SUNDI'AY, JANUARY 23, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAOR ;ari.t'FN THE MICHIGAN DAILY a ;yirr', . i.. i.n WflLV[RiNES DEFEAT STATE ,MATMEN,1-8 *I __---- ----- r I k. Pipes -Tobacco Pouches 1) ,'.int :faLOfs ( 1i Hker, Iailts, d ?! ek irk M lio ga Tei in ;xeat ts Invadlers WI1 IVE DI3CJINS And Good appe'arance is an absolute essential. Get a good hair-cut from a good barber at the ARC"ADE B13ARBER SH'-OP Cigaett CLOSES =;.. AT 3P.M1ADV RTISNGT 3 Pk Holders Tobaccos A Comlz,ete Line for the Particular Smoker. GO YEAR" - "' DRUGCo Alicigan's wrestling team., although ser1i usly hapidicapped by the loss of J,,a~ekcrilnd1 ailes, regular 115 pound- er's andi Naglokirk, 1251 pounder, won live of its. seven matches with the strong Mlichigan State team yesterday ! afternooijl at the field hlouse to gain a victory in the first home meet of the season, 15-8. On account of Baker's illness and the injury to Kailes, Coach Keen wa s forced to use Bruce in the 115 pound division. Gibbs, State, won a decision over the; Michigan entry in seven minutes,,anl. 14 seconds. Watson, Wolverine! star at 135, pounds, deci- sively defeated Longsburg, h1ighl1YI touted Zpartan 135 pounder, with a time adyantagg of. nearly scven miin- utes. Saner, Michigan, gained a decso over Captai Berqluist of the GreeiD and Whiteteam with an advanitage of~ one inmte:and 55 seconds in one W! the most ovenly fought matches of theL meet. Captain Donahoe added to hi:; string of victories by defeating Beani of" State with. an advantage of four I minutes and ,44 seconds. Donahoc.. managed to .get a body scissors aiw' quarter, Nelson on, his opponent and forced the bou~t during the last fourt ninutes,z nearlyr pinning his opponent as time wvas called. In the 175 pound division Kurrle of the Spartani team sprung the surprise of the meet ,by throwing Hager of Michigan after, nearly nine minutes of wrestling, , thus increasing the! Green and Whiite score to eight. Pres- cott added three more points to the Michigan total by winning a dlecision ' over Barrett, State's giant 225 pound- er, with anl advantage of four minuted anl 49 seconds. With the score 12 to 3 in Michigan's favor Hatdhi, taking Naglekirk's place in the 125 pound class, came from be-' hind to ovgreome Avery's advantage and defeated him by a margin of one minute and 56G second~s. Michigan's score was 15 points, all gained on de- cis ions, wleMSate won one decision and one fall of a total of eigh~t points. All or the bouts were refereed by Dickerson of Detroit, former 115 i pound star at Iowa State college,i Aloes, ~a. The timers were Koch of Michigan State, Solomon and Botchen of Michigan. Cards To Make Few Changes In Line-Up 6 Nickels .A rcade TIhe I~tY~ovi)OJ Dru t or etf 'Eie1 University Drug Store 111'2 south University LOST E LOST---Solitare diamond uring, a1a Monday night at Hill Auditorium. !i Reward. Call 7130. t;7 SLOST'- -Alpha DeltalPhi pin rThursday, namea on bat:k. ;Terry Shaw. PhoneI 9042. 8(6-87-88 LOST-Leather' coat in *Waterman S Cymn. (Call 8017. 85-SG-87 F'OR SALE FOR SALF,--A~lan's fur coat, type- writer, riffle, skiis~. Dial 21435. 87 I,- 'A i® FOR RENT FOR LENT-For second semester, a (lcsiral~le single room. Also two Fsuites, one on first floor for student and wife, with private bath. 429 :eo. Division. 87-S 1 FOR RENT-Two suited reasonable pie 628 Packard. Dia4 9289. 83-84-85-86-87 WANT'E D \VANTED-Theses to type. Excellent work. Prompt service. Spelling:; anid punctuation corrected. ;.5 ce-il s per page. R. Burhans, A. M., (Ex\- pert Stenographer) 736 S. State (One block south of Law club). Dial 21777. 87-88-S89 WANTED TO RE]NT--13v grana student land wife, small apartmen:t; or suite without lighlt ]housek eeping privileges; prefera ne liner campus. 'i DIRECTED By I' JOt'as Ca ;i"n't know which i'preferred until 1-,, ia~rried them Q aramorTZL qt u~ °tI tiIno('. " o fit Itallt nyiings. li1 6 14. K ing1 ren te(1, exchanged, oid. Lzu ugest awldpest aii, 'Y orI1 three mlan. Call eve- ;5ley St. 85-SG-87j makes, sold, cl Je, repair-f t stock to be 01)- Telephonco 21053. 1 7 Nickels Arcade. Autb lorized d1 cal-; er: Phone 6C61), I, C. Sinith & Cor- \XANTrnED)--We typew;rite these.), 0t-. ona Typewxrit s , Ine. tr 415 . Hoover ,Aven.Phe 28 87 i"(W '\ P,11 N INK Arcs your reccords important? If nct ~vhy nmkle themn? If (they are ims- lpoitant, us" a Record ink. T hi1s is the onli kiod 0of1ink we ;ull mid1 the only kind which works well in your founitain pean. daisy worthiless sub- stitutes are off ered under the cloak of the name "FI+ountain Pen Ink." Ask us, we wvilshow you the dif- fer ence. Rider's Pen Shop. sun-i ues~-hur.! I"OR ENT FOR RENT-,A five room flat. Fur- nished. Will be in Florida for the xvinter.NMr. Join S1111i a erie, :G';7 NWhitney Ave., Detiroit, M ich. Phone! \Valit 4892-:'. FOR R.-ENyt-Three room a-partmnul first floor, amid(l two single rooms. 727 E. Univer sity. 87 FOR RN l"tfloor s.,ite. VWarmn,E nicely zfurnished,.fRen t; reasonable. I j . :TI I - Theses to type. Rteaso_.-