T ESTABLISHED 1890 C, , r, It an tt1 MEMBER ASSOCITATED PRESS . VOT. V'XVYVTT ?T~O Y V 4. A-A.1L V ti. INO. M) EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT£f Z, - ... CO9LIDE SEES SPLIT Ho IN BRITISH AMERICAN VIEWS ON NEAR [J4S and H use And Senate Conferees Reach Big Ten Heads Silent Agreement On Compromise Radio Bill About 'Round Robin' (By ssoiatd Pess Football Schedules (By Associated Press) During the year the Secretary of NEW/MEANS TO FORCF bh SSHINGTON, Jan. 25.-Senate Commerce would be charged with ad-ri sE t unn e i r! SENATE MVEASURE UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTS1 ASKING ARBmITRA9TIO CAN OIL cO THOVERSY ouse conferees on radio legisla- ministration. I} are in complete agreement on Afterward he would have authority J IOOU. GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE TO AFFORD CITIZENS PROTECTION. CIVIL STRIFE SUSPENDED, National Attention Focused On Efforts Of Cantonese To Eliminate ioreign Influence! i _ _ _, s nrartir (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-D .verg ence of American and British views on Chinese policy was forecast at the White House today although Presi- dent Coolidge has made it plain that the government will continue to af- ford all protection in its power to American lives and property in China. The nature of the demarcation be- tween the views was not specifically indicated nor whether present action Is anticipated in future developments at to China. The President believes, however, that the existence of British concessions in China without any similar American territoriality respon- sibility leaves room for some differ- ence in policy. Further precautionary steps to in- sure the safeguarding of American lives in China were revealed with to- day's withdrawal of 500 marines from mail guard duty for concentration at San Diego, Calif., and Quantico, Va., marine corps expeditionary force bases. There was no indication that naval and military precautions against. Chinese eventualities extended beyond that additional step, or that the Wash- ington administration contemplated sending forces to China in any wayj comparable with the announced Brit-{ ish- program. Approves Porter Measure In Congress the House foreign af- fairs co'mmittee approved the Porter resolution calling for conciliatory action by the United States towards China on the unequal treaty question idependently of the course of any other government. It will go before the House for action, opening the wayI for general debate on the Chinese crisis. An administration Chinese policy declaration,'will be made by Secretary Kellogg in the next few days. It will be in the form of his long awaited re-I joindure to the British-Chinese memo- randum. President Coolidge expects the Kel- logg staitement to be confined 0 questions raised in the British com- munication having to do with China'sE unequal treaties. Steps to protect! Americans in China and their proper- ty from mob violence are regarded byI the President as aside from these mat- ters of policy as to the treaties. _J I] °i t >, ,I. I !,C t I 11 practically all provisions of a compro- to grant, revoke or modify licenses) - mise bill and expect to present their togatFrIevoe o moSfylicnse -------- reports to the two Houses immediate- and take other steps contemplated BLiCAN SUPPORT IS NOT ly after their meeting Wednesday. under the legislation, and his rulings UF FICIENT TO BRINGI As the Senate and House bills have would be final unless parties at in- MEASURE TO HOUSE been finally rewritten the Presiden-t tial commission originally provided, terost, Inelding state, cty or county IDEBATE for in each would have full control officials, appealed. Upon such ap- HELD IN HOUSE over all radio controversies. peals the commission would hear the; During the first year of its life the case. Decisions would be final ex- Only Four Republicans Sign Petition comumission, to consist of five mem- cept when an appeal to the courts is To Take Garner Bill From Ways bers, would have complete authority taken. And Means Committee over all questions, including the as- One important provision is that any signment of wave bands; what sta- station which permits a candidate (By Associated Press) tions might broadcast; the hours of for office to use its facilities to reach WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-Diminish-f broadcasting; the power of each sta- the voters would be required to per- ing prospects of obtaining sufficient. tion and all other questions having ;mit all other candidates for the same Republican support to bring the to do with the regulation of the in- office to broadcast for the same length $35,000,000 Garner tax reduction bill dustry. of time from that station. before the House today led Demo- crats in Congress to cast about for a new lever with which to force action E M R O N W L L G V E A N O N E H N G S IN Vine C har mans renofa t heab ou seo ton the tax issue. While Chairman Green of the House i Swaysand means committee, where Trevenue legislation must roiginate revenuelegisation must originateI stive Garner, Texas, ranking Demo-i Dean Of ndraAeicl Sool To n rght Replrc WTo Or - fcrat, and Mills, New York, Republican, Speak Under Auspices Of gangight Program To Be Broad- engaged in a verbal tilt on the House I Alpha Omega Alpha .east From WWJ Friday 1floor, Senator Reed, Democrat, Mis- ! souri, announced he was considereing HAS STUDIED IN EUROPE THREE SOLOISTS ADDED offiering the Garner measure as anJ amendment to the deficiency appro- Dr. Charles Phillips Emerson, dean Dr. Louis H. Newburgh, professor priation bill now before the Senate. of the medical school at Indiana uni- of clinical investigations, will take Reed and other Democratic sena- versity, has been chosen to give the the place of Dr. Frank N. Wilsonprofes- tors discussed this step but there was third of the informal lectures spon- . n n some question as to whether it would sored by Alpha Omega Alpha, honor- sor of internal medicie, who was to be attempted in view of the constitu- ary medical fraternity, on Feb. 16 ac- have spoken on heart diseases on the tional requirement that all revenue cording to announcement made by Michigan Night Radio program to be legislation- must originate in the, rederich R. Harper, '27M, president broadcast at 8 o'clock Friday from sta- House. of the society. tion WWJ, it has been made known. Meanwhile, only three House mem- Dr. Emerson will be the third ! Dr. Newburgh will speak on the sul)- b rs added their names to the peti-J speaker to appear here this year un- ject of diabetes. tion being circulated by Representa-J der the auspices of Alpha Omega Al- Although it was announced over the tive Garrett, the minority leader, to, ;ha, the other two being Dr. William radio at the last University broad- take the Garner bill from the ways' Darrach, of New York, and Dr. Morris casting that Dr. Newburgh was to talk and means committee where it has r Fishbein, editor of the American Med- on Feb. 11, the advancement of his I been shelved along with other reve- f ical Journal. The lectures are being talk was made necessary because of nue proposals. These brought thea given by men of prominence in the medical world, and are not technical, the inability of Dr. Wilson to fill total signatures to 179 of whih 175' eing thed aim ofarhe oity tohpre-his engagement. Since the time that are Democrats. Representatives t being the aim of the society to .pre-) sent to the public through them the Dr. Newburgh's talk was announced Schafer and Deck of Wisconsin, Re- various angles of the profession in more than 15 advance requests have publicans, and Carss, Farmer Labor,s an interesting light. come in for copies of his speech, and Kzale, Independent, Minnesota, Dr. Emerson is a graduate of Am- Waldo Abbot, program manager, said. are the others. A majority of theu ierst and has studied abroad in the A second change in the program has Hiouse-218 members-must sign to;i iniversities of Paris, Strassbourg, and been made necessary, with the re- make the petition operative. t Basel. Before coming to Indiana in placement of the trio and double trio Yesterday after a brief ebate be- In .911 he held positions on the faculties of the Girls' Glee club by two soloists tween Representative Ga rett, the if Johns Hopkins and Cornell univer- and a violinist, it is also announced. Democratic leader, and Representa- a i s oe is the author of several Rssel A. Gohring, '27, soloist of this ve Mills, Republican, New York, who, Clinical, Diagnosis," "Hospitals for year's Michigan Union opera, will sing is to succeed Gerrard B. Winston asf n a "Essentialof Medi- two popular numbers from the opera; under-seceretary of the Treasuy r Thilren,' ad "Esentalsto the merits of immediate reduction ine." Miss Helen Sherrard, soprano, gradu- Garret strated the petition which The fourth and last speaker of the ate student in the School of Music, with 218 signatures would bring thew ecture series will be Dr. Simon Flex- will give four" selections; and Miss Democratic plan before the House. ier of New York, director of the la- Pauline Kaiser, violin instructor in The minority bill drawn by Repre- p )oratories for medical research at the the School of Music, will play two sentative Garner, Texas, who has es- in Rockefeller institute, and a widely- known writer of medical books and solos. Miss Donna Esselstyne will be tifnated it would effect a $305,000,000 e pe r Ther ate o r ed a stles ture the accompanist for both Miss Sher- reduction in taxes, now rests in aI t >apers. The date for the last lecture rdways and means committee pigeon n tas not yet been set. rM. hole where the Republican majority t The rest of the program will be the t (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 25.-Members of the "Big Sixty" of the Western Confer- ence, invited to meet here Friday and Saturday to discuss the football sit- uation in the Big Ten, declined to- night to discuss their views on a I "round robin" schedule arrangement,I with the exception of George Little, athletic director of the University of Wisconsin. Each of the ten colleges has sik reperesentatives. He expressed a doubt that the "round robin" schedule would even be discussed, and advocated a dis- cussion of equality of competition, I with particular reference to entrance credits, scholastic requirements and increased watchfulness against prose- lyting. The principal problem submitted to the conference of athletics and faculty representatives by Maj. John L. Grif-, fiths, Big Ten commissioner, in call- ing the conference were: Whether the Big Ten shall be a "playing league," the restriction on proselyting, and the recruiting and maintenance of ath- letes. COUNSEL FOR SCPS ASKS CASE RH EAR4ING''a Scopes' Senior Advisor F iles Petition With State Attorney Generail For 'New Trial I FOUR GROUNDS GIVEN (By Associated Press) NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 25.-Dr. John R. Neal, senior counsel for Prof.{ .{ it ACTION OF SENATE PLEASES MEXICAN FOREIGN MINISTER (By Associated Press) TAKES FIRST DEFINITE STAND BY GIVING VIEWS TO COOLIDGE REED LEAVES C AMBER Democratic Senator From taA Thinks Majority Of Americans Would Not Support War MEXICO CITY, Jan. 25. - Though apparently p 1 e a s e d, Aaron Saenz, the Mexican for- eign minister, declined to com- ment when shown a dispatch announcing that the Unitedi States Senate had unanimously adopted the Robinson resolution proposing arbitration of the dif- ficulties between the United States and Mexico arising out of the new oil and land laws. Government circles, in general, however, received the news with distinct satisfaction and regarded it as an encouraging omen. Foreign office officials pointed out that the Mexican government had already formally declared its readiness to accept arbitration in principle, but they were not in a position to speculate on future possibilities. Some officials while gratified, remarked they were not sur- prised at the Senate's action, as they believed it represented the desire of the people of the United States to adjust the Mexi- can question peacefully, which also was the desire of the Mexi- can people. IN (By Associated Press) I NASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-Taking its first direct stand on the Mexican question, the Senate today unanim- ously advised President Coolidge to arbitrate the pending controversy with Mexico over that republic's oil and land laws. I Every-one of the 79 senators present, 42 Republicans, 36 Democrats and the 1 Farmer-Labor, voted for the resolu- tion of Senator Robinson, of Arkan- sas, the Democratic leader, as revised last week by the foreign relations committee. Several, however, approved the res- olution . with reservations, either on the ground that it constituted an in- terference with the powers of the chief executive or might encourage the Mexican government to the adop- rtionof an even stronger policy than heretofore enforced. Reed Keeps Silence Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, who voted against the resolution in committee, had been looked to for leadership in opposition to Senate ac- tion, and had prepared a speech, but deferred its delivery until tomorrow. He advised the Senate late in the day, when members were demanding a vote, that he would detain it no longer and left the chamber. Some blunt words, directed appar- ently at both the American and Mex- ican governments, were used by those foremost in urging favorable action by the Senate on what was described MIEXII ! . , .t SHANGHAI, Jan. 25.-Civil war 1*Lenishawn roupe, which racked China for a year has Vill Return Friday1 been virtually suspended while the I ' T country focuses its attention.on the With New Program struggle of the nationalists, or Can- tonese government, against foreign- Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn and ers, particularly- the British. The I the Denishawn dancers will return to Cantonese, having brought under ; the Whitney theater Friday night for domination, in a remarkable campaign another engagement. They appeared of arms and propaganda have, for the here last Friday, giving a program of time, ceased their attacks upon the dances which they developed during Northern forces and turned their at- their recent tour through the far East tention to elimination of foreign in- and this week they will present a fluence. series of Spanish and Singalese The British alignment against the series ofcSpanish anderingatese nationalists has been more clearly. a m th e o of they withtheprogram three years ago when they~ drawn in the last few days with theI appeared in Hill auditorium for the nationalists' vigorous pronouncementbefit of the Women's league build- yeaistra directed most specificallyibn against Great Britain and the nume-1 n dinspGathesfrom Lnd eport- IThe two dancers and their company rous dispatches from London report- of fourteen returned from their tour ing that three infantry brigages have early in December, after having made been ordered to China. the longest trip through the Orient; However, Chinese everywhere are ever attempted by a European cam- I asking whether a force of such size pany. will be held for such a limited objec- I tive; whether part of it may not be Chicago Establishes used to attempt to restore the old iCampus Night Club position of the British at Hankow,Cg whose concession district has been taken by nationalist authorities for4 (By Associated Press) administrative purposes. Hundreds CHICAGO, Jan. 25.-Students of the of British and American women and University of Chicago will" not have children have come to Shanghai for to leave their campus for nightly friv- safety since Chinese mobs forced them olity. The senior class couftsel de- 'out of the British concession in riots cided today to establish a campus cof January 3 and 4. night club at the coffee house on the There is civil war today in only student quadrangle. two theaters - Chekiang province, By its establishment, students may eb r ts ethahave amusements of a good grade where the est repors agree without straining their pocketbooks, , same as previously announced. Prof. placed it a month ago. Clarence S. Yoakum of the School of . Business Administration will talk on Tax Suit Concluded some phase of business. Prof James D. Edmonson of the School of Educa- In Detroit; W ill Be tion will speak on the general subject D IaAt of high schools throughout the state; RX esum dAtae Capital and Prof. Charles WV. Cook of the geo- logy department will avaluate the (y Associated Press) mineral resources of the state. DETROIT, Jan. 25.--Hearing of the tax suit against former stock- A STRIKES I holders of the Ford Motor company DANIELS S TRIKES will be resumed in Washington next COOLIDGE POLICY yweek, when the government will be- gin presentation of itscase. The date (By Asocited ressI for resumption is to be selected at a (By meeting of the opposing counsel at WASHINGTON, Jan. 25-A letter the capital Monday. from Josephus Daniels, former secre- During the hearing here the gov- tary of the navy, assailing the admin- ernment gave no inkling of its plan istration's Nicaraguan-Mexican policy of action to prove an original valua- a"'dollar diplomacy" was read in the tion placed on the stock as of 1t913 by as 'the internal revenuedepartment was House today by Representative Flet- erroneous. The government seeks to cher, Democrat, Ohio, who also ques- recover $30,000,000 in added income tioned the position taken by President taxes as the result of the alleged Coolidge and Secretary Kellogg. 1 error. SMr. Fletcher also said Judge Flor- ence Allen of the Ohio supreme court ra Concluded n had wired him that she approved the i nayvC ncud d In stand taken by Senator Borah of Idaho. Union Tournaments Reichstag Expects Winners in the tournament in bridge and checkers being conducted by the Cabinet Formation Union, under the direction of Dalton Walper, '29, were decided in the final (By Associated Press) I contests played off yesterday even- ing. BERLIN, Jan. 25 - Chancellor Img.a Marx's negotiations looking to the In the bridge tournament, Norman constitution of a cabinet are progress- Freehling, 29L, and Albert Leventhal, ing to a point where Reichstag circles '29, were declared champions. Their believe another cabinet will be formed opponents in the final contest were, in a few days. This probably will in-! Ralph Kempner, '28, and Jack Wie- elude four Nationalists in the 13 port- ner. '28. f t t t b 1 i t I1 i t ;d f b t g 1, f a h b 0 p m 0 John' P. Scopes, today filed a petition with L. D. Smith, state attorney gene- ral, to protect the interests of the de- fense pending an agreement among JUIH LT! associate counsel as to the next move. The petition requested a rehearing [ETR IIHII MIIIII in the anti-evolution case which the state has nolle prossed. Two Extra Performances Of "The Last The supreme court upheld the act Warning" Scheduled For Friday under which the Dayton professor was And Saturday Nights ndcted but reversed the case on a echnicality at the same time recom-, MAY RESERVE TICKETS nending that it be dismissed. _A___RV_'IKES Besides stating that on account of T apparent disagreement among coun- Two extra performances of "The el of the defense, the petition was Last Warning," a play by Thomas F. iled to protect any possible existing Fallon, will be given Friday and Sat- right of the defense. Neal set forth urday nights of this week, according our grounds on which the rehearing ; to an announcement made yesterday was requested. by officers of the Comedy club, under The petition submitted that the su- whose auspices the play has b'en reme court was "in error" in hold- ws.h I given. ng that the fine was improperly as-g . ssed by the trial judge and the peti- The extra productions have been ioner would be "greatly grieved by a made necessary, according to the an- olle prosequi preventing a retrial of nouncement, by the fact that more he case and the securing by the de- than a hundred persons were turned endant of an acquittal of a convic- away at each of the last two showing': ion." which were given last Friday and 'Your petitioner," the petition con- Saturday. This is the longest run inued, "and thousands of science that any play has had in Ann Arbor eachers throughout the. state would this year, making seven presentations e greatly grieved unless the court in all. grants a rehearing before a full bench The cast and effects will be exactly n order to arrive at a majority in- the same as at the showings last erpretation of the anti-evolution law. week, and the lighting, which was secured from Kliegle brothers, the Universal Stage Lighting company of Detroit Solon \Tl New York, and the costumes, which came from the New York Costume Introduce Bill For company of Chicago, have been re- tained. Limitation Of Crime The play itself is taken from "The House of Fear," a novel by Wads- -- worth Camp, and when first produced LANSINGdMich.,ana. 25-Astill'in New York was one of the sensa- roposing radical changes in the state tions of the season, running for al- criminal statutes by stipulating the! most. two years, according to officers mposition of life sentences upon of the club. Charles Livingstone, criminals convicted for the fourth27L,a arnLeland27,will take tim ofcomittngfelnie, i bengthe leading roles in the two extra [rawn by the attorney-general's office, showings as they did in the previous or introduction in the Legislature by Senator Cass J. J'ankowski, of De-pefracs The box office sale of seats will not roit. open until tomorrow, but persons de- The measure follows, in intent, the siring tickets may secure them by Baumes Law in New York, which re-pUin wher they will be reserved and can be gree slayers and others who have vio- called for until 8 o'clock the nights ated social and criminal laws for the of the performances at the box office ourth time.I of the Mimes theater. Seats will be The Jankowski bill specifies that if I priced at 50 and 75 cents. at any time it is found a criminal has committed felonies prior to the con- viction under which sentence he is. held, he shall be given a life sentence DAILY J-HOP EXTRA by the trial judge upon certification 3 f previous conviction. Organizations giving house The bill would tend to keep crimi- parties in connection with the nals out of the state, its proponents 1928 Junior Hop are requested believe, by placing an obligation on to mail lists of their chaperones olice and judges to sustain the judg- and guests to the J-Hop editor nent of other states and stop a "career I!of The Daily as soon as possible. of crime" by placing the offender These lists should include the I .'" ; as a reaffirmation of the age old, policy of arbitration'and of the duty of the government to protect the lives and property of its' citizens. Senator Robinson declared there were only two courses othet than ar- bitration-severance of diplomatic re- lations, with resulting revolution and the eventual overthrow of the Calles government and intervention by arm- ed forces of the United States which -would mean war. The Arkanasrsenator warned that if American troops marched into Mex- ico they would remain not for a single year, but for the lifetime of even the youngest senator in the chamber. Declaring that the United States had been "most patient and lenient" with Mexico, Senator Lenroot, of Wis- consin, a Republican on the foreign relations committee, said that unless Mexico 'fulfilled her international-ob- ligations a diplomatic break would come and the embargo on the ship-' iment of arms to Mexico would be lifted. Decrying the failure of the Amer- ican government to protect life and property in Mexico, Senator King, Democrat, Utah, said he was certain there would be no war with Mexico because he was convinced the great majority of the American pepple would not support such a war. Heflin Renews Charges During the more than four hours debate on the resolution, Senator Hef- lin, Democrat, Alabama, renewed his charges that "certain Catholics" were 'trying, to get the United States into war with Mexico and defended himself for calling this to the attention of the j Senate. 1 Replying to recent criticism by Senator Heflin, Representative Boy- Ian, Democrat, New York, said his resolution last February proposing severance of diplomatic relations with Mexico was offered in the hope that Mexico would see "the error of her 'ways."~ Boylan said that if Heflin would "cease his vaporings, the country will keep out of war." Representative Gallivan, Democrat, Massachusetts, told the House that the United States must "either fish or cut bait in Mexico pretty soon de- !spite all the lungs in Alabama and Idaho," referring to Hefli and Chaiir- man Borah, of the Senate foreign re- lations committee. House Considers Action The House foreign affairs, commit tee agreed to hold hearings Friday on the Fairchild resolution proposing that the House endorse the Pres- ident's Nicaraguan-Mexican policy. rr . T i n ti i nqis pn ncr itt rn