TI 1;7., N' zi HIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN TI.I... TC.. ICANx DAT Y PAE RVa , N WATONLE~t~ ATMichigan Swim Stai '' TEAM IN TOA SOE c: DONMIO-E,_BA - RNEXT Watson ,, ,,"il.;:t: I~1 pune who has not Iotii1lj IIi li' i meets the YVohvineii(, 1ha on peted in this sn hashi an mates in the nhuse far.i S sore three (eiiisfrawlo mns The first ,otP wib Wion wrestled this ye r Caaa~~t(or- nell college - dh e t81hsop-t ponent Tby afi. :) jnrfl sw college'adAr c~c2.ivg e decisions itheCe(L hM l- gan State, /l '.. ue andOhio ;ae Second ,ov 1-1 coiium n isr~n 158 p0 and il odr Vh a sPe five victories in;i1 U1 .''e tci gan le'aerhascrdIV)lItan three decisions or19p011 ,:linho won falls inh: onieur f~ OhioSttmesandeiinaais Iowa State Teacherscolgihia State andl Purduie. Baker, captain of, ist r< <.,': \arsity team, ranks a c'(o-e third inii he nnmP- ber of points earned in the meets thus fair thisyer The stellar 115j. pounder has won ,ill ofthe five bouts in which he has partiipated, fou r by decisions and O()n,!by Ua loll. 'Th-e de- cisions were gakined,. against Cornell, Iowa State Teacher:;, Purdue, and Ohio State, and the f All!againist Northwest- ern. Baker wvas unable to corfljete in the Michigan State meet on account1 of illness. The fourth position in the race for scoring honors is held iby Sauer, 145 pounder, who has won 12 points by gaining four decisions in six starts. Sauer was victorious in tihe-contests with Michigan State, Northwestern, Purdue, and Ohio ?tl. Two 125 pounders; are tiedl for fifth place' with six points each. Nagle- kirk won both of the mnatches in which lie competed, but wvas forced to cease wrestling on account of injuries re- ceived in the meet with the Iowa State Teachers, against whom he scored.l one of his victories. The other was against Cornell.r Solomon is the other 125 p~ound star who has scored victories in both of the meets in which he has participated. Handicapped by injuries until the be- ginning of the second semester, Solo- mon has wrestled in the last two Con- ference meets against Purdue and Ohio State, deiea(tinig his, opponents handily on both occasions. Hardin, another 125 p~ounder, has gonod4 1-2 nonRv±iii ± wo me)ts' byi YALE, NAVY HP"' eading die "C orneon 1isjin seC'ond 1pt*;. .,. 'fictories ani one(1r~. f Syracuse, 1Darti'o 1 :, Y{nit s Pennsylvania, ad CiiityCrlc',,.:801 folrk, in t he above old"=rn Sonme (closec o'llpei 1iolln, I , w ale(rtedvWh1enl the Ykale I ,i' 'awa Miielshipnien engage in a (dIll ' ee(" soon. Led by su2(~h vaerlan int ercol legiate elhami]pion i.1 i itroke, Coale in thl distanc a . and Cooper in t ieo Iancyel~ lir.l~ Navy presents a formidable ,lge;- tion. Vale also has a strong tcar, al- 1 though they have los t the s e xaccs; m' Bronson, last year's captain and intc r- collegiate record holdei-, hi l;-,- gratduation. House, intercoliogia;~ champion iln he black strobe, SOa-i ford, tree styler, and Hall, fancy dive r, aire the stars upon whom Coach Kip- hruthi must depend to bring the Bl3ue its third successive swimmuing cham~- pionship. jIn water .polo, Yale, 'Navy, and Prinl- ceton are in a triple tie for first liace, with three victorY',s and no defeats each. These three are favored to fight it tout for premier honors in the league. .'ale, last year's water p)010 champions, ,*.ust vanquish the Tigers and the Mid- dies before they can repeat.. 4l s f HIS V I F I E COLUKI ADVER-ri SING AT 3 FOR SALE NOTICE I i F t t I a FOR1lSALE 1l y ;ALI--Sableand1 white male 2. ' onths old. Exceptional 1'l(18 Te~ieone 9S06, 99-100-141 FOR SALE RADIO-Nine tube super-heterodyne. $45.00. Complete $75.00. Call 7710. 99-100 FOR SALE-1924 Dodge roadster inl A number 1 condition. Box 161, Michigan Daily. 98-99-101)E All maktes of typewriters for sale or HEALTH Begins when you ph one rent. Excellent machines at rea- 8428" C. M. Gibson, Chiropra:cto~r, ;i5 sonahle prices, for rent. Prompttl Wuetb Arcade. .ues-thur -sat-Uf Frepairig by experienced workmn. NOTICE'l'he IBest in Photo Frames, Courteous ser vice. Aulta .Brand at the lowest prices. Allsye, SRib~bons and Carbons. Rider's Pen. swing, swivel, etc. Leather fratmes;. Shop, 115 State Street. J. B. SAUNDER' IS, ,30) S. Stantec. suu-tries-thugs-t FOR SALE-Police puppier., by 111- -.--_ pored ire elgibe t reistatin.FOR convenience, speed and satisfac- pored ir, eigbletoregstatin. tion, visit 'rrojiwskis Biarbera Price reasonabsle. 429 So. Division. te-hu-a 198-99-1004 ___ __ ___ ___ FOR SALE-- illys-Knight. NelI NOTIC~r--Hats cleaned and blocked. Epainted. In goodl condition, good Iknsosoeceaeddad repaired. Satisfuetion ruajrauIited. tires, winter curtains. $1300. 9500. 98-99-1004 AN ARBOR S / PI 625 E. Lbry TYP~ERITERS-All makes, sold, -- -------- rented, exchanged, (leaned, repair- Suet'Sv oe!Byan~ ed. Largest and best stock: to be ob- typewriter and type your own Ihes. twimed anytwriere. 0. D. MORRILL. Phore Landis 3489. wed-thur-:,at-'us 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- AnAbrMmor hn hp~1 Ier: Phone 66l15, IL. C. Smith & Cor- Detroit St. Let uv d 0 your naine'i- ona Typewriters, Inc. tf graping and typewriting. 1' r;s,- class work. Quick :service. Lowes:t WANTED prices. Dial 5683. f %i t ^ I i F- i MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 27Business AlImost Impossible" Nowadays Without LongDistance i i I i I ('a: iI 'in al saisn j ' Vho has baecome recognized as oneI Of the greyaItest af all collegiate swim-! Tiers after shattering the national 440 Ya rrl freestyle mark in 5 :05.2. STHE WANT ADS r A 1)ISTI XVTIVE FOOTrWEA~R I INTRODUCING THE GLENMORE For Men $10.00 t' S . 1 1tt l.p. " L} , 19 m" ' C B~er. ~mn°'e Ce* [1 01 y.aP~This bank tnaprec iat~s 'theo e value of the fstesttcotnmung cati~l serv ie.ongDsac cen helpbuildayebsiness. WANThED-Suite. Private house pre- ferred. Box 163. 100 WANTED--Student washing. Call 21530. 100-101-102 WANTED-Student foi part time salesman. Good proposition for a worker. Phone 7103. 99-100 WANTED--Woman student to wash dishes for small private family andt S to stay with (laughter evenings when family is out. Salary and dinners. Address Box 164, Michigan Daily. 99-100-101 WANTE-Gentlemian student wvant-j ing room mate please call at 119 No. Thayer. Dial 21815. 97-98-99-100 WANTED-Students who like good hot BARBECUES to know we de- S liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. c-Tues.-Thurs..-Sat. WANTED STUDENTS to know that Samn pays froni $5 to $25 for old i suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4308 tf FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING The new Imported Shrewsbury Calf Oxford Full Toe and Narrow Heel Fitting. The J*Murphy.BotSp NICKELS ARCADE gaining a deision and by wrestling to - .._... . .._-___ _____________________ __ __________ __---____________________________ a draw. The decision was wont in the MihiaicheiganndHrdn"a1i1iStatei11ttli10116meet111111111and11 1-lardIIIIIHII111111111In II -fl itllllllllllllliillllllitllllll___________________________________________ wrestled his adversary to a draw at- Northwestern. Preston, 175 pounder, has broken even in two meets, winning a decision against Northwestern fckr three points.- Prescott, heavywegiht, is the, only-f other Wolverine to hold a place in the Michigan scoring columns, having - gained one victory in five starts. The members of the Varsity team will present tihe 'high point winnersT for the season with a Michigan plaque.c Yearling; Swimmers Show Up Very WellT Members of thiis yea's freshman - swimming squad have beent showing , exceptional ability, accord ig to Mlatt==I Mann, Varsity coach . In tl e free= _ style Wtalaitis, Walker, Hiosmer, Reif, Frantz and Maron, a new imemiber of'( th e m r hWg r m s . Fralaitis of 1)etreoit, was a former?= national interscholastic chlampion in ~, the dashes. Walker was cia mbe'of ...-Cllege the last year's record relay team of North- - a trestern high school, lDetroit, and Reif U ir Ca pu i fomMecesbrgAcdey.Kin B. Godsnmith, and Powers have also made goodl time in tile sprints. r p k In the backstr oke, tQoa i 1MannIt as.° Warner and RI. Shorl', tile latter a brother o AM. Shornr of thte Vat r iL =_g idly and have prvssel the Vasity ntattory fairly closely. Competition in tile breast stroke isF keen, withl J. Thonrpsaoi, tlechheimer. = an G~ iho 4ngte st fornm. At- present hail Seems to be the class of - the fancy divers. These men have le in' excellent condition by working daily with tileI Varity swinnIers. Ocasionally they (It . -.I . have copeted unatthd i Detroit, ( scoring heavily ill junior A. A. U. Coptton. K'T GT. PEITERSBULRGH. Golfers If you wish to possess custom-made clothing that combines all the- aogtemjr lau baealrecognized features of perfection in fitting and the unusual qualities of _; clubs that will train in Florida this Spring are to get a chance to see= smart attire, we suggest that you come in and see our complete line ofj "who's whlo" on the links as well as Langrock Clothing forSpig ci the diamond pig CIICAGO-Grover Cleveland. Alex-.j ander, I ro of last year's world's . ncle, tarte. onltie'4111l"down the d - r"to join the battery ment of the - t;.. ILou';sCardinal,,. PHILADELPHIA, t-°iennsylvania-i lost its star outfielder and baseball - In keeping with University customs we specialize, employ experienced penmlakers who can repair your pen correctly. The only penmakers in the state. If your tooth was in trouble you would go to a skilled dentist, not to a blacksmith or gro- cer. Give your pen the sanme con- sideration. Rider Pen Shop. - sun-tues-thur. LO$SITt LOST-Green Shaffer fountain pen and black stub pen. Also a pair of shell and gold rim glasses. fPhone 9753. 100-101-102 LOST--Gold filled fountain pen at Yost Field House, Saturday night. Dial 8913. MISS SIEGEL. 100-101-102 LOST-Saturday night,' between Mack's and Wahr Book Store~on Main Street, cameo pin. Finder call,7811 and reward. 100 LOST-Rider Masterpen, short size, at Indiana game. Reward. Phone 21852. 100 LOST-Dunhill Pipe with silver band, also a ring with square blue stone. If found, call 7617. W. R. LAMB. Reward. 98-99-100 LOST-About January Z7, Lady's yel- low gold wrist watch; Elgin; re- ward. Phone 2-1635. I 95-96-97-98-99-100-101 LOST-A blue, Moore's fountain pen. Dial 5518. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-Student taking engineer- ,11ng would, like to have room-mate. Large front room. $3 per week. Dial 9528. 100-101 FOR RENT-Two large double rooms. lWill rent single or doublo or as a suite. Either students or business people. 425 S. Division. Phone 22352. 100-101-102 FOR RENT-A nice quiet and pleas- ant room, single or double, at 524 'Walnut St. Call 22197. 99-100 FOR RENT--New two and three-room apartment, with private bath. Frig- idaire and vapor heat. 644 E. Uni- versity. Dial 6650. 98-99-100 FOR RENT-Living room, bed room, kitchenette, bath. Dial 22340 be- FOR RENT-Single room for a man student. Reasonable. 110 Glen Ave. 98-99-100 FOR RENT'-1207 Willard St. Two room furnished light housekeeping apartment. Phone 6642. tf FOR RENT'-Garage on Elm St. Also, garage near new University Hios- pital. Phone 6642. tf TYPEWRITER FOR RENT Sonme good machines all makes. They are' in good condition. Rider's Pen Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thur c-to es-tur-Sat- Stoddard Hair Shuop has given excel- lent service for 17 years. A visit will convince you or our efficiency, 709 N. University.; tues-l-hir-s.t NOTICE-Will traue.~A i Torcoa- (ster body for same model touring body.. Phone 551., 99-100-101 NOTICE-To men wating spring va- cation andl summe w~ork.' Here is 3an excellent ppot'uhltyt to earn, learn and become a leader of men. It will be to your advantage to 1call 3079 on Tuesday or Wednes- day and arrange for anf interview. Ask for Mr. I-ewis or Mr. Smith. 99-100-101 liollauf The 'Palljor ,Cothes made to order a specialty, experienc- ed cutter and fitter. 115 1-2 South Main St. 95-96-97-98-99-100 INOTICE-For,. potatoes and fire place wood, call 9534. 96-97-98-99-100-101 TO EUROPE-Conducted tour lasting two months in England, Holland, 1the Rine, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Riviera and France. Sailing July 1st. All expenses $25. Third successful season. Send today for circular. Rawson, 4414, Hazel Ave., Chicago. 96-97-98-99-100-101-102_103,104,105 WHY WEAR "READY MADES" when you can have a two pant suit built tylesnowsuready 3.5T0?.pLYnS, otye omearyfo $8.50?LYOSn Williams at Maynard. tf TYPEWITING and Mimeograph. ngpromptly and neatly done by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. Thesis and college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. ED. MIorrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The' Typwriter and Stationery Stre. f Hear Fritz Kresler's new Orthophonic Victor Records. Exclusive Victor artists. Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 So. Main. f NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and quickly typed at .popular prices. P hone 7345.. tf NOTICE Special Bargains on new and used in- struments. Schaeberle & Son Mu- sic House. tf ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shamp~ooed. Phone 6513. daily-t TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf TYPE WRITER RI3BONS AND CARBONS Our rapid turnover -Insures a fresh stock and you secure the bet qual. ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR. RILL, 17 Nickels, Arcade, Phone THE BIG THRE- M1USIC, music AND MORE MNUSIC. THREE GRAND PIANOS at BARGAN PRICES The grand pianos used .at'the J-Hop were selected from, our store for their depth of tone, musical quality and the action required and demand- ed by the pianists o the famous J- Hop orchestras. Fi'aternltles anid sororities We are making price reductions on. these three instruments. Now is the opportunity to grace your music -room with a fine grand at a big price sav- ings and on very easy payment terms. Come in and investigate this unusual buying opportunity. Above pianos warranted to you, the same as brand new. UNIVERSITY MUSIC IIOUS1F 001 East William St. FOUNTAIN,,P;EN INK Are your records 'important? If not