____________ ___________TIT M-IIG N DA L Pl'IDAY, JANV'AnY 28, 1927 DAILY OFFICIAL, B UL LE TI N T WO0("YOUTHS AT _HEAD OF REVLT MICHIGAN.ALUCM NUS R-EADS PA PER AGISTE.CLISI EIO ON VALUE OF IRES!EARCHWOKA ANNUAL CONVENkfTON 0OF ENGINEERS" 1 Publication in the B~ulletin is construictive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy~must be typewritten. Volume T11 FRID)AY, JANUARY ?S, 1,927 ])umber ,D1 Further Change, Facilty fleeting, College of Literature, Science send thle Arts: Another change hids been necessary in the date of the p~ostponed faculty meeting. It wil be held definitely Tulesday evening, February 1, in Room 2225 Angell Hall, at 7:30 P. M. John iIL .Efingier. The Building and Grounds Department is compelled to make certain repairs and will therefore be0 unable io funish compressed air to any building from 7 o'clock Thursday, January 27, to 7 o'clock Monday, Jan. 31. Herbert G. Watkins, A ssist ant Secretary. Library Coimmiittee, CoIle4'e of Llterat, rv, Ccience and the Arts : There wil be a meet'tng of the Library Comlmittee of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts at. 4 P'. M. (In Tuesday, February 1. Members of the Faculty having requests to lay bdrre this Committee are asked to do so in writing before noon of Monday, January 31. VWin.,IV. Bishop, Librarhin. University Lecture: Dr. John Johnston, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Yale U~niversity, will. speak on "Some Criteria of Purity of Organic Comnpoundls" on Friday, January 28, at 4:15 P. MV., Room 165 Chemistry Building. The 1 }cture will be of interest to students in chemistry, chemical engineering and physics. Others .are also cordially, invited. James F. Firestone, 'i n fow chier e gineer of the Bceckwii conipany t' lDowagiz c, vost erda " rsetda ii2e on t he value o_ research, as age~ speaker at a Fsessti of the Ameri]'c"t i S)ciety ofhTting nilenti 1 llaing i Enginers, hic-is nowhodn is 33rdl annual convent ion at St.Iois "The value of technical researc to the manufacturer is untold," acc-ord-i lng to Mr. Firestone.. "Ins. t.;Ive. genius, certified by good business .is,' constantly at work and the manufac- turers are constantly in search for new ideas from which profits can be made. -It is b~eing realized mnore and more than technical research, carried' on in an impartial aud unb~iased; method, proves the value or the worth- lessness of an idea and broadens the I use of the ideas that are submitted for investigation.l The value of any research program+ is commensurate with the good it die-1 velops for humanity, and it goes with- out saying that unless the resea.rchl work provides some improvement inj existing conditions, it has no useable laein the ciicu, umof the busi- ai I:d( by I elhni cal ,t rsearh itt a. prgaiOf this ~ aatrbcmsOr! facturer ." S t ude., i OfFCaOfdai Pltan N ational Bod.y MNT REAL., h:n. 27.-A national1 union of Cni students may bel formned, shniuilar to the nztional unionI of EnglandI 6i d Waesand 1the ;I Nationail tudn t Fedt l er-a tion of Ame- rica. Iteprese(nta lives of eleven Cana- dan colleges andl universities met in Montreal to decide whether the project is feasible. If teii schools decide for the lau the union will be formed. Subscribe for The '7i.chigan Dally. i To All Hfous0 Presidents: Signing-out slips for- December are due in the Office of Advisers Women before February 5. The following houses have not handed their slips for December: AMoan Howvser Secott Augspurger ' Jocelyn Schwart zbeck Blackaller Keppel Sheahan Coon Leatherman Vogt Aauner McEachran 0(I'4 o Eastman McNeill Betsy Barbour Fawcett Mason HleenNexvberry Feiner Matthias Martha Cook Frink O'llara Chi Omega Hall Probst Collegiate Sorosis Hanselman bock IKappa Alpha Theta HIor'en Sadler Kappa Kappa Canm: of ill 111.; Jose F. Gandora Ree('aprist an Giarza Il Paso business man, who is p}ro- Thity years old, who is provisional claimed rebel military leader. le is the son of a formner Mexican Supretrne ,lnrzesidotcw of Mexico's latest insurrec- court justice, and has' been in busi-= inHehsenacvencvlad ness in El Paso for 13 years. Ile is political life of Mexico for the past 10 also 30 years old. years. ! Grad uat'Womien's Clai The club will be the guests of Dean and Firs. Lloyd at a tea, Saturday at 3:30 P. Ml., at 1735 Washtenaw Avenue. There wil-~ h eeto.o officers for the ~,3can semester. Graduate women sire cordially invited. Jame S. Ili gate. i , ,omedy Cluba ANNOUNCES A FEW GOOD/ SEATS ARE. STILL AVAILABLE FOR HE IB TONIGHT And Tomorrow Norma llJ ansicid, A ssistanit. Adviser (A Women. History 5i-Final Examination February 2, 9-112: Mr. Manyon's sections in Natural Science auditorium; sections in Room 1025 Angell Hall; Mr. Scott's sections in Alumni Memorial Hall. Prestoni Pi Dltia Kappa Bainquaet: 1 Due to necessary limited reservation for t he Educational banquet to i be heild at the Union at 6 o'clock this evening, those desiring tickets should m vake early application to Mr,. Root, Secretary, Room 106 Tappan Hll, or T71reasurer C. F. Reeks. The speakere of the evening is Dr. Otis IV. Caldwell,. of Columbia. An inf ormual function. a ht'ft1A. Iloi11"Presidenit. ±r s' DONT MISS THIS ONE! -_ I Mr. McGee's West Gallery, S Los son. Phychology of Educfation, C-1. 9 O'clock section, T-Tli-S, Make-up examination fors all students having unfinished work in this course; Saturday, January 29, at 9 o'clock. M~ust be written in "Blur~books." 1IL A. II 4)la, In struct or. College of Literature, kcutence,'and the Arts-; Depnitment of hteui': Examinations in courses 1, 2, , 4, 7, and 51 will be held Tuesday, February 1, 2 to 5 P. Ml. according to th following seliedeic': Courses 1 2, 3, 4, and 7: Asst. Prof. Coe's sections, 25 Angell H-al. Asst. Prof. Anning's sections, 1035 Angeli [[all. Asst. Prof. Nyswander's sections, 35 j'ng1ell Hall. Asst. Prof. Wilder's section, We ;t (Gallery, Alumni 11emorialILil Mr. Peterson's' section, Natural Science .Auditorium. Mr. Field's sections, 1025 Angell Hall. Mr: Raiford's section, 231 Angell Hall. Mr. Craig's section, 35 Angell Hall. Dr. Kokoincor's sections, 1025 Angell Hall. Mfr. Cohen's sections, 25 Angell Hall. Mr. Sheffer's sections, Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. Bushey's sections, 231 Angell Hall. Mr. Jones' section, Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. Selheimer's section, 1035 Angell Rall. Course 51: All sections, NVest Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. All students taking course 51 and any of the other courses lief=d above will take the examination in course _1, 2, 3, 4, or 7 as scheduled and report for the examination in course 51 at 7 P. M.,rTuesday, February 1 in Room 3003 Angell Hall. 1 V'l. W.lover, 'aaairaiai.f Choral Uion Conceert: The following program wil be given by Fritz Kreisler, violinist, in the Choral Union Series, Hill Auditorium, Monday evening, January 31i, at 8:00 o'clock. Holders of course tickets are asked to present for admission coupon No. 5: Kreutzer Sonata (Beethoven) ; Adagio and Fugue, G minaor (Bach); La Folia (Theme and Variations) ((Corelli) ; Variations (Tartini); Andante' cantabile (Tschaikowsky) ; Lotusland (Cyril Scott-Kreisler) ; Fn {?,'. i ;, , 1 "' . . , ,> f. ,;: i,_. ;,, ; , :, .5 dryf" . f' ,1 ; 1i' , _ i 4; r. '' " -! C }, 4: 1 F. r d;v r. 1 } 4 1 i p' ,a . § V t'. .'. y frl) ', h' V 1 i f E i 3 + S tc:z' s P'rns and:: Pencils All Ualai f or the, 4 '4Xgic and JLce j.:yurhIt y _ or, 01 ,Cvrlaudl Limit- E u chiarigeabi^c wkhin thirty days at for our r4 nilar'pens if thcey fail to Co st Suit. Mimes i 1 +,4stt S 'c I . with Claire Windsor William Haines From tine p)ly by Rachel ('rot hers. C'orntit, by Albert Lewin. D)iretted hNy Rtoberlt Z. Leonard. ('dl, A franascoigtiueatal ex.'css takes iproiud Utii'into a iv W orld In :a film hit£from lacli- ci ('rothers' grzat stage Success. bateau (Debussy) ; Frasquita Serenade (Manuel de Falla-Kreisler). (Lehar-Kreisicr) ; D)anse espagnole Charles A. Sink, Secretary. r ! w V i ii T 0 .A D . HMW A N T A D S i Thetr THIS IS YOUR L s BX OFFICE NOW, OPEN . .,. . / _ ' _ 1 C. Of C. Membership~ Teams Raise $16,430 Majors and captains of teams se- curing memberships for the Chamber of Commerce expansion campaign re-' ported at a meeting last evening that G Pledges amounting to $16,4g) have been mnade, andl $4,992 in cash has been taken in. The quota set by the Chamber of Commerce is $18,100. The1noney is to be used for the bet- terment of both business and civic interests of the city of Ant Arbor. Patronize Daily Advertisers. For Exams- All the Leading Makes A Every Size and Kind. 0 ON THlE STAE- ROYAL HUNGARIAN ORCHESTR ---fit -- }Ni ative e ' 3 c;9S~, ngsan1aa nc ¢aaas Assisted by FELLEGI SISTERS ALSO SENNETT I COHED y ANI) OTHERitFEATURES PHONE 4151, WAHR"S UNIVERSITY,, BOOKSTORE ' k. rc 9 - i Fr I I I tTrN x 7 PE a4i sfm l' ;fir SATUDAY' FEBRUARYI 215-. S THEATRE I I