4 d IPAGE TWO. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927 . ._.__ : ill hold iv;fil~ ii , g of, i110 se- lEngineering lteseareii 1eparlnient mester toiight ill Ill( 't&' 01 G~ets Industrial iproblenisIN-volb- Ioil 111 ' 11r,1ifow.'of, 'It I all. '1 0 ing Expenditure (4 $501,WOQ i('10(1tolo i 011 s;1kn181 onli ACTVIIE ICRAS ;tso'y will t ( ])02v r th 1~Pj~1~r~ Ij3stiol w;Hhl e debatod irhi Researchl work on the idustr l3sial . AT rruu DETROIT THEATER A(/l i IT GREEN ? ""J! ) viARSW.'- Twvelve persons were L ~;O to doath "in Fthe C,,vu~pt I" n illo nl ailS. problems involving ail expendIiture ()I'- more than $50,000 has been (lone by! the department of :engineering re-I search since July 1, 1926, according toG Prof. A. E. White, head of the depart- wnent. d T ei cesd etn;i hc n!custries are bringing their problem:, in engineering research to the Ui ni--. versity laboratories for assistance is " indicated by the fact that. the Tul prdb- bins which -the deparlt tmon't has "wog k"d on since-July, reprea, snt eb'out once-sixthl of the entire: number brought to the laboratories since its establishment in 1920, and they have come to the Uni- versity in half the timle which would have been required to. bring such a volume of business ,to o orIthr'ee C-11rs ago," declared tProfessi:r W'4hite. r.i total number of pr'oblcDi which they laboratories have worlked upon is 471. Subsribe for The Michigan Daily. 8 : .R':.'!"°T3i4:Y.} iCZS.. ', w. 4'r'; ATR _ _ . ., _ ., . _, _ Buy now and save on shoes that are always worth the reg- ular price. All our latest and most popular styles included in this semi-annual sale. CALMPUS I300TERY 304 -South State Street G I K - bW~d. ad git. jBo ~Slec and 75c EARL CARROLL Presents LYOS TW.-TiiSal.~ "L A FFTHAT OF F"1 t 2 We and N~tt orIQ)ti Diretu from 14 months, at Wallack s Theatre, N, Y. with' N civ XYork Shook -with 1Laugh1ter 1rgina t Fye. 50c-2,50, Mat. 500-3l I ,plus war Ix "ALAS I-I DECON NAL PRSITATISIAS TUED ANENODRT HV ELH- V W ANNAARYORRDAIRYS. "The Home of Pure Milk." j ~The Newy _ a Hot C Vho colate Our fountain service presents the best hot chocolate available. On these cold winter days what could be more appo- tizing and refreshing than a cup of iich, creamy chocolate? Cur sun~daes and malted milks are with- out equal. We are near enough to the cirnpus so you can conveniently drop in between classes or on your way from college. G RP"A Store i Every Shopping Center." ''l . d 1 - , ' i ,ti. 4 y C' t \ , ' i <. '1 .: . . A f 1 POSITI VELY L I O!~ E (EAV~sTODAN Ab 723 N. Univ. Phone 9797 217 N. Main Phone 85 11 219 S. Main Phone 6811 Snared by bassi()n -, raledb Disas'c lPresentinig E~xotic Beauty and 11~~ Y 7YIf I * A, _ .' the DEVIL STARTING Take a High Fler in R omalnce THURSDAY You'll Never Want to Come Back to Earth Baue Danube Waltz (On the newumtWWBl IWib-) The 31airk -..._of P~erfectioni As Wonderful oas the New Ortho phonic Victrola Itself- The New Orth o phonic victor eod rTHEiSE marvelous new recordings provide a clarity,, beauty, nraturalness never before heard in reproduced. music-a degree of musical enjoyment available to you, otherwise, only in listening to the artists themselves. AVE would appreciate greatly the pleasure of playing for you some of the new recordings-or any of your favorite selections-as recorded the ORTHOPH-ONIC way. COME IN TODAY IF YOU CAN! New icitor Records Every Friday! 'A Fewe of the New Ortho phonic * Victor Dance Records I: Lore the College Girls" (Waring's) "Wllhereo o YojJ rk-a, Jobli" (Waring's) "I'm Telling the Birds--Telling the Bees" (Olsen's) "Steppin' Around" (Jlan Garber's) 11Meadow Dark" (Olsen's) "Sweet Thing" (Olsen's), Ask to hear and other new recordings on the Orthophonic Victrola. Olrthoplioiiic Victrola', $95~ to $3W{ Yictrpla-Jladiola~s and Electrol-as, $375.00 to $1,000U Portable V'ictrolais, $17.40 to $MW -Easy Termns- "Thl~e Musical Center of Ann .Arbor" 116 South Main Street 11. Lgodeslto024start, an d often. end,. row" . But commence the Shredded Wheat- habit tomorrow and the chances are your ,grAi~son wilstill be car- rying on. 'for Shredded Wheat is that kind of a food[;9 rich in all 'the b ody-builig, nmind- stimulatihole wheat element's you nteed - and rich in' captivatingk flavor, too. T~ iry hredd~ed W heat today ith ot rmilk or cld , r enjoy it with your favorite fruit for a real cereaf feast. " _ a " - " , -F j. LB t Ar I i Pitmne 7312 Steinway Planos' I F ,. .. " - " - -'- i THE WANT ADS MEAD THE WNT UDS 1:+I11IIIIIIIII III IIf 1111111if III 1IIII IIIIIIIIII I121111If I, I IIfIIIIIIII.,IIII1311711111111 If [III III if III I it II I I.;.; i I Is If m I I I I I I I I I I If I I I I Im i I I I I I I [III I I I [11111111 If III I I If III I I I I I I III III I III I I I if I If if III I I I I I [I I III I I I I I If I I III I lu III III] u I I I I I I I I if III IIII III II[III III[III III II111IIIIIIIII IIII If III if IIII(IIIIill If III III IIn IIII 1HIIII I i sr t i i i t i it Iiiset ftisitr 'Van W P 4 _ ? w Prrtra0 by Rentschler Are x-clU-sive