i ESTABLISHED 1890 Y Ir aIut MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 11 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTE THOUSANDS DIEHIAS SARVAION H ITS BESEISED CHINESE RESCUERS UNABLE TO ENTER BARRED BUILDINGS WHERE CHINESE SUCCUMBED WUGHANG ISDESOLATE Oct. 10 Set As Date For Bombardment Or Surrender; Expect Settlement (By Associated Press) HANKOW, China, Oct. 8.-Ten thousand persons have died, most of them of starvation, in the horror city of Wuchang since the Cantonese Red army began its seige at the end of August. The figures are those of Chinese officials. No white man could penetrate the barred buildings within which thousands succumbed in secret misery. Five hunder coffins have been ship- ped to Wuchang to bury those tram- pled to death or drowned in the fran- tic efforts to board boats to take them I across =the Yangtse to Hankow in safety. Buildings DestroyedI An Associated Press correspondent who walked today through the streets of Wuchang, found them deserted ex- cept for neglected dead lying in the roadways. The city, which with Han- kow and Hanyang, formed the com- mercial center of middle China, was desolate. Many of its fine buildings' have been destroyed by flame or shell fire. The numerous mission struc- tures were deserted. Barred shopsi and dwellings hid from view the tra- gedy of death in the city of a half mil- lion population wrought by the be- seiging Cantonese outside its walls. Failing in their efforts to carry Wu- chang by direct attack, defeated in hand-to-hand fighting in the city's streets with its northern army defen- derst the Cantonese at a safe distance maintain a war of attrition-starva- tion their weapon. It is rumored that the Cantonese will grant the proposal of the defen- ders to yield the city if permitted to serve in the army that has held and starved them. The date for surrender is said to be October 10th, a national holiday celebrating the founding of the chaotic Chinese republic. This date, however, is also that set by Cantonese ultimatum for the b- ginning of a general bombardment of the emaciated beings who crawl about the foodless city. Red Cross Aids Refugees ceased today their desper- ate struggles to board rescue boats for Hankow, two miles distant across the Yangtse. This is believed to reflect their belief that Wuchang is to be de- livered to the southern forces and that they will be allowed to remain undis- turbed in their homes. The humble Chinese civilians have no part in thi', struggle of military chieftains for wealth or aggrandizement, the prize being the central provinces which the Cantonese seek to wrest from the con- THREE BANDS WILL PARTICIPATE IN CEREMONIES AT STATE GAME, JLFAE WORKERS CLOSE THREE DAYi Further Reduction Of Army To Cause Trouble-Pershing WOLVERINE ELEVEN WILL CLASH WITH MICHIGAN STATE TODAY IN ANNUAL GAME AT FERRY FIELD CONI FRANCIS NATURI PR DEAN1 Judge Fran dent; IENTION HR It. HILLER EXPLAINS E AND WORK OF THE OBATION COURTS BATES PRESIDES, ik L. Covert Chosen Presi- Ruth Bowen Vice- President The United States Marine Band (upper) will parade with the Michigan State (center) and the Varsity -(lower) organizations at the State game on Ferry Field this afternoon. "The President's Band" will give the first performance on the, Extra Concert series at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill audi- torium. BURSLEYADORESSES BANKERHS SUOPPORT FRESHMAN BANQUET RAILROAD UNION Dean. Of Students Lands Forumalion Of Discussion Groups By S. C. A. WILL ASSEMBLE WEEKLY "Discussion groups sponsored by the Student Christian association offer the freshman an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with each other, and to consider with their own class- mates the questions which naturally arise when they find themselves in an entirely new environment", said Joseph A. Bursley, dein of students, speaking to a group of freshmen who met at a banquet at lane Hall last night to consider the organization of freshman discussion groups. "In the first few weeks of school", continoued Dean Bursley, "you will meet with situations which you your- self cannot solve. You will hear and take part in many discussions on cur- rent topics relative to the university. Much will be said about coeducation, the restrictions on automobiles, pro- hibition and various other things. These discussion groups under the di- rection of instructors in the Univer- sity or upperclassmen will aid you to organize in your own mind many ofd the questions you hear on the campus trol of Marshal Wu-Pi-Fu. and will be a great assistance to you Fifty thousand Wuchang refugees in accostuming yourself to your new are receiving the ministrations of the environmept." Red Cross of Hankow, an organization Jack Appleford, '30, presided at the co-operating in the work of relief and dinner and introduced the speaker. charity. Luther Carpenter, '28, spoke to the freshmen explaining the organization W elth Of NiL 'j(' of the groups and urged them to avail ea h f ateri themselves of the chance to meet with 11S l F r e leaders at Lane hall each week. lle, first meetings will be held next week at times chosen by thed With _the total number of students groups. All freshmen are invited to who have applied for parts in this lienroll at Lane hail and take part in year's Union opera placed at more the meetings. Railroads Should Resiuuie Processest Of Logical Eughirgement, Says f Recent Reportt TRAFFIC BIG FACTOR LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8.-This is an era of "justifiable consolidation" of railroads, a special committee of bankers declared in a detailed report' on "Railroad Consolidation" submit- ted to the American Bankers' associa- ion convention. 'Now comes the time," the report says, "when the railroads must re- sume their processes of logical en- largement that the nation may keep step with its heritage of progress. Leti us call it the era of justifiable con- solidation, or the adaption to our coin- mon carriers of America's effective principle of trussedl prodluction, or more correctly transportation is in evolution toward massed distribution to care for the tremenlous production developedt by the unified industrial growth of this still young nation." Consolidation, the report says should be based on natural traffic and should not be compulsory. "It is doubtful whether sufficient economies will result from consolida- tion to warrant any general reduction in freight or passenger rates," the re- port states, "but natural alliances, if wholesome competition is preserved, will be beneficial to the country in providing a more adequate service, which is generally regarded mre im- portant to its welfare than rates." Warning that in the process of rail unification no one of the country should be permitted to gain an ad- vantage over another, the report con- tinues: "Mature and her products seems to be the real key to the situation; af- filiation of routes endowed with a. balanced proportion of raw materials and manufactured products, or any balanced exchange that supplies both-- ways traffic; the coordination of lines of reciprocal rather than identical needs, minimizing, through a diversity of traffic, the hazards of sectional or crop blights. Tfi fic as Big Factort "Consolidation, then, should be con- sidered from the standpoint of the natural flow of traffic, because no one railroad, nor any single railroad sys- tem in existence at this time, can prosper on the traffic which bothl originates and ends on the rails of that system. Each system should be made strong and self-reliant as to bej iable to withstand the vicissitudes re- I sulting from all forms of depression. Delegates of the Michigan State conference of social workers closedf their three day annual convention at the Union yesterday. More than 750, social workers from.Michigan and the! neighboring states attended the meet-t ings and discussion groups. Dean Henry M. Bates, of the LawI school presided at the final meetingt of the conference in the assembly hall yesterday afternoon. ,He introduced Francis H. Hiller, field secretary ofE the National probation association, I who spoke of probation in Michigan.c Mr. Hiller described the structure and work of both juvenile end adult pro- bation courts in Michigan counties. "It is our aim to guide and discipline juvenile delinquents," he said, "but we are greatly handicapped in our work by the lack ol; facilities to segre- gate different groups of children, by the lack of medical examination, and the lack of supervision in detention homes. It is essential that the state aid the counties in this work as it aids education." Outlines Legal Reforms In continuing the discussion of state probation courts and their work Sen. Sherman Collander, of Detroit, chair- man of the Michigan State commis- sion of inquiry into criminal proced-! ure, outlined the immediate program of the commission. "Our first step," said Sen. Collander, "is to prepare at code of court procedure which will speed up the action of criminal law and help in the disposition of crim- inal matters. Our state laws must be1 revised and the "dead letter" statutes. weeded out. In this connection the commission will propose as one rem- edy that the presiding judge in crim- inal cases will be permitted to com- ment directly upon testimony and so eliminate a waste of time in its pres- entation." At a luncheon of the Michigan j Chapter of American Association of Social Workers, the Inter-City con- I ference and the Michigan Probation association, John S. Bradway, secre-{ tary of National Association of Legal Aid organizations, said, "We have three defects in our administration of the law, court costs, delay of court pro- cedure and expense of counsel." He then suggested remedies for existing conditions and urged that a commit- tee be established to study the matter I and. take further steps in aiding and developing local legal societies. Covert Elected Two discussion groups occupied the morning session. One considered the urban aspects of social work, and at the other workable programs in rural social work were presented. The conference elected officers for the coming year. Judge Frank L. Covert, of the sixth judicial circuit of Michigan was chosen president, and Miss Ruth Bowen, secretary of the social service bureau at Lansing, made vice-president. Robert T. Lansdale, instructor in the sociology department of the University of Michigan, was re-elected secretary and Miss Char- lotte C. Donnell, social welfare asso- cial ion of Grand Rapids will continue as treasnrer. The next convention of the conference will be held In Grand Rapids. (By Associated Press) PITILADELPIl IA, Oct. 8.-Gen. John J. Pershing broke the silence he has maintained for over a year to publicly sound warnings tonight that the army has been reduced to a point "below which we cannot go without most serious results." Speaking before the Military Order of the World War, the commander of the American Expeditionary Force told his one-time soldiers that the world "is not yet free from jealousy and covetuousness" and that the "sit- uation at home now and in the future demands the maintenance of a highly developed nucleau for national de- fence."j Only a "vociferous minority" is op- posed to such a program, he asserted, adding: "There can be no earthly justifica- tion for saving a few million dollars a year on the army during peace, If, as a consequence, we must spend many billions in an emergency in an attempt to make up defi-iencies. "The difference between an adequate and inadequate system is not suffici- ent to warrant the risk. There is a point below which we cannot go with- out most serious results and we have reached that point." i v .ava v. - . FLOO0 CITY SURNS' OFFERS OF RELEF New Rise In Illinois River Srikes a Beardstown, But People Veto Red Cross Proposals T COMMERCE IS HALTED t - - - d (By Associated Press)n BEARDSTOWN, Ill., Oct. 8.-A new p rise in the Illinois river deepened to- , night the waters which have made t Beardstown a bedraggled Venice, but c the citizens spurned aid of relief agen- ti cies and told the world, from a city hall surrounded by the flood, that e they themselves would pay the costs T of rehabilitation.e The river, which receded yesterdayd after making an island of the city, wasp up again to 25% feet, only four inchesT short of Thursday's high mark. I Representatives of the city, meeting 1 with Red Cross and Salvation Army I emissaries, vetoed proposals for anp appeal for aid which the Rel Cross p offered to sponsor and voted to raise p within the city of Beardstown ample2 funds to care for the homeless andg the hungry.v City relief workers recalled that in 1922, when Beardstown was a victimc of floods, an appeal for aid injured the standing of the community and reduced land values in its wake. So, 1 today Mayor Mert Harris sponsored D a move to decline outside help, and took responsibility for seeing that the needy are cared for with local means.r Oldfield Deniese butler's Claim Of Cotton Ruina (By Associated Press)f WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-Chairman Oldfield of the Democratic congres- sional campaign committee, in a state- ment tonight, said: "The claim of Chairman William M. Butler of the Republican national committee, that the cotton industry is being ruined be- cause the rates of the Fordney tariff are too low and his demand for a' higher tariff, which is his chief re- liance in his senatorial campaign, are both knocked into a cocked hat by thet Carded Woolen Manufacturers asso- ciation of Boston." Citing figures compiled by the asso- ciation at his request, showing un- ports and exports of cotton goods based upon domnetic production for 1923, the last available year of census statistics on production, he said the percentage of imports of woven cotton goods over twelve inches wide, "the kind manufactured in Chairman But- ler's own mills," as related to domes- tic production, was only one and , eight-tenths per cent, while the per- centage of exports of the same kind I was five and three-tenths per cent. Athens Professor Discovers Village (By Associated Press) ATHENS, Oct. 8.-Prof. G. A. Sopiriadis of the University of Athens has just returned here with a descrip- tion of ruins of the ancient village of Marathon, which he has discovered at UNION CHAIRMEN ARE ANNOUNCED Appointment of chairmen of de- partments of the Michigan Union was announced yesterday by Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of the Union. The four departments which are ap- pointive are the reception department, he house department, the underclass department, and the publicity depart- nent. Jack P. Hedrick, '28, was ap- pointed chairman of the reception de- partment, under which come commit- ees on athletic reception, general re- ception, rooming, and alumni rela- ions. James U. Hughey, '28, was appoint- ed chairman of the house department. The billiard, bowling, swimming pool, entertainment cafeteria, library, and dance committees are under the su- pervision of the house department. The underclass department, which has charge of freshman activities, is to be beaded by William V. Jeffries, '27. Herbert E. Vedder, '28, has been ap- pointed as assistant underclass de- partment chai'man. Under this de- partment, in which between 100 and 200 men will be working eventually, a group organization is being planned whereby the freshmen will be divided into smaller groups making possible closer acquaintanceships, and facili- tating a better class spirit. Thomas C. Winter, '28, has been ap- pointed chairman of the publicity de- partment. Walter A. Kuenzel, '27E, is record- ing secretary, and the two assistant recording secretaries are Henry M. Kline, '28, and Robert Halstead, '28E. Clarence W. Little was appointed chairman of the Union life member- ship drive. Any men who are interested in working on Union committees or in any Union activities are urged to see Lester Johnson in the president's of- fice on the third floor, any afternoon between one and five o'clock. Dutch Society Will Award Essay Prize "The Netherlands Abroad", a Dutch society which has its headquarters in Amsterdam, has just announced a con- test for a prize of $200 for the best essay on modern Dutch history writ- ten by a student either from Columbia university or the University of Michi- gan. Dr. Albert Hyma of the history department will have charge of the contest here. Trhe contest was limited to Colum- bia and Michigan because of the in- terest taken in Dutch history at these two schools. The essay will be of about 10,000 words in length and will be upon one of three subjects: Hol- land's relation to Belgium in the twentieth century, "Holland's colonial administration in the twentieth cen- tury," or Holland's economic develop ment in the twentieth century. MORE .............. ..-... Hundreds In Dange Of Oklahoma Flood (By Associated Press) TULSA, Okla., Oct. 8.-Warned tha the main Rogers county fevee alon the Verdigris river ,was crumbling hundreds of persons fled fromth CHEERING SECTION WILL MEET AT 2:15 O'CLOCK All students who are enrolled in the new cheering section are requested to report at Yost Field house this afternoon at 2:15 o'clock, a half hour before game time. Uniforms will be worn af- ter students are seated in the section, and no one will be ad- mitted to the stands without his outfit. Approximately 40 seats remain in the cheering section for the remaining home games. Appli- cations for these are still being received at the Union. Today's game will mark the inauguration of the permanent cheering section which is ex- pected to elevate the general standard of Michigan cheering to a higher degree than ever before. i i I I . MILLER TO ASSUME PUNTING DUTIES AT HALFBACK; RIC WILL START EXPECT RECORD CROWD BaerNs Return To Lineup After Injury Adds To Defensive Strength Of Michigan Line Coach Yost's Wolverines, profiting greatly by the experience gained in the opening game against the Okla- homa "Aggies last week, and strength- ened by the addition of Ray Baer to the line, anxiously await the invasion of the Michigan State eleven in the traditional State football game to be played at 3 o'clock (city time) this afternoon at Ferry field. The largest crowd in the history of the relationship between the two schools is expected to view the annual game this afternoon. Advanced tic- ket sales indicated that a crowd of more than 35,000 would be seated in the stands. Students wearing the Green and White will journey to Ann Arbor in every available conveyance to support the State team in today's battle. Michigan State holds two victories over its opponents this season and is primed to the highest pitch for the Michigan game. Last year Coach Yost's team overwhelmed the Green and White by a 39 to 0 score, but the State supiporters are in hopes of dup- licating the 1924 game in which the Lansing eleven forced Michigan to her utmost to win by a .narrow margin, 7-0. Michigan is generally, considered the favorite in today's game, but the Michigan coaches have worked assidu- ously'during the past week to perfect a defense in preparation for State's running attack. In the opening game Michigan showed decided weaknesses in defense, but Coach Yost is confi- dent that his team will make a more favorable impression as a result of the strenuous week's work. Despite the numerous bear stories which have been sent from Lansing concerning the condition of the Michi- gan State team, the Lansing team is expected to give the Wolverines a strong fight. $mith, star half back of Coach Young's team, is a triple threat man and will bear constant watching. In the two games, which State has played, Smith was the outstanding star. He is a punter of exceptional ability, being able to average 50 yards from the line of scrimmage. Coach Young is reported to be starting a team composed almost en- tirely of .green material. According to early reports, Deacon, star halfback, Fouts, regular quarterback, and Drew, veteran end, will not face the Wol- verines because of injuries. Michigan State will undoubtedly use its strong- est lineup, and is not unlikely that the stars will play if their injuries are not too serious. Coach Yost will undoubtedly resort to his usual passing game, with Fried- man and Rich in the backfield. Mil- ler has been given the preference over Babcock and Greenwald at left half back because of his kicking ability. It is expected that Michigan will feel keenly the loss of Gilbert, star kicker with Smith doing the punting for- Michigan State today. There will be two changes in the line from the team which faced the Oklahoma Aggies. Ray Baer, regular tackle, who was kept on the sidelines last week with an injured shoulder, is ready to resume his place at left tackle. Squier made such a brilliant showing In the practices this week that he has been chosen to replace Dewey at guard. Yost will undoutedly make frequent substitutions in order to test his re- f serve strength. Greenwald and Bab- cock are certain to get into the lineup during some period of the game. Wal- ter Webber, a letter man from last year's team, will probably replace Molenda at fullback, if the Wolverine - gain a big margin in the scoring: Rose, given a test in the line, and there Nyland, and Pommerening will be is a slight possibility that Paul Cook, star half back of the reserves last r year, will be used in the backfield. Ii The probable starting lineup for this afternoon's game follows: Michigan Michigan State Oosterbaan ...... LE.... Christensen tCBaer.............LT......... Garver t Palmeroli .......LG........... Ross I Truskowski,......C......... Barratt Squler ..........RG....... Hitchings Gabel ...........RT........ Moeller t i J Y than 900, an increase of 100 over any- previous year, a wealth of material is New Bid Submitted available for the annual operatic pro- I duction sponsored by Mimes and the }For Muscles Shoals Union, E. Mortimer Shuter, director, declared yesterday. The addition of T A 8Anwbd new tryouts to fill vacancies in the WASHINGTON, Oct. .-A new bid practically been completed, and daily to be knmownm as the "Farmers Feder- rehearsals are now in progress on the ated Fertilizer Corporation Offer," for choruses will take place within the leasing the power properties at dance routines. Muscle Shoals, is expected by C. Bas- Final selection of men for both com Slemp of Virginia, to he sub- choruses will take place within the mitted to Congress this winter. next ten days, according to Mr. Shuter. The new offer, Mr. Slemp said to- Tryouts for cast parts will be asked I day, will be for a 50-year lease and to report some time next week, the j will be put forth by a group of New exact date to be announced later. j York engineers and financiers, under Men able to play the piano are asked an arrangement for public participa- to see Ward Tollizien, '27, manager, tion, a feature entirely new in pro- any afternoon at the Mimes theater. posals thus far received for the Ala- bama property. DUBLIN.-The National Council of Mr. Slemp, who said he was being the Women of Ireland has sent to the consulted in an advisory capacity, Irish Free State delegates to the com- without pay, added that the plan, ing imperial conference a memoran- which has been submitted to various dum claiming for women the right to farm organizations for study and sug- retain their nationality on marriage gestions, would be more favorable toI with foreigners. the government than any of those now pending, especially from the stand- BOBAY-Forest research experts in point of the guarantee on nitrate pro- India have discovered how to use bam- duction. Surplus electric power de- i DAUGHERTY CASE GOESTO JURY (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-The Daugh- erty-Miller conspiracy trial, went to the jury at 9:43 o'clock tonight. Judge Mack completed the actual charge by 9 o'clock, two hours after he started, but the remaining time efore the jury filed out was taken up by suggestions of counsel, some of which the judge added to his charge and some of which he refused. The charge in main was a straight- forward statement of the difference Ibetween bribery as a crime by itself, 46th which the defendants were not charged, antd conspiracy with bribery as an inducement, which was the charge against them. The judge said after the jury had been shut behind the doors of the jury room that he would stay in court Von Carmen T o TalkI Here On Aeronautics Prof. Theodor Von Karman, head of the aerodymanical labratories of Asch-, en, Germany, will visit Ann Arbor from Nov. 10 to Nov. 17 to inspect the I i