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October 07, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-07

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Published every morning except Mondayn
during the niversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.t
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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The Associated P s is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
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Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925 .
Editor................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................Irwin A. Olian
NewsEditrs jFrederick Shillito
News Editors..........I Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor.........Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Cainpe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
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r R. A. Meyer
H. W. Rosenblum

; ,
° .

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Night Editor-CHAS. E. BEHYMERA
Amid the approval of many East-
ern coaches who have voiced their
disapproval of. the use of football
scouts, Coach Roper of Princeton and
Coach Jones of Yale have agreed to
end the scouting of each other's foot-
ball teams. Indubitably, this agree-
) anent between two members of the
Big Three shows a progressive spirit
in considering anything which prom-
ises improvement for the sport, and
will be found beneficial if for no oth-
er reason than as an experiment.
In several respects, however, as
pointed out by other Eastern athletic
heads, the present scouting system
is meritorious, and its abolition
would be not only difficult to secure
but harder to enforce.
As football is played today, the of-
fense is running so far ahead of the
defense that such a rule might easily
produje an unbalanced contest. There
are so many offensive combinations
that it is Impossible to train any
team to stop them all. It is only
through scouting that this balance
may be effectively secured. In many
cases, elimination of the system
would make possession of the ball
practically equivalent to a touch-
down, and thus destroy all sporting
interest in the game.
Aside from the merits, or demerits
of scouting, its restriction would be
very difficult to enforce even if the
respective coaching staffs expressed
their willingness. Alumni would be
constantly-sending information gain-
ed from watching rival teams back to
the coaches. Suspicion of such tac-
tics, even if ungrounded, would be
raised every time a team appeared
familiar with the plays or formation
of its opponent. Hard and unsports-
manlike feeling would be very easily
raised among the backers of the rival
elevens. It would be far better to
suffer the evils of scouting, if indeed
they are not already overbalanced
by its merits, than to run the risk of
disrupting the sportsmanship which
now surrounds intepcollegiate com-
Amid all the bombast, meaningless
platitudes and oratory which the
French have thus far wasted on the
subject of their war debt, it is en-
eonran'inz indeed tn 1arn that at last

when the capital just isn't there and
there is no prospect of the money
appearing for years to come. Ger-
many owes France a debt several
times as large as France's debt to
America; if France can not or will
not, as the case may be, pay the Ti-
ted States now and would be willing
in the event of reparations from Ger-
many, then it is to our advantage also
to allow the bond issue to be floated
The sudden revulsion of policy on
the part of France is also noteworthy
for another reason, for it will be re-
membered that about a year ago when
a similar scheme was proposed
France opposed it ostensibly on the
grounds that there would be an im-
mense sacrifice involved in floating
German bonds at American prices,
but very likely the real reason un-
derlying this policy was the fact that
in the event of war between Germany
and France it would be extremely
likely that American capital, inter-
ested in the welfare of Germany,
would be hesitant about again going
too the aid of France. In the light
of this fact, then, it would seem that
France considers the possibility of
war with Germany extremely remote,
and this is one of the most encourag-
ing factors that has appeared on the
European horizon in years.
When France is willing to let
American capital become interested
in German securities, then the peace
of central Europe is fairly secure;
and it seems at last that the Poincare
government has reached the conclu-
sion, obvious for years to financiers,
that the United States is the only
power capable of immense financier-
ing, that the solution of the debt ques-
tion requires this immense financier-
ing. When Poincare reaches this
point in his, reasoning, as he appar-
ently has reached it, then there is a
brighter outlook, a ray of hope, for
the tangled mess of European p'oli-
Ever since the great and recent
passion for democracy and democrat-
ic government developed the popular
opinion of the world has ordinarily
and regularly recoiled from any thing
that savored of dictatorship. Among
the chief indictments against Kaise
Wilhelm was that he was dictatorial;
recently in Michigan we have had a
very concrete example of this feeling
when a man was defeated for gov
ernor largely because he was accus
ed of "one man government."
In spite of all thecharges agains
the system, however, the trend in
Europe seems to point more and
more toward this method as the onl
means of saving the states of the con
tinent which are in a precarious po
sition. One by oe they have turne
to this type as the last hope. Th
surprising thing is that in most case
the system seems to have worked
First, Italy with Mussolini, thei
Greece, then Poland, then Spain, an
now dictators seem to be rising i
other countries in Europe and oth
er parts of the world.
Unreasoning democrats will be hor
rifled by the change, and not withou
some reason, for a dictatorship is fa
from being a popular government
On the other hand, however, a die
tator may be reasonable when th
mob is impassioned, may be patriot
ic when the mob is anarchistic, an
may be firm when popular govern
ment would hesitate. The dictator
in this case, is indispensable-the
only solution.

Another factor which is often over
looked is that it is necessary to hav
a large portion, at least, of the popu
lace behind one if one is to 'be a sue
cessful dictator. None of the moder
heads of governments of this type ar
supported by hereditary prestige o
decayed tradition. They have gaine
their place by dynamic effort - b
convincing the people that they ar
worthy and by giving the nation
such strong and just governments a
to hold the respect of the people.
The only danger that can possi
bly arise from this tendency is th
possibility of its becoming tradition
al and decayed. As long as the dic
tators are strong and popular ther
is no reason to fear them. Democra
cy has failed in many of the crise
and dictators have rescued the'gov
ernments. When the crisis is pas
perhaps there will have to be a re
*vulsion. Until then, the dictatc
should be tolerated.
France seeks the services of th
United States as the guarantor of a
, disarmament agreements. This natio
may be forced to act as a loan coller
tor for its own outstanding obliga
tions, but it certainly should not un
t rlrs. nt nin h n iaa

Now that one student has had the
nerve to come right out in the courts
and sue a professor for damages,t
claiming that he wasn't paid for re- w
writing the prof's book, It gives thes
rest of us courage. Why shouldn'tt
the professors pay the students whenh
he compiles a book from their term n
papers and theses?a
* * *
This isn't a personal matter to us,n
as we fear that even should thise
wrong be so righted, we would be onI
the negative side of the ledger-ort
whatever it is the business ads call8
it. The only aid we ever gave a pro-
fessor was when we got out of h s
* * *t
But just think what wealtht
would come to the students. Ev-
eryone who takes one of these fan-e
cy psychological or intelligence1
tests knows that the professor
probably gets an article out of
the results and publishes it. At
least he ought to pay for the amuse-<
ment he gets from reading the pa-
However, there is another angle to
this story that ought to be brought
- before the great thinking public, asI
represented in our readers, and that
is the fact the prof had his book re-
written. Now, we would be willing
to take up a collection to pay for the
services of some bright young man
who can condense a professor's book
from 609 pages to a mere 200. The
same process should be used for lec-
Rev. Jump lives up to his name
when he advises on his bulletin
board: "When you feel yourself slip-
lping, fall forward and pick your-
g self up a little farther on." All well
and good, unless you are standing
on the edge of the roof on a 20-story
r building.
- ( -Those dear old rainy college
t i
y If we were President Little, we
- would hire someone to be our official
- spokesman, so that we wouldn't have
d to chase around the campus ad the
e country giving welcome speeches and
s talks to alumni. He would take our
. place everywhere except at Vassar
n or Wellesley. And we certainly
d would have him attend the freshman
n mixer to shake hands with all those
- frosh who write home telling how the
president asked them to 'visit him and
- how he shook their hands and every-
t thing. That's one place the spokes-
r man could get cross as the president
. himself.
* * *
d With a blare of trumpets and a
1- rash of the chair Admiral Ixzo threw
, at a noisy member, the Horse Ma-
e rines opened their first meeting, in
the Zoology Museum late last night.

-_ This new 'organization is formed for
,e the purpose of encouraging the new
- custom of buggy riding.
,n "The Horse Marines," Admiral
e Ixzo, President, said in opening the
r meeting, "Will aim to create a body
d o$ new thinkers that will think.
y We take as our prophet, our seer,
e the great Noah Webster. The
s greatest part of his words have
s come down through the ages to us
and today are found on everyone's
I- tongue.'
e "He had the greatest vocabulary
1- of all time. His books are probab-
-_ ly in greater constant demand than
e any other writings in the world.
- The greatest orators of recent times
s have used his words, and-shame,
- on them-without giving him the
t least bit of credit.
e- "And do the students of this great
r university appreciate this ggreat man?
Is there any course studying his
works in detail? NO! NO! (Cheers)
e NO! NO! (Cheers) NO! NO! (Jeers).
lf "It is the duty of this organization
n to make him known, to give him his
- true place in the intellectual sphere.
a- I must make the speakers who use
- his own very words give him credit.
Give credit where credit is due!"

A review, by Vincent Wall.
Beginning with the Dubois "Fan-
asie Triomphale" - a grand piece,
with the verve and depth of a full
symphony orchestra!-Palmer Chris-
tian caught the tones that can throb
and sing in cathedral emptiness, and
he touched the stars yesterday after-
noon at the initial Twilight Organ
Recital yesterday afternoon in Hill
It is the kind of a concert that does
not easily crystallize into prose; po-
etry would be a happier medium to
capture the majestic bombast of the
Liszt "Prelude and Fugue" or the
lyric and frivolous grace off the Gi-
gout "Scherzo." The program was a
perfect choice, and each number
brought a different effect from the
full field of organ registration. The
nervous energy of the Corelli "Pre-
lude" from the ninth violinsonatoof
that author caught and carried out
the impetuosity that characterizes his
work: "An Autumn Sketch" by Brew-
er showed a delicacy of touch and
phrasing that threw into the fore-i
ground a melody that would have
otherwise been insufficient and in-
Another type of organ music was
contained in the Liszt "Prelude and
Fugue on B A C H" (in German no-
menclature the notes B, A, C and H
correspond to our B filat, A, C and B
natural) ; the chords were noisy, and
the intensely dramatic crescendoes
were almost pure theater. The Angel
Scene from the opera "Hansel and
Gretel" also carried a similar appeal.
Madame Louise Homer remarked at
the May Festival last year that the
Humperdinck music for this opera
was one of the most effective in
Grand Opera. It might be consider-
ed a bit loud in parts for an angel
choir-- my neighbour remarked that
the celestial fourteen might not have
been perfect ladies-but Mr. Christian
did not play on the melodramatic
possibilities, and an intelligent in-
terpretation saved it from becoming
The concluding numbers-a Grieg
"Nocturne" with a particularly inter-
esting organ transcription by Mr.
Christian and the tone poem "Finlan-
dia" by Jean Sibellius-carried unus-
ual opportunities for technique. The
last mentioned number is almost an
epitomy of the music of Finland im-
mortalized in the Sibellius symphonic
epic, which Is a tone picture of Finn-
ish life reflected in the sentiment of
an exile on his return home. The
Sibellius attitude is almost reverent,
and this compose- and patriot is ac-
complishing ror Finland what Pader-
ewsktiIs doing in Polish music and
politics. The historic greatness and
the poverties of Finland seemed to
stand out in Mr. Christian's intprpre-
tation, and the eccentricities of the
strangely foreign themes employed
were perfectly executed.




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Read The Daily "Classified" Columns





A Review by William M. Lewis, Jr.
and Kenneth Patrick
Taking its plot from that farce of
some years back, "A Pair of Sixes,"
an entertaining musical comedy has
been fashioned by B. G. De Sylvia
and Laurence Schwab entitled "Queen
High". This offering, which has been
amusing Detroit audiences at the
Cass theater this past week is pass-
ing entertainment, considering the
other productions which have been
launched this season. The original
company is now in its second week
in New York, having had a summer's
run in Philadelphia, a town noted for
any ling but enthusiastic receptions.
The Detroit cast is probably hardly
comparable to that in New York in
finish, but this will probably come
with time.
The rotund Frank Crumit romps
through the show in his usual man-
ner, although he does not make the
most of his part. His voice seems
to be rather the worse for wear, ex-
cept in his own composition, "My
Lady," sung with Julia Sanderson and
accompanied by the ever trusty uke-
lele. Miss Sanderson has discreetly
relinquished ingenue roles in favor
of those of the more matured come-
dienne, and to considerable advantage.
Her undulating glide is much inevi-
dence, and is relieved at intervals by
sophisticated witticisms. An excel-
lent bit is contributed by Nina Oli-
vette in the role of a clownish maid.
Her eccentric dancing is a diverting
feature. The remainder of the cast
carries out its respective assignments
well enough, especially Joseph Wag-
staff, a former Detroit boy andhero
of the piece, who is gifted with a
pleasing voice, fine appearance,
dancing ability, and-if you please-
sex appeal.
Credit must be given to Sammy
Lee for staging some novel ensemble
numbers, as well as to the youthful
chorus, which gives a spirited inter-
pretation of them.The settingsand
costumes seem both fresh and taste-
ful in design. Lewis Gensler fur-
nished an interesting score which
contains, among other numbers,
"Cross Your Heart," the hit of thoe
show, "Everything Will Happen For
The Best," and "My Lady." These

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