FRIDAY, U'CTOBER , 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PkCr 5rC'rN THIMCIGNDAL 0^-^' scwv+ 4n_ fir: rr we+s Oa a+r -0 MATHER CALS Varsity Wrestling Candidates Report' I Coach Clifford Keen's first call for Varity wiestling candidates last Mon-j (lay brought good results, and 50 menj All candidates for the 1926-27 Var- are now out practicing regularly at sity basketball squad will report for Yost field house. More men are ex- initial practice at' 7:30 o'clock Mon- pected to report as soon as the foot- d day at Waterman gymnasium in ais-!ball season ends. wer to the general call of Coach E. J. Capt. Harold T. Donahoe is now 'Mather which was issued today. coaching the men while Coach Keen Practice will be conducted two *r is working with the freshman foot-1 three times a week for tho first few ball squad, and he will continue to do! weeks, Later, the drills will be held so until the season ends. more frequently in order to prepar No definite schedule will be decided' the team for its strenuous season of upon until Dec. 1, although at pres- 17 contests. ent the coach has a western trip plan- Although the Wolverines ended their ned which is to start after the Christ- campaign last year sharing in a four- (mas vacation. 1 / l I3 t a1 l iri i utt Dttilq 4 : Individualized Smart F A Complete Presi JMen 's fall A tir, FEA TURING WOOL HOSIE urnishings If MAN1 t . , i r If you are a telephone sal lscriber gall Il the ;Ad-'take, , 1&1 21214, and )yonur0 "I" will he charged. The ichian Daily rerves the rih to I lassif all m aos ad l la s r a ndrer-lc Ica ings and to reoie or withh dl d T h1t nae coipy. TIhis elunn closes at 3 P. ate t ing lnhllicatioo .N otce of any t Iterornn givenl inl.tale for tile second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per readnlg le (Oan the is'd~( five average words to the line) for oneotO j N c ents per reading ne for three or more insert ions. Ca:sh classifiedis receivedl at tile Di)nly l.Ice ini The Press I wilding onl Maynard Stl('tt. CONTRACT RATES Special standardizt( rates given on aplica- btli rtilitill IA)IST LOST--Finder of black brief case on Tuesday forenoon by Alumnae luilding, please return to Mcia Union c~heck room. 10-11 LOST- Nurses' class pin, gold circle with blue cross. Owner's name on back of pin. Reward. Dial 9541. 10 LOST--=Waterman Ideal fountain pen, sterling silver case. 'Has initials M. S. S. Reward. Dial 6979. 10-11-12 tniation of r .. . r cornered tie for the Big Ten cham- pionship, the team will be forced to XINCHICAGO travel at a fast clip to avert beingSWC beaten by several of the opposing fives CITY SERIES, 30 during the coming season. Michigan State will come to Ann (By Associated Press) Arbor on Dec. 11 to open the schedule CHICAGO, Oct. 7.- Th American and will be followed by the Cornell league White Sox today won the city college quintet, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, series title by defeatig the Cubs, who champions of the Mid-West Confer- held the honor last year in the seventh epce. Cornell college is under the di- game of their engagement. rection of Richard Barker, former I The score was 3 to 0, Ted Blanken- Michigan wrestling coach. ship having the better of Charlie Root Maryland, Syracuse, and Pittsburgh and "Sheriff" Blake, who divided the compose the remainder of the non- pitching burden for the Cubs. Blank- Conference institutions. Syracuse enship controlled the situation through- last year won the eastern collegiate out, although he allowed one more hit championship with an unblemished than his two opponents on the record. mound. The Wolverines will engage Chicago, Neither the White Sox nor the Cubs Purdue, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and took full advantage of opportunities to Ainnesota in two games each for a score, the American leaguers having total of 12 encounters -to determine Fno fewer than 14 men stranded on the Conference cage champions, open- bases while the Nationals lacked the ing the season with the Gophers Jan. punch to bring eleven potential scor- 8 at Minneapolis. ers home. ON THE SIDELINES By Wilton A. Simpson and Miller are scheduled to start the ,Coach Yost announced his starting game, at the halfback positions, Bab- line up for the Michigan State game cock and Greenwald are certain to see as follows: Oosterbaan and Flora, service. Greenwald made an excel- ends; Baer and Gabel, tackles; Pal- lent showing in his first appearance ieroli and Squier, guards; Truskow- last week, and works well with the ski, center; Friedman, quarterback; team, especially in the forward pass- Miller and Rich, halfbacks; and Mo- ing game. l nda, fullback. Nyland and Rose, will have an Baer was forced to sit on the opportunity to play in some period sidelines last week with an injured of the game. Nyland is an end shoulder, but has yielded to and Rose plays tackle. Both men -treatient quickly and will pair are sophomores and have made with Gabel at tackle. Last year favorable impressions on the Baer was one of the outstanding coaches with their line play dur- men in the line, and is expected ing the past week. to bolster the line considerably this season. As a result of the scrimmage held Wednesday afternoon between the Jack Lovette, who was declared in- team from the Varsity squad and the eligible for competition because of reserves, H. J. Williams, from North failure-to make up a scholastic in- ern high school, Detroit, has been complete last week, will not be avail- asked to join the Varsity squad. The able for the Michigan State game. coaches are on the look out for new However, he is expected to resume material and have asked Williams to his place in the line against Minneso- join the Varsity squad at once. If ta next week. he is able to assimilate the signals Gilbert and heath will be kept and plays within the next two days, it i. Glber a" eat wil be ept is possible he may play in the Michi- out of the game due to their in- gan State game. =juries which are not yet suffici- ently healed to permit them to When the coaches asked Wil- ~play. Gilbert is expected to be in Hlams if le'was eligible for comma shape to do the kicking against petition, Williams idesty re- the Gophers next Saturday, and pttoWlim oetyr- Heath's shoulder Is almost in cor- plied, "I don't know but I am In dition to allow him to report for the engIneering school and car- Iractice now. ried 17 hours the first semester and 19 hours the second for a B Coach Yost has selected two new average." With such a record he men to start at guard. Last week ought to be kept on the squad 'ommerening and Dewey were given just to raise the scholarship of the privilege of stating but this week the football team. APalmeroli and Squire have been given 11 b preference. Palmeroli, a substi- The reserve squad is usualy con- btufte of last year's squad, has made a sidered a junk heap for men who do fine showing in the practices and is not make the Varsity, but Williams' ensidered first rate Varsity material. rise to the Varsity ranks refutes that impression. It is not an uncommon Squier, a 190 pound guard, from occurrence to have a man advance u from the reserves to the Varsity, even Suth haven, ldtigahast- after he has been cut from the first velpedrapdI~durng he ast squadone three weeks and has won for him- .sudonce. self the right to start at right guard in the absence of Lovette. Suzanne Lenglen will play tennis According to the coaches, "lie is as a professional in Madison Square ';fairly fast, very active, and knows Garden, Oct. -0. The European bow to tackle." champion will compete in singles and and a mixed doubles match. She will The coaches will undoubtedly re- appear subsequently in Philadelphia, peat their practice of last week of Boston and other cities. testing out any of the other candi- dates on the squad. Although Rich Subscribe for the MIchigan Daily. A Michigan Shoe for Michigan men Hundreds on the I I FOUN 1I) FOUND-Automatic Pencils which we sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that work as well and last as long as the be"st. Rider's P" Shop. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-Spate in small office on State above Wagner's. 10 FOR RENT-Large single room in nice house; conveniently located; quiet assured. Mrs. Eaton, 421 Thompson. 10-11-12 FOR RENT-Very nice double room for men; private family; garage; one block from Ferry Field. 801 Granger. Phone 21125. 10-11-12 FOP, RENT-Single room; all modern conveniences. 333 E. Washington. 10 from England i i LOST-A pearl studded U. of M. pin, Sunday night. Finder Dial 4624 9-0-11 Hand blocked arnd framed b y skilful masters in all the desirable shades LOST-An orange suede jacket on (len Drive, near the ihos pital, Mon- (lay afternoon. Revard. O. McCall. S )17. 9-10-11 ILOST-Druid pin. Finder please call 4917. 8-9-10 LOST-Phi Mu Delta fraternity pin. Finder please call Phi Mu Delta house. Reward. Phone 21917. 4 i8-9-10 LOST-All desire to promote highly colored pens, necessarily made of celluloid, at a great sacrifice of sta- bility to ittract the eye andl assist the advertising. Our pens are made, almost without exception of PURE VEG ETA BLE GUM RUBBER, the most stable material ever found for fountain pens. Rider's Pen Shop. } tt NOTICE-New Victor Records, Ortho- phonic recording. Every week at Schaeberle & Sons, 110 S. Main St. tf WANTED WANTED-Hand ironers, pressure and mangle workers. Steady work and good pay. U. of M. Laundry. East Washington. 10-11-12-13-14-15 I $..00 to $.5 FOR RENT-Two large four students. 227 S. Phone 3792. rooms for' Ingalls St. 10-11-121 WHITE SHIRTS With the newest wride stripe and ib/v fitting, long pointed collar $3.00 RONYAN STRIPED NECK WER For every type of fall suiting $1.75- Atkinson 's Royal Irish Poplin Tien FOR RENT-Two single rooms in apartment, for women graduate students or business women. 204 N. State St. Phone 21481. Call after 5:30. 10 FOR RENT-Large double room. Hot water heat; one block from Engin- eering Bldg.n615 Church. 10-11-12 FOR RENT-A first floor furnished room for a business girl, steam heat. Phone 8142. 9-10 FOR RENT-Front suite and sidel suite with fireplace. Will rent tol students or others. 1308 Geddes. 9-10-11 FOR RENT-A fine double room for 2 men for $6.00 a week at 1002 Corn- well Place. 9-10-11 FOR RENT-An attractive two room apartment, suitable for business or student ouple, furnished. Dial 21357. 8-9-101 NOTICE-First class repair work onI all musical instruments at Schaeb- erle & Sons, 110 S. Main St. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford roadster, 1926 mod- el, four months' old; in excellent condition. Call Dr. Andrews, Uni- versity Hospital. 10-11-121 FOR SALE-A. Nash Co. Suit, Over- coat or topcoat, made to measure, $23.00. Guaranteed fit. Phone 21073. 10-11-12 FOR SALE-Ford for $65.00; model '24, in fine condition; ready to run. Dial 6592. 1115 Forest Ave. Robert- son. 9-10-111 FOR SALE-Ink is the life blood ofI your Fountain Pen. You will always get the right kind at Rider's Pen Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or kinds which clog your pen and make it useless. Your pen and ink spe- cialist knows. tf WANTED - Roommate, comfortable room. 628 Packard. Rent reason- able. Phone 9289. 8-9-10 WANTED-By A-1 colored chef and wife, fraternity or club, strictly tem- perance. C. F. Embry, 121 EastAnn St. Phone 4548. 8-9-10-11-12-13 WANTED-Wide awake students to sell at foot ball games. For partic- ulars call 6455 between 12 and 1 or after 6 P. M. 8-9-10 WANTED-Students to know that we have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled at the price. Call for Wahls new $5.00 pen, any style of point and in three colors Hard Rubber Holders. Rider's Pen Shop. tf NOTICE ,_ WANTED--Room near campus practice music one hour a day. to No 1 NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for rent, terms right. Schaeberlo & Son Music House, 110 S. Main 'St. tf NOTICE-Frosh are allowed to wear the M cane today. 10 SINGING LISSONS given by experi- enced singer. Call Mr. Susumago at dial 7103. 7-8-9-10-11-12 NOTICE-Mell Gillespie, Teacher and Soloist; thirty years experience; banjos, mandolin, guitar and chord construction. Dial 4757. 8 to 30 incl eod NOTICE WILD THE TAILOR HAS OVERCOATS AND SUITS TO FIT YOU-ALL STYLES AND FABRICS $22.50 UP FLANNEL TROUSERS, $5.00 UP Altering and Repairing. Come in to see us now. 109 E. Washington. Phone 5069 WILD, THE TAILOR 10-11-12 IMIPORTED SILKS in Scarfs An assortment of this. season 's newest creations in every color $2.50 "$8.oo THE LANCASHIRE (A Brogue Shoe) A model expressly designed by Wild with distinguished Subscrbe for *6 *Cbe * fcbtgan * £Tally campus $10 t i sC- :s t"' s y[fy l. at'?4V L r CG i y}i Oft S t Vi iyr[ " yf/i lines and easy comfort. Cut I from the finest golden Scotch grain $12.o0 } ® ®!