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January 27, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-27

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READY TO TIAT (By Associated Press)secretary and first governor-genera]
LONDON, Jan. 26.-The private life of South Africa from 1909 to 1914.
NWF CI N E TfAT and reputation of the late William E. In 1910 he was made a peer.
nGladstone, prime minister and "grand Henry Neville Gladstone, 74, Glad-
I - .,. - flflt1' third a nt n +lfl flnrlen

Britain Rushes Troops To Defense Of
Chief Commercial City Against
Cantonese Nationalists
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. - The
Washington government is ready to
negotiate new treaties with, China,
acting independently of powers if need
be,sbut cannt abrogatesexisting trea-
ties until new ones have been
signed and ratified by the Senate.
Meantime it is holding naval forces
available In Chinese waters to protect
American life and property should
Chinese authorities fail to accord
such protection.
This is the substance of Secretary
Kellogg's long deferred expression of
Chinese policy, made public here to-
night and timed for simultaneous pub-
lication in Peking, Hankow and
Shanghai. It asserts American sym-
pathy with China's "nationalistic
awakening"; strict neutrality as be-
tween Chinese factions; and a desire
to deal with China ins "a most liberal
spirit" regarding unequal treaties.
All that is demanded for Americans
in China, the statement said, is pro-
tection and equal treatment with
other foreign nationals in the right
to pursue legitimate occupations
"without special privileges, monopo-
lies or spheres of special interest or
"The only question is with whom it
(the Washington government) shall
negotiate," Secretary Kellogg said.
"If China can agree upon the appoint-
ment of delegates representing the
authorities of the people of the coun-
try, we are prepared to negotiate
,such a treaty.'
Specifically as to the present Chin-v
ese customs treaty, the secretary de-
lared that the United States "is now
and has been since the Washington
conference ready to negotiate with
any government of China or delegates
who can represent or speak for China
agreements making effective the
Washington surtaxes and treaties en-
tirely releasing current control and
restoring complete tariff autonomy to
American delegates to the Peking
customs conferences interrupted by
Chinese revolutions in 1925 were au-
thorized to sign and were expected
to sign such a treaty.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 26.-The race for!
Shanglai, prize city of the Orient, is
on between the British armyl and
navy and the Chinese - nationalists.
The Cantonese conquest of the great
international settlement at the mouth
of the Yangtse must be accomplished
within six weeks if the Cantonese are
to avoid clashing with the British
defense force of 20,000 men who are
hurriedly leaving or will soon leave
'English ports, Malta or India. Forty
thousand foreigners reside in China
and= many foreign refugees from all
parts of China now are gathered there.
It is repeatedly emphasized by the
British foreign office, however, that
there would be no clash between the
British and Cantonese unless British
lives and property in Shanghai are
endangered. The British defense
force will make an effort to prevent
the Cantonese from entering and oc-
cupying the city of Shanghai.
The British maintain that the ques-
tion of the control of Chekiang prov-
ince, right up to the limits of Shang-
hai's international settlement, is a
problem to be settled by the attack-
ing forces of General Chiang Kaik
Shek, commander of the Cantonese
troops, and the defending army of1
Marshal Sun Chaun Feng, ruler of
(By Associated Press)

SHANGHAI, Jan. 26.-Apprehen-
sion was felt today that this chief
commercial city of the Far East and
home of many thousands of white
foreigners would be attacked in the
near future by the Cantonese invading
BRUSSELS.-For the first time Ger-
mat .was used on the Senate floor
when Senstor Essen, representing the{
former German district of Eupen, took
the oath of allegiance to the constitu-

old man" of Victorian times, figure
in a sensational libel case opening to-
morrow in which two aged sone of
the famous statesman hope to vindi-
cate the character of their illustrious
father against imputations of im-
The principals are: Capt. Peter
Wright, free lance journalist and Lon-
don clubman, educated at fashionablel
Harrow school and Oxford ,who start-
ed the controversy by allegations in
a book "Portraits and Criticisms" as
to the moral character of the elder
Viscount Gladstone, militant 71 year
old son of the famous liberal leader,
who, as Herbert Gladstone, was home

secretary to his father; bigebusiness
man, for years engaged in the rich
East India trade.
Publication of Captain Wright's
Portraits and Criticisms" roused
1 Gladstone's sons and stirred the irc
of all who revered the memory of
their father.
The troublesome reference was-.
"Mr. Gladstone-who founded the
great tradition, since observed by soI
many of his followers and successors
with such pious fidelity, in public, to
speak the language of the highest,
and strictest principles, and in pri-
vate to pursue and possess every sort
or woman."

Npplications For Tickets To Opera
Matinee Performance (pen To
General Pubite Tomorrow
Favors and program for the an-
nual J-Hop which will be held Fri-
day, Feb. 11, in Waterman and Bar-
bour gymnasiums will be distributed
to ticket holders from 2 to 5 o'clock
today at the Union, it was announced
yesterday by Paul L. Burton, '28E,
chairman of the favor committee.
Tickets for the Hop must be present-
ed in order to receive favors. Favors
will be mailed to patrons.
The favors for the girls will be pig-r
skin coin cases. The cases will be a
one fold, combination with the coin
pockets and a mirrors on the inside.
The favors for the men are pigskin
wallets. They also have the one fold
The programs have been designed

1Favors Arrangement MICHIGAN TO PLAY IOWA IN 1928: PURDUE
Ii -. i IC IQ CTr fl AC flfflfl Ir rn uTiniI fl

Also Recommends Action Regarding Each Of Big Ten Conference Schools
Parking On State Street For Sends Six Representatives To
Field House Events a Athletic Assemblyj

Determined to uphold the tradition
of wearing the freshman pot, the Stu-
dent council, at its regular meeting
last night, adopted a resolution pro-
viding for the strict enforcement of
the regulation by all members of the
class of '30. It was pointed out that
a large number of freshmen this year
have been lax in the wearing of toques'
or pots.
In accordance with the council's
action last night, any freshman found!
guilty of violating the tradition in
the future will be summoned before a'
sepcial committee composed of coun-
cil members and officers of the fresh-
man class and immediately subjected
to disciplinary measures.
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 23
and 24, were fixed by the council as
class dues days; during which time
treasurers of all classes in the Uni-
versity will make atconcentrated drive
towards the collection of dues, pay-
ments to be made at tables stationed~
in various campus buildings. .
John Snodgrass, '28E, was namedj
chairman of the committee which will
arrange the Sunday convocations to
be resumed in Hill auditorium next
A communication to Chief of Police,
Thomas O'Brien was drawn up by the
council last night offering two sug-
gestions in regard to the parking of
automobiles on State street near Yostj
field house during basketba1l games.

I _ _. . . .. .. .

Michigan's delegation to the Com- to cohere with the medieval setting
mittee of Sixty from the Big Ten uni- which will be used in the decorations
vtfor the Hop. Besides the dance num-
versities leaves today for Chicago bers, the programs contain the list
where the first meeting of this com- of patrons and patronesses and also
mittee will be held tomorrow and Sat-c the names of the members of the
urday for the purpose of discussing J-Hop committee.

rules, eligibility and schedules to gov-!
ern Conference football. Each of the
ten Conference schools is to be rep-
resented by six men, representing the
President of the University, one Re-
gent, faculty member, athletic direc-
tor, football coach, and one alumnus.
Representing this University at the'
Conference, will be President Clar-
ence Cook Little, Regent James 0.
Murfin, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, Direc-
tor Fielding H. Yost, Coach Elton E.
Wieman and S. E. Thomason, '04. This
is the first gathering in which all the
administrative departments of the Big;
Ten schools have met together to
discuss athletics.
It is hoped that this type of get-
together will iron out some of the
difficulties which have arisen in the
past through the inability of the sev-
eral groups of presidents, coaches and
alumni to hear each other's argu-
Minnesota expects to profit most
through this type of conference since
they have experienced difficulty in the1
past in scheduling a sufficient num-
ber of Big Ten games. Due to this, it
is expected that the question of sched-

It has been decided by the generall
committee to begin the grand march
at 10:30 o'clock, it was announced
yesterday by Thomas C. Winter,
Lgeneral chairman. Working under an
efficient system, the march is ex-
pected to be brief. As in past years
-"Victors" will he the musical selec-
tion to which the march will proceed.
It has been tentatively decided by
the general committee not to broad-
cast the J-Hop program this year. The
expense which would of necessity have
to be entailed to broadcast would be
much greater than in former years.
The price asked for the broadcasting
this year is *prohibitive, in the opinion
of the committee.
The actual decorating of the gym-
nasiums for the Hop will not begin
until three days before the party, it
has been announced. The decorations
have been designed by professional
decorators and the installation of the
materials will be entirely in their
hands. In former years students usu-
ally have taken part in the designing
and installation of decorations. t
Applications for tickets to the final
matinee performance of "Front Page

Pursuant to a general desire
1 ''? ' {*'?I on the art of the Conference
authorities to make out football
schedules further in advance, the
:: ;;' -I'directors, through a series of
meetings and considerable co-
I'respondence, have agreed to a
. four year football schedule.
The desirability of arranging
schedules over a longer period
Iwas considered at the regular
odirectors' meeting in December,j
and a start made toward accomp-
lishing it. However, owing to
the limitation of time and the
many other matters requiring at-
tention, the schedule was noti
completed at that time. Sine c,
then the directors have corre-
Fielding H. Yost sponded; those that were in New
York at Christmas time met to-
gether; there was a meeting ofI
those present on the occasion of
the dedication of the Iowa Field*
house, and a special meeting was
1 G T T f IINAI called in Chicago Friday, Jan.
21. The schedules are the out-
come of these meetings, and it
should be apparent that th work
Comniercially Lighter-Than-Air Craft is a result of considerable
Are Efficient Only For Long thought and deliberation on the
Distance Transportation part of the directors.i
It is my belief that we have
U S NEGLECTS AIRSHIP ai exceptionally fine schedule
U. .and personally, I am much pleas-
ed that a four year Conference
That the country has not paid the I schedule has been arranged that
proper amount of attention to that j was satisfactory to every direc-
phase of aeronautics dealing with I tor present at the meeting last
terminals for lighter-than-air craft, : Friday. j
was the opinion expressed by Ralph Ii There is an exceptionally goodj
H. Upson, chief engineer of the Air- inter-conference feeling, but
craft Development company, of De- when one considers the varied1
troit, in his address yesterday after.. interests of the several members
noon in Natural Science auditorium. of the Big Ten, he can readily
"Most of our time up to present, has realize the .difficulty in arranging
been spent in the development of the an entirely satisfactory football
airship itself, and we iay, perhaps, schedule for all members of the
soon find ourselves in the position of Conference. Nevertheless, I be-
being 'all dressed up and no place to I lieve this has been done and I
go.' am confident that it will make
"Airplanes, in 'time of necessity, jIfor even better understandingr
may be parked under a tree in a field, and feeling all around.
but an airship must have the proper I(Fielding H. Yost.
attention wherever it goes," ex-
plained Mr. Upson. "Adequate facili-
ties for handling these ships are vital- -
ly necessary." M ichigan W restlers
Mr. Upson then went on to describe nT Over
the outlook and outline the situation IV n Purple In
as it appeared in connection with the
commercial aspect of lighter-than-air! First Big Ten Meet
transportation. "Due to the natural
properties attending this type of air- (Special to The Daily)
craft, it is necessary that it be used EVANSTON, Jan. 26 - Michigan's
only for long distance trips, such as wrestling team won its'first Confer-
that of crossing the Atlantic, and that ence meet last night by decisively de-
it also carry heavy loads. To make feating the Northwestern matmen,
frequent stops, or to travel light, 23 1-2 to 6 1-2. The Wolverines cap-
would only destroy the efficiency tured five of the seven bouts, three
which this aircraft is capable of pro- by falls and two by a decision, while
ducing, as well as affecting a financial the Purple team won only one. The
loss. The shortest distance which air- other bout resulted in a draw.
ships could profitably travel, is about Baker, Michigan's star 115 pounder,
1,000 miles. However, it would not started his team to victory by throw-
be difficult to organize some system by ing Kemper of the Purple team. Har-
which baggage, mail, or people, may din and Hyatt battled to a draw in
be taken on board while the ship is the 125 pound class, each team gain-
in motion, when it is in the vicinity ing two. and one-half points. Mich-
of large cities." igan's margin was increased to 12 1-2
This system, as Mr. Upson brought ' when Watson won from Hadley of
out, would establish "feeder" lines to Northwestern in the 135 pound di-
the main route, and would do much to vision by a fall.
greatly advance aeronautics as a I In the 145 pound class Sauer of
whole. Michigan won a decision over Captain
Slides and films of the Los Angeles Howard, Purple veteran, in overtime
as she appeared on her recent visit to periods in one of the feature bouts
Detroit, were also shown in connec- of the meet. Captain Donahoe added
tion with the lecture. five more points to the Wolverine
I total when he threw Hauch for his
- team's third fall ofthe meet. Preston
Influenza Epidemi won his first C;wrence bout by
gaining a decision over Hazen, North-
western football star. Schumer threw
Prescott, Michigan heavyweight, for
LONDON, Jan. 26.-A wintry spell Northwestern's only victory of the
last week has caused the recent epi- meet.j

demic of influenza which has been pre- i
valent in many parts of Europe to MANILA.-Two weeks of maneuy-
tighten its grip on Great Britain, 667 ering by the military and naval con-

~:n1 Ffl ~LLElI1 E
Final Action On Arrangement Is Taken
At Meeting Of Coaches Friday
In Chicago, Yost Says
Football schedules covering 'all
games in the Big Ten for four years
were announced yesterday by con-
ference officials. A statement by
Fielding H. Yost lists all 'Michigan
games with conference teams from
1927 to 1930 inclusive. The arrange-
ment was compiled through a series
of agreements made since the Direc-
tor's meeting in December. The four
year schedule was finally approved
at a meeting of conference coaches
held last Friday in Chicago, Coach
Yost said last night.
Iowa and Purdue are placed on the
Michigan schedule in 1928 and 1929,
respectively, and the annual games
with Ohio State and Illinois are con-
tinued. Minnesota will not meet the
Wolverines in 1928, but will play them
at Minneapolis in 1929 and at Ann
Arbor in 1930. Chicago is omitted
from the 1928 schedule, but will play
at Ann Arbor in 1929. Wisconsin is
not to meet Michigan after 1928, when
they will come to Ann Arbor.
No non-conference games are an-
nounced, except that the Navy will
play at Ann Arbor this fall and at
Baltimore in 1928. Other games will,
of course, be arranged later, and it
is indicated that an eastern contest
may be scheduled in 1930, if desired.
This fall, as previously announced,
the Wolverines will travel to Chicago
for the first time since the fatal game
with Northwstern in /1925. Ohi
State, Minnesota, Michigan State, and
Ohio Wesleyan will play in the new
Michigan stadium, and Illinois and
Wisconsin will fill the out of town
In 1928, Iowa will come to Ann
Arbor for the first game since the
Hawkeyes defeated Michigan in the
last game of the 1924 season.
Purdue will play the Wolverines at
Lafayette in 1929 and at Ann Arbor
the following year. This is the first
time the Boilermarkers have been
scheduled during Coach Yost's ad-
ministration here, the last game being
played in 1900.
The schedules as completed for all
conference games are as follows:
At Ann Arbor:-Ohio State, Minne-
sota, and U. S. Navy.
Away-Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa.
At Ann Arbor-Wisconsin, Illinois,
Away-Ohio State, U. S. Navy.
At Ann Arbor-Ohio State, Iowa,
Away-Minnesota, Illinois, Purdue.
At Ann Arbor-Minnesota, Illinois,
Away-Ohio State, Iowa, and an
eastern game if desired.
Final rehearsals were held yester-
day for the farce-melodrama "Seven
Keys To Baldpate" by George M.
Cohan, which will be presented at
8:15 o'clock tonight in University
hall auditorium by Play Production
and Direction. Tickets for the pro-
duction are available at Wahr's book-
store. Seats will be reserved.
"Seven Keys To Baldpate" was
written by George M. Cohan from the
story by Earl Derr Biggers and was
first produced by him at the Astor
f Theater in New York in 1913. It has

always proved to be a popular vehicle
wherever presented.
SAN DIEGO, Jan. 26.-Lyman J.
H. Gage, former secretary of the
treasury and recognized for many
years as one of the leading bankers
of the country, died at Point Loma,
near here, today. He retired from
active business in 1906. His last pub-
lic appearance was in 1920 when he
was one of a party of distinguished
men who made a trip to Japan.

One recommendation calls for the ules will be raised very early in the Stuff," to be given Saturday, Feb 12,
abolishmentdof any parking within conference by the representatives at the Whitney theater, have been
a certain radius the nights of games, from that institution. sent to all those who have received
while the other suggests that no cars Whether the question of round- J-Hop tickets, it was announced at
parked on Stag street near the Field robin and simultaneous home-and- the office of the Opera treasurer yes-
house be permitted to move after the home games will be discussed is still terady. In order to secure first pref-
game until sufficient time has elasped a matter of conjecture, according to erence of tickets, these applications
for the crowds to disperse. officials here. It is unlikely that either must be filled out and returned to the
plan will be adopted at this confer- Union tonight.
"Spokesman" Draws ence, however, since only one answer Beginning tomorrow and lasting un-
was returned on the recent question- til Saturday, Feb. 5, applications will
F"naire on the subject. be placed at the main desk in the
Uniformity of eligibility rules and Union lobby for all students, faculty,
their enforcement will be stressed, in and townspeople. All applications
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.-Another, order to place athletics at all Confer- must be on file by 6 o'clock, Feb. 5.
thrust at the metaphoric figure, the ence schools on a strictly equal basis. The general ticket sale, open to the
White House spokesman, was made This problem of whether the Western public, will be held from 2 to 5 o'clock,
in the Senate today by Senator "Jim" Conference shall be organiged merely Feb. 8, 9, 10, and 11, at the ticket
Reed, of Missouri. for the purposes of stimulating booth in the Union.
Recalling that taxpayers were to sportsmanship and competition or The Opera presentation will be the
be handed back $200,000,000 this yearI whether it shall be a playing league 23rd and final performance of "Front
the Missourian said he had learned I with the decision of championships as I Page Stuff," which played to a total
that the spokesman was even better the ultimate goal will be discussed audience of more than 31,500 persons
authority "as to the presidential mind" also. in its week's run at the Whitney and
than the President himself. a two-week itinerary of the principal
"Let us give up the miserable, boy- 1ADELPHI SOCIETY cities in seven states.




ish, childish, attitude maintained at
the White House that the President
is not the spokesman himself," Reed
"Under coercion and compulsion,
the newspapermen have been required
to keep up the fiction that the Presi-
dent does not issue statements him-f
self." .

nThe J-Hop performance is for the
ELECTS OF E R benefit of those attending the Junior
dance, their guests, and those who
J. M. Schrade, '28, was elected have not had the opportunity of seeing
speaker of Adelphi debating society at! the production. It will be presented
a meeting last evening. L. Bartlett, exactly as in previous performances
'29L, was elected treasurer, D. Bates, in Ann Arbor and on the road, with
'27, clerk, and R. Sanderson, '29, the same complete cast, choruses, cos-
sergeant-at-arms. tunes, and settings.

- deaths being reported in Britain
the week ending today.

for tingents here resulted in the capture
of the city by the attacking force.

Professor Aiton Declares United States Has Very Definite Rights To Interfere'In Nicaraguan Affairs;
Bryan-Chamoro Treaty Grants This Country Right To Restore Order In Protection Of Interests



"Our intervention in Nicaraguan af- I ?00,000, canal rights and the right to order, a policy that we have pursued
fairs has created no new situation; , stablish a naval base and coaling sta- since 1898 in the Caribbean area,"
the United States has very definite t )n on Fonseca Bay. We were also continued Professor Aiton, "and neg-
rights in doing as it is" declared g anted the power to enter the coun- lecting the question as to whether we
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history ti r and protect our interests if threat- have a right to that policy as a whole,
department in an interview yesterday. I ened by a revolutionary government. if the policy is to be maintained that
"We have a treaty with Nicaragua ! "This treaty was challenged by thk which we are doing in Nicaragua is
through which we acquired canal neighbors of Nicaragua," said Profes- absolutely right."
rizhtq. the er nvvtno establish anaa n,'A itn. "n the ar ~nnndfA th.It, ht. j "TP ritnioiq janotn+rawr" a

of pan-Americanism. "It is bound to a legal right to the office," stated Pro-
be harmful," he declared" for the fessor Aiton, if he were never elected.
Latin-Americans will regard it as However, there need be no troubled
merely another move in the game of H
North American imperialism." relations with Mexico because that
The fight between Sarcassa and government has completely disavowed
Diaz was reviewed by Professor Aiton. any attempt to interfere in Central
"Chamoro was elected president but America.

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