flower,
design scarf, last Monday in Angell
B-all or "U" Hall. Please call 5518.
L. C. CURL. 102-103-104~
LOST-Pair~ of glasses in Hill Audi-
torium, Monday evening. Call
S'TAIR 6260. 102-103-1104
LOST-Saturday night at the Field
Hloulse, a ladies' gray fur-lined
glove. Finder call 7808.
LOST-Green Shaffer fountain pen
and black stub pen. Also a pair
of shell and gold rim glasses.
sPhone 9753. 100-101-102
LOST-Gold filled fountain pen at
Yost Field House, Saturday night.
Dial 8913. MISS SIEGEL.
Are your records important? If not
why make them? If they are im-
portant use a Record Ink. This is
the only kind of ink we sell and the
only kind which works well in your
fountain pen. Many worthless sub-
stitutes are offered under the cloak
of the name "Fountain Pen Ink."
Ask us, we will show you the dif-
ference. Rider's Pen Shop.
'FOR RENT-Large front room, newly
decorated and nicely furnished.
Steam heat. Phone 8544. 422 East
Washington. 101-102-103
FOR RENT-One-half 'each of two
(double rooms. Close to campus.
Girls or women. Phone 21298.-127
N. State. 101-102~
FOR RENT-Very desirable suite.
Reasonable. 811 South State.
i 101-102-103
FOR RENT-Two large double rooms.
Will rent single or double or, as a
suite. Either students or business
people. 425 S. Division. Phone
E22352. 100-101-102

' c-toes-thur-Sat
Stoddnard haliir Shop has given excel-
lent service for 17 years. A visit
will convince yoisof our efficiency,
709 N. i'Irsity._. tues-thur-sa t
Students! Save Money! Buy a used
typewriter and type your own thesis.
Phone Landis 3489. wed-thu r-sat-tus
TO EUROPE-Conducted tour lasting
two months in England, Holland,
the Rhine, Belgium, Switzerland,
Italy, Riviera and "France. Sailing
July 1st. All expenses $625. Third
successful season. fiend today for
circular. Rawson, 4414, Hazel Ave.,
you can have a two pant suit built,
to your measure for $37.50? Spring
styles now ready., T. B. LYONS,
Williams at Maynard. tf
'OIEnThe g'eatest value in Radio today.
Radiola style 20.' Now $89.50, with
tubes. Schaeberle & Son Mu~i
House. tf
TYPE WRITING' 'and Mimeograph
M4g promptly und neatly done
by experienced operators at mod.-
el'ate rates. Thesis and college
work a specialty for 19 years. j0.
D. 'Mor'rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
Typ writer and Stationery Store. tf
NOTICE-Typing; "t'hesis neatly and,,
quickly typed at popular" prices.'
Phone 7345. tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Pboner
6513. . 'tlally-tf
TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 1103 E. Wa slhigton. Phone
6365 evenings., ''2 to $30. tf
Our rapid turnover 'insures a fresh
stock and you, secure the best qual-
ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR-
RILL, 17 Nickels, Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: U 't~. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc.,






The grand pianos used at the J-Hop
were selected from our store for
their depth of tone, musical quality
and the action required and demand-
ed by the pianjsgt 'of the famous J- -
Hop orchestras.

3 For &2.6


Frateraltles and

TeSock King
11 13 S. Univ.

We are making price reductions on
these three instruments. Now is the
opportunity to grace your music room'
with a fine grand at, a big price sav-
ings and on very easy payment terms.
Come in and investigate this unusual
buying opportunity. Above pianos
warranted to you, the same as brand

FOR RENT--~1207 Willard St. Two
room furnished light housekeeping
apartment. Phone 6642. tfI
FOR iRENT'-Garage on Elmi St. Also
garage near new University Hos-
pital. Phone 6642. tfj
In keeping with University customs'
we specialize, employ experienced
penmakers who can repair your pen1I

601 East Wiliamn



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