S.1 JN iAY, tE~ VUAN I ARY 3,1927 THE MTCHTrAN DATL Y mor rT" TH~ MICHICAM OATTY 1'A~ FIVI C, 7g / 4 y r ,..r 7- I ' ' 3 [ '' ? qua ) 7 ~[JCJYYDe[IO 'lembes fMortar MILTARY PREPAREDNESS Litercary Cltbj t ir H.DSCUSS WOMEN SEEC VIVID .T,'Bar Cotiue al IS FAVORED BY WOMENHooray pr ?S EAR EAST TODAY FWH PLAYrVVL II Jeanf McKaig, '28, has been selected as the wiinner of the poster and pro- gram cover contest for "Eight 'Til Eight"' the Junior Girls' play. Hera design in vivid .redls, peacock blue find black, represents 'a studio windowI through which can be seen in the dis- tance the outline of a clock tower. Al Sgirl in silhouette stands gazing, through the window. The winning poster will be on (1is- play Tuesday in the window of Grah- am's B~ook store on State street. Miss McKaig was awarded a prize of $10 toward her life membership in theI Woman's league. Dorothy Swartout, 28, and Margaret Funk, '28A, received honorable mention for the idesigns which they sub~mitted. Judges in the Il contest were J.' B. Slusser of the School of Architecture, Phyllis Lough-i ton, director of the play, and Betty Nutt, general chairman. i I { 1 . E i. l ---American women are for militaryg An informial discussion concerning In crde r to sat isfy ike continuecd de- ;preparedness if their vote in Congress ! h t'lt Quill, (cOzfljauilit!' f he oi o fwmni oeg ad mand + r the glovecs which Mortar repr'esents t~ein accurately. Every one' for women, was formnally inistaill as I b eda 23 'lcktdyi Boarn. ii o n'orary society for wo- of the three congresswomen favored rhea as ant r it annal ithe bailding of three new cruisers; a chapater of Pi PDelta P1 i, Ist ii yl~ 8tit, ti ,ry of Mo fl ~ha Cook buildingI proat , esral ; has bien extended I when the question of money for thisj the MIichigan Un~iion. Misootw cr~~e(hairmanship of Sarita Day- endl ai ise whlo are intereste(1d in eterpise camne up in the lower hlouse Kunuzl, of Akron, Ohio, v-ie pr,;>1--,; is, "?"r. Yeechanik Iskenderian, '27, a proeuringgrove, through the society, o the national legislature. of the national honorary liter:.r sor- :-;uiienf ait the university of Armenia, may do so by cal irg Minna ilr They (lid not vote as a feminist bloc; ority, was the installing oficer. w i leadl the discussion on "The Wo- '27 .cba -rnokn of the sane, at 21241. for it was discovered that they had not Black . Quill' has beien tise me, o,: Armenia," while Mrs. Helen Miss -Miller has a complete line of discussed the question among them- on the Michigan campus for miore than S eoft, a special student at the Univer- samples ranging from Fren(Ih kid, to selves. Congresswvoman Florence P. four years and was offered mem nber- rtidy of Mjhigan will discuss the wo- doeslkin in' black, tan, beaver, mod,j Kahn gave evidence of her support of; ship by the national ,group last spring mnien of Turkey. white, gray and navy blue. GIpreparedness several clays later when It was not until this fall, hogever, tha:.t; Miss Iskenderian has spent muchl The next order wilt be sent to the she made a speech supporting a first the memb~ers of the so( ,tAy(decidedi tiimw in Constantinople and is familiar; New- Fork dlealors who import the class army. Her point was not for a upon the step. The ii ?vidatou a with the lproblemns affecting the women~ gloves direcly from France, within big army, rather for a good one. She banqu1et for the miemlbers, of the, srr- of the Near LFt. Mrs. Scott has also two wes The procoeeds from the advised that the army be kept up to ity were held last night at:h; Uin. be in Constantinople for more than NOTICES Due to the failure of Mason house toj turn out a full team, the basketball game scheduled for yesterday morningI at 10 o'clock at Barbour gymnasium was forfeited to Theta Ph1i Alpha. The Monday evening dramatic sec- tion of the Faculty Women's club will meet Monday, Jan. 24, at the club-, house ,at 7:30 o'clock. Junior Girls' play rehearsals for to- morrow are: Four o'clock, chorus 1, in Sarah Cawell Angell hall, chorus 10 The basketball schedlule for tompor- row is as follows: At 4 o'clock, Zo ne 3 vs. D~elta Gamma and Alpha Omic-3'on. Pi vs. Phi Sigma Sigma; at 5 o'clock, Betsy arbour hou.se vs. Ph1,i a- ma flu and lDelta Zeta vs. Zong 1G. T o w colors eing :tu-a in Mayfair, and its; neighbor, the R'oyal Borough of Kensing;ton. One is "c:- viare" which is exactly the ga-lck its name sugge sts , and thle othecr is "cassis," a puirplish black currant and chorus 6 in Saraha (' s well Angel glove~ sale is tut":rl e ver to the League 125,000 men as provided in 1920, in- Sbuildiin;; faud. 'The price of the gloves stead of permitting it to slump to 113,- range fromn $2.75 to $3.75. Two orders1 000 as at present. have already been taken and delivered "The trouble is," observed Congress- by the society mn-mbers, and it is ex- woman Kahn, "that too many people pected that the proceeds will be larger believe universal peace is just around than those of last year . the corner. Why there's universal ____peace talk in the Old Testament."j Sul)scr lac for flhp Michigan Dally. She makes it clear that she is no mili- tarist, but she isn't convinced that war -~ is ended and wants, at least a nucleus' of a force to meet it halfway in case it comes unexpectedly. fair Shoppe -- _ _ I: Blue Bird H I, '~ ii i> e, You will find our service indis- pensable in your preparations for the J-Hop. riin, n .1un PARTY PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS STATIONERY FOLDERS NE'WSLETTERS PLACARDS BUSINESS CARDS CALLING CARDS ETC., ETC. The worth of 100 sheep is said io be the price of a wife in a certa in mar t of Persia. II II /~2' a, P"<'1. and has recently returned from teaching in Tutrkey. An interview with Ilrs. Scott appeared in The Daily re- cent ly.I II'!- .:J tj7rU ~G- f ( :y ' in aror 5o'lck, horus5 in arlor r = rock S :i< All aglir nalamwt 1= 2thiooruailirai.nowsr Al l glittoeand aleamwit - thTclrsoeamlloSrbows l- with them-counteracti te - 1!11!111inluen e ol ll1 drab January.1!1111111!!1119111111l1!1@11@ Dial 9616 5 Nickels Arcade pi 2 15 S. Main St. (off Liberty) Phone 3231 r For Servce and Qujality. None Better _.. Of It II 1 1 -I /.O. dd1~, .11 .A.%.IndIN, oil , ,DDili R.. . v......r , .. .. '. .!.d°Y. .e1. .1.P~,~d l2 IAexpenisive way to Ale- sn~t Bishand-held YourHat Is a very important asset. Now is the time you should use every precaution to protect it. Properly cared for garmnents preserve one' poise and protect the health of the wearer. Energine is a Health Preserver. Dainty Party Gowvns Cleaned and Pressed with Utmost Care. Dial 4191 "The 14orne. o E nergin~e Consulting Costumer ' Former service has brought us deserved recognition in planning exclusive costumes for the gay J-Hop season. Dial 4882 218 Nickels Arcade t_.i'1 s t t v"1'1_111 v . I-. A: screen . .as V vi 1 <. ^f~'" Francisco-Boyce Photo Co. -- Am. iIl -- _"'I . ---- - ___j----- ___ -_____f_______ C -l[. Schroen 209 South Fourth Ave. III III OPIll A" ; w ,, h 'k fA C iJ' ~'*~% l ;a, iiii:Cf 1 . rr', t, :.. , ^' pp T ' 1 UMl! lr'S.. :..... t. , _ r;, . t . , ; ; . _ ti i k U. I , / // r , ' / s , r,. y.. '%4 L 'i > ' ;r OUR 0' Jl I A -dr Without wishing to detract from the merit of any, other good stocking, we can say with enthusi- asm and finality that RUBY RING is our idea of everything a silk stocking should be to give maximum appearance value and greatest service value. r ; *, , - j ,. , - s, _Y r N ,, f1 i1 Y Creatio ns for :evening Dipping low to fashions, either on the sides or in the back, these newest evening frockhs obey fashion's every (dictum. Some resort to tiers and ruffles, to wing drapery, to tig>htly swathed hips and bloused. back. 'Somec-wear tulle ruffles over lace foundations. Some deck themselves in scintillating crystal beads, in pearls and in gorgeous embroidery. Fash- ioned of chiffon, georgette, taffeta, velvet, lace and metal cloth, they are stamped , with the approval of Paris. Priced from "$2..75 to $99.75. _/ j 4 El fti'CONCb i J T OOR)(~C~i