?'AGIE POTR UDY AMYfV,12 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JXNTAI2Y g?, 1927 P r i ~tta4' a! and minor league magnates, wise and. ~ ~ I ~ cautious, refuse to take their stands on either side, for they are certain t rublished every morning except Monday that "someone is going to get Ihurt,"± during the University year by the Board in, Control of Student Publications, and they are not going to confine their Members of Western Conference Editorial p7ower until they're certain as to ,Association. which side is carrying the heavier The Associated Press is exclusively en- artillery. titled t the- use for rcpublicaition of all news,,{ Two years ago, Johnson, president dispatel credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- of the American league, engaged in fished thereill.- a great feud with Landis, but finished' En~ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, a,-ndinthe rc.A httm,Eal Jl icbg ii, as second-class matter. Special rateI ofpste granted by Third Assistant Post~- m a,.cr cGeneral.E Siisciption by carrier, $3.75>; by mail, $ 4.ou. Ofhies: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard St crt. Phones: YEditorial, 4925; ThriSin1eSS 21214. EITO4RIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor .. ....... W. Calvin Patterson City Editor. ,... ,...........Irwin A. Olian News Editors ............ 3 Fredccick Shillito !t'hilip C. Broolcs Women's Editor.... .. ......Marion Kubik# i' Sports Editor.... ..... .... Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Edit-or............Morris Zwerlhingi Music and Drama.... Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Blehymnet Ellis Mterry Carlton Charmpe Stanford N. Phelps { o Cb arnberlin Courtland C. Smith aries Herlcad Ccssarn A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Geri Burger henry Tlmrnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Nliles Kimball Llex Bocbnowski Milton Kirshna urn jean Campbell Ric lard Kurvink. Chester F. Clark G. Th~omas McKean Clarence Edelson Kenneth l.'atrick Earl W. D)e La Vergne~torris Quinn William E Emery James Shetbian Alfred Let Foster 'Nelsoni J. Smith, Jr. Robert E. Finch Sylvia Stone Robert Gessner William T'hurnau Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik Coleman J. Gilencer Herbert K. Vedder Harvey J. Gunderson Marian Welles Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski Morton 13.. Ico've Sherwood 'Winslow Paul Kern. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2 1214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Advertising... .......... .William C. Puscb Advertising ...............hlornas Sunderland Advertising........... Geoge Hi. Annab~le, Jr. Advertising........ ,.. Laurence J. Van Tuyl Circulation.. .,.......T. Kenineth Haven Publication ...... ,;. .......John [I. Bobrink Accounts....... .........'rancis A. Norqluist Assistants George Ahn Jr,. tray Wachter Melvin hI. IRaer J. B. Wood D. M. Blrowni Estlier Booze Florence Cooper lilda Rinzer D3aniel Finley M,-,ion A. D~aniel A. M. Hinkley 1katripe Greenberg E. L. Hulse Selnma? M. Janson R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr Harvey Rosenblum Ad orion L. Reading William F. Spencer Tian iet C. Smith Harvey T1alcott Nance Solomon Harold Utley Florence Widinaier dis, backed b~y the majority of offl- vials, succeedled in greatly reducing Johnson's authority, and in having him removed from the baseb~all ad- visory board. Since then, Johnson, boiling, but not yet exploded awaitedc his opportunity for rcvenge. Now a battle is about to be opened, and there is a prevalent feeling that "Johnson 1must have done something- or he wouldn't have dared to reopen the f eud." Though officials, hold their tongues, and refuse to comment, indications from past doings have load to the be- lief that most of the major league chiefs, incliding Comiskey and Grif-- ftilb, presidelnts of the Chicago and Washington teams respectively, will conme to Landis' support. Likewise, the National league heads are wont tot cast their support with the cornis- Isioner, for they reason that in a finish' Ibout with Johnson, Landis is apt to be on his feet at the- final count. There is more than humor In theC iRogers remark that everytime the United States go*% out on a human- itarian mission it comes back with its arm In a sling. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous 'commuanicatiors will be disregarrded. The names of commuitn- cants will, however, be regardedi as - I confidential upon reqtuest. A 1DISGUSTED REA1)ER To The Editor: l "Every now and then" during my jyears on the campus, I have been tempted to give my criticisms of the IDEDI( ATE Avenging Justice personified: the fall of a B. and G. boy on ani icy? cam~pus walk.j Police with tear gas Vwill be on hand this afternoon at the Are. Come early ando get a good fight for. your. money. "I seae where someone,"' said th ol uir i ikn about the ignorant impressions wive have here about the Uipper I Peninsula. The Indians may be I gone, but it's because they froze I Iout'' "Greater Roumania" is to be ex- tolled in hill auditorium Monday. The. Queen was just the advance publicityI agent for this show. t A-NO+[THER CUTTER R~IE -1 M USIMUM I ~AND S- _ DRAMA .GK KFor Your Convenience--Two Stores Completely Stocked L: adaptation of c-ouvention, and ;any j2 viitl V(search in tlie fileld is boundt to be g'rected with g id'ows.-aud ;1iN-1GA HJ tuider'ii~ d us l~ii e li', a 'd iAt Both Ends of the Diagonal ece!~s. Isa dora rDuncn{ i v,, a pPolb1)y the le at calm inted wxomran in thlte~j worldl, afttr i-er at te p1,i to interpret "r S !GKILLED 7REPAIRING in her datnces the rh thnis and move- Fx e mneet of the nusn ci] classics. nd it 1 ?ON0 will probably be an equally long tune befor e the new oriental intei preta- ticim of lBar t St. Dnis~ and T1ed Shawn un to make sure that your 1 will be -oc p ltcd hr thenr weste rn u "n . a n Y flsrad o xams. We will cl-a ge you nothing' forlooking it over, or better yet, buy a . }q . ~tjt F Now we have anl invitation froze Mullison's to try out one of their! horses. Mr. Mullison called up yes- teryday to invite us to a ride that would make the M. C. crack flier look like an Ann Arbor freight. hSywhtithsayaAcn:spiracy to put us in the hospital? Her-e are two cutter companies each tryingI to give us a real swift cutter ride. Between the two we ought to get a nice rest in the University hospital. t* x We will, however, take up both Tl-e pen that won't balk or run dry in the middle of an, exam. Holds enough ink for ten exams. Six to twelve times as much ink as other pens. 315 State Street I,.n -. .- :., I y I I o F t these dares, just as soon as we get accident insurance, and Nature sup- plies a snow-covered ditch.1 r S Thle Editor is getting Jealouis.I says lhe will keep RLOLLS out of t tic . 1 1 17 ' SUNDAY, JA\NUARY 23, 1927 Night Pd itot-STA NF ORD N. PHELPS FRATERNITY /ON1MX Feeling that the University as a 'N holpe would benefit under a system whereby new fraternity and sorority houses should be grouped more close- ly about, th~e campus, the Senate Coin- mitteo on Student Affairs has taken action to make that system an actual- ity. And while there are numerous disadvantages to the plan of restrict- , , ing proposed houses to a designated area, the soundness of the measure will be understood by those thinking in terms of the bus-t interests of the University.I The principal reason cited by the c mmittee in justification of its ac-, tion was the toenloz:-y of students in1 outlying residences to fail to gain the most out of college life socially and scholastically due. to difficulties of transportatiotn, the necessary auto- mobile opei-ation being met only by increased expense arid being denied to underclassmen. On the other side of the fence, there are undoubtedly many advantages which go with fraternity residence in outlying areas. Quiet, and privacy are enjoyed, lower landl values per-mit larger grounds and facilities for out- door sports, and a semi-isolatio makes for closer association among fraternity members. Trhen, too, the property values near the campus, al- ready inflated, will take a tremendous jump, - 7. k;ingitmore expensive than{ ever fo.r cot-ganiZttzs to construct houses.I At the present tine there are nine or ten fraternities which at-c outside the zone. 1Moxst of these at-c almost wiinit and since the measure willI Lot ~f those already bnilt or in prcsc construction, tbere will beI no t-adical chan-- in the present grouping. Tliw~,-gh opinion of frater-- nity men iving in iz-.;id'euces far from the campus seems to be divided on whether or not the advantages' out- weigh the disiadvantag es, all admit the dificuni .s o' gettingt their moin to en- tor ?e5it5sas niuc-h ti ;they might. Few. toes lhave been stepped on iun-- der' the new rulin ; as the zone is Jarge@ enou ;h to pa rrmit chocice in lo-I cation. The measur-e has long been expercted. Tbe Beaf e -omnmittee has cr.I. taken a step)to) facilitate an ea)rt 6o corns in the studetstof) theI Uiversity ten years hence. criticisms of various editors of the perun'tes- he ;also gets a ridle. Music and Dramal column in The paerx* Daily. And "every now and then" (as Js ncs oen huds thecriicof heopening performance gs htw otgtemkn of "The Last Warning" began) some thtwgooehrm in stag, we give fair warning that infallible critic of the drama as ex- don't care for his type of beauty. emplified by Vincent Wall "became * conscience-stricken" at the moronic characteristic of the Ann Arbor play- i 100,0)00 PEOPLE SLIDE UNTO going public, gets a rush of brains to STADIUM1 FOR IMP yRESSIVE I the head, and delivers himself of such I;DI'AtTIO'N SERVICE an inane, unjust, puerile, and vapid____ criticism as appeared Jan. 1).GUP STD MJn2.- I do agree with him that "Great dent andfactAnDU B.and . job Cahein" was a very good play-baut dets -aydhiutanimpresieeni . on does that mean that every production odeiin the ewiv ippy So offeed b the camp s dr mati 0 diunn, at the Pedestrian Entrance cieties must of necessity he in athDignl similar strain? Does it not attest to I**, the versatility of the campus Thespi- ans that they are as able to handle PRO31tINENT SPElAKERIS one extreme as the other? Just be- cause this is a college community is it t fa ir to assume that only the so-called , "Classics" of the stage must he pre- sented? (?j Tfhese questions admit their own( answers-they are self-evident. Ac- cording to Webster, drama is a comn- N position intended to portray life or character, and I wonder if it is neces- sary for me to suggest that there is as much dramatic material in modern Clippy A]. W. Shyavw life as there has been in any other *** age. f This Stadium," said Clippy in I saw the same play at the Ilaw; cepting the honor, "will be madet thicater in New York where it ran for 1 headquarters for all lost dogs. HI quite some time. Althiough that in they may find good eats. Also a cc itself is no indication as to the merits of Troasted Rolls." of the play, it is my opinion, taking I The architect who drewv up tile p4 ino c sd rto h ees r i -If rt esai m c ud ntb rsitations, both in production experience as the Pontiac authorities w ould i and staging, that the Comedy club let him out. players did very well indeed. It is A near riot was only avetrted foolish to assume that amateurs will quick action on the part of 'the Co have the finish of professionals, but edy club policemen who had been nevertheless, I can assure the estima- j pot-ted from Mimes theater for the+ ble critic that I have witnessed pro- casion. It started wheni a School fessional plays which did not compare Music student tried to answer1 with last night's performance, not only question: "Why Is It?" I-Ic itainta from the viewpoitnt of etijoymette0d that there was "hat-mony inI given, but also as regards the nianner ! beautiful white redwood benches in which it was presented. 1 In an inter-vew later in the amt It seems to have become the habit- lance he said he must have been in ual obsession with ctritics of the Mu- taken. sic and Drama column that whetnever- **: ' hear-ty laughtetr is heard in the Mimes I OPF 1 (G OF TH'IE NEW ST-'ADIt' theater, something was wrong withj the show. And it seems that thel present critic is ino exception. And if I had the bit.ing pen of a Swift or of a Voltaire, I could not' sufficientlyj satirize the superior attitude, the smug self-conceit, the omni-prosent ego which permeates the first criticism, of "Thle Last Wai-ning" which appear-ed in The Daily, We haven't had a-4 genius on the campus since the days' of -G. 13. Eaton, aind evidently every arsunenw rezlni finders wvill be jailedI. critic of the drama column feels this lack keenly and seeks to emulate him. A point of c'ouritesy---I would sug- "We wanted to make the benc goat that whenever the program of a patriotic," said Mr. Al. WV. Shy atwc show iroquests the auidience tot to repr'esentative of the B. and G. divulge the characters or the ess ential partment, in explaining "Why nature of the play, that this should Painted It White." They were r also) include the dramatic crtic. Not now they'r'e white, and they made I eTo the Ata erican public the type ofodanc-ing Whit-h x illl e aivon next Fl ido ay nighit at thle Whit Ict, eater in their r-etui-n eng agemnent will have ig- m tuch greater appl~c. Spanish danc- ;it ing and Amer-ican bialets arild (iver'- we tisinents will always b~e popular and it is in this fiehii that the Denisha ivur are at t heir b)est.- In the first place thi o chnique of I thne east is so fundamenitally oliffo'rent from the ' west:. Even the oriental -Idaticers who have ibec One a vogule in Inight -lubs anid revues arcs most liap)- 3tu- pily in.1ccui'ate in thoeir creations. Thie ted sensuous gyrations of a beautiiul bodly rusembodies little of the sp~irit that t he 3ta-- !Denishmawns found there. Often thee to is little to the 6dance it self eX(O-Ort the eternal tr-icks with the fan an'd the 1 elabo~ratet posinig wich oltitenns tnothI- ing to us. Tfo the initiated, however, Ieac-b moveint has a t radiitont centtu- rioes old behind it. Even to the D~en-'hawns who had 1f)r years made a, study of oriental daincing, it was a task to translate.I these dannees to a form that would be intelihgible to thbelt'Amierican ppblic. Many of the dances which last for ~) hours had to be shortened into the space of ten minutes,# an(( in gene-' ral the tempo had to be greatly ac- wrk celerated. Moreover', the Denishawns, it must be remembered are not famous for a ac- purely virtuose lherformntice display- the I .ng ext raorohiuary tcxhnricjitie. And, this le" is what dancing fn this country has t 01ycome to) mean. Rather it is their priv-! ile ;e to p)resent the mxoat eoloi-ful and Ba11s graceful picttires that any ballet now f elqon the readh has ever coticeivel. The not) ( statues(htte posing of Miss St. Denis and Mr. Shmawn, while it embodies the by perfect control of the eatire body, has m-little of the purtely mus-ular in the '.-exection. 00- " 1of THlE PLAY 111,PR'lU'I)A ('LASSES the David Owen, direct or of play pro- an- ductioii aund direction in the depart-j the ment of I ptblic speaking, has announe- j. .s ! edthe fllowving cas'-t for :Seven Keys IIM Service 2jeqiefit IV oihi411'ls eague. Leave fIll s forole veloping, pt-inting otr enlatrging at the League Candy Booth 'U" Hall ti REAL SERVICE 1{I11 -1I11111111 F11111IU 1111{l1{{{{{{{{{{ E{1[ll{1i Heet- Jack Scott a= and his Wolverines I ~Leader and Drums ~ j=. . .. . . .. . . . .JACK SCOTT . Piano .. ...........BILL WAThINS 1= Banjo e ........CARROL OSMUNA. Trumpet- ..... DICK PAULSON Trombone2 ..........DEL AHRENS = Bass, c .. .. .. .. . . ... FR A N K STILES° Saxo phone Section ..........DAVE KIMBALL ........PAUL OMER .......... JACK YOUNG. - A Master Organization of Rhyihm Makers I- Hand Laundry Work that one gets at Moe's does make a diff eence. The greatest care is exercised at all times to insure a clean, fresh, white and well ironed garment. k THE MOE LAU N DRy j 204 North Main St. Dial 39 16 , , ': : i x/ .. '{s:. y ..I f C 1 4. I w t f M I. { I t,. _... .. ._... lhl VGS lRODA KS :r flllltn tlI iaxs Cf Pol .. l,,t 1.11c "I k, 5Y 1116 lC{emu C- )VYCit X\c-.Oo { !t !t f (iE I 11f( 1 I jt i{ I ibu- ( to Baldpate" whichl will he presented 3s- in Uni vet'sity haillauditoihmiotn Thursday night at 7 :30 o'clock. Elijah Quiinby ........ Kenneth Kig Mrs. Quiniby ........ Jessie Girahame William Hallowell Magee ........... ........... Chiristian Andersotn John Bland ............. Cat-I Kraatz ! I I Mary Norton .......... Marion Kubiki e Mt-s. Rhodes........... Jessie Ayets Peters, the hermit . ..-. Robert Wetzel Myra 'Thornhill.........Helen -Moore Lou Max .......... Richar-d Woellhaf Jim Cargan ..........Manning Green IThiomas Hayden......Henry Ford ____ Jiggs Kentnedy ........ Harvey Dodge in- The Owner of Baldpate........... ..I (I .............. Samuel Bonell The play, which is by George M. . Ies Cohan, was oi-iginially ptresenited in or New Yor-kat tho Astor theater . 'way back in 1913 in the days of pur'ple! .v _Neimelodrama befor'e any tice dirty sex woo. re lhays had penetrated the modern o t? ' !sta.ge. As it. statnds it, is one of the most sucessful of tihe eternal datrlings , .ish our Floors by Electricity Here is a wonderful new invention that takes all the work out of keeping floors beautiful and makes this household task a pleasure.Tien times faster than present methods, it enables you to polish all the floors and linoleum in your home in the time it formerly took to do at single room. Sturdily built to last a lifetime and guar- anteed absolutely. RHNS ON" A of *c or Polshe s ntrrvetoi;i neweectric labor- ,r c-ostsou'Y$2.,O-and we in- ;4Ic F :2 ot 0 nsonbamnb's- ib Mop ard a li fgaiiou (°~2.40) ic fanou 3 Jcxx>on's Lisuid Waxo. tsl for a dde'tnonstration