b THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY v 1 . TaLJRSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE TEAMS FORMING !GRADUATE STUDENT FROM PHILIPPINES I 1SPEC!ALIZING IN AERONAUTICAL WO-RK DEI~~ATL, L1BiXGre,3Ear 'I'. Zaro, who gradua te d aof engineering, a rrid sa rsn j . i aepeset po Wiigl Schools Sending in 'Enrollm~ent,, last year from the Massachusetts In-! cializinig inl aeronautics. stit ut e of Techniology, has enltered l ticIniisinuch as thle I 'hlip*pines are' I~astr Tlxi I ~t ~lIL radual (s school on a scholars}il)sip pr- oiriposvd of riiore't han 2 ,500 islauios, jvidledl by the Philippine ,government. of which Luson, Visayon islands, and Schools from every part of the state:Zaro,,whose home is at Batanga.s, Phil-, Mindaniao are the three largest, Taro hre enrolled in the Michigan high i ppines, also spent one year at the Ijelievs Ithat t he airplane business School Rebating league, sponsored lmiivei'sity of the P~hilipipinies, college has a very good future in threse by the University through the exten- --- islands. This will lalso bring the sion division, it has been announced. , sa~sit lse eain ~p i 1'nrollment is proceeding withl great- B yna s -li Plane oc er speed this year than last, and the At present their airplanes, which are ttal of 200 reached last year is ex- !il Tour Co n r! operated by both American and Pulip pected to Abe .surpassed.. The closing avia tors daiit ownedl by the American date for, entries will be Oct. 22, and government, are confined to inter-, the preliminary debates will begin j(1-y Associated Press) islanid mail and coast guard service. Nov. 19.1 WASITINGTON, Oct. 6.-The popu-j Efforts have recently been made to)l The same general plan. for conduct- 'lation of nearly every part of the( estalblish a public [lying school near ing the contests that was used lastj United States will have an opportun- Luson, Zaro said. At the comipletioni year will again be followed. After; ity to see tihe airplane in which Lieut. of his work in the University he will engaging in a series of four prelimn- Corn. Richard E. Byrd made the first 4 inspect this country's flying fields be-E itiary debates, a number of to s with flight across the North Pole. Ani itin- fore returning home, the best records will take pa in an erary " for a nationwide tour of the - elimination contest, which will lead1 ship was made public at the con- Starting from Washington Oct 7,1 to a final state championship debate m cerce department, calling for stops at: the first leg of the journey will be to! At Ann Arbor. Last year 6 4 schools about X40 cities, north, east, south and New York. Thereafter the plane willi wion their way to the elimination, and' west. visit these cities: th~e number for this year will prop-~ Funds for the enterprise have been Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, But- abeBronze trophy cups-will be aware, fund.and the purpose rwill be to Gugneim-(Indi~iaaolOis, Chicago, Milwaukee,St edl the two schlools entering tile final !onlstrate the utility of air routes and' Louis, :Kansas City, St. Joseph, Onia- contest. Prizes will also be awarded! necessity of air ports. Floyd Bennett, ha, Djenver, Cheyenne, Salt Lake C'ity, bthe Detroit Free Press, including ! who accompaniedl Commander Byrd as E lko, Nevada; Reno, Sail Francisco, gold watches to the six final debaters, pilot on, his polar dash, will conduct Los Angeles, San Diego, Tucson, Elj and wall plaques of bronze and wal- the tour, in which the commerce de-j Paso, Fort Worthl, Dallas, Shreveport. bit, similar in design to tle TTniver- partment anxd other governmentalI Little Rock, Memphis, Monroe, La.; it city shield, to the schools qualifying agencies are co-operating. Comman- INew Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, j" f entrance into the elimination ser- der Byrd will not participate in the Augusta, Fayetteville or Raleigh. N.C., ieq, flight. Richmond. and back to Washington,, New Dry Candidate M asId p n et ~U. Of D. Students STo Attempt First Opera This Winter jDEiTROIT, Oct. 5.--Tlie Iniver-it - of D~etroit will make its first ent rancie sent aiion of' Ter ry AnYCm' is ('lthiey 'IPARKE3R WILL .svMANAU r" in the hands of university un(Iergradu- rE r' ~i~rr ales. I'reliniiry work or organiza-jj[IIUV~H LU) onand vwriting thle book and lyrics Wa s ain << y b eiiac(am phi nd by a genT oer al (Sninliit te l 1 deto.- h ,iV. Parker, '2, who wan ui-_hii: iiess manager ot Th lil lasmt yer, IThe biook anid lyrics were written by; ' I lb~~as Bern apjlted busin hpness manager ',m .Taiae S. l'uoler arid1'. Ralphi Miller.Ifth re nl(; hKhi>h Elt. is ill th re actas, presenitinig a pie-,l'l 'are of Am erican college life. li1lioeI by I erry \At. I ap len, '2,Me - I__________nierny presioenm o!the St rijnt Chris- tian association. WVall st reel has offered aods of 2 to 11 onl t. Louis winninrg Ithe World ser- into the field of college opera this winter, when its Det roit union, a1 gen- eral studoent organizat ion, produces "Merry Ann," a musical comedy rep - resenting an investment o1f $25,000. . Tile authorship, production and pre'- if?:. Suliiscibw 11for The 31iiia ii_ x;;zfly. I Biast a. . ,. any -190 6' .4 IITUGI 1[A GII1L Il()ndedet dry Senatorial cand~i- date froml Illinois, who has iteen en- teredl by ciiizen groups following I he 'slush fund" inquiries into the :Demo- crat ic andl Republican primary cam- paigns. to be absYolutely truthful, we must admit a Wahil Pen 'will not get up and make your 8 o'clocks for you. It wvon't an- sever the roll call, or take notes f all by itself. But it will go along with you. to any class you have, and do a better writing job than any other fountain open you've ever seen. Hour after hour, it will glide across the pages wi th an ease that rests your wrist and leaves your m'ind free to consider what you're writing, Its iridium-tipped point ofsob. id gold will stand up to the action when the"prof ." is talk- ing fast an~ you just have to "jab 'em down," or it will roll the rounded out sentences when you're building a theme for somebody else to read. This -most serviceable k-.d handsome pen com.t_ infa wide( variety of materials and styles. Iii slim, symmietri cal. cylinders of solid gold or ster- Sng ,ilvrsgold-flhed or silvery fIlledg or in redt, black, or mot- tled rubber. For point, you can choose e'xactly the Wahl Pib that suits your writing style: stiff 'or flexible', f ine, hiedlim, stub, oblique, or 'Wahli Standard Signature.', .And., oh, yes! .AWahiful of ink is a bookful of words, whether you're passing an exam or writing out your al- ibi. Fill, up ,a new one at the Wahi Pen and Eversharp counter and see if it isn't so. "'41 o r the silve r or rul br $6 and Northward for the gold . . STARTING TODAY :iY k hr : 4 The p4 r { I I f j t t friendliest Shaw In town! pp. als-pals t n everything --"gSCARED STIFF". \A UTTE12 HEAT t x 4 czi £"Y'RS4RAWRITE HAND FAt v -- I USE ONE And you never see me at a loss for words. Have you got your Wally bookmark yet? Mark my words, you'll want an Eversharp, too. -/WALLY, the Eversharp Kidl. Evei'sha4p's write hand pal t- 1926, The Wahl Company. Chicago With LLOYD HUGHES -and DOLORES D~EL RIO 1)rected by EDW1~IN CAREW] E TOI)AY('S ?NEWS MIClIl(GAN LQ('ALS ARCADE ORCHESTRA Julius Selo idt, (ondiwti I , -COMING SUNDAY- Haied by the World as the Greatest of Ldove Stories Prese tig ", ; ;,. ..... ...::..:...... ................... LILLIAN GISH JOHN GILBERT i 4' , Withi These Notables RENEE ADOREE ROY D'ARICY A II All ~i,~~ ~