lk PAGE F'OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURPSDAY, JANUARYZ-,- '19271 ....., .,... .r y ve .-vmar. w.e a nw r.w w.a+ G.ul~4 nominations and elections to the council to women~ is dleemned to ex- -treme, let the president of the league Published every morning except Monday during the Uiniversity rear by the Board in C.ontrol of S>tll in11PuOiIdici Ins. ',tlCrs o V~of Werst-en, ;iui Asso'ciatioen The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for repub'lication of all news dlispatChes :c eited to it or not otherwise. cvedited in thi, paper and the !ocal news pb i. e~r I th erein. be given a seat, at any rate, and when an activity or problem which con- cerns both men and women students is undertaken, give her a seat and plenlty of work to do on the committee in charge of such affairs! THE ROBINSON RESOLUTION W~hat was the Senate's first direct, stand in the Mexican oil and land law, dispute was taken in the Robinson resolution favoring arbitration whichj was unanimously passed on Tuesday.' Now that the Chamber of Com- merce is campaigning for more mem- bers, what is the University going to+ do to keep up its three-fourths of the "Where Commerce and Education! Meet" combination? 3 Is this Big Ten athletic conferencej in Chicago going to take up the sub- ________________________c DRAMA TO I(RIrIT: The School of 1Musie, re- Strep ial ht the Sclhool ataldrtorui'm at at For Your Convenience--Two Stoes on1DletelySoc e o'clock. .:- j ONWHT~'1': 1Play Prodltion and 1)i- .TA J(' reCtiol) 1Pre~elts "Seven Ji's to Bald-.'I I~t I I ~ pate" by G(eorge ('oha inhtUUniversity 11111 aditoium at S:10o'e~vk.At Both Ends of the Dia"gonal s*ss " ]'IEI)EII-AXVS_______________________________ Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,j Michigan, as second class matter. Special ratej of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-I master Gcneral. Subsc-iption by carrier, $375 by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-a nard Street. Phones: P. itorial, 4925 ; Business 21214. ED)ITORIAL STAFF TIeepone 19:05 ]WiANAGING EDJ TnR SMITH H. CAIJY, JIf, ity eu ditors.. ,tra. ....- " ,it v ies ditor..... Ph.ili C. L'rr.k Soye's Editor....... vl.Niain Ktl. Spk-J ort Edito . . \ir ..Sipe VMiic and Drama . ... Vincent C' Wsll} r. Night Editors Charles Behymet lis Af.t .ry Carlton Cbxnp~- StanfordN hlt So Chamb: et Un lCoit land C SL i aroes Herald C sam AVY\., do Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Trunswif k Reporters Marion Ande's1m rile, Kimball Alex Bochnowski 3li~t +n Lit hobacnn jean Campibell R ichard Kurvink. Chester E. Clark G. 'Thlomas NMc.K tan Clarence P delsoin Kenneth Patrick Earl W. De. La VergneNMorris Q~umi Williamt Finery James Shech.,!n Alfred Le> Foster Nelson J. Smith, J:. Robert E. Finch Sylvia Stc-ne Robert Gessner William nTltorna ' Elaine Gruber A:Milford Vauik.. Coleman J. Glencer Herbert l;. \'eildet Harvey J. Gunderson Marian 'W'ell( s Stewart Hooker Thaddeus 1C <,ie. whu M!lorton BIciov'e . Sherwood XWiot'_' Paul Kern Althouagh a few senators opposed the resolution, the vote expressed the general sentiments of the Senate, and in a large measure, the judgment of the country at large. The cause of arbitration, which has recently received some severe blows, has again emerged victorious in the settlement of international disputes. And it has not been without consider- able diculty that such a decision was i Uk .of " Th ? JLhrU~ tt. P L WAV in te Stadium ?" aI "I'm in favor of this zoning fla," aidthe Student from the Suburbs, just when he had frozen the other ear, after he had coy- Iered two miles of the journey in. Evidently there are enough peoc : a ~.1 a 0 ii II' a a a, IBISINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Advertising... ~... ,.........William C. Pusch, Advertising.,..............Thomtas Sunderland! Advertising............ George II. Anna";le, Jr. A~dvertising............ Lauoence J. 4"an Tmyl Circulation..... ... ........T. Kenneth Haven Poiblication ............ John 11,. Bobrink Accounts...... ..... ,... Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ahn Jr, [tay Wachter Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood I). M. Brown FEsther Booze Florence Cooper Hilda Binzer Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson R. A. Meyer Alarion Kerr H~arvey Rosenblum Marion L. :Reading William F_ Spencer Ilarriet C. Smith Harvey Talcott N an ce Solomon Harold Utley Florence WidJmaier THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927 Nigaht Editor-JAMES T. HERALD reached by the Senate. Many had, curious to see just why "The L misgivings as to the advisability ofI Warning" is as bad as the column passing the arbitration resolution on our right painted it, to demand the ground that it might weaken the couple more performances. diplomatic position of the country in3 the controversy, while others felt that. While we don't know anyth Mexico had been guilty of enough in- about the tendencies of art in Rus discretions to merit a severance of re- we did enjoy this thriller, and ar+ lations or the withdrawal of recogni- ashamed to admit it. tion of the Calles government. Yet ** on the whole, the senators felt that We'd just as soon see it again arbitration was the modern and just will have to do our duty by thesec means of settling international trout ter rides, if it kills us. One ti] bles.I about 'that play, you never ki The sooner that Americans will where the next scream is con learn that they invest in foreign from. countries, especially those in which* * # the government is not of the strongest, ( WHILE ROJE BURNED at their own risk and do not expect A policeman stood by smoking the United States to extend its jurls- cigar while a house went up in fla: diction or protection permanently on Wells street yesterday noon. wherever they go, the fewer disutes ;the boy scouts rushed around ca: twill this nation be in. Of course, in ing out furniture and carrying in 1h the Mexican dispute there is the ques- tion of whether the right of the Mex- When we got there in our little ican government to confiscate prop- plane everything was going fine, erty without compensation is subject eluhding the house. It was the to arbitration or not. The administra- blaze the present fire department tion has been proceeding on the as-! developed in many a year. sumption that it is not, but that the*** amount of compensation for expro- "6FIRE, HIAY, FIRE !" priated property alone is subject to ..-- / arbitration. / And yet it is doubtful if the Amer- COLOXI1 !ean property owners stand to lose by arbitration. There are only two other courses open in the dispute to the ad- ministration. One is tesvrneo 'diplomatic relations with the result- . me Mr. McIntyre is returning Ruth St. jDenis and Ted Shawn to the Whitney ( theater tomorrow night. Last Thurs- d cay night the Denishawns gave their I e r altz fantasia "Straussiana" and their n ;recently acquired Eastern dances.l - Tomorrow night they have promised 1 ' he Spanish number and an entirely' new program--perhaps the ballet! - without music and Mi:cs St. P3enis'l )ple 4valtzes with their luian dances as!I Lat "Iddd vertissin~ens. n to Te company is now playing to t 'one night stands through the corn belt, and with the assistance o their veterans, Doris Hlumphreys, Anne Douglas, Charles Wiedman, Georg e hing; saSteares. . are playing to good rel' us ness. Miss Plum Aireys is now a solo dancer in several numbers now that Miss St. Denis Is confining her- -,self to interpretations,. Charles W'4ied- but Inan1 is also bE in ggivenl Some 5Soio cu-work. Considering the star~s who had hin1g their lbe jining in the corempany-- .ow Florence O'Denlish wn and Louise nhug gooks, both of whom have gone to SKILLED IEA IN 4 l Pen315 State Street I REAL SERVICE And rry-; hose. air- best hasi J i s r 4 % Ap _, qw 1 z kJ mnusical comedy and tLe ies,1OCas well as other mdi ct p~ odnucr of t heir schiools-these names wvill mrob-- ably comic to mean sonmething In theml- Selves. A review, by 'Smniit E. ('ady, .ir. "Green Fruit" is still ral_ er pren If it had been allowed to re ;t in the 1 discard until a few capable actors anti actresses could have been collectedl to assist M~itzi, the songs improved in tunefulness, and the so-called humor polished up a ibit, it ight have ripcen- 0(1 into a hit. Blit there is little to praise in the present production ex- cept the work of the star, herself,I who is an old favorite of devotees of' eye and ea, entertainment and who is, as spontaneous and charmin ; as ever; and the sixteen ladies of the chorus, jwho are well above average. 1This show is just as hard up) for men as the Union Cpoi a is for girls.! (The loading man, his father, Lordl Steeple, whose marriage is the centerl of the plot, and Sir Bertram H-awley, l the three who are sutppose'd to uipholdi the masetiline roles, brief though they may be, fail dismally to entertain the! customers in the fashion of Lynn Over- man, Hal Skelly, James Bartraii, 13cr-f nrard Granville, Charles Winninger, or any of the others who are watch:_;, their names twinkle in the bright, lights. Their 6hief handicap is that none of them can really sing, but that is not all-far from it!. :Howvever, the unfortunate trio has' one good excuse--the play. It, was, we are told, translated from the French, and it must have lost consid- erably in the translation. The plot,' XI l ~ to make sure that your 's} , e is ready for Exams. We wvill chairge you nothing for looking it over, or better yet, buy a The pen that won't balk or run dry in the middle of an exam. Holds enough ink for ten exams. Six to twelve times as much ink as other pens. HS?! MIKE FALK AND HIS music ]Phones 9056 - 3936 I 11 1 wx 1 11 1 ! r ,i ''miaV ~a2aU _____________________ _______ant revolution and overthrow of the REPRSENTTIO Calles government. Another is in- withRAeSicri arme While the Student council is enter- ;ferventwin withdmeran war edi tamning ideas on the movement to tfoe s hiheould hemeawr.sulabt abolish the trial system of college tration has-neither-of-these resultan : councils which would eventually sup- plant the general council, the experi- mont having obviously failed, it might do well' for that body to give new 2 thought to a long expressed desire of University women students. To extend a seat on the council to a representa- tive of the latter would not only serve to appease the feminine ele- ment on the campus, but it would at the s ame time justify the organiza- tion's name-Student council -and Might even prove practicable! For years women students have de- manded some representation among the few selected students who, theo- retically, at least, are invested with the very limited power of self-govern- ment at Michigan. The demand is not so unreasonable when given full consideration, although the council generally maintains that there is no wvork for women students in that or- ganization, that the council is hardly concerned, if at all, with women's activities here. On the other hand, the women students maintain that they are entitled to a part in the su- pervision of class elections, student convocations, such events as Cali Night ,and even problems such as tbat of ticket distribution at home football games. Of course, such a radical step .1% extending representation oni the coun-. cil to women should be maneu!ve_ ..; with the greatest care. They a'- susceptible to the "give an inch, tl a mile" aphorism as well as any ui greuzp of 'Mimam-~. V A plan, which should answer t}' ident of the W'omen's league, an or- rganization corresponding to the Mich- igan Union for the men, an ox-officio to the seats held by the president of' the Union, the managing editor ofI The Daily, and the representative of t, r T I t _ l _t (lisacivantages and offers the most sensible solution of the oil and land law controversy. Now that the two countries have expressed a willing-- ness to arbitrate, the next thing is to determine the time, place, and the exact problems to be settled. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous~ communications will be disregarded. The names of comnmuni- v. et- il1I however, be regarded as confidential upon request. APPROVAL1 Exclusive photograph of yesterday's fire, shoeing' also the akrpian- ill which we chase fires. We have always been a fire bug, 1 and in our childhood days wore wont!c to run after a fire engine everytime we saw one. We don't anymore. W\e ride. Anywvay, -ve have founid that the best and funlniest shtoei towniu s a fire. We are all for miaking the fire department is sue advance ilformlat ion everytime they get a fire call. TIhe papers could prnit all extra while the enigines wxere getting out of the, barni. J-Flop Extra SSay It With-- Flowel-rda-y's Order i-Hop Flowers Now-t S rn . l w r inQCorsages a Specialty Nickels Arcade Phone 701 4 l ".lowes ByWire" Delivery Guaranteed ~fss~s~- ITo The Editor:( which concerns the efforts of ,itzi, Never before in this column has Anyway, You Can't Claim Clippy Spent who is 20, (in the play!) to act 12, i ltore appeared a recognized approvalI A Million In Buying votes in order that her mother mhay be only _of any. criticism appearing in the Dear Timothy Hay:--I am in pos- 29g, and thus marry the rich Lord, is "Music and Drama" column. However, session of full evidence that the bal- fair, but the humhorous by-produicts lafter the article concerning Vincent lot for naming the new stadium was' are awful. TI'here is a fat; ian front lWall's review of "The Last Warning" flagrantly stuffed. I demand a re- the movies who pulls sonmc of the most Iwhich was printed Sunday, it cer- count. ancient gags ever resurrected, and tainly would seem that some recog- Crashing Thunder most of the merry quips of the hero nition should b made of the general* * # left the audience (dozing peacefully. opinion of the campus which agreed Serious charges such as those de- And Mitzi, 'through it all, was spozi- wholly with that criticism of the maind consideration. We refuse to taneous as ever and actually got some play,.akuii eseorlwe.I hr applatuse. I''ithout her it would have As a regular patron of all prodluc- aylwsuen htwlkvlnert een tragic. tions given in the Mnes theater, it hl aeornc rmtenoe "Green Fruit" has yet to play in was with the keenest disappointment free? (It isn't worth much, even to New York. Let us pray it ripens iue- that I witnessed Comedy Club's recent uf).e*w*en, f play. From a dramatic standpoint*'1* "TheLas Waring wasproablythe MR. FIXIT is building a passenger Teermisbtoercr o 1poorest selection ever made by a cam- ThrIean utoercr o playrs rgaizaionandthe I elevator for Angell hall. When they re- rvs organizathen and thd-re-'Able's Irish Rose" to achieve, and JV o Vllow~.l1$s tlhe performnance ado,- buldn in all probability it xil make it. T[he ed a freight hoist, feeling that only (it W xnr'essedl the critic's di s-. ;lay, of course, holds the long run Pl~lV~iiof tat slectonfreight would be expected to climb to record for New York, as well as al- Mreover, 531)00 1the cast was teati tee.Snc he helav ot every stand of over two weeks li-t. to eviw mde enton f tataccepted professors for baggage, but in the middle west. However, it has i '" ~le vjw 11ts~enh caio ofthi-students still have to walk up three fact, particularl1 conhnhelding: several' yet to break the ,vorid's record the of the characters, and with several lgts eor f225pei formances whic critciss o oters hic miht el'Chun Chin Chow" established in Lon- criticisms foloheswhhfomigh el AFTER YELLING about arbitration L:on But all Miss N;ichols needs is haebenfolwd.Terfre'h of European trou~bles for years, Uncle tinme; "Axbie's . . . . " will make article printed Sunday, can certainly, notbe onideed ai, snceths sm-- 1Sam has finally .decided to practice it!I it some time in July! viw.a ed ymn himself in Mexico. in other fields Miss 'Nichols seems ? is only likely, in a case such as this, iaiis su esu-btntqie there were many who were pleased., We Could Dedicate It To The Lawyers 'Hlowdy Kifng"> called it a season in since the mystery melodrama has an Dear Tint-Congratuilationts to Clip- New York last week and is nowr on almost universal appeal. But at least' py, but why not christen the stadium the road with Mlinor Wiatson, Ana:.c the review which directed its objec- 'Lawyers Arclh"'? Think what an ex- ? 'orest arid Frank Otto still in the c(,,,t tion to the purely dramatic standpoint citing battlefield it will provide 0on Detroit is having the first week of should be considered as a well-voiced' Swing-Oaut Day! It really seentcissh~owt twhii evntally aShubert expression of the opinion of many. In queer that no one has hitherto sensed =eri.I wl vnullIriei fact, my greatest quarrel with the the real significance of the beautiful Chicago which seems to have an in- *"Music and Drama" column Is be- white redwood circle, so symbolic of lnto t cet~lasta e ~ ' ~ - *h 1UV~tI Vitf 1tno't~r~f .~~ ;York has rejectedl; It may finzish out t I l T V . i ., , , i u 1 #k" . i, a s) j t i _: i ,E I i . li F L I Lx traordinary S't-ad e-ina Atloti'anccs on Your Old Phonograph THESE ARE THE NEW TYPE MECHANICAL. B3RUNSWICK PANATRO P FS ELECTRIC OR SPRING MOTORS' Easy Terms Act Nowz While Stock Is Complete Dance and. Banquet Most exclusive programs in designs that appeal. Efective coverings of leather, wood, . celluloid and paper. We specialize in meet- - E mg your every demand. HO'USE PARTIES' Come in and let us plan your program, giving you the benefit of our experience where even the smallest detail is not ov"er- looked. the -Board in Control of Athletics. She: 'would be given a regular vote, but automatically elected to the council through the choice as the Women's league executive. Furthermore, let the council's con-f 'ttution be so amended as to permit a women student, or two, a seat, as a Vi C-1 mr Tr T- I -1r'n'rI C