I ESTABLISHED 1890 LY fr i~trn ~aijll MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ..Yr. .r . VOL. XXXVII. No. 88 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS waft ROMNASARE NT, DIFFERENT RACE BUT' LIKEAM ERICANSCLARK' DECLARES THEIR {POLITICS ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE OF THIS COUNTRY DISCUSSES QUEEN MARIE Lecture Is Illustrated With Slides Of Architecture, Landscapes, And Native Costumes "Roumanians are largely unknown and generally imagined' to be a far different race, but as a matter of fact- they are much like ourselves," said Charles Upson Clark, ;scholar, travel- ler, and author, speaking last night in) tHill auditorium on the Oratorical as- sociation lecture series. "If there is one notable difference between them s and us it lies in the fact that 90 per- cent of the native Roumanians are farmers and the business of the coun-l try is largely in the hands of for- eigners." Mr. Clark explained that it is a co- I mon belief among the people of the western world that Roumanians are not extremely capable either in gov- ernment or in intellectual pursuits, but that the belief is wrong. "Mark me, I don't say they are extremely gifted, but to accuse them of corrup-, tion is likewise unfair, for comparedE with Pennsylvania and Ohio, politicss in Roumania are as clean as they are here," he said. Are Descended From Dacians The inhabitants of this country are descended from the ancient Dacians and the Romans who overcame thel land, the speaker explained. Though the Roman occupation lasted only l about 150 years, the language of the country is still based upon Latin, and this is the morearemarkable when one remembers that there was no! written tongue there until long after Vandals, Goths, and other uncivilized tribes had swept over the land. Of all the nations of the Balkan peninsnia the two parts of Roumania called Wallachia and Moldavia weret the only nations not overcome by the Turks when they were at the heyday of their power. Moslem, in every treaty, recognized these two sections as free and independent, and they never had a Mohammedan ruler over them or had their land owned by Mo- hammedans. In the fifteenth century the country emerged politically andt also at this time the language of theE nation was written when the Trans- ylvanian Lutherans tried to convert the country to the Reformation and the Protestant faith. Roumanians Were Abused Mr.-Clark told then of the treat- ment of the minority nationalities of' Europe b'efore the war, explaining how the Roumanians who were under the jurisdiction of the Hungarian govern- ment, were abused. The same thing is happening now except that the Roumanians are in power now and the Hungarians are subjugated The speaker believes that conditions in that part of Europe have improved, however, and the the Roumanjians treat the Hungarians better than they1 were treated previously. During the war when the Germans oversame Roumania the country was exploited for its great natural re- sources. Disease ravished the coun- try in this period and one tenth of the entire population was wipd out by one cause or another.{ After the war, relief and orphan asyuins became necessary and Samu- "MIDSUMMER ISSUE" OF GARGOYLE WILL BE SOLD TODAY ON CAMPUS Not'to be outdone bynational pub- lications which run their Christmas editions in the middle of the summer, Gargoyle, campus humor publication, will appear this morning in mid-sum- mer dress. The cover done by Elbert Vyse, '28, assistant art editor, portrays a beach scene with "shock absorbers." Written material and cartoons runj ond editorial page to the old fashioned bathing beauty, and the dedication is accompanied by an "actual photo- graph." A third installment of "Dan Ruff at Barber's College," tells how Dan attended a hairlifting lecture and swears vengeance on Marcelle Sham-, Cartoons by Fred Hill, '27, art edi-1 tor,, Robert Newton, '28, Ken Holmes,; '28 and others portray summer scenes. along summer lines, the literary work In one full page display, the various includes an article by Robert Swine- activities which are typical of sum- hart, '27, on "How to Drive the Car' mer recreation are presented over the by Ear," and a poem, "Loyalty For- title, "Summer Daze." ever to B. G." produced by the com- Bathing beauties and the trials of bined efforts of three members of the the contest winners are also used as literary staff, Richard Lutes, '28, Phe- subject material, for the art work be Morse, '27, and Philip Crane, '29. from the pens of Newton, Ted Rog-, The number is dedicated on the sec- I voy, '28A and Lou Spaulding, '28. WATER OF OHIO RIVER IJHOP ARRANGEMENTS NEAR HIGHEST LEVELI ARE NOW COUMPLETED9 4 fBRITISH SEND DEFENSE FORCES TO SHANGHAI TO PROTECT PRO PERU MAJOR GENERAL DUNCAN WILL 15AIL FOR CHINA WITH j 12,O00 MEN ORDER THREE BRIGADES AmiericanI Miister Arrves In Peking; Has 'endered No Official ReaOrt of Situation (By Associated Press) LONDON, Jan. 24-All doubts as to the amplitude of the British prepara- tions to de'al with the events in China were settled today when the War office announced the composition of the "Shanghai defense force." This force will defend the British. concession in Shanghai and will be commanded by Major General John Duncan, now here in command of a division. He will said for China forth- with. General Duncan saw service in thej World War at Gallipoli and Eastern Europe, and his new forces will con- I' it ## ' II i is I l i i EXPECT REINSTATEMENT OF TY COBB AND TRIS SPEAKER (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, JTan. 24.-Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker, former man- agers of the Detroit and Cleve- land clubs, charged with "fix- ing" a game in 1919 for the sake of a betting pool may be vindi- catedbandreinstated within or- ganized baseball within two or three days. Their attorneys conferred to- day with Commissioner Landis and Cobb's counsel insisted upon a quick vindication. Cobb said he was under the impression that the commissioner's decision would be, handed down today, but learned later that it was to be postponed. MANKIND'S PROGRESS' O U T L IN ED IN L C U E p - Mac Curdy States Basis Of Prehistoric Is Due To Geologists Finding Ages Of Deposits Harvey T. Woodruff Relief Crews Fight Dar ege of Flood; River Reaches 58 I oot Mark ' In 'Pomeroy, Ohio{ IS WORST SINCE 1918 (By Associated Press) CINCINNATI, Jan. 24-The swollen! waters of the Ohio river were rising in Cincinnati tonight with the pros- , ects that the flood which has affect- ed the low territory of five bordering states wil reach its highest level here sometime tomorrow. Municipal authorities and relief agencies joined tonight to combat flood damage. The river is expected to reach 59 feet here tomorrow. This is one foot higher than the crest of 58 feet reached at Pomeroy, Ohio, today. The flood promises to be the most severe in Cin- cinnati since 1918. Streetcar lines in the lowland ter-{ ritories has been cut off. Damage prob- ably will be confined to the lowlands as the main business and residential districts will not be effected. Cheering news came from up the, river. The waters were reported falling at Pittsburgh, Pa., Steubenville, and' East Liverpoole, Ohio, with the crest of the flood early tonight at Portsmouth about 40 miles above here. Rain which has falen during the past several days in southeastern Ohio had stopped to- day. A check of the flooded areas in Ohio! showed that damage is comparativelyl slight. Residents of lowlands. of the course of the river had ample oppor- tunity to move household goods to the second floors of the homes and in the business districts stores were barri- ceded to prevent the water entering. This was the case at Pomeroy where most of the busihess section was un- der water. Business was curtailed,' however, in Marietta, and several other river towns. Mimes T o Present Two Shaw Dramas During Next Month As first attraction in a series of dramatic presentations to be given } next semester, Mimes will offer George Bernard Shaw's "Man of Destiny," Feb. 15, 16, 17, and 18, in Mimes thea- ter. The cast for this presentation has been picked with care, and the play will be given with careful atten- tion to detail, according to reports. Rehearsals were begun a week ago. "The Man of Destiny" will be pre- ceded by Shaw's "Annajanska, theI Bolshevik Empress," a one-act play-; let, and productions will be presented on the same bill each night. "The ManI of Destiny" was first produced in this j country by Arnold Daly at the Gar- rick theater in New York with success. i"Annajanska," written by Shaw after the War, was produced in London, but its presentation here will bring it to 1:his part of the country for the first time. Woodruff,. In InterN Michigan And C j verything Except Minor Details Have Been Arranged, Announces ' Committee In Charge WORK ON DECORATIONS sist of over 12,000 men-the 13th and STRATIGRAPIY DISCUSSED 14th British infantry brigade and the SRTO PH DIC SE All major arrangements for the , 20th Indian infantry brigade, with ar-i tillery, armored cars and other equip- To a child the sun, the stars and staging of the annual J-Hop Friday, ment. Two batallions of the British the moon seem only a short distance 1 Feb. 11, in Waterman and Barbour forces are at Malta. The remainder away. But Gallileo, Copernicus and gymnasiums have been completed and( are in Great Britain. Kepler have changed our ideas of preparations have been mde for eye- Including the 3000 marines previous space and given us some conception of cuting necessary details, it was an- ordered to China, it is estimated that the distance of these planets from the nounced yesterday by Thomas C. Win- about 16,000 men will be available for earth. Just in this way has the pre- ter, general chairman. the defense of British interests. The historian given us a new idea of the From now until the night of the! marines were to have sailed from progress .of man through the agest Hop the committee will be chiefly con- I Portsmouth today, but their ship was and some conception of man's tri-t cerned with carrying out the decora- delayed. They probably will get away umph over his environment. It is tion scheme which has been accepted. tomorrow. this progress that I wish to outline, The gymnasiums will be transformed f along with a presentation of some of 1 into a setting of medieval splendor. I WASHINGTON, Jan. 24-Arrival of thet means by which we come to ourz according to plans. Castles will be American Minister McMurray in Pek- conclusions," said Dr. George Grant formed from the many draperies and ing yesterday was reported to the Mac Curdy, director of the American decorative contrivances so that those State Department by the legation. He School of Prehistoric Research, yes-t in attendance at the Hop will enjoy has s yet dihpatched no official advices terday in his speech on "Lookingc some of the splendor that was common about the situation in China. He left Backward With the Prehistorian" in to the knights and fair ladies in medi- the Chinese capital Jan. 18 for con- Natural Science auditorium. t eval times. The walls draped with ferences in Washington, only to be Dr. Mac Curdy explained that thet crimson and gold will provide the halted by cablegram in Korea and di whole basis of prehistory rests uponi background for the armoured knights rected to return to his post. the word of geologists who determine1 and scenes of medieval times. An ex- '- Tension appeared a little relaxed in the ages of deposits wherein the peci- pansive effect of high archways the official circles by advices that the riot- mens are found. Stratigraphy, he; length of each hall will be producedIi ing in Shanghai had not been followed said, is the science that determines: by drops of rose and gold satin I by any violent reaction there or among the ages of all the specimens and, trimmed with huge gold tassels. the foreign communities at other gives the clue to the ages and eras in Throughout the halls, dim lights ;points. It is hoped that while the the history of the earth in which the shining from lanterns of burnished Shanghai rioth are undoubtedly symp- speciments were deposited. He show- bronze, modelled from an old Eng- = tomatic of the state of unrest created ed many slides of different specimensI lish pattern, will hang from the ceil- by Chinese nationalist agitators in and of skulls that had been used as the! ings. ' about many of the foreign settlements keys to various ages of human life The most unusual and decorativen Cha will prove to be merely a and explained some of the ways in Thealmostorunusualedand heecntert--e feature will be four large transpar- local disorder curbed by the interna- which these things were differentiated ent paintings placed at the ends of tional police without resort to fire~ from other species of life. Among the each hall. thes pictures, which will arms and not the starting point of a four stages of skulls and resultant eachghall. Thes ictures, twhichwr general wave of anti-foreign violence theories that were developed were the hang from the ceiling to the lower in ShanghaiI thersthtwed dwere edge of the balcony, were done by an ohateral cIchimpanzee, the Piltdown man, the artist esp'cially for the Hop TheatShangariacHangowothelsetuaternHeidleberg/ man, and modern man. It lighting for the transparent effect will dt Shanglai, dHanow, or elsewhere is hard, he said to imagine these liv- ligthinfo hn the trnsar ntigt , iwere htdisclosed in otoday's avcsc-V thrown from behind the paintings, tthat Counsellor-General Lockhart ing species 50,000 years ago. But the carrying out the figures in bold relief. I reported the British business houses dates have been set by the study of Goldkette's victor recording or in Hankow had been reopene flora and fossils buried in different chestra, Guy Lombardo's Royal Can- _ _stratisfications, the approximate ages adians, and the Fletcher-Henderson .aof which are known to geologists. I orchestra will furnish the music forNew Theater Being Dr. Mac Curdy told of some of the the Hop. Goldkette's orchestra will I B remnants of the cave men who exist- lead with the Fletcher-Henderson Erected Here; WWiII ed before the last ice period and said group, all colored musicians from the Ithat in these times the people ate cave Roseland Gardens in New York city, 1Be Called Michigan bear almost exclusively and that cave playing side by side with it. ,___bear became a sort of fetish with C. E. Robinson, '28E, of the general Relief in the local theater situation them, itlngs. He said that today in committee, announced that the signing was seen yesterday following an an- Europe there are still these bear cults of the rules and regulations for the nouncement from the offices of An- who worship the bear and the orgin J-Hop does not grant a fraternity or gelo Poulos, local merchant, that W. Io shid the old tae dwel- organization permission to give a S. Butterfield T.heaters, Inc., had of these he laid to the old cave dwel- house party on the night following signed a 30 year lease for a theaterl Then came the Neanderthal man, the Hop. Each fraternity or organi- to be built immediately on Poulos' who plays a large part in imaginative zation attending the Hop must sign a property on the north side of Liberty copy of the rules, and in addition street at Maynard stret. reconstructions. He was followed by must get permission for parties from The "Michigan," as it will be called, the Cro-magnon man, about 30,000 the office of the Dean of Students will be a part of the building now years ago. It is from this stage that I Those fraternities giving parties the being constructed between the Red we have many evidences of rude art night of the Hop but whose members { Top Taxicab company and Starbuck's and primary, 'secondary, and tertiary are not attending the J-Hop itself restaurant and will seat 1,300 on the implemens, he said. He showed slides must sign a copy of the rules and orchestra. floor and 700 in the balcony. of many ofthese implements and ex- " regulations at the time they apply According to the terms of the con- plained their division rt three for party permissions from the Dean tract, the theater is to be ready for classes. He also showed some of the of Students. Fraternities and organi- occupancy this fall. specimens of rude art and some fig- zations who have not as yet signed theIThe theater property will be front- urines cut out of ivory in Moravia, rules should do so today. ed by a two story office and store aid some chalk figurines and models buildinig 'with the show itself running of implements from Suffolk, England. { east and west in the rear. The en- In these last from Suffolk there were view, Discusses Itrance to the theater will be built on also rude drawings in soft chalk, s the site now occupied by Starbuck's many of them carrying a swastika, he ancient symbol for speed and mo-I hampionship Ratings I restaurant, a Chinese laundry, and a Dr. ac Cy oluded by oc residence property. 10ton. I 4 Dr. Mac Curdy concluded by once to curtail their athletic programs, andi more stressing the basis of prehistory some institutions would have to! D 1V VIJE NAMES i upon stratigraphy and the approxi- abolish sports altogether. Such is the 4 DEBATE WINNERS mate accuracy of the conclusions that value of football." 1 are reached. t ------._- ---Dr Ma urd was entAr taedve - WOODRUFF PRESENTS Was Picked By Coaches And Officials, Who Gave Friedman Twice More Votes Than Joesting GREEN ORIGINATED IDEA Benny Friedman was presented with the third annual Chicago Tribune trophy for the "most useful player to his team" last night between the halves of the Michigan-Minnesota- basketball game, by Harvey T. Wood- ruff of the Tribune. Friedman was the choice of ten coaches, nine officials, Commissioner Grfiffith, and Mr. Woodruff, all of whom composed the committee for the selec- tion. Each judge had two choices, a first and second choice. Friedman, in the balloting, received more than twice the votes that Joseting received, who was given second place. "The choice is made on the grounds of distinguished service," Woodruff said, prior to the presentation. "Not' only must he be a good football play- er but also a sportsman of merit," he continued, "and it is significant to note that a lineman won the award last year--Tim Lowry-so that not always are ball carriers, who are in the lime- light, of most value to a team." "Friedman has the generalship of1 the choice of plays and players for the plays; a smooth attack just does not happen for it is figured out," he said. "Friedman lives up to Yost"s state- ment that he is the best defenmive tackler he ever saw," he concluded. The award is a sterling silver foot- ball of regulation size and is mounted on a pedestal. The trophy will be on display in a State street store some- time during the week. GOPHER OUINTET BOWS MATHER'S SQ UA D REGISTERS NINTH CONSECUTIVE TRIUMPHI RETAIN LEAD IN BIG TEN McCoy Leuds Attack Against North. en WitIt Sx Field Goals And Two Free Throws By Wilton A. Simpson Michigan c'ontinued on its non-stop flight toward the Western Conference asketball title by flying over Min- r esota last night, and made a safe anding at the top of the Big Ten, oncluding the first half of its journey with five successful hops and suffer- ng no mishaps. Minnesota made a strong effort to )ring the Michigan team down to arth, but was only able to come with- n 12 points of accomplishing its mis- ion, falling into the discard in its aecond attack on CoachMather's nachine by a score of 32 to 20. T4 ate, the Gohpers have been unsuc- essful in each start, and now lodge afely in the cellar with six consecu Ave fore-'; landings. Is Ninthi Victory Last night's victory was the W'ol. verines' ninth straight win of the 1926-27 season and the fifth consecu- tive Conference victory. By virtue of ts unstained record, Michigan now cads the BigTen, heading the Wis- °onsin quintet, which is in second lace, with four victories and one de- feat. Michigan took the lead at thedstart of the game and never ,hllowed the Gophers to take the upperhand. Oosterbaan caught the ball on the opening tip-off and dribbled down un- der the basket for a short shot. Har- rigan added a point on a free throw. Otterness, star forward of the Min- nesota team, scored the first point for he visitors on a successful try at a free throw. On an out of bounds ?lay, Chambers tossed the ball under he basket to McCoy, who dropped the ball through the hoop, giving the Wolverines a four-point lead. Stark Breaks Through Stark, the fast left forward of the Gopher five, broke away'from Harri- gan, and shifted through the Michi- gan defense for a short shot. Petrie added a point on a free throw and McCoy brought the score to 8-3 by scoring a goal on a follow-up shot. Seven minutes had passed and Michi- gan had scored eight points. McCoy and Chambers each scored field goals, and left the Gophers nursing the small end of a 12 to 3 score. On two fast plays, Mason and Stark each contributed a basket and shortened the Michigan lead. McCoy sank another field goal and Otter- I el Hill was one of the cans 'who made large many Ameri- contributions Ifor this purpose. Queen Marie's heart was filled with gratitude and it wasj then she determined to pay America' a visit to express her appreciation. Out of gratitude to Mr. Hill sle con- vented to use his private car in tour- ing the country, Mr. Clark said. Displayed Costumes After the lecture Mr. Clark display- ed a number of slides showing Rou- manian architecture and landscapes and costumes The very elaborate em- broidery of the national costumes was Qhnw a nal ' o WL manv sons of houses Carl Green, '99, originated the idea ness retaliated with a sensational shot of the trophy in 1910 when exception- from the side of the floor. Another al batsmen of both league were goal by McCoy and a free throw by awarded the honor. But it was only Harrigan gave Mather's team a 17-9 three years ago' that football men be- advantage. Minnesota narrowed the gan to be eligible for the trophy. Mr .Michigan lead down to four points. Green is with Woodruff in Ann Arbor The score at the end of the first halft for the presentation. was 17-13. The Wolverines seemed to profit URGES MEXICANS greatly by the rest period, and swept the Gophers off their feet during the, TO RISE AGAINST first 15 minutes of the second half. "DOLLAR POLITICS" I With Chambers, McCoy, and Ooster baan leading the scoring, Michigan (By Associated Press) ran its total to 30 before Minnesota MEXICO CITY, Jan. 24.-An appeal was able to score a single point. to Mexican organized labor to rally Chapman, who substituted for Tanner, solidly to the support of the Mexican scored his team's first goal on a long government and against "Yankee im- shot, and this point that awakened pe'ialism which seeks any pretext for the Gophers to the fact that they were armed invasion of Mexico and threat- being completely outclassed. Otter- ens all Latin America," was made by ness scored three points on a basket I the labor leader, Jose Gutierrez, ad- and a free throw, just before he was " dressing a mass meeting cf work- forced to leave the game on personal men under the auspices of the region- fouls. After Petrie had missed two al confederation of Mexican workers free throws, Stark broke through the today. The speaker expressed confi- defense for the last Minnesota score. dence that the Mexican organization 1111ciigali (32) would have the moral support of la- FG FT PF bor throughout the world. Harrigan, rg............ 0 2 1 In the meantime further bandit or Oosterbaan, if...........3 0 1 rebel attacks are reported in several McCoy,,c......6 6 ? 1 parts of the republic, while the War E Chambers,. rf . . .. . ... . . 2 1 1 (.department announced additional suc- Petrie, Ig..............1 1 2 i cesses in half a dozen engagements Molenda, Ig............. 1 0 0 with revolutionaries in different see- 1 Schroeder, c ............0 0 1 tions of the state of Jalisco, where the uprisings are said to have, been more 13 6 7 serious than eleswhere.j Minnesota (20) _ In these combats, the department FG FT PF reports, numerous rebels were killed. Otterness, rf...........2 2 4 Federals also repulsed a band which.Stark, 1 . .... ..........4 0 attacked Santa Maria, state of Guer-I Johnson, c ............0 0 1 rero, inflicting substantial losses. Ban-I Mason, Ig .............2 0 1 dits, who attacked the town of Atasco, (Nydahl, rg ............. 0 0 1 in the state of Mexico, were dispersed 1 Tanner, rg ............. 0 0 0 I by federals specially dispatched from Tuttle, Ig .............. 0 0 0 a nearby point. Chapman, rg ...........1 '0 0 ;. _. ,, tn innnn 0 0 0 s smown an aus may a it )Luut and types of inhabitants, including the; When asked his opinion of Michi- gypsias, Slavs, Germans, and Ron- gan's consistency in winning Big Ten manians. Mr. Clark also had with him championships, Harvey T. Woodruff a number of parts of costumes that of the Chicago Tribue in an interview le brough~t with nimfromthe country, yesterday afternoon, answered very In commenting on Michigan's new Members of next semester's inter-E which he displayed to members of the causually, "Well you always have athletic building program, which will Icollegiate debating class were chosen audience after the lecture haven't you?" give Michigan next year twice as large in tryouts held Saturday morning in Mr. Woodruff conducts a humor- an athletic plant as any university in room 302 Mason hall. Prof. G. E. WARSAW.-All prisoners in Poland sport column in the Tribune un- the country, Mr. Woodruff declared Densmore, who will have charge of who have served two-thirds of their der the title "In the Wake of the that such an aim of giving "athletics I the class announces the following sentences will be released Feb. 1, pro- News," and is in Ann Arbor for the' to all" should be the example of other men as enrolled in the section: vided their recordseshow good behav- presentation of the Tribune trophy to universities. W. J. Weinman, '28, G. O. Dykstra, ior, under a presidential decree of gen- Benny Friedman. "I am a firm be-I In relation to the picking of Big '27, S. E. Jones, '27, P. J. Kern, '29, eral amnesty. Life term prisoners I liever in competitive athletics," he Ten championships, Woodruff said H. G. Totzke, '28, R. M. Sanderson, era . , -nesty. ___ _._Lif...b{ .,.,1rfim . .r...In !ners .' ,..., 10, T. ....S.. E ". M C U y W- 1Ue 11UyU5 terday noon at a banquet at the Union attended by several men from the fac- ulty. Last night there was a smoker given in his honor at the home of Prof. Wilbert B. Hinsdale. BRITISH FLYER TO SPEAK IN DETROIT