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January 23, 1927 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-23

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SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 11327"


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rrn r IIP~l i All games scheduled 'this week
OR110 O YIfo 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock have
[rru i rn ~iiun been changed to 3:45 and 5:00)
o'clock, respectively. Reserva-
Oth'ess o Is 3'an in Treat Of VIStors, tions will be forfeited in case of
T'eawi, WiVe1 Michigan Has Shown failure to appear on time. Each
WVe ll Balanceed Offense team will use two alleys instead{
of one as scheduled, and these
,SSECOND OF SERIES ) will be apportioned by the Unionj
Spurred to fighting i~tch bYfaiTeasntytetee a
se rie ( o (le fea ighthe in g p t eh b a I Te m no y t e t r d m a -
kelbil orace ats l l 'entht e vgene btrs I I range' with Union to how i st-
losses to rMitchigan athletic teams dur-1rouddrn h eko a
ing the- school year, Minnesota's bas-: ary 24-28.
kectb)all quintet will invade Yost field;-_______________________
-onetmro nihinanatmt-to dow;n Coach_ Mather's proud Wol- amson Acquiirnted
verines and give their title aspira-H'
t ~ asevers e 5tback. Wilth Channel Swim
Tothe Gophers, the 31-20 defeat aI
week3 ago Saturday at the hands of 1 Victor ere's UWh
Micj h igan means- nothing. Definitely, WhyJ -VVI
out of the championship race them-
se(lves,, they will 'be determined to George Youn;, 17-year-old conquer-
band,.-the Wolverines a crushing de- or of the Catalina chiannel, and Panl
feat. The prospects of this are con-{ Samson, captain of the Wolverine
sidered slight, but an:ything may hap- swimming team, are well acquainted
pex)_ The Wolverines are due to have I with each other, their friendship dat-
a le'. (own and the Gophers are past ing back to an incident in Torontoa
due to wil. year ago Christmas.
C'7ach Mather will no doubt sendl his Coach Matt Mann of the Varsity
regular five, Captain Chambers, Ooster-' tank squad relates the story, well-
baan, McCoy, Hiarrigan,' and Petrie, known to all Members of the team.
agains t Ithe Gophers. I the first game:, After the Michigan team had won by
at Minneapolis, Oosterbaan and McC oy Ia large score from the Toronto Y. M.~
starred at finding the basket. Goster- C. A. during their "barnstorming'
baan shot five baskets from the floor; trip, Captain Samson swamn an exhi-
and made one foul toss, while McCoy I bition 220 yards free style, breaking
:gunk four baskets. I [arm igan hung upF the Canadian national record for the
a free throw record by making six l distance with the good time of 2:30.2
in tihis contest. Young, whose father was aln in-
Th Gophers are apt to find Chamb- structor at the Y. M. C. A., plunged
c:,, amd lPetrie cqually dangerous to-! into the pool less than 10 minutes af-
Itio'wa , all five of thq men on the!i ter the Wolverine leader had estab-
Mihian team have taken turns atl lished the new mark. Swimming all
hbri i .n t scoring work. Since the; exceedingly fast 50, the young Cana-
other gtame, the Skipper's reserve dian idol was never expected to main-
stregthhas been greatly strengthen-1 taro the terrific pace for the full dis-
ed by the addition of Molenda. Mo-j talce.
lenda is a good guard with a deadly l However, the younster nmaintained
eye, andl may be called on at amy l the fast pace well beyond the 125 yard
sgt.ge of the gme when the going be- mark and even sprinted faster for the
comeds rough.s last 25 yards, thus shattering the new-
Minnesota will probably place chief! ly-made mark of 2:30.2 with the eve:
r eliancec of Otterness, star center who ( better time of 2:29:1.
scored 10) of his team's 20 points l "Samson's, swelled chest was dec
against Michigan, and Nydahl who wasI flated several inches every time Young
good for six of the others as a for- made another touch, and finally
ward. Otterness is a good moan on ' Buck' almost cried when his news
the tip off and may hurt the Wolver- laurels were, gone," said the genic:
ins considerably. Matt, Mann.




. ti,

Ers Oi'l E WEEK

IBasketbalL- a innesota, at Yrost
field house.


,,WEI)NESIAY Irwin A. Olian, '27, member of the
7 e st.li ,-Alichigan State, at I
Yost fieldI house. Varsity tennis squad for the past two
years, yesterday was elected to cap-
S1 ' UT, i AY Itain the Wolverine netmnen- for the
Swinning-lndliana, atUnion coming season which will be .ina ugu-
II ockey --Mi ehian. State, at L~an- rated when the Michigan team parti-
sing.ipaesin the Cornell Indoor inteol-
I j sng. egiate meet, Feb. 14 and 15.
I i Ollan began his impressive: record
while still enrolled at Soldan high
ExH.v rd Pa e school, St. Louis, Mo., when he was
!E '-Har ardPlay r amember of the winning pair i' the
Accuses Princeton j issouri interscholastic netmet
M .Entering the University in 1923, he
E cc rty laying was awarded freshman numerals th<;t
~&. .YI~y ia~1iS year and in the same season capturedl
I the cup in the comipetition for the oll-
(By Associated Press)i campus title. In his sophomor'e yea.r
NE\NVYOK Jan. 22.-Assertions he gained a place on the Varsity squad,
that "dirty football" p~layed by Prnei but did not compete, as a regular.
i tzlnotth gie o th Hrvad Lm- however, last year he served' as
tonttegbfteHradLm number four man on the Varsity team
p~oon, was responsible for the break and won 8 out of 10 dual encounters
in athletic relations between the Tiger ini which hie participated. Some 'of -his
and Crimson is made in an article by other achievements since his entrance
Wynantd Hubbard, varsity guard on in the University in 1923 are: member
the 1919 and 1920 Crimson team, and ' of Oratorical association board, '2G;
l published by Liberty, weekly maga- double champion in all-campus hand-
;in.The Lampoon, lie says, merely ball, '26., Besides this he has the dis-
ha benc ae.hegoti1 nction of competing in more lintra-
Charging that the only two' "dirty" mural sports than any other sitddeiit,
games of his playing career were "thej 22 in all, playing on several' inter-
ones with P'rinceton," Hubbard lodges I, fraternity championship teams.,
a number of specific accusationsI Coupled with the announceint cof
:'gaf st the 'tiger. the election came the definite state-
These cover mainly the period of, ment that Michigani would accept the
0~22 to 1926, inclusive, anti involve invitation to compete in the bornll
.~ca n -'n. onsrr A _ rlcnintercollegiatep indoor net meet to1w'

,. ,

7 4
2; ,



A S~M ~ T~ cofif ms, and other injuries which H3ub- held at Ithaca, N. Y., Feb ,14 and 15.
~,.. .. VMA i WASCOMifRf bard says were suffered by Harvard }ether three or four men will been
x4 - - IC XlR.SJ. laye s, in freshman as well as var- to participate, and those seleced Will
6Y ty gridiron contests.i r ,commence their indoor practi ce soon
i Charlie "Paul°' Paddock and Johnny
"Revere" Vessinlier are respective- the 100 crawl had been deemed ab-
ly, the fastest humans onl land and solutely impossible by athletic cx- FOR OU FDOOR SPORTS
"sadadiot reAmrian. perts, sxqualified timers of the Con- 1
i tral district of the A. A. U. clocked g
i;Paddock's mark for the 100 yard Weissmullr i h eodbekn . KS O O G NS OESA EH C E L B
d-cash, 9andt 5-10 seons ecnlyi fat O T E YMIJ
n recognized by the A. A. U.. is the!I ase an al9y
fastest time for the cvent in the his- InC hicago, his most recent record 'Bse Balls,HadBl Outfits,Gy Shoes and Suits
~tory of track competition, w-hile a aei h )01o h Ilni Everything in Athletic Equipment-
g Weissmuller is awaiting the official Athletic club, also only 60 feet long, j ilxt
y, sanction of his, amazing time for tie, but Charles A. Dean, chairman of the N rjIIto
wv 100 yard free style event, 49 and 4-5 ;(club's athletics is applying for official! university® Arcade
a1 seconds, perhaps the most remarkable I sanction on Weissmuller's behalf be-' Avenue PO Theater
feat in all sport history. cause the mark is so low and was ..______________________________
- Although breaking 50 seconds in made with six officials present. {
-1@ll l@iI 1I111!@1II1111111I111111111iii11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 l'
LS dI SV _
}urlSunday Special:Dinner"is typical.of i ckc$y FreemF ,, f',v's
the. M I.ue and good foodA that/"we feature"2in - /'/1
L Choice of:maa
Our FSiaSeciof Youngr Chticknf V-- ,Ti i te es tme oft e l '"
! te aue Hn oo d Noodl e fenatuyre oielctclnhs
E T ou Rseg ofrSri ding rsLabt ppe4elyc antosra lepatrn0ae.
T eetbeEsalpeEor S cu~
T'DssrChoice of: E
E ased oCbaetMraFe nhoFed PoaoeN
Hme ofe -Ml {F etierin orseecHicoeyrma
- Tpca ili ta -BanieSue
1-T RatLgofSrn ab- XApplNFjellyCflMDA N



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