4- PAGE FOURh THE MICHIGAN DAILY . WItMMStAT. iOCTOARA C Md ___________________________________________________ I THE MaICHIVAGANto Df /iaILYailJ L.J ~ IAWJUA 0 uv Published every morning except Monday * *f n-e (>uferen:e PMt'co :j The Associated Piss is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news! dispantches credited to it or not otherwise c e'ited in this paper and the local newsepub- lkh(l therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, .icbigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master Gneral. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor .... . . ..... . W. Calvin Patterson City Editor............... .Irwin A. Olian ewvsEdtr. .Frederick Shillito News Idtr.......Philip C. Brooks Women's Editor ....... Marion Kubik Sports Editor............. Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor.........Morris Zwerd ling Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors resent the institution in intercollegi- ate contests this year. 1 Charles Behymer Carlton Champe Jo Chamberlin James Herald Assistai Douglas Doubleda Alex lBochnowski Jean Canpbels Emanuel Caplan Martin J .Cohn indsor I avies Clarence E delson William Emery John Friend Rober t (,r sner Elaine(Grer Mor ton 'B.Icove Miles Kimball Paud Kern Milton Kirshbaum Garland Kellogg Harriet Levy G. Thomas McKea: Ellis Merry Stanford N. Phelps Courtland C. Smith Cassam A. Wilson ant City Editors y Carl Burger Assistants Dorothy Morehouse Kingsley Moore Henry Marymont Martin Mol Adeline O'Brien Kenneth Patrick Morris Quinn Sylvia Stone James Sheehan Henry Thurnau\ William Thurnau Milford Vanik Herbert Vedder S M arian Welles Thaddeus Wasielewski Sherwood Winslow an Thomas Winter BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER THOMAS D. OLMSTED, JR. Advertising..... ... Paul W. Arnold Advertising...............William C. Pusch Advertising.........,....Thomas Sunderland Advertising.........George H. Annable, Jr. Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication................John H. Bobrink Accounts........... .. ..Francis A. Norquist AS"istAfits G. B.Ain, Jr. T: T. Grei Jr. 1). MIPrown A. M. Hinkley A1.11.(ain E. L. Hulse lfarLy Carl S. Kerbaury o Dotliy Carpenter R. A. Meyer Marion Daniels H. WN. Rosenblum WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1926 Night +ditor-CASSAM A. WILSON Although Lewis did sign an agree- ment for President Scott that he would not play football until next semester ec as cof isjt p-'oor scholastic record, hI hias lbmc relcased from that agree- ment by the President and has been granted permission to compete, pro- viding he remains eligible and carries his class work successfully. There is no doubt now as to the scholastic eligibility of Lewis, and since he signed the agreement, he has suc- cessfully completed twenty-one hours of work, fifteen hours during the sec- ond semester of last year and six during the summer session. President Scott, in communicating his decisions to Lewis, stated that he had decided that it would be unwise to make an exception in his case and that therefore he would be considered eligible as were all other students who had the same scholastic standing. He added that he felt that participa- tion by Lewis would not endanger the success of his educational career. Since the agreement which was signed by Lewis was brought about because of faculty decision that he should be ineligible, the president and faculty certainly should have the right to release him from his contract. The honor of a university, its scholarship, and its tradition should not be sacri- ficed for a football player, or for the game itself-the stand of The Daily Northwestern in that respect is praiseworthy-but surely an agree- ment such as was entered into be- tween Lewis and the president of the university should not be binding when the president deems it feasible that Lewis should be released from his obligation. The Daily Northwestern seems to desire that the letter of the agreement be observed rather than the spirit, the latter of which is real- ly the important factor. AN UNUSUAL PROGRAM The lecture course which the Ora- torical association has arranged this season for the students and its many outside patrons is one to be comend- ed. Its personnel is comprised of perhaps the greatest array of national and international characters ever to be brought here in one season, and from a financial standpoint the pro- gram is one of the most expensive ever attempted by the associatioon. Theodore Roosevelt, Lieutenant Commander Richard E. Byrd, Senator "Pat" Harrison, Roy Chapman An- drews, Charles Upson Clark, Edwin M. Whitney, The Kennedys, Gregory Mason, Louis k. Anspacher, and Will Irwin are the names listed on the pro- gram. It is -a versatile list and one that offers much to the students. There are few places in this coun- try where it is possible for people to hear such an array of speakers in one season, and to come. In contact with men of such outstanding character and re' .p si (ltcntional and cultural advM r ut . h iis contact offers. Cotlntani ler 1 rlN will tll the story1 (of lIas flight to theNorth Pole, Roose-j velt will take his audience to many strange lands in the relation of his experiences, Senator Harrison will give the students an insight into po-I litical questions and conditions, Mr. Andrews will tell his story of pre-l historic life in Asia, Mr. Clark willi tell who is who in America, Mr. Whit- ney will give a recital, The Kennedys1 their production, Mr. Mason will dis-- cuss his fascinating experiences and: discoveries in Egypt and Greece, Mr.i Anspacher will discuss "The Mob and the Movies," and Will Irwin will offerf a real treat.1 The Oratorical association was not organized for the purpose of making] money; it was organized as a group of students with the aim of serving the students in forensic activities and, programs. Consequently, such a lec-4 ture course as the one for this season has been arranged with little thought: of expense. It is the best obtainable,? and those who attend it will appre- ciate this fact. F Those students who have not cul-. tivated the habit of attending the Ora- torical association lecture course," should do so immediately for theyf cannot realize what they are losing. from an educational and culturals standpoint. Members of the class of r 1930 especially should feel that parts of their first year's education is the. attendance of the lecture course ofa the Oratorical association.. A BELITTLED DEGREE i It is a foregone conclusion that a t college degree entitles one to a cer- p tain amount of respect. The diploma which sooner or later usually hangs o n a dingy corner always is a stamp b of approval-all that it ever can be. t Recognition of this sort entails deft- s nite implications which are in them- t selves worth striving for.1 to any student of our government. Ideas of this sort, coming from a graduate of a university, tend to be- little the significance of a degree. This case, as well as many others, exempli- fies that implication is not always ne- cessarily fact. Credentials are some- times given to men unfit to bear them. However, it cannot be said that de- grees are an evidence of "canned" education-they are generally a worth while recommendation and hence valuable. HARVARD'S NEXT HEAD On December thirteenth, Dr. Law- rence Lowell, president of Harvard university, will celebrate his seven- tieth birthday. For seventeen years he has been head of the oldest univer- sity in America. During his regime President Lowell has accomplished much for his Alma Mater, has given his utmost to its well being, and .has sacrificed personal pursuits to its service. Yet the time is not far off when he must give up the reins and retire to a merited rest from the rig-] orous duties of public life. According to a recent paper on "Harvard's Next President," candi- dates for the prospective vacancy are already being considered, possibilities reviewed, and potential successors named. Critics contend that the new president must necessarily be lacking in any too definite ideas or doctrines, and must possess none too positive ideas on any subject. Cynics say that he cannot be too closely identified with any religious denomination, must be financially independent, intellect- ually safe, socially presentable, not over forty, and capable of raising funds. Others maintain that these are only sub-issues, that what Harvard wants is a real president to succeed Dr. Lowell, not merely a man who happens to fulfill certain require- ments. Among those mentioned as Presi- dent Lowell's successor is our own President Little, Harvard, '10. But it is doubtful whether President Little would accept the post if it were offer- ed to him. Michigan offers perhaps greater opportunities in that it is freer from usage and custom than is Harvard and can be guided to a great- er future with far less resistance. Probably the expected vacancy will not occur in the immediate future. At any rate it is interesting to spec- ulate on the possible successor to the presidency of what is frequently con- sidered the "American Oxford." - .. .1 MUSIC AND DRAMA THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Recital In Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock. THIS AFTERNOON: Comedy Club will meet in Room 304 University hall at 4 o'clock. "TIP-TOES" A review, by Vincent Wall. Queenie Smith, pleasantly assisted by Richard Keenh and two beautiful blondes have been well met in De- troit. Their show, "Tip-Toes," has drawn good houses at their two per- formances--and Broadway liked it last season. The company was particularly good without that hectic and frayed ap- pearance peculiar to road shows, and there was an esemble that proved that it could dance in a manner that dem- onstrated clearly why "Tip-Toes" stayed in New York a year. The plot contained sufficient originality to en- tertain, and several novelties brought down the house :the trombone chorus which used the entire company in an almost deafening Anvil Chorus vir- tuoso; and the dancing of Gertrude McDonald and Dorothy Humphries in the specialty numbers. Miss Smith and Mr. Keene more- over, more than ran away with the show and turned down curtain calls after each reprise of "Looking For A Boy," although the lyrics by the Messrs Gershwin seemed to indicate it worked both ways. Both are pos- sessed with personalities that go across the lights; Miss Smith's voice it is true is a bit loud and whiskey, but her toe work is marvelous-she had her, beginnings in a Metropolitan ballet. The comedy of the piece, such as it was, was furnished by Tombes and Watson; but their horse play and wise cracks brought little more than a, giggle and an occasional guffaw from the gallery. If it had not been for the exceptional work of the principals the pitiful lack of humor would have emptied the house by the end of the first act; but this was impossible and the dash and speed of the rest of the production would have satisfied even the audience that last week sniggered at Gilda Gray and her famous wiggle. Qir aizm' Both Ends of The Diagonal Walk SKILLED REPAIRING T I I AlsTypewrters All Makes. ,Fully Guaranteed. i 11 EWCORONA Easy Terms if Desired. Typewriters for rent, guaranteed to be in A-i condition. All makes repaire'd by experienced workmen and fully guaranteed. derS Pen Shop 3o South State Street We propose to give you A-i service. fT "W i f I i Two Complete College Stores QUICK SERVICE I ANOTHER ECHO MU61 has .beenf said of echoes of the policy .which President Clarence Cook Little sounded in his inaugural addtess last year;? but the seemingly most reverberant echo has come with the announcement by President Glenn Frank, of the University of Wisconsin, that he is going to establish the first "laboratory" for the purpose of de- v? rnoans of insuring "to studentst lr. ?In; Fii ;f 'i27t °?:-tc s fl. 1Pb rla t I ri tt thea l aM wls I l~tck~ o; u au I ie on xlag'' ii *ileisx .s!)cjal isin mi Ia er7 be 'icu," said President Frank, "by concentrating attention on the first 'two years of college as a period to be devoted -to the conquest of a cultural background and the de- velopment of a general intellectual technique for fiding one's way about in modern society." He added that "some radically new approach to this problem is necessary, . an approach that may man the complete scrap- ping of the present curriculum." It is interesting to note that much thei sameopinion was voiced by Presi- dent Little in his inaugural last year. He outlined three stages in the tran- sition through which a college student goes. First, .there is the information acquiring- stage; second, a period of analysis and correlation of the infor- mation acquired in the first period; and third, a period of research and investigation. "Our scale of values,"1 asserted President Little, "should bet reconstructed to utilize natural stages, of mental development rather than arbitrary academic grades involving no change in. attitude. This wholet matter is, of necessity, wrapped upt in the reorganization of curricula and in giving individual attention to the students."f Although President Little did not make actual division of the college1 years into which these transitional' periods might fall, he intimated thata such ta division would possibly be ad-t visable. President Frank, in his ex- perimental college of 250 students, is applying a test in a small way to such a division by transitional periods. He is performing an experiment upon thec policies which President Little out- 1 lined. For that reason, the success orV failure of the "experimental college"' at Wisconsin should be of particularo interest to this University. ________________________________________________n_ d't nrVJT~A T ' u1T~I~iT1--' YTdu s EDITORIAL COMMENTf IF TINY LEWIS PLAYS- (The Daily Northwestern) Dope says that Tiny Lewis will play this year, despite the fact that he signed a contract pledging to refrain from all athletics. If he plays, Northwestern will prob- ably have a :banner pigskin year. If he plays, Northwestern will lose its self-respect. And it'll lose a portion of its claim as an educational institu- tion. If Lewis doesn't play, honest foot- ball and honest scholarship will tri- umph. But if Lewis plays there's a weak link somewhere. Maybe in North- western's spine. Maybe in its head. The world will then know that schol- arship ranks second at Northwestern and football first. That'll be great in- formation to the supporters of this university throughout the country. For Northwestern, if Lewis plays, has tossed education aside. In prin- ciple, at least. It's all very well to play to win and to play hard. But it's unfair and crooked to sacrifice scholarship for the larger end of a pigskin score. Northwestern doesn't need a big- hearted faculty right now. It needs a faculty with plenty of backbone. Backbone of the type which Dean Kent displayed at faculty meeting when he held out for. scholarship and clean athletics against opposition and the familiar cry of "loyalty." Northwestern needs a student body,1 a faculty and an administration that realizes football is not the leading subject in college. Then it needs an administration that'll grit its teeth and stoutly maintain that trigonome- try is still worth while. It needs a faculty that'll realize the comparative importance of both football and ;rigonometry and give each its proper place. This university must not go to seed on athletics. It must not sacrifice honor and tradition and scholarship or victory in a concrete stadium. A stadium should be a by-product, not he whole.! There's too much alumni and trus- I MY COMPANY 'TIS OF THE Tonight in Rockford, Illinois, with a wealth of fanfare and blaze of glory Robert Henderson and Amy Loomis will present their company of Roock- ford Players in their opening produc- tion of Edwin Mayer's "The Fire- brand." This play which opens their season, and which incidemrk will be brought to Ann Arbor later in the year by the Alumnae council for the benefit of the Women's league build- ing, is the Joseph Schildkraut New York success and will be produced by the Rockford Players for the first tim( outside of New York. "The Fire- brand" which is contained in the Burns Mantle Best Play series, is con- cerned with the life of Benvenuto Cel- lini; it will be done in the best Flor- entine manner and the gentlemen of the company must have extremely goodlooking legs. In order come "Expressing Willie" (it was given successfully during the summer session and will be given by the Rockford company on October 25 and 26 in the Mimes theater); "Great Catherine"-which Ann Arbor can re- cite verbatim; George M. Cohan's "Seven Keys to Baldpate;" W. S. Gil- bert's "Engaged" (Amy has finally consented to do it); Noel Coward's "Hay Fever;" "The Importance of Being Earnest;" and "The Goose Hangs High." The company contains several other actors which are locally known: Dale Shafer who was the husband in the all-campus production of Jesse Lynch William's "Why Marry?" and Frances Horine and Camille Masline who were with the Ann Arbor Players during the summer session. From New York Reynolds Evans for the last five years connected with Walter Hampden; Ed- ward Everett Hale III( a grandson of the author), and Frances Bavier from the New York company of Elliot Nu- gent's "The Poor Nut" will form the rest of the principals. * * * Special Every Tuesday Shampoo and Wave, $1.25 for Appointments Dial 3839 Bertine Beauty Shoppe MRS. ARNST, Prop. (Prompt Service) Above Students Supply Store 1111 South University: Ave. MANN'S CHTCDM Ct Style - Quality - Service Save a Dollar or More at Our Factory Hats Cleaned and Reblocked .Fine Work Only Properly Cleaned - No Odor No Gloss - No Burned Sweats Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) PLEASE DON'T MAKE PAT H S ON TH E CAMPUS School of Dancing, Starting Wed., October 13 Wednesday, October 13, a mixed class of begin- ners will be organized at Granger's Academy. This class will meet from 7:00 to 7.5 Wednes- days and Fridays. Tuition for a term of ten les- sons is five dollars. Enrollment now open. Dancing every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday . i ""'.. g_ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S E ' ri: ":::i ' "% I 0,4~ 4 - TYPEWRITER PAPER 4 lbs. for 75c Get a Supply of This High Grade Paper for the, ie 4744 1111 South University Semester, Phone 4 {- i k 44 Phaon isrj44 -!"W D'aa cot T40,40"1- H * -I, - Makze the Grade with Pk* i ton Portable 'I r . .. .. .I Charge Accounts D O not hesitate to send flowers on all occasions due to a temporary shortage of cash. We welcome stu- dent charge accounts. I I' I C i AGAIN-LA MELLER Detroit may have another chance to observe the magnetic powers of per- sonality-or sex appeal as some can- did criticism styles it-of Raquel Mel- ler if the rumors from the Hurst man- agement materialize. And more: the famous Spanish singer may - ar- rive in Ann Arbor( at popular prices if anything) for a matinee. This will iT UDE N T3 V everywhere have found the Remington Port- able Typewriters indispensable in . their college work. ' You can't get _ away 'Lommthe fact that, neatly type- QIY 1or. -,----- - It is the smallest, lightest, and m st compact portable with standardkey.- board. The nia- chinecanbetucW' d away in a dramser when not in use, for the case is only four inches high. If :et ' Remember, we telegraph flowers anywhere. I