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January 23, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-23

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Senate Agriculture Committee Passes KNOWLEDGE OF SOUTH
On New McNary-Haugen Relief Measure SJMMARIlEDB
,n LC D ElBY

Committee To Make I 1 lIL| flIDhIT| f
Final Arrangements' IIIL Ufll U I JIUILU
For Traditional Hop
At the last meeting of the J-Hop
committee tomorrow night at the
Union final arrangements for the an-
nual event will be made. The dis-
tribution of favors will begin .next

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The new
McNary-Haugen bill was approved to-
day by the Senate agriculture commit-
tee, the action clearing the way for
he renewal in both houses of Con-
gress of a perrenial battle over farm
relief legislation.

Anthropological Institutions Delve
Into Evidences Of Ancient !
European Life
Dr. George Grant MacCurdy, direc-
tor of the American School of Pre-
historic Research, will deliver a lec-
ture on the subject "Looking Back-1
ward Witth the Prehistorian" at 4:15
tomorrow afternoon in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. Dr. MacCurdy is
one of the foremost lecturers on an-
thropology in the country.
The American School of Prehistoric
Research is one of the five schools
affiliated with the Archaeological In-
stitute of America. The other four
schools are the School of Classical
Studies at Athens, the American
Academy at Rome, the School of Ori-
ental Research, and the School of
American Research at Santa Fe. The
School of Prehistoric Research is now
in its sixth year. Three months each
year are spent in the field visiting and
studying the various localities asso-
ciated with the evidence of prehis-
toric European human life.
Gives Opportunity To Inspect Sites
The advantages of the method em-
ployed by the school are that it gives
an opportunity to inspect and actually
investigate various relic-bearing de-
posits; it gives the opportunity of
visiting well-known sites and locali-
ties at many of which are local mu-
seums; it allows the student to visit
the great museums and to see and
handle famous specimens, such as the
pithecanthropus erectus; it gives the
opportunity to see the original speci-
mens, either in the cave themselves or
in museums, of the famous cave-art of
paleolithic times; it gives the student
a chance to meet and hold conferences
with famous foreign specialists in the
work. It is a school primarily for
professional students, but others are
often taken care of on the trip.
The result of the work of the school
is that it brings about a closer rela-
tion between American and European
archaeologists, making possible a
tabloid study of the best localities of
European archaeology through the
guidance of a specialist, and that it
educates the American people in the
realness and matter-of-fact attitude
of Europeans toward evidences of hu-
man developments in Europe.
Lecture Will Review
The lecture will be in the nature
of a review of the events, accomplish-
ment and fin'dings of the 1926 field
season. It will be of great interest,
involving as it does a contact with the
most advanced research in this sub-
ject in Europe. During the season
of 1925 the field party had conferences
with 42 different foreign specialists,
they visited the countries of England,
France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany
and Belgium, they visited 44 museums
and 77 prehistoric sites, many of
which are .national monuments. They
also during this time excavated Castel
Merle in the Dordogne, through ar-
rangements with the Archaeological
society of Washington, who hold a
lease on the site.
During the season of 1926 the trip)
was extended and included many more
activities than in the previous season.
Therefore it is expected that Dr. Mac-
Curdy will have many new things to
relate and will give a new slant to the
subject of prehistoric study. In ad-
dition to holding the position of direc-
tor of this school Dr. MacCurdy is a
research associate at Yale with the
rank of professor and is curator of
all the anthropological collections
there. He has written many books on
the subject of anthropology and his 1
most recent article appeared in "Art
and Archaeology" vol. 21, in February,
1926. The public is cordially ivited
to attend the lecture.

Special sections have been reserved
in Yost field house for the Varsity
band an "M" men, announced H. A.
Tillotson, business manager of the
University athletic association.
Besides the Minnesota game tomor-
row night, in all following home
games this section will be reserved, as.
has been the custom for the past sev-
eral years. The Varsity band men arel
requested to wear their uniforms and
the "M" men must wear their Varsity
hats, Tillotson said.

The measure which would levy an
eqpalization fee on basic crops with
the view of controlling the surpluses
was reported recently by the House
agriculture committee, three of whose
members opposed to it filed a minority
report today setting forth their views.
The proposal sponsored jointly by
Chairman McNary and Haugen of the
two committees, is now on both the
House and Senate calendars with op-
ponents determined to produce a vote
on it before March 4 adjournment,
and opponents resorting mainly to the
Curtis-Crisp bill as the weapon to de-
feat the equalization provision.
Managers of each bill planned to
press them forward next week with
sponsors of the McNary-Haugen bill
predicting that modifications in the
measure will overcome the opposition
that resulted in its defeat in both the
,Senate and the House at the last ses-

Chairman McNary declared in a
statement that his bill provides "a
way for producers of the basic agri-
culture crops to adjust supply to de-
mand in their most profitable markets
to their best interests." While the
minority report of the House commit-
tee members-Representative Tincher,
of Kansas, Pratt, of New York, and,
Fort, of New Jersey, Republicans,
branded the measure as "more ob-
jectionable and certainly more uncon-
stitutional than the orignial proposal
presented at the last session."'
The action of the Senate committee
with two absentees was unanimous
and without amendment. Under the
measure a Federal revolving fund oft
$250,000,000 would be apportioned to,
be administered by a Federal farm
borad for the export of tne surplus
of cotton, wheat, corn, swine, and1
rice. This would. be repaid by an
equalization fee collected against the
crops. Limitation of outstanding
loans on any one commodity at one
time would be fixed at $25,000,000.
While the Senate committee was
acting the House agriculture commit-
tee approved the Tincher bill to en-,
able members of the farmers co-
operative association to obtain seats
on grain exchanges..

iMoore And Huddleston Seek Confidence Considered Most Popular Violinist;

From Secretary Of State
On Situation
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Activities
here today with regard to the Nic-1
araguan situation were contined in
the House where ktwo measures deal
ing with America's policy toward that
country were introduced by Rep.
Moore, Democrat, of Virginia. On the
floor Representative Huddleston, Dem-
ocrat, of Alabama, reviewed his criti-
cism of the administration and de-
manded that Secretary Kellogg take
Congress into his confidence.
As for the controversy with Mexico
over application of the new oil and
land regulation there were no de-
velopments here.'
In one of the resolutions offered by,
Mr. Moore who has been outspoken
on his criticisms of the Washington
government's policy toward Nicara-
gua the House was asked to go on
record in interpreting the Monroe
Doctrine as opposed to intervention
by the United States in Latin Ameri-
can republics, except when their in-
dependence was threatened.
The other would call for informa-
tion from Secretary Kellogg on vari-
ous aspects of the Nicaraguan situa-
tion, and asks whether the Washing-
ton government was responsible for
designation of Adolfo Diaz as presi-
dent of the republic.
Both of the Moore resolutiorry were
referred to the foreign affairs com-
mittee of which the Virginian is a
Friedman Will Get
Best Player Trophy
At Game Tomorrowl

Ranks Also As Technician
And Artist
Fritz Kreisler, famous violinist, will
appear here Monday night, Jan. 31, in
Hill auditorium. Mr. Kreisler has
played in this city many times be-
fore, and officials of the School of
Music consider him one of the finest
violinists who has ever appeared here.
His concert will be given as the fifth
number 6f the 48th annual Choral
Union concert series.
Mr. Kreisler was born in Vienna, int
1875, and at the age of ten won the
first prize and the gold medal at the
Vienna Conservatory of music. Two
years later he won the Premier Prix
de Rome at the Paris conservatory;
and toured America with Moriz Rosen-!
thal, pianist, in 1888-89. After his
American concert tour he returned}
to Austria to complete his studies in
the Gymnasium. In 1899 he made an-
other American tour, after playing his
debut in Berlin, and achieved remark-
able success. Two years later he ap-!
peared in London and since then has
played in all the leading concert cities
of Europe and many times in tours of
the United States.
He owns one of the most valuable
violins in the world, the Josef Guarne-
rius del Gesu of 1737. At the begins3
ning of the war he enlisted in the
Austrian army and served at the front
as captain in 1914-15. He was wound-
ed there and when discharged resum-
ed his playing, making a tour of the1
United States in 1916-18. He has alsoi
written a book, "Four Weeks in the
Trenches-the War Story of a Violin-
According to officers of the School
of Music Mr. Kreisler is the most
popular violinist on the stage today,
and they consider him also, to be ani
excellent technician and masterful ar-!

Scientific Aims lere Not Favored By
Recent 13xe(itionls, According
To Visiting Lecturer
Describing the general geographical
characteristics in a detailed summary
of present day knowledge of the vast
'frozen regions ,bordering the South
Pole, Sir Douglas Mawson, F. R. S.,
distinguished geographer, geologist,
and explorer, spoke last night in Hill
auditorium on the subject "Racing
With Death in Antarctic Blizzards."
"As there has been no exploration
in the Antarctic before 1898," Sir
Douglas said, "all attempts in this di-
rection have been comparatively re-
cent, and there is still mulch that re-
mains unknown of this boundless ice-
covered continent, whose area is es-
timated at being twice that of the
United States. What explorations that
has been done, was done so largely
with the intent of being the first to
reach the South Pole, subordinating
the scientific aspect of a more -com-
plete knowledge of the area."
Should Interest American People
Sir Douglas pointed out that the
Australian expedition, along with
those of Scott, Shackleon and Anund-
sen ought to have particular interest
for the American people because of
the geographical influence exerted by
these regions on the North'American
continent. He stated that it would
be largely a matter of time and public
interest before the South Polar re-
gions will have been explored and
mapped, as is the greater part of the
North Polar regions. As an example
of the practical value of this work
of scientific discovery, Sir Douglas
cited the meteorological results ob-
tained by the recent Hobbs Greenland
Expedition, which is making an in-
tensive study of wind conditions and
temperatures the year around. "This
data," hie said, "has proved invalu-
able in verifying the present theory
of the wind systems."
Tells Story Of Dog Journey
In the course of his lecture Sir
Douglas related the story of his 1,000
mile dog sledge journey over King
George V Land. It was on this journey
that his two companions, Dr. X. Mertz
and Lient B. F. Ninnis met their
death. "It was fortunate that I hap-
pened to be sitting on my sledge at
the time," he said, "for it was prob-
ably the weight of Ninnis on the ice
which caused it to break under him
and carry him. to his death in a
treacherously covered crevasse. Dr.
Mertz and I let ourselves down 1,000
feet into the crevasse finding two or
three of the dead dogs, but no tracI
of Ninnis and his sledge in that black
bottomless hole. After Dr. Mertz had
passed away I set out again, pulling
my own sledge in the continually
driving snow." In the course of the
100 mile journey back to the base
camp Sir Douglas himself fell into
three crevasses, but the sledge held
at the top and he found himself dang-
ling at the end of a rope, and without
the strength to pull himself up. "I
remember the first one," he said. "I
found myself at the end of the rope
trying to decide whether it was worth
the effort to climb up. When I got to
the top, finally, the ledge broke off

' week. Any one going to the Hop and
who is not yet certain of his booth!
assignment is requested to see Charles!
E. Robinson, '28E, 2107 Washtenaw.
Every man, in accordance with the
new regulations this year, is en- i
titled to a booth assignment, the price
of which is included in the charge for
the ticket.
Each booth is allowed one chaperone
ticket with the privilege of buying
one more. These tickets may be ob-
tained and booth assignments may be
verified from 2-5 o'clock tomorrow at i
the main desk in the Union. This
will be the final opportunity to obtain
chaperone tickets.
The committee wishes attention?
called to the following article, in the
J-Hop regulations: "Smoking in the
gymnasium, except in such places as
may be permitted by special ruling
of the proper University authorities,
and the use, possession, or showing
the effect of intoxicants, shall be con-
sidered improper conduct."


('haries V
Windsor-Walkerville Aggregation Are Noted popular
Greatly Superior In Fast traveller who will,
Game In Coliseum torical association
Inight in Hill audi
Coach Barss' Wolverine hockey team CLARK WIL
fell before the fast attack of the supe-
rior Windsor-Walkerville combina-
tion by a 4-2 score, in a cleanly play-I ON G EATI
ed game last nght at the Coliseum.
Only in the opening and closing Oratorical Associat
minutes of play did the =Michigan ap- Given At S 0'
gregation prove to be an even match In Hill A
for the invaders; when Hooper andI
Sibilsky, wings, lead the attack in HAS WIDE E
which the Wolverines repeatedly
threatened to score. Charles Upson C
After the Michigan team had kept eller, and popular}
the puck well within scoring distance here at 8 o'clock
during the opening minutes, the Hill auditorium un
Windsor sextet unleashed a fast drive the Oratorical ass
in an attempt to gain an advantage will speak on th
However the Michigan defense tight-
ened, and the period ended without a Rumania," and b
score. I that he will use to
Walkerville opened the second per- ture he will bring
iod with a fine passing attack, Cor- tion of Rumanian
beau opening the scoring on a pass jets of interest th
from Chase, Ouillette followed this his recent visit t
with another goal for the visitors, and will display either
Corbeau again repeated, this time on lecture.
a long shot from near the center of Mr. Clark hass
the arena. Arbor audiences s
Hooper scored the first Michigan although never on
point unassisted in the middle of the sociation series.
third period, but Monahan retaliated 1912-13 he gave a
on a pass from Chase. Hooper again lectures here on f
managed to dribble through the Walk- pecially Italy, and
erville team for an unassisted score spoke here on "I
making the count 4 to 2. A final drive I World War" whil
by the Wolverines was matched by an for the Italian gov
impregnable defense as the game Is Brillia
ended. The speaker has
Lineup: turer for both the
Michigan Walkerville can governments,a
assisted in severa
Jones............G...........Smith paigns and drives
Roach.......... R. D.......... Robsen on. According to
Waldron........ L. P.........Corbeau torical association
IHlooper.......... C.......... ..Ohase and polished speak
Sibilsky........ L. W........ Ouillette tinental Europe li
McDuff.........R. W........Monahan personally acqua
Spares- Michigan: Marshall, Den- Marie of Rumania
tcn, Larson and Copeland; Walker- has visited thatc
ville: Fritzgerald and Anderson. guest of the/gover
Referee-Brown of Windsor Hornets, Having been bor
Goals-Second period, Corbeau (2), in 1875 Mr. Clark
Ouillette- in Springfield an
Third perid-Hooper (2), Monahan. he graduated fro
I Six years later, in
MEXICO CITY.-Tampico dispatch- his Ph.D. degree
es Isay the district court has granted versity, after spen
provisional writs of amparo to the At- in the graduate
lantic, Gulf & West Indies, Transcon- meantime, also, he
tinental, Mexican, Sinclair and Alex and had studied a
Smith oil companies against the new Munich, at Grenob
petroleum law. (An amparo can take of lari, and s tu
the form of a mandamus or Injunc- eoflassical studie
tI n)years after recei
tio .) latraa fr 1904)AA

pson Clark
lecturer and world
appear on the Ora-
n series tomorrow
.. t


Second Half Spurt Shoots Varsity To
10 Point Lead; Mather Fails
To Make a Substitution
By H. Dixon Trueblood
Sports Editor, Indiana Daily Student
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 22.-Af-
ter getting off to slow start and trail-
ing three pointsat the half, Michigan's
championship-bound basketball team
hit its stride in the second period and
fought to a 31-27 victory over Indiana
in a Conference game in men's gym-
nasium here tonight. Chambers
starred for the winners in the first
half while Oosterbaan, Harrigan and
Petrie kept things going in the sec-
ond frame.
Indiana got off to a fast start and
scored eight points before Michigan
came to life. Kruger and Correll
were responsible for the Indiana scor-
ing. Petrie started Michigan's scor-
ing with a long side shot. Chambers
then counted on a technical foul and


Purdue ..........3
OhioaState .......2
Chicago ..........1
Northwestern ....0



tion Number To
lock Tomorrow


Clark, scholar, tr
lecturer, will sp<
tomorrow night
ider the auspices
ociation. Mr. CL
e subject "Grea
esides the pictu
o illustrate the I1
with him a coll
curiosities and+
hat he made dur
,here and which
during or after1
spoken before A
everal times befc
the Oratorical.
In the school y
complete course
foreign nations.
during the war
Italy's Part in
e a special lecte
1t Speaker
been a special I
Italian .and AmE
and during the v
al propaganda ca
that were carr
officers of the 0
he is a brilli
[ker and knows c+
Aike a book. lie
inted with Qu(
a and several tir
country as spec
rn in MassachusE
spent his childh
d at the age of
im Yale univers
n 1903, he recei
from the same i
nding soveral ye
Thool there. In
e had been abr(
at the University
le, at the UniverE
he American sch
s at Rome. For
iving his gradu
to 1916, he held
tant professor
alian Governmiient
ale professorship
in to Italy and
n of director of
cal studies inl

f'ollowed with three baskets in a row
while Indiana kept ahead. one point
through Sibley's basket. Oosterbaan
tied things at ten all with a foul but
Indiana again forged into the lead and
held it until the gun ended the half
(-Guard ig Is Air-Tight
Oosterbaan connected shortly after
the start of the second half and before
Indiana could score, Michigan was in
the lead 20-17. Time out failed to stop
the Michigan rush, which was cinch-
ing the game. While Indiana was
getting three fouls to bring its total
to 20 Michigan raised the score to
30-20 through baskets by Harrigan
and Petrie.
Coach Dean substituted Derr for a
time but it failed to help matters.
Wells, a sophomore floor guard play-
ing for Correll, finally brought In-
diana to life, and with Michigan stal-
ling, Dean's men found it hard going
to raise their total to 27 points as the
gun ended the fray. The pace which
Indiana set in the first half was tel-
ling and the Crimson clad team, to-
ward the last, was resorting mainly
to long shots. In the second half, it
did not scoreuntil the last four min-
utes, so air-tight was the Michigan
guarding and so ragged the Hoosier
Kruger Leads Indiana
Capt. Chambers was high point man
of the game with a total of ten points,
while Petrie was a close second with
nine points. For Indiana, Capt.
Kruger was high point man with sev-
en points. Tonight's game gives
Michigan undisputed leadership of the
Conference with four games won and

Bennie Friedman, all-American and I found myself where I was be-1
Buartea andaan her 12 Gn A d sfore, nearly insensible with exhaus-
guarterback and captain of the 192ootbevalcklteamestion. While dangling here I thought
Big Ten championship football team, s what a pity it was to perish in such
will be presented with the Chicago Local Theosophists I an inglorious manner after I had,
Tribune's award for the "most val- taken such good care of my last
uable player" tomorrow night be- -ae uhgo aeo yls
tweenthe halves of the Michigan- Gen. Lodeesen Grevinck, secretary sledge dog." Sir Douglas fainted with
Minntesotabasketball gae athYgostof the-local Order of the Star in the exhaustion, he related, when he suc-
Minnesota basketball game at Yost East, spoke under the auspices of tie ceeded in getting out of the crevasse
HIarvey T. Woodruff, who conducts Ann Arbor Theosophical society in a second time and favored by three
the "In the Wake of the News col- Lane hall auditorium last night, 'His successive days of clear weather gath-
th nteWk o h escl ered enough strength to proceed and '
umn" in the Chicago Tribune will pre- subject was "Krishnamurti's Mes- ertdnetouy dsred t e ed
sent the award to Friedman. Woodruff sage." fortunately discovered the small red
wasspots dior f te ribne e- During his talk, General Grevinck; flag, on top of a buried food cache
was sports editor of the Tribune be- Duig hstl nr'Grvn left by a search party. He was able
fore he took over the feature column. outlined the life of Krishnamurti whoE to make the base camp, but on the
He is a graduate of the University of is, he believes, preparing the way for ak t he a the-
Chicago. the coming of the World Teacher, a rora" on the horizo homeward bound,
Friedman is the third athlete to second Christ. lie denies the reports oo eg hi omward boun,
be given the trophy, which is awarded of the newspapers that Krishnamurti compelling him to stay in the An-
to the man of "greatest value to his is the World Teacher but expressed taretic another year.
team." Red Grange was the first views that he was at some times en-
player to receive the award, and Tim dowed with divine intelligence and Svaulding, '28E, W ins
Lowry of Northwestern, who played that his body was used by the future.
a brilliant job at center, was given World Teacher to convey various Union ChessTourney
the honor last year. Benny Friedman things to the world.
was second in choice to Lowry last 1 Krishnamurti was brought to Ame- Robert C. Spaulding, '28E, won the
year in the balloting of ten coaches, rica by Mrs. Annie Besant, the inter- Union all-campus chess championship
ten officials, and ten sport critics. national leader of the International =ast night, defeating Maurice Dekoven,
At the Michigan-Northwestern basket- Theosophical society. He has been to ;"29L ,itefinals. Joseph W. Neuss,
ball game at Evanston last year America on different occasions and is '30M, who won the contest last year,
Lowry was awarded the honor. now at one of the centers of the Or- was defeated by Spaulding in the
Herb Joesting, Minnesota's all- der in California. s'mi-finals yesterday afternoon.
American fullback, was runner-up to General Grevinck also explained The nlaving which gave the victory

none lost.

The summary
Indiana 27

Kruger F...........
Beckner F.............2
Derr F...............0
Sibley C..............2
Correll G- ........1
Well G ...............1
Winston G............0





9 9 7 21

Michigan .3


Organizations giving house
parties in connection with the
1928 Junior Hop are requested
to mail lists of their chaperones
and guests to the J-Hop editor
of The Daily as soon as possible.-
These lists should include the
names and home towns of the
chaperones, the names and home

degree, rom ju
position of asis
Latin at Yale.
Lectures For ht
Resigning his Y
1916, he went aga
cepted the positio
school for classi

ate Harigan F...........2
the Oosterbaan F..........2
ofe McCoy C ......1
Chambers G. ......4
t Petrie G ..;............3
ac- Totals 12

1 2 5
0,1 2
2 3 10
3 2 9
7 10 31




ill ii id Z LA-4A T A.4 *.-I 1

American academy there. He stayed
there for three years and during this AMore than 500 telephone calls in
time also he toured the United States regard to the outcome of the Mich-
as special lecturer for the Italian gov- igan-Indiana basketball game at
ernment, in both 1917 and again in Bloomington last night were answered
1918. Beginning in 1908, he has been by the night staff of The Daily within




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