PACE TWO TT-- MII JIILGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ l .,r i-.A"V I:'.'"i' STUDNTSCOMPETEProtects Interests FIRT HLF F TUR'At Detroit e, H19; C'lose Cot~aict et ween Iiistriitors ! And Studenits Proves Advant-Ogeons NEXT .TRIP S' PLANNED lf way mark of the eight months; c ruise on the "Floating University,"I the first experiment of this kind, has been reached. This experiment is be- ing closely watched. A successful (de- veloputent will represent a. new de-": 1atr neuainlporm.Student health was the first consid-I c ration. Not one serious case of .sick- ne li hasldeeloped among -the 50:tai- clcunts. This is, in a large measure, (rud to efct five prove itative measures talken by the medical ^taff under the>>>__: ylirc cticon of Dr. W. E. H igh . To this effect, the physical edlucation depart- inent co-operates very closely with theI r AeI m,.edical staff. Educational work is in the main of I fective. The majority of students sbow; i thausiasin in the class room and in their, studies. However, as in a un- versity ashore, there is always that small proportion of lagard students, ' the problem of every similar institu-r tion.-W'nc cg One of the faculty members says in 6,* l ~oi iii iteraali a recent letter- "I discovered we had 'revdnur' (icl)&'ti ew id ~l.( 'Olbeen1 th(^ nucleus of an opportunity in real charge of tho UiC ' taesteaur' adtvanced education on account of the iratercs< ini the ' .. "g c Detroi L. conistant close personal contact be.- iween students and faculty. I (10 no,'cre is a e stutdenatf all Kut something very old and infinitely their lives. I felI am of service to better than the new. I feel I have bee Et em outsid;e rathe r than in> class;room. el! more service to my students on this _I ant to go ie:ctyea r. I wil lie rdis'- t : than to any classes I have ever, satisfied to return to My LnniVersity. I ad becfore in my 30 years teaching ex-, [ccl that I ihave never been so saI C_; ::erience. fled with myseClf or my wort;. TlisI "I have 15 students, everyone of may be duoeU) t o e enthusiasmn of the v~imI am having the opportunity of students..... I judgte it to be mutual lc-'arning to know' intimately. Each ~ Enae ent of 11eAts unda yc n >i+_.M '^iL:Xtss lF . ~a ' "'^^".+.-Af.+' '' -s '1 lM44> £ ~ '4*.v r m ein f+- : _ = ._t9'._ -,@ __." .. _c . - I.'I G'REATEST VA-\MPIRP01 ZL EER ,,+ ' .t 4 i iv re Tageth . 9VC-s-- nited ~er a Last-- The World"s Pric to the Umi ;.._. , tr ,. , ,.- ,, r, Y , ' j ; ' A i c'~ , * , 1 /?', r -te . } !( -Y ' J f + r .b d. r'a;r r'" o , - I~c BrigsA You Realm of Affection in i Odyssey of Humian Souls - "'."~d A 3o~W4 HW MAfE N OTE I EF .. r."B)iUt3 Y2.T'".Yrt IC L' :BJ1':.-.e:vc A-.. R C T O~f'4WY.I:YvY Wflfl~~. *mNW 'tnttrt4'f:~. W rr' r TRSONNEL I3RIEFLY i I ! , { i i.i (i i~ ~ ~i h 'III t!F~s amie, Whos-e ' z ' *i ::'. 4t i i:,nj Has Capt ivatled 1Roy-. aind ri 41,1yill Yea- I 0 .' llm ni?tA l 111gure on fl e sCreen rvi Today3 A G'-,,,4,1'4}wI1h orA §.d .a G(,,rcaler Lover. ,11,T 'v e 'Q' edisi Barr;'~ie and Co-Star ~ ~ C*'i'el In "Te iuuin, :l t; et o Eii' - NN i z _rsf ,......_ j tY4. l 1 y ''.:try ' t f 'L-. ti ! { r ti 4 F , i 6' . rf T r ;j- ' .yl . 9 ' r d ;. _ j C ' '^ d I ' . } j b an _F L r t :+ y L ,v Vrc . s ' -A ' <. Y '" ir s3 i.. x s _5 C 9 Ji? J d ,r , : - e 5 1 ' .1 '* 4 i, n . i'^4' a a '+ h A { Jt K + a - - ... asvmm szwa ..^ s . .rc uermxnaaz+cw.,vmau aam wx:ar'a .avawra em*. avs. QUA~LITY ' '.i Quality is built into a product at the time if( is m-ade. No amnounft of sales ma ship, no hrigly glo c;&d eneer cr paint- no( ailluring lowprc can give to a s k.:?;ct .lhat intangible pin;or ty caulled quality, unless it is pvt there bay thle rnanurfacturc~..'i'he buyer of quality produrcts knows har~t c.q;iEliv riaiis economry. IlIe computes cost in terms oft 5CVJico r yndered f~znd, f5t isfction received. not in price paid. Set your exli tou igh ind purchase an A-A1-HOIME. You will find quality in Timo fini s +edvproduct. If yon are considering the, erection of a homne, visit our factory. Let us talk with you. Ise' .u 12& BrLE~X!c 0 North i~t Man Street A 740: S MAR MacDERMO'J GfORGE FAWCETT -.II- H ElN SUIN AI INST . ai: acr ... iar a. w.tir,..t.,x ,..,Mr r ONE NIGHJT ONLY I -I aa W7ur ng, 1 ge tire W a . I; F;F ^ :.:: 2,J 9e'= F ,Ls S AND VIL a ati y' L )lrti4 e / OP A . / V Af 3 ; 1 a r 44{ y h .c t r' tr ,- f, f Y, r m i f 47 ' n l , R 1 F 49e !r l r,, kf I 0 p. v 4A Lr 1M. F..)r 7:2 - I4 I, -If, 1' I. s i pi t e 4 i Directed 1by CARENCE BROWN i'A RE NITS ILEASE INOTE'(Ton Ilojls -No lIerest ,o;r ii" Ad' srelnt M ihu t.hild ren I'aentjtud by Parents Will SE USUNDAY 2O"'ELARLY FOR C"Al WC ' SEA TS 3 on ~i IIiiot be seated during 3.einas w' zclimaix, that the an- :ior%,tl-fine m.ay hlvd you ill its ~ii to{~raILength of Produe- . p O~v jresn01t only suibjects o .iw p nT us ko inainat auin our .~, a 'u oh~tui.Vol] will see a twio sbnxxii2 im o and forty Thole iNanaaeuuent4 d ' 4 j .. ; , .. _ "',,, A 7 / ' a'n , , 1 At ¢R ' ;.. .: :.._. _ _