PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' s=L 11 \/ 1 it\it--1t ') Lt-11L 1 w ....Awm.< , ...... THF.MICJIIC1N D~I YSATURDAY,' OCTOBER 9, 1926 ADDEDTO 1FAGUVLTY' $ x:fte r School Of Edueation Secures (Cradu - ate: Of Colujubila, Colgate, Anil Wlitmian i TROW TAUGHT AT VALEi .T r e n w m t ha e b e ad tothe faculty of the School of Educa- tion, according to Dean Allen S. Whit- -_ ney. The newr men and their posi- tioius are as follows :IH. 1U. Ryan, ass- Drop in for one of our dainty, delicious sociate professor of secondary edu- svip ers. Cur sandlwiches with perhaps cation and principal of the University ao o hcc=e rcffewilb high school; Dr. Clark Trow, associ- cup :ate professor of the psychology of lest what you will want. Our complete education; and Dr. Georg~e Ky te, as- . inie of candy is un xcelled. sociate professor of elementary cdu- i -= cation. - Dr. Ryan graduated from Whitman 2i r i e e college, received his master's dlegree at Columbia university, New Yorlk - During the past five summers lie ha. taught at the University of Chicago, L while earning his doctor's deg ree '=; Professor Trow is a graduate of I .. Sant Surroundings 1 09South Main St. Colgate, receiving his master's aw ! - doctor's degree at Columbia univer- 611[iIIII11111IllllttIII11[~tlllll111111111111:1~il sity. After teaching at Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania for awhile ,.T he went to the University of Roc iic's- . ter as assistant professor of educa- tion,' and later became associate pro-! Lessor at the University of Cincinnati, 9 from. which position lie came to Ann Arbor. Dr. Kyte received his undergraduates 1-,,wining as well as his master's andv doctor's degree at the University t,2 Caliorni. Duing he pst to yers he has been working with Dr. Bagle y4 C,__ of Columbia, in surveying the elemen - - W~ry school curriculm for the state of California. -a-___. ....- ..... _ Ilk w p ) w Debaters Prepare For Annual Meet{ In Central League' Work in the Varsity debate class, -which is meeting every Tuesday and rrhursday afternoon under the direc- lion of Gail Densmore of the public >>;,aking department, is being direct- ;Ii towards preparation for the Central !I'ague debate, in which teams chosen rom this class will represent the Uni- versity. The subject in this league will be, "Resolved; that the eighteenth amendment should be repealed im- rnediately," and teams chosen within the class are' debating this subject E0ow. W. W. King, '27L, a member of the Varsity team which last year went to 1"ngland, is assisting in the work of coaching the members of the class. * I Breakfast. I Saad -Dinner Sandwiches -sls- Desserts Sunday Dinner, 12 to 2 24 HOUR SERVICE 60East Liberty 1 620 s.rr r ..r,.r.. + ,rr .,rr~.,. ~ ,r~~,.,r r rr..+. 4i Read 1heiDaily "I'assithed"' - olumns ii ,.. ® r 4 WHI EY ONE o w t.9 SSE THIS SENSATIONAL COMEDY 1I Via. oll N Z G 7. l aidil' $° 88Y5 . iI WI&Leathernecks4? I ARTHUR HOPKINS' Production of Maxwell Anderson and Laurence Stallings' vivid War I I Comedy exactly as It was presented 40Z times at the Plymouth Theatre, New York. , { , , N ' °' ,..;, ''g r ! K ,,.y i ,4 <_ .ky .r . 1 , . ,ti \r ;Y pct .{. .v.F xn r 5,s V NA4F. f 4 Y tp S ts Jt "° s,,y4 :: .. a. Y i6THE PRESIDENT9S VWB m'9. f I- I HILL Y - AVDA . 1 I An Excellent Cast and Production THE ONE REAL WAR PLAY "TREMENDOUS! SARDONIC LAUGHTER FILLS' ITS EVERY SCENE." -Alexander Woollcott, N. Y. Sun IGHT O'CLOC I Ticket o t ' U f J ."A RUDDY GEM! -Percy RICH IN HUMOR." Hammond, N. Y. Tribune. "A GORGEOUS, SALTY COMEDY!" Gilbert W. Gabriel, N. Y. Telegram-Mail. THE MOST DISCUSSED PLAY IN AMERICA AtScoloMui uf Mor Hfer the Game at }. a, --- - --- ---- - - - --- - - s o