I ESTABLISHED 1890 4Jt att, MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 10 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ___________________________________________________________________________' - - I I DLEGA TES R EFUSE ARB IT RAL TRIBUNAL FOR MINE STRIKES CONSERVATIVES TAKE STEPS TO PREVENT. FUTURE WALK-OUTS URGE CHANGE IN LAWS Delegates To Miner's Federation Vote Favoring Withdrawal Of Safety Men (By Associated Press) London, Oct. 7.-The delegates' con- ference of the Miners' Federation, by an overwhelming majority, today re- jected the government's offer to cre- ate a national arbitral tribunal for the settlement of the differences be- tween miners and mine owners, and by an equally large majority voted in favor of the withdrawal of the safe- ty men from the mines. Thus the government passes out of the dispute, temporarily, at least, and the owners and the men are left to settle the controversy between them- selves. The delegates conference adopted a resolution rejecting the government proposal for a settlement of the strike after the announcement of a district vote, which opposed the proposed 737,- 000 to 42,000. The South Wales resolution to withdraw the safety men was adopt- ed by the delegates 594,000 to 194,000. Miners Were Warned The government had already made it plain that unless its offer was ac- cepted by the miners, it would be withdrawn immediately. f The prin- cipal feature of the offer was govern- mental assurance that if the miners returned to work they would be ac- corded governmental assistance in ob- taining a nation-wide agreement, which is one of the important de- Inands of the miners. The decision of the miners was taken in the face of practical exhaus- tion of their resources. In addition, their position is daily becoming weak- er by a slow drift of the miners back to work. Withdrawal of the safety men, if put into effect, is considered likely to cause serious trouble, not only in the mines, but between the stikers and those desiring to return to their labors. Scarborough, Eng., Oct. 7.-The Conservative party conference here today took steps which would make it difficult for workers to resort to the weapon of a strike and next to impos- sible to have a repetition of the re- cent general strike. The resolutions urge a change in the trades union law, making illegal any strike without a previous secret ballot of the members of the union af- fected, and also making mass picket- ing and the picketing of private houses illegal.. Seek More Vigor The tone of the conference was in- dicated by the remark of one delegate: "We want our prime minister to have ju'st a little more of the lion and a we bit less of the lamb." This was an allusion to the fact that Premier Baldwin constantly has parried attempts to force his govern- ment into dealing drastically with trade union powers, which he regards as a thorny subject. The action of the Conservative party today is aimed at stirring the government into broad- er activities. However, the movement Is considered not likely to succeed, for the government is aware of the extreme difficulty of making illegal a strike without a secret ballot. Sir Leslie Scott, a former solicitor general, speaking at thetmeeting to- day, while advocating strong legisla- tion against strikes intending to hold up the country and dictate to the gov- ernment, at the same time admitted that there were many practical dif- ficulties in the way of the secret bal- lot idea. Today's conference, how- ever, undoubtedly will strengthen theI govrnnment's hand in introducing! some sort of legislation for moderate- ly curtailing the power of trades un- ions. CANADIAN LIQUOR LAWS CONDEMNED (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 7.-Describing the system of government control of liq- uor in Canada as a failure, the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals of the Methodist church as- serts in a statement made public to- day that even "the half-chance pro- hibition" in the U. S. has produced far better results. Because of the recurring suggesticm that the so-called Quebec system of government liquor control be sub- stituted for prohibition in this coun- Michigan Line Coach Sees Little Harm In Scouting System Used In Conference In commenting on the abolition of football scouting which has caused considerable furore among the football of the East, Elton E. Wieman, assist- ant director of intercollegiate ath- letics, and head line coach of the} Michigan football teams, intimated that he saw little need for abolishing scouts in the Western intercollegiate conference. "For the most part the spectators do not understand the system of scouting as used here in the Conference," Coach Wieman said. "There is noth- ing secret or underhanded about scouting, as some persons believe. In the Big Ten, the coaches expect scouts at their games and send tickets to the various schools who request them. Scouts are treated much like visiting professors, and everything is open and above board." In answer to the question of wheth- er or not scouting was greatly over- done, Coach Wieman replied, "There is no doubt that scouting is decidedly overdone in some places, but I do not believe this is true in the Conference. There is a mutual understanding that no more than two scouts from school shall see an opponent in action, and at the last meeting of the Conference the faculty representatives asked the directors to consider limiting scouts to one man." "Furthermore," Coach Wieman con- tinued, "without recognized scouts we would be bothered with self-appointeda scouts. Alumni and friends of the University would scout games unof- ficially and send in their reports. It is obvious that we would not foster any such practice." Coach Wieman holds the opinion that teams could play just as good football without scouting. "As for Michigan, we could play the same brand of football without scouting, but to reiterate, scouting has done much to build up a strong bond of good sportsmanship between the universi- ties and I see no need for abolition of the system in the Big Ten." - I FITCH* TO TALK AT' FIRST CONVOCATIONi Will Remain Until Monday In Order To Discuss Philosophic Matters With students SPOKE HERELAST YEAR "Failures That Succeed and Suc- cesses That Fail" is the subject of the address which will be delivered by Dr. Albert Parker Fitch, of Carleton col- lege, Sunday morning in Hill auditor- ium as the opening of the fall series of Sunday convocations. Dr. Fitch spoke in Ann Arbor at one of the first convocations held last May. He is professor of the philosophy of reli- gion at Carleton college, Northfield, Minn., and a well known speaker on various religious topics. Dr. Fitch will arrive in Ann Arbor tomorrow night and will register at the Union at once. He is particularly anxious to meet as many Michigan students as possible during his visit' here this week-end, and for that pur- pose will remain in Ann Arbor until Monday.aThe Carleton professor will be available any time Sunday evening and Monday morning at the Union, and will be ready to discuss any sub-1 jects with students, especially on mat- ters pertaining to religion and its philosophy. The five Sunday convocations this fall under the direction of the Student council, Women's league, and School of Religion, will compose the second series given particularly for students in the University. The convocations were inaugurated last spring by the1 Student council and Women's league as a result of the suggestion made at one of the informal gatherings of representative students at the home of President Clarence Cook Little., The purpose of the convocations is to} provide liberal non-sectarian Sunday morning services for students who do not attend church regularly while in Ann Arbor. Members of churches in the city are again welcome to attend the convocations although no attempt is made to interfere with the attend- ance of local churches. DISCUSSION GROUPS1 TO BEINSTALLED Freshmen Will Be Addressed By Dean Bursley and Menefee Tonight 150 WILL ATTEND More than 150 members of the fresh- man class will meet at 7 o'clock to- night at Lane hall for the purpose of installation of fall discussion groups. Dean Bursley, and Professor Menefee of the engineering department will speak. The arrangements for the banquet are being made by members of the 1 freshman class who attended the Freshman Rendezous at Lake Patter- son in September. Tickets are being sold by these men and at Lane hall. The number of tickets has been lim- ited in order that only those who awe interested in the affairs of their class may be admitted. The speakers will talk on subjects that will furnish material for the dis- cussion groups to follow through the fall and winter. Last year President ClarencekCook Little was the princi- pal speaker. It is hoped that all those who are interested in the affairstofstheir class will attend this banquet. It will not only give information on the fall dis- cussion groups, and serve to stimulate good fellowship among the members of the class of '30, but also will give them an opportunity to meet the memn- hers of the faculty who will speak. BISHOP ELECTED MEDICAL LEADER Harry M. Bishop was chosen presi- dent of the senior medical class at the election of senior class officers of thatj school Wednesday. The other officers elected were as follows: Albert Mey- ers, vice-president; Selma Muller, sec- retary, and Robert Southcombe, treas- urer. SOGiAL PROBLE BY0STATELEADRS NOTEA WELFARE SPECIALISTS TELL OF WORK IN OTHER STATFS DR. HAYNES PRESIDES Dean Bates Of Law School To Preside Over Closing Sessions Of Convention Today Discussions of hospital work, negro welfare, and the problems of rural and urban social workers marked the second day's session of the Michigan State Conference of Social Work held at the Union yesterday. Dr. H. A. Haynes, director of the University hospital, presiding at the morning session, introduced Dr. Ellen C. Potter, secretary of welfare in Pennsylvania, who told of the organ- ization and development of public welfare work in that state. Francis R. Lowell, of the Michigan Children's Aid Society of Detroit, led a discus- sion group considering the means of co-ordination of public officials. Judge Frank L. Covert, of the sixth judicial circuit of Michigan, spoke of the work of the Oakland County wel- fare board and a discussion of state owned institutions was led by Dr. R. 11. Haskell, director of Wayne County training school. At a luncheon of the Michigan As- sociation of oHspital Social Workers Mrs C. W. Webb, president of the as- sociation, spoke of the hospital so~al worker in her varied relat nships and urged closer contact th the medical staff of the hospitals. Prof. Arthur Evans Wood, member of the department of sociology of the Uni- versity, spoke at another luncheon for socialogy teachers and students. Editor Speaks The afternoon meetings were de- voted to the consideration of the social worker among the negroes. Charles S. Johnson, editor of "Opportunity," a publication for negroes, described the interstate migration of negroes, refer- ing in particular to Michigan, and the problem of the negro in Detroit. Mr. Johnson also addressed a meeting of the Negro-Caucasion club last night in Lane l.ll. Miss S. P. Breckenridge, professor of social economy, graduate school of social service administration at the University of Chicago, discussed co- ordination of social work in the city. "Ultimate success of social work de- pends upon the education and prepar- ation of the worker," claimed Prof. Breckenridge. "The worker must be truthful, and there must be co-opera- tion between the work of social agen- cies ,schools and colleges for social workers. We must examine our own records and correct our faults before we can do real work." A careful study of the situation of the social worker in the rural com- munity as a means toward consolida- tion of schools and churches was urg- ed by Prof. Eben Mumford, of the department of sociology, Michigan State college, referring to the task of the "rurban," or village-countryside group, in the last address of the day's meeting. Meeting To Divide The meetings this morning will be divided into two groups for discus- sion. At one, Miss Ella M. Weinfur- ther, assistant field director for the American Association for Organizing Family Social Work, will preside, in the place of Professor Breckenridge, as was formerly announced, and Pro- fessor Mumford will direct the see- ond group in the place of Prof. C. R. Hoffer, also of Michigan State college, Persons of prominence in both rural and urban social work will assist the 'leaders of the two groups in the dis- cussions. The last meeting of the conference will be held at 2:1 5, in the Union as- sembly hall. Dean Henry M. Pates, of the Law school, will be thepresid- ing officer. "Probation in Michigan" will be the topic on which Francis IT. IMiller, field secretary for the National Probationassociation, will speak and Mr. Shirley Stewart, attorney from Port Huron, will close the convention with an outline of the program of the Michigan State Commission of Inquiry into criminal procedure. Armistice Coach To Tn .uI _1_fl4 * 1 London Lord Bishop Will Be Honored At Informal Gathering Plans for the student-faculty mixer to be held Monday, at 8 o'clock, at the Union, in honor of the Rt. Rev, Ar- thur Foley Winnington-Ingram, Lord Bishop of London, who is visiting 'American and Canadian universities, include a program of speeches, fol- lowed by refreshments and an infor- mal gathering. The chief event of the mixer will be an address by the Bihop. Other speakers will include a prominent member of the faculty, to be an- nounced tomorrow, and possibly one or two students on the reception com- mittee. Prof. Herbert C. Sadler, is chair- man of the function, and the program will be arranged in cooperation with the reception department of the Un- ion. A large gathering i expected at the meeting, which will be open to all members of the University, both men' and women. Rockford Acclaims Former Students In Initial Appearance Playing to a capacity house, thec Rockford Players headed by Robert Henderson '26 and Amy Loomis '22f opened in Edwin Mayer's "The Fire-_ brand" Wednesday night in the Rock- ford theater, Rockford, Ill. The play, Iccording to a telegram received late Wednesday night, was greeted as ae tremendous success and was given af considerable ovation. f Five of the members of the coin- pany were at one time students in thef University. Both Miss Loomis andF Mr. Henderson are well knownt through their dramatic activities oft last year in "Great Catherine" by George Bernard Shaw and in Hol-c berg's "Beggarman". Dale Shafer '26t was also prominent in dramatics last year and Camille Masline and Frances Horine were with the Ann Arborf Players this summer. Both "The Firebrand" and "Ex-c pressing Willie", another productione of the company, will be presented in Ann Arbor during the year by theI Alumnae council for the benefit ofq the Women's League building fund.1 Expect Best CrowdJ Of Years To Attend' Tomorrow's Conflict It was announced yesterday by Har- ry Tillotson, business manager of the Athletic association, that $4 box seats may still be obtained for all home games. Tickets may be purchased at the Administration building. More than 25,000 seats for the Michi- gan State game have already been dis- posed of, and it is expected that a, crowd of more than 35,000 persons will attend the game. If this number at-, tend, it will be the largest crowd ever to witness a Michigan State game.- Manufacturers Give Child Labor Figures (By Associated Press) I NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-Prohibitory I child labor laws do not cause a pro-' portionate increase in school attend- ance, Howell Cheney, chairman of the committee on junior education and employment of the National Associa- tion of Manufacturers reported to the convention of that organization today. Most children, he added, do not profit by remaining in school after they are fourteen. The contention that more children leave school because of mental ina- bility than because of poverty or other economic conditions, was made by Mr. Cheney. Asserting that child labor in general is on the decrease, he qbloted figures to show that in the Southern states, as a rule, the pro- portion of children employed in manu- facturing and mechanical pursuits is somewhat less than the average of the Northern states, particularly those that are engaged in textile occupa- tions. Seventy-two per cent of the child-s ren employed in textile industries, hel said, are employed in five states- Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North CHEERING SECTION SEATS AVAILABLE FOR M. S. C. IhStudentsnwho have enrolled in the cheering section by regis- tering at the Union this week may obtain seats in the new bloc for tomorrow's game by ex- changing their present M. S.' C. tickets at the offices of the Ath- letic association for a few which are being held in the cheering section. Those who registered in the section before this week have already been mailed seats in the bloc for the M. S. C. game. No student will be admitted to the new cheering section to- morrow without his uniform. it SENIOR ELECTIONS 'SCHEDULES MADE Junior Elections, Including J-Hop Selections, To Be Held In Two Weeks STRICT RULES STATED, Election of officers in all senior classes in the University, with the exception of the Law school and the Medical school will be held next week. The schedules for all of the senior elections were announced last night. Senior class officers in the Medical school were elected Wednesday, while those in the Law school will not be held until week after next. Student council representatives will conduct each of the elections. All doors leading to the room where the election is to be held will be locked five minutes after the hour scheduled for the election and no persons will be admitted thereafter. Any student found in a room where he is not eli- gible to vote' will be subjected to ac- tion of the council discipline commit- tee. Election of officers in all junior classes will be held week after next together with the election of the J- Hop committee. The schedule of elections in the sen- for classes next week follows: Literary school-Wednesday at 4 o'clock, Natural Science auditorium; engineering school, Tuesday CfI 11 o'clock, room 348 Engineering build- ing; architectural school, Monday at 4:30 o'clock, room 311 Engineering building; dental school, Thursday .at 5 o'clock, room 221 Dental building; pharmacy school, Thursday at 5 o'clock, room 303 Chemistry building; educational school, Wednesday at 3 o'clock, room 206 Tappan hall; busi- ness administration school, Wednes- day at 4 o'clock, rowm 207 Tappan hall. HARVARD SIGNS PRINCETON FOR 1927_CONTEST (By Associated Presss) NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 7.-Har- vard and Princeton will face each other on the football field in 1927, it was announced today. This was agreed on at a conference here last night attended by chairmen of ath- letics of Yale, Harvard and Princeton. It was mutually agreed, the an- nouncement said, that the proposal of Harvard to drop Princeton from her 1927 football schedule and substitute the University of Michigan was counter to the understanding and {practice of the "Triple Alliance," and on the suggestion of Harvard it had accordingly been withdrawn. The three universities were repre- sented at the conference by Prof. George H. Nettleton, chairman of the hoard of control of the Yale AthleticI association, William J. Bingham, di- rector of athletics at Harvard, and Chatles W. Kennedy, chairman of the specialty committee on athletics at Princeton. The new accord is looked upon as a distinct move in binding the "Big Three" together more closely and comes at a time when conditions be- tween Harvardand Princeton were said to be near the breaking point. It is the first official recognition of Princeton by Harvard as meriting special consideration in athletic agreements, it was pointed out here tonight. In the past Harvard has maintained that the Yalegamye was the only fixed contest on her football schedule and that Princeton along with the other six teams, was engaged from year to year." Harvard players have been awarded no Insignia for playing against Princeton. CRITICS AID BIBLE, SA YS LORD BISHOP (By Associated Press) MADISON, Wiss., Oct. 7.-Modern DEBT SETTLEMENT MAY BE RATIFIED OVER SOCIALS EXPECT TO INCORPORATE RESERVATIONS IN PREAMBLE FRANC SHOWS STRENGTH French Expect Majority of Almost 100 Votes in Favor of Ratification (By Associated Press) Paris,tOct. 7.-Prospects of ratifica- tion of the Washington debt settle- ment have so increased during the past few days that talk in the lobbies of the Chamber of Deputies now is turning on itsrprobable majority. The strength of the French franc in the past two days is attributed to a change in attitude towards the Mel- lon-Berenger agreement and Parlia- mentary prophets now figure on 350 votes in the chamber for ratification with reservations in the preamble, This would give a clear majority ap- proaching 100 in favor of the agree- ment. The Socialists will present a motion to send the accord back to the gov- ernment with instructions to reopen negotiations with the United States, but it is thought that this motion will not be able to muster more than 150 to 200 votes. According to the present govern- ment program, the reservations which will be incorporated in the preamble will cover two points: a guarantee against payment in excess of French capacity, and suspension of payment if it should become impossible with- out French exchange. Criticize Preamble There is some objection to the plan to express these reservations in the form presented in a sample preamble, since it is pointed out by opponents of ratification that thus offered they would not be binding on the United States and, would not be operative as far as the Washington agreement is concerned. The government eory is that, however expressed, the reserva- tions serve the purpose of laying down the principle that France can- not be expected to undertake impos- sibilities. The government, it is understood, will oppose any attempt to delay rati- fication in an effort to reopen nego- tiations or to introduce reservations in such a way that the agreement can- not stand as signed at Washington. Premier Poincare's hand has been greatly strengthened by the fact that the mere announcement of the cabinet determination to pusli ratification was followed by a rise on the exchange of one franc to the dollar. YOST TALKS TO HILLEL SMOKER 400 Jewish Students Attend Affair Given By NeW Organization Cooperation on th part of Jewish students of the University with offi- cials in achieving the aims and ' pur- poses of the branch of the B'nai B'rith Hillel foundation recently estab- lished in Ann Arbor was the keynote of the first smoker given by the or- ganization in iMasonic auditorium last night. More than 400 Jewish students attended the affair. Rabbi Benjamin Frankel, national director of the Hillel foundation and active head of the chapter at the Uni- versity of Illinois, was unexpectedly present and addressed the students briefly. Greater interest in outside acti'ities was emphasized by Ben Friedman, captain of the football team, in a brief talk in which he advocated support of the foundation. Football, stated Coach Fielding H. Yost, another speaker, brings out to the fullest ex- tent qualities which are necessary in the development of a man capable of becoming a good leader. Rabbi A. H. Finklestein, resident director of the chapter, outlined the program planned for the coining year, which is designed to bring Judaism to students of that faith and give them an op- portunity to study the culture and history of the religion. Entertainment was provided by-Ben- nie and Bernie Goldman, '29 and '27, singers of the Red Apple club of WCX, Detroit, and by other students on the piano and banjo. EXTEND TIME TO ENROLL IN UNION Members of the Union who have not yet registered will be afforded an op- portunity to do so from 3 to 5:30 THREE BANDS READY FOR M. S. C. GAME; RESERVES ORGANIZE TODAY Great improvement over the form bands, since only a 15 minute period of last Saturday, as well as several is allowed. 1 new features which have been an- Following a plan which was inau- nounced, is expected to, add to the gurated last year, try-outs will be display of the varsity band at the M. held today in an attempt to organize S. C. game tomorrow. The occasion a reserve band to serve as an auxil- will be the first in many years, if iary to the varsity band. All those in-- not the first ever, on which three terested should apply from 4 to 6 bands have paraded Ferry field be- o'clock this afternoon at Morris hall. fore the game and between halves. Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the The M. S. C. band is pected to university, has secured the services of1 arrive in the morning wit a consid- Nicholos D. Falcone, leader of the erable contingent of rooters. On a Wuerth theater orchestra, for direc- different train will come the United tor. Mr. Falcone will be in charge States Marine band, under the direc- 1 of today's try-outs. tion of Capt. William H. Santelmimax. The reservy band was organized The latter organization is to appear last year as an experimnt, but the in concert tomorrow night at Hill result was so successful, according to auditorium under the auspices of the officials of the band, that it was de- University School of Music, but ar- cided to make the body a regular in- rangements have been made with stitution. All first semester fresh- those in charge whereby the marines men are eligible for the competition, ,ill also play at the football game. In a feature which will afford any who tfie evening the varsity band and the intended to try out for the varsity M. S. C. band will be the guests of the band next semester a chance to get Choral Union at the concert. the training in music and drill which Field formations and plans have 'they would otherwise not be able to been changed somewhat from last get until that time. The vars;ity band time. The M. S. C. band will enter will each year be chosen from the the field first and do the usual parad- ranks of this reserve division, and ing. It will be followed by the ma- with the advantage of trained men rines who will also drill. The varsity from which to draw, will be able to band will enter last, and the three round into shape much uore quickly groups will play "The Star-Spangled 'than usual. "jei M ade M emorial Carolina, Rhode Island, and New Jer- sey. (By Associated Press) IUSSELS-M. Franqui, Belgium's Paris, Oct. 7.--The famous railway financial director, plans to resign coach in which the Armistice was when the stabilization loan now n signed in November, 1918, thanks to der negotiation in London isformally tke generosity of an unnamed Ameri- r n.