IAETCIT__________ IJ NV"'C I ""CAN rDALY ____
Publication in the Bulletin is constr'uctive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the P'resident until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
Volume T11I TUESD.y, JANUARY 125, 1!¢127 Anumber 88
a ry 26, in Room 202, South Wing, al 7: h). All z aim_ > and Ot her's
interested are a:k-,( to attend.
Poil .2 iAJ4..aIV Society:
Th "le last 1 aot ing of the seanester will beh( a5a .Jnn y2-3, at
i 15-P. -M. An int eresting pi-cgram en C ei.pi:1 v ' I b- present 0(1d.
Visitcr3 are welcome.
h }a~ .4 ~ ~~-ie~
Banqot et at the Union 'ueseday, ,3n rv27-1, o 0 l:
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies:
There will be a meeting of this committee on Wednesday, January
26, at 4:00 P. MV., in the office of the Graduate School, Room 1014 Angell all.
J. A. llursiy, Secretary pro tem.
Cercle Franease Lecture:
Mr. C. E. oella will give an illustrated lecture Wednesday, January 26,
at 4:15, in Room 25, Angell Ilal, on "La Vie des Etudants n Suisse
This is the third lecture on the Cerle Francais program. 'Tickets for
the series may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Languages
Department, Room 104, South Wing.
Ilene Talamon.
Psychology 31:
Students who were absent from the collateral reference examination,
and who expect to take a make-up examination will please see me Tuesday
afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock, Room 250 Natural Sciene Building, to
explain their absence. The make-up on collateral reading will be given
on Wednesday, January 26, at 4 o'clock for those students who have been
given permission to take it.
Adelbert Ford.
Bureau of Appointxents-T, I?, V, W, and Y:
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names
begin with T, U, V, W, or Y are requested to call at the office, Room
102 Tappan Hall, for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose
will be held from 10:30 to 12:00 A. M. and 3:00 to 4:00 P. Al., January 25,
26, 27, and 28.
'Kargaet Cameron.
Organ Recital:
Palmer Cristian, University Organist, will give a very interesting pro-
gram in the Twilight Organ Recital series on Wednesday afternoon at
4:.15 o'clock. The general publc,, with the exception of small children, is
cordially invited to attend. The program in full is as follows: Fantasie
- in A (Franck) ; Romanza (Parker) ; variations de Concert (Bonnet); Pre-
lude (Schmitt) ; Suite, Op. 25 (Bingham); Meditation (Thais) (Massenet) ;
Dance of'Apprentices and Procession of the Mastersingers (Wagner).
Chiarles A. Siiik, Secretary.
FreshmneG roups Organized by Den Bursey:
Following is the bowling schedule for tonight at 7:30:
Mr. Aiton's group vs. Mr. Brandt's;d
Mr. Bursley's vs. Mr. Morris';
Mr. Clark's vs. Mr. Olistead's;
It. C.Angel.
Freshman Groups Organized by DenD usey:
The second series of basketball games will be played in Waterman
Gymnasium tonight at 9:15. Teams must 1)e on the floor, ready to play,
at the scheduled time. Team Captains please report to me. The following
are the games scheduled for tonight: Mbr. Abbott's group vs. Mr. An gell's
group, Mr. Attwood's vs. Mr. Irandt's, Prof. Bursley's vs 1llr. Dow's, Pro.
Morris' vs. Mr. Olmstead's.
(al G. Bradt.
Union Freshman Groups
The following basketball games will be played tonight at Waterman
Gymnasium at 10:0:
Roch's group vs. Taylor's group;
oddard's group vs. -Neaver's group;,
Fleming's group vs. Nissen's group;
Brady's group vs. Waring's group.
William Jeffries.
University Club :
There will be a reception for members and wives in the Club Room
lit Alummni Memorial Mal, Friday, January 28, from 4 to 6 o'cloc.
The Entertainment Committee.
Physics Colloquium:
Tlhe Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M., Tuesday, January 25,
in Room 1041, New Physics Building. Mr. E. J. Abbott will speak on
"Measurement of Gear Noises." All interested are cordially invited to
W. F. Coby.
Mr. H-. Cornell Smith, Assistant to General Manager, Hudson's, Detroit,
will address Business Administration students this afternoon at 4:15 in
Tappan Hall, Room 206.
Mathemiatical Club:
Luncheon meeting will 1)e held at the Michigan Union, Wednesday,
January 26, at 12:10.
W. IN. lDenton.
A. S. C. F.:
Special 'and important bsiness meeting A. S. C. E. Student Branch
Tuesday, January 2, 8:00)1. M., at Union.
liol? . OliIr.
II Crclo Ittlilano: ------ - - -
A short meeting of the Circolo will be held Wednesday evening, Janu-
HAero ii: work. Officials said that manny par-
; Professor (1. G. Brown of the Chemical Engineering D~epartment will ents of crippled children arc dis;n
addr ss the Aero 6 class Thursday, .Jamuary 27, at 11t:00 A. M., Room 2049, clined to let strangers know ofth
East Engineering Building. 'Members of the Aero 6 class are required to plight of their youngsters, and some
attend the lecture. Other Aero students are w:econic. attampt to hide them.. After the chld
l'. W I~a 1I«itsl~i is safely estab~lished in a hospital, o
--> ~lp omite cured, however, their gratitudlei
Meeting tonight in Room 3302, Union, at 7 o'clock . !' li organization opejrates a school
F'l'I1o2ni' ,J. Whiter, (Imhairm an. here, and 20 more in Ohio cities, an
inl19 other states.
SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CH'ILDREN Delegates to the conventionwil
TivGATHER O ANNUAL CNVENTION come from various parts of the world.
____________PARIS. -- The French government
('1ltCIlNXA.TI. Jan. 21.-An obscure cooperating in the care, cure and edu- Nvill issue a new series of 15 year
chrtbewrfounded by a dozen ciino a~iape hlrn amortization bonds to the extent of be-
men in Elyria, 0., eight years ago, tEstima4,000,000,000 andnber0of0crip-1
Estmats pacethenumer f cip-francs in order to meet payments on
wiill tabe stock of its growth here Feb.:peuneth agof2inNrhjsrtemscrtesoigdein
16, and make plans to conquer thepldudrheaeo21iNothsrtemscrtesoinde
coninet i is feld Aerica at 500,000. The organization's September, the council ministers (le
It is the International Society for! goal is the rehabilitation of all of cided.
Crippled chaildlren. From its meagre them. It has helped 225,000 handicap-
beg innings has emerged a North and ped youngsters so far. CONSTANTINOPLE.- Arbor day
So uth Aner'can and trans-Atlantic or-; In many instances, it must surmnount will be inaugurated in Turkey under a.
rganizatienz of thousands of individuals! obstacles before it can perform its decree approved by the .cabinet.
rThe~ Tuesday Play Reading Section will me-At.:anaar-15, at 2: 30, i:h
Mrs. IMax Winkler, 1520 Camibridge Road.
('harlotle 3'2. d/ vut, lua'nman.
Alpha Nur debating society will have i '(5 t eorgof tis SC?:'s.ier
this evening at seven-thirty. Visitors or welcome.
Phi hapa Ilii:
Business meceting ofn,;e of Sunmer
ssson 4:15 Fi iday, Jarnary 28.
E. 31. iBal i m, Seeretaty.
(By Assocated Press)
11WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. TreatiesJ
Iwith Great Britain, Mexico, CentralI
American states, and ultimately So-
viet Russia, governing the flow and
diversion of bou,2dary waters in their
relation to new methods for~ generat-1
jmg hydro-electric power, are nowE
viewed as an inevitable outcome of
the litigation brought by the state of
Wisconsin and other Great Lake states
against the Illinois sanitary district
Ito prevent further enue diversion of
water from Lake Michigan into thc
Chiagodrainage canal.
Statistical Report
IFor 1925-6Is Made
By Health Director
Because thee was no reguar
-monthly report from the Hlealth ser-
vice for December, Dr. Warren E. For
sy the has given out a few statistics
covering the whole year of 1926. Of
all diagnosis made at the health ser-l'
vice duing the year 1925-26, 27 per-I
cent were due to colds, the highest
figure for a single item; 12 pr cent
were due to local infections; 8 per-
cent due to mechanical bruises and
the balance consisted of various cases
requiring slight treatment as well as
a few serious operations.
The fact that the halth service re-1
mins open during both the holiday
and spring vacation periods is not'
often appreciated by many, though
figures showv that the service is ex-
tended to a comparatively large num-
ber. There was an average of 12 to.
15 patients a day who took advan age
of the service during the last vacation,
j period, and in addition four of five
were given care in the infirmary and
an average of three a day were treated
at the hospital.I
Total calls for Dec., 1926, were 2,585
Iwhile the total reached 2,515 in De.,
1925. The decrease since 1924 when
3,023 calls were reported for the cor-
responding month was rot explained.
LONDON.-Thd radical element in
!British labor, which endeavored to
protract the general strike ast spring
into a finish fight, was given a jolt
yesterday when the executives of theE
-carious trade union indorsed the ac-
tion of the Trades Union congress in
calling off the strike ;ater nine days.
jCHICAGO.-A copy of the 7545 edi-
tion of Martin Luther's translation of
the Bible, one of the two copies in Am-
erica, has beeni found at Northwestern
u iniversity after having been missing
for a quarter of a century.
Photograpt er
"Seven Keys
Studio 334 So. State St.
Phone 5031
v r~ ~, ~
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The Week Cannot Equal
c t, '4 reAI
" E N WE S W TC IEB Y D R . H A R V E Y J . H O W A R D , M V r c e 3 0
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Bethel Presents
RENTALS-.-(Your favorite machine) in good order.
SALE-We are authorized agents for The Corona and Remington Port-
ables, and carry in stock some real good, reconditioned or rebuilt
office machines. Underwood, Remington, Smith, Royal and others.
REPAIRING--All makes. If others fail, bring them to us. We guarantee
Ehel Parker& Fred Babb'
With ThtOr
Philippine Sextette
Musi That Really Adds Enjoyment