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February 23, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-23

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 101







Cabot Will Discuss'
Medical Training On
WWJ Radio Program,
Hugh Cabot, dean of the Medical
school, speaking on the subject of
the practical training of doctors, will
open the series of talks on the eighth
Michigan Night radio program to be
broadcast from the University from 71
to 8 o'clock Friday through station.
WWJ, it was announced yesterday byI
Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric depart-
ment, program manager.
The entire program comprises three
other talksand five musical numbers.
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychol-
ogy department, who has spent sev-
eral years in research and experimen-
tation with rats and other animals,
will discuss the intelligence of ani-z
mals for the second of the five minute

Hobbs and Reed Urge Preparedness
Only Way Of Keeping Country Safe
Frun Vanger Of Foreign Entry
Before an almost capacity crowd

Defense Commissioner Orders Death
Of All Employees Who Refuse
To Return To Work
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, Feb. 22.-A Cantonese
(Nationlist) gunboat shelled this city
today while endeavoring to bombard
the Kiangnan arsenal, one mile south.
Five shells fell in the French settle-
ment district and five in the native
Two Chinese were killed and two
American homes were damaged. Nd
foreigners were injured.
Lying in the Whangpoo river, the
gunboat attempted to fire over the
city at the arsenal which contained
munitions.of Sun Chuan Fang, ruler
of this province of Kiangsu with
whom the Cantonese are at war. The
shells fell short, owing to defective
guns. The arsenal lies isolated from
other habitations, and had the marks-
manship been good, there probably
would have been little danger to
The bormbardment by the gunboat
was part of a traitorous plot against
Sun Chuan Fang. The gunboat turn-
ed overnight from his control whenl
its personnel went over bodily to the
Cantnese. Two warships of Sun also
were said to have turned to the Can-
tonese cause, and to prevent their
joining in the bombardment, the
French gunboat Alert, and marines'
trained their guns upon them without
Police Guard Concessions
All volunteer and police forces oft
the French concession were called to
arms Then the shelling was begun
and with machine guns they guardedr
all entrances to the district from the
adjoining native city. It as thought
for the time that an effort would be
made to overrun the foreign sections
of the city.E
The international settlement, oiher1
foreign districts of Shanghai, were
not menaced by the gunfire, they
being to the north of the line of fire
which was directed southward.
The heavy foreign naval and rail-
itary forces were aroused by the
sound of firing, but did not participate
in the disturbance, with the exception
of the two French warships which I
manned their guns.
Alert to protect foreign lives and
property if need be, there are at
Shanghai more than 25 foreign war-
ships and more than 10,000 fighting
men available for shore duty. These,
it is believed, will be sufficient to
guard the interests of the many thou-
sand foreign residents living in a city
of more than a million Chinese.
SHANGHAI, Feb. 22.-The heavy
swords of Sun Chuan Fang's soldiers,
which since Saturday have struck
off heads of inciters to the strike pro-
moted by the Nationalist government
to weaken resistance to its armed
forces, was less active today. There
has been a partial resumption of
postal and transportation service, but
approximately 100,000 strikers remain
idle in general industry.
Threaten British Employee
The violence of the beheaders, how-
ever, has aroused the opposition to
threats of reprisal. In Changsha,
capital of Hunan province, threats of
death have been made by labor unions
to all Chinese. who remain in British
employ and to all who supply neces-
sities to the British. In that far in-
land city, controlled by the Cantonese,
a coal contractor was seized for sup-
plying his commodity to the British
While there was no sign or anti-
foreign feeling in the strike agitation
in Shanghai, where heavy military
and naval forces of foreign nations

were on guard, increased anti-Britisn
agitation was reported from up the
Yangtze river. Chinese pilots were in-
timidated at Ichang and the crews of
American ships were threatened for
carrying British passengers.
Many :return To Work
The proclamation by Li Tao-Ching,
Chinese' defense commissioner of
Mfarshal Sun's forces in Shanghai,
posted in the main postoffice, that any
employees not returning to work
would be executed, ended all picket-
ing of the postoffice, and caused many
to return to work. The executions of

(By Associated Press)
PERNAMBUCO, Brazil, Feb. 22
I -Commander d' Pinedo, the Ital-
ian aviator, failed in his attemptI
today to make a non-stop flight
from the Cape Verde islands to
Port Natal, Brazil. He hopped off
from Port Canico, a few miles
miles from Porta Praya, at 1:10
o'clock in the morning and cov-
ered the long stretch of 1,432
miles over the ocean to the is-
land of Fernando Noronha in
about 12 hours. He circled the
island and proceeded on to the
j Brazilian mainland.j
Heavy seas and unfavorable
weather, according to informa-
tion received here, compelledI
him to return to Fernando Nor- ,
I onha, where he arrived three or
four hours after he had first
passed over it.
Booths Will Be Open For Collections
From S Until 4 O'clock In
Campus Buildings

Poincare Expresses
Views On War Debt
To French Chamber
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Feb. 22-Equality of treat-
ment of the United States and Great
Britain in payments of war debts is
the policy of the Poincare government
as disclosed in a letter from the pre-
mier to the finance committee of the
chamber of deputies, given out this
Premier Poincare confirmed reports
that negotiations have been going on
at Washington respecting a provision-
al payment on the Mellon-Berenger
accord and said that he hoped that the
proposition of the French governmentJ
1to make payment for 1927 on the same
basis as the payments to Great Britain
would be accepted.
He reminded the committee that the
debts in question were payable at'
sight in their totality and that the
arrangements made with London and
proposed to Washington must conse-
quently be considered favorable since
i they gave Parliament time to consider
carefully both settlements without
abandoning the right to approve or re-
ject them.
It is exclusively an administrative
prerogativeto decide how money
available from foreign debts shall be
applied, the premier declared. He
pointed out that the payments already
have been made to other nations un-
der the same conditions as proposed
to Great Britain and the United States.





W. L.
MichIgan........6 2
Wisconsin ........6 2
Purdue ..........5 2
Indiana .......... t 3
Illinois ...........6 3
Iowa ............5 3
Ohio State .......5 5
Chicago ..........3 6
Minnesota .......1 9
Northwestern ... .0 8


i talks. He will be followed by Prof. .1
Walter E. Lay of the mechanical en- Sherwood Eddy debated against Prof.I
gineering department of the engineer- William H. Hobbs of the geology de-
ing college who will talk upon auto- partment and Prof. Thomas H. Reed
mobile engineering problems. The of the political science department,
last of the speakers is to e Randolph yesteay morning on the question of
G. Adams, custodian of the William
L. Clements library. He has made the present system of national de-
important discoveries concerning the fense.
relative strength of the American and Professor Hobbs opened the debate
French forces at the Battle of York- for the affirmative after Professor W.
town during the Revolutionary war, A. Frayer of the history department,j
and these finds will be discussed in the moderator, had announced thy.
this talk.- - subject. Among the points which he
Two operatic duets and two arias , took in favor of the present system
will be sung by Royden Susurnago of national defense were: that man is
and Miss Helen Sherrard, graduate a "fighting animal" and will always
students of the School of Music. Miss ight as a last resort; that the large
Virginia Tice, Ann Arbor, will play population of the world brings the
several piano solos, and Mr. Kenneth lpeoples into closer contact and isl
C. Midgley,, '28L, will open the pro- much m/ore likely to cause wars; that
giam with two marimbaphone num- some questions have not been settled
bers. by arbitration although this means
has been tried; that a country which
DISCUSSis well prepared for war is not as like-
ly to get into war as,a country which
is not prepared; that a country should
have a good defense in order to be
considered as one of the world pow-
C AIISESeOF POY[RIY;ers; that the lack of preparedness for
-he"lasti war caused unnecessary loss1
Prominentocial Worker To Lecture of life and unnecessary expenditure of
In Connection With Religion lobbs Quotes Tilitary Mcin
Course On Morals During his talk, Professor Hobbs
quoted many sources such as Gen.
HEADS UNITED CHARUPIES John J. Pershing, Gen. Leonard Wood,
--- and Gen. George Washington. He dis-
puted certain statements which Mr. 1
"Roots of Poverty" will be the sub- .ue tn st .met whc r
Eddy had made in his writings on1
Sect of a lecture to be given by Joel the subject.
D. Hunter this afternoon at 4:15 Mr. Eddy based his whole first talk'
o'clock in Natural Science auditorium on his opposition to compulsory mil-
as the first of a series of lectures to ry training and to the military pro-
St seri oect opaaa. ich he stated, is constant-
>)e given this semester in connection ly or:ginating at various places about
with the School of Religion course the country. In respect to compulsory
on the moral issues of modern life. Mr, milita1ry training, Mr. Eddy cited the
hunter, who is superintendent of the Votes whirh had been taken at many
United Charities of Chicago, has spent: of the high schools and colleges of
his entire life in charitable and social the country showing that the faculty
I work and is recognized as one of the aIS well as the students were opposed

Ohio State

.Night's Results
24, Iowa 21.
27, Indiana 18.

President Characterizes Washington
As "A Builder, A Creator" With


Natlonal Mnd
I CENTRALAM A (By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22-In mark


--- ( contrast to the horseback courier who
Offers Resoiution To Sanction Sending carried news of the election of Amer-
Foreign Rlations Comjga ittee ica's first president, a radio hookup
that reached across the continent and
the seas was used today by President
SUPPORTED BY COALITION Coolidge in leading the nation in tri-
(By Associated Press) Bute to George Washington.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.-Backed by The President, in a speech delivered
a coalition of Democrats and Repub- with ceremonies of state before a joint
lican Insurgents, Senator Borah, Re- session of Congress, formally initiated
parrangements for the celebration of1
publican, Idaho, today issued a new t n 1o h,- .

Tables for the collection of classj
dues will be stationed in all principal
buildings on the campus today andj
tomorrow, which have been designatedj
by the Student council as Class Dues
days. All class dues will be payable
from 8 until- 4 o'clock either day in
the following buildings:
Literary classes, University Hall;
engineerin and architectural classes,1
Engineering building; law classes,



Each class treasurer is expect-
ed to have a table placed in some
conspicuous position in a cam-
pus building at 8 o'clock this
morning for the collection of
class dues today and tomorrow,
according to Thomas Cavanaugh,
'27, president of r the Student
Council. Treasurers who have
not yet procured uniform receipt
books may do so any time at the
business manager's office in theC
I Union.
Law building; dentistry classes, Den-
tal building; business, administration
classes, Tappan hhll; education
classes, Tappan hall; pharmacy
classes, Chemistry building.
Class treasurers and others collect
ing dues will be equipped with uni
form receipt books, and a receipt wil
be given with every payment.
Any student who fails to pay his o
her regular class dues will not be per
mitted to attend any class function
and all those who neglect to make
payments today or tomorrow will be
personally solicited for the dues in
[the near future.
Funds received from the payment o
cues are used for a number of pur
poses by each class in defraying vari
ous expenses which arise during th
year. Each class in the University
contracts for a page in the Michigan
ensian. Stationery, receipts and record
books are used by nearly every class
Social activities, including the fou
principalclass dances ot the yea
involve definite expenditures. Som
classes have certain expenditures foi
Sinterclassand intermural athleti
activities. Senior classes have tradi
tional functions which require the ex
penditure of funds. All classes ar
expected to have a reserve fund fo
emergeicy expenditures. The sur
plus in each class is carried over eacl
year until the fourth when the fund
provide the basis for the class memo
'Registrar To Atten(
National Conventioi
f Ira M. Smith, University Registra


leading social workers of the United to it. He alo showed how the Detroitj
States, according to members of the churches regarded the position takenl
sociology department. by the Chanber of Commerce in that
Previous to his acceptance of the city. We said that Coolidge had op-
position as supecrinitend~ent of the ;posed it; in many speeches, quoting
postin a speintndnt f hefrom several of the President's
United Charities of Chicago, Mr. Hun- eei
ter was for many years the chief pro- ; EddylOpposes Re0.s.C
C bation officer of the Chicago juvenile . E OPlOsed t.0 r C-
Ijcourt. Mr. Eddy opposedl the Reserve Of-
rt. s ir tficers Training corps as tending to-
Thesemnarin he chol o Rei2ward militarism. He claimed that al
gion on the moral issue of modern 1onr miar s Hecaed thr a
_ life is based upon the material offered country which was prepared for war
atteelcue!hihaegvnb usually became entangled in a war.
at these lectures which are given by The inculcating of militarism into the
a outstanding social workers from every youth of our nation is certainly the
field who have been recognized as wrong policy and should be abolish-
authorities upon their subject. ed, according to Mr. Eddy.
- The School of RKligion is offering Professor Reed called to mind that
- these lectures to the public because the American mind is probably the
1 of the widespread interest shown in hardest in the world to militarize and
i the topics of the speakers and any- for this reason Mr. Eddy's point of in-
r one interested in social work of this culcating militarism into the youth of
- type is invited to attend. America was negligible. He showed as
j, an example of this George Washing-
e Ohio Defeats Indiana ton's greatest difficulty in his cam-
e j paign of the Revolutionary war due
n NA 97.18 Score to the indifference of the American

challenge to the administration's Cen- L .nv . iiIILs011Ll
to be held in the national capitol inI
tral American policy by offering a 1 h932.
resolution authorizing the foreign re- Portraying the Father of his Coun-
lations committee to go into Mexico r as "a builder, a creator," Mr. Cool-
and Central America to get first hand geasaid Washington "had a national
information on conditions. jmind.,"
"We want to find out the facts and "Washington has come to personify
keep informed," declared Senator Wh measlnrepubsic,"me tcponiuy.
Borah, after he had offered a resolu- *l"He Aresiaed over the convention that
tion which would empower the com- Hfrased our rconstitution. The weight
mittee to spend $10,000 for expenses of his great name was a decided fac-
"to visit such countries, to sit during or in secuAng its adoption -y the
the recess of Congress at such times states. These results could never have.
and places as it deems advisable." been secured had it not been recogn z-
The resolution was referred to the edl that lie would be the, first Pres-
foreign relations committee, of which ident."
Mr. Borah is chairman, and it is ex- Speaking in the House chamber Mr. i
pected to meet tomorrow to consider Coolidge read his address from a
it. black pocketbook which lay before
A majority, its supporters predicted, him on a desk. He was accorded close
will favor the proposal, and, they said, attention but received no applause
if the coalition holds during the pros- until near the end when he said:
pective fight on the Senate floor it "We have seen many soldiers who
would be adopted. Jhave left behind them little but mem-
Introduction of the resolution ; ory of their conflict, but among all
created surpise in administration Sen- the victors the power to establish
ate circles, but spokesmen for that among a great people a form of self
element declined to be quoted. government which the test of exper-
Both Democratic and Iepublican iience has shown will endure was be-i
insurgent leaders, however, spoke I stowed upon Washington and Wash-
freely on the merits of the resolution, ington alone.I Many others have been
Senator Robinson, the Democratic able to destroy. He was able to con-
leader, declaring he was "whole heart- struct. That he had around him many
edly in favor of it" and Senator Swan- great minds does not detract from his
son, of Virginia, ranking Democrat on glory. His was the spirit without
the foreign relations committee, ex- which there would have been no inde-
pressing the view that "it would do pendence, no union, no constitution,
good." Senator Shipsted, Farmer and no republic." Applause at this
Labor, Minnesota, Senator Nye, Re- point came from the floor and crowd-
publican, North Dakota, and other in- ed galleries.
surgents declared the resolution would Pausing the President concluded:
pass with coalition support. "We cannot yet estimate him. We can
only indicate our reverence and thank
j the divine providence which sent( him
Ensian Will Launch Ito serve and inspire his fellow men."
Rising the audience applauded. Mr.
Final Drive Today Coolidge acknowledged with a smile
(' and turned to shake hands with Vice-
For Subscriptions I President Dawes, who presided and
-____ to Speaker Longworth, who sat at the
Subscription for the 1927 Michigan- j Vice-President's left.
ensian will be received for the last I - --
time at the present $4.00 rate in the Threaten Boycott If
three day campus campaign which
starts today. Farm Measure Fads
I Booths will be maintained by the
business staff of the publication on1
the diagonal at the Engineering arch, I (By Associated Press)
thdinaonala the EnganyrangatrchtFORT DODGE, Ia. Feb. 22-Should
in front of the Library, and at State President Coolidge refuse to sign the
street as well as in University hal, McNary-Haugen bill for farm relief,
and in the lobby of Angell hall. Af- tmpt will be made to boyo

Harrigan And Oosterbaan Divide
Scoring Honors, While Chambers
Stars With Play On Defense
Wilton A. Sipson
Ohio State's upset of Indiana com-
bined with the Wolverines' record
scoring victory over Chicago last
night placed Michigan in a deadlock
for the leadership of the Big Ten Con-
ference with the Wisconsin team
which defeated -Iowa, one of the four
teams which held a joint claim to
second place.
Michigan and Wisconsin now hold
first place in joint tenancy, each hav-
ing six victories and two defeats on
its record. The Indiana five, which
defeated Michigan Saturday night to
advance into the top position, fell into
a tie for fourth place with Illinois.
Indiana and Illinois each have won
six games, but have three defeats to
mar their records. Purdue, one of the
teams in the multiple tie for second
place, remained just a step out of
first place with a percentage of .714.
Theoretically, -there are still six
possible champions, if a percentage
of nine games won and three lost will
win the title. However, if it takes
ten victories to claim the title, there
are only Michigan, Wisconsin, and
Purdue to be considered. Of the lead-
ing teams, Michigan and Wisconsin
are generally Iconsidered to have the
most difficult schedules to face. The
Wolverines must meet Illionis, Chi-
cago, Iowa, and Purdue, while Wis-
consin is faced with Indiana, Iowa,
and a two game series with Illnois.
Purdue is the most feared member of
the Conference, meeting such teams
as Minnesota, Chicago, and North-
western (two games), Michigan being
the only team of first rank which the
Boilermakers have yet to play.
Maroons Start Strong
At the outset of the game, it looked
as though the Wolverines were to suf-
fer another defeat. The Maroons had
command of the situation for the first
few minutes, leading by four points,
but Michigan came to the fore when
McCoy and Martin sank three long
throws. From that point the Wol-
verines took the lead and never re-
linquished it, commanding a 29 to 16
lead by the end of the first half.
Play at the beginning of the second
period was particularly slow, the only
scoring being on free throws by Chi-
cago. Harrigan broke the lull when
he dribbled through the Chicago de-
fense for three short shots.
After the Wolverines had gained a
40 to 20 lead over the Maroons, Coach
Mather made frequent substitutions,.
Petrie, Truskowski, Rasnick, Schro-
der and Nyland, all being given an
opportunity to play. Oostrbaan was
the only regular to play throughout
the contest. With the score 46-25 and
the crowd clamoring for a score of
50 points, Oosterbaan dropped in a
"pot" shot and followed with a long
toss. Chambers was fouled and given
a free throw which he completed,
makingthe score 51 to 25 as the gun
was fired.
Chambers Stars On Defense
Although Captain Chambers did not
figure in the scoring from the floor,
he was clearly the outstanding man
on the Michigan defense. Time and
time again, Chicago raced down the
floor with two men at the basket,
only to have Chambers leap into the
air and block the throw. McCoy als
played an excellent game .beneath the
Oosterbaan was the high point man
of the contest, scoring one more point
than his teammate, Harrigan. Ooster-
baan and Harrigan each scored seven
I baskets, but the former made three
free throws while Harigan was suc-

rf 1
(By Associated Press)
- BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 22.-s
e Ohio State hit the basket from all an-
y gles tonight and knocked Indiana off
-its perch at the top of the Big Ten
d basketball race. The score was 271
s to 18.
r Ohio State jumped into a ten point
r lead at the start before Correll's free
e throw started the Indiana scoring. Al-
r though the Hoosiers cut this lead to
c an 11 to 8 score at the half, a Buck-{
.. eye bombardment later sent Ohio into
a 13 point lead. Chances at the bas-
e ket were about even, but Schuler, Mc-
'Millen and Tarbert were making theirs
s Architects To Hold
Meeting Tomorrow
d All architectural students will at-
tend the annual smoker sponsored by
n the Architectural Society, tomorrow
night at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic
Hall on South Fifth Avenue. Wirt
r, Rowland, of Detroit, and well known

people to the war. He also pointed out
that a large number of Americans feel
that any war is impossible due to our
strong position and that they scoff at
the idea of an attack from another
In his final talk, Mr. Eddy stated
his position as a pacifist. He said
that he would never take part in any!
war, whether right or wrong. He de-
nied that he advocated the abolition
of all armies and navies and said that
he did believe in some sort of defense
but did not favor the present system
of national defense.
Speaks in Afternoon
Mr. Eddy added some to his talk ofj
the morning in a meeting in Natural
Science auditorium yesterday after-
noon and gave a short summary of
his views. After this a. rapid fire of
questions, all regarding his opinions
on war and defense were asked him.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department, in questioning Eddy on
his position concerning a national po-
lice force, advocated that the nations
of the world form into a league with
a court having at its disposal a police
force to put down unnecessary upris-
ing of some nation against another.



ter F ridthprcofteanl
er Eastern and New England goods, E. I..
will be increased to $4.50 which will i
prevail until March f when the coin- Leightonodges a butoday.siness man of Fort
plete order must be tiled with the The, first move in this direction will
publishers.,I be made by Mr. Leighton when he at-
In the preparation of this year's} tends a meeting in Chicago of the As-
annual, several new features hiave tnsamem hcg fteA-
annual, sevr Tewr fatre av sociation of Jobbers and Manufactur-
ens added. The work of the book I ens i Plumbing Supplies, he said. 1
will includec bordelrs. feaitures in seve- (, «T -- :1- -

cessful in only two.
The summary follows:
Oosterbaan, rf-c ... 7
Chambers, rg......0
Martin, if-c.......5
McCoy, c..........2
Harrigan, lg.......7
Petrie, lg .......... 1
Truskowski, lg .... 0
Rasnick, if ........ 0
Schroder, rg....... 0
Nyland, lg.........0
Totals ...........22


P Pts.
1 17
2 2
2 10
0 4
3 16
0 2
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
8 51
'D- 13



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