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January 22, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-22

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PRICE FIV 1, ! v" i

Six Reels Of Moving Pictures Showing
Animal Life On Macquarie IslandI
-WIi Accompany Account


Senate Committee Grants Permission
To Woman's League To Hold Life
Membership Drive

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-Swept by
fire estimated to have caused damage
approximating $1,000,000 the British
freighter Karroo was scuttled at its
Staten Island pier today in an effort
to quench the flames before they com-
pletely destroyed the steamer.
The Karroo, a 6,000 ton vessel re-
cently arrived from Calcutta with
rubber was docked when the fire
started. Flames swept the fraft from
stem to stern and local fire fighting
forces soon saw they would be unable
to cope with the fire.
The {ire department rescue squad
and three fire boats were rushed

Neither Mellog; Nor Mexican Pre!d-
dent Has Outlined Definite Pro-
posal For Final Settlement

(Special to .The Daily)I
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 21.-I
Ohio State won its debate
against Northwestern here to-
night. Prof. Charles A. Layton
of Muskingum college judged
the debate. "Instead of the old
phrase of 'wine, women and
song,' we now have 'wood alco-
hol, trained nurses and Nearer
My God to Thee,'" said Dale E.
Dunett of Ohio State in speaking
his rebuttal.
(By Associated Press)
EVENSVILLE, Ill., Jan. 21.-
Northwestern *debating team de-
feated Michigan who supported



Bothi Teamis Give Argument For Th
Side By Stating Figures On
Liquor Consumed


Sir Douglas Mawson, K. B., D. Sc.,
noted Antarctic explorer and geolo-
gist, will speak on "Racing With Death
in Antarctic Blizzards." tonight in -. ,
Hill aditorium. He will recount his
adventures in the South Polar region
from 1911 to 1914.
Arriving in Ann Arbor yesterday
on his lecture tour of the nUited
States, Sir Douglas was entertained
at a luncheon in the Union, given in
his honor by the geology department Sir Douglas Mawson, K. B., F. R. S.,
of the University. He is on a trip noted Australian explorer, who will
around the world with the object of lecture tonight on exploration and
gathering scientific material on vari- discovery in the vast frozen regions
ous phass of technical research rela- bordering the South Pole.
tive tothe Antarctic from promient
scientists in connection with the pub-
lication of a work embodying the re-
sults of Antarctic polar expeditions'CLARK WILL EIVER'
during the past fifty years.
Sir Douglas is taking this oppor-
tunity of giving to the public, in leec-
ture 'form, the story of this vast ice
covered continent which lies 2,000
miles from the nearest inhabited area Popular Traveler Will Bring Number
of the civilized. world. "Constantly Of Curiosities And Objects Of
growing public interest," said Sir Interest From Balkans,
Douglas yesterday in an interview,£
"in these little-explored regions is the I_ FRIEND OF QUEEN
underlying reason for past work of'
this nature, and is the forerunner of ___QUE
future scientific expeditions. Whal- Charles UpsonaClark, scholar, tra-
ing companies are already beginning veler, and popular lecturer, will speak
to realize the commercial importanceo Mtnda
of the Antarctic, proving further the auditorium under the auspices of the
practical value of contued expl Oratorical association. Mr. Clark's
tion and discovery." subjectswill be "Greater Roumania,"
Speaking on the subject, "Racing an es the pictures that he will
With Death In Antarctic Blizzards," use to illustrate his lecture, he wille
which will include a personal account rng with him a number of curiosities -
of the Australian expedition to the and objects of interest from Rou-
Antarctic from 1911 to 1914, s ' irniatrate will display either dur-
Douglas will present six reels of mov- g or after the program.
ing pictures in travelogue form, Mr. Clark is well known in Ann Ar-a
showing views of the strange forms bor, according to officers of the Ora- t
of animal, bird, and deep-sea life torical association, having given a
found on ann near Macquarie Island. course of lectures here during the
In describing the 1,000 mile sledge school year 1912-13 and having spok-~
journey across King George V Land, en here also during the war on Italyt
which he toolk with Dr. X. Mertz and and the part she was playing in the
Lieut. B. F. Ninnis, he will show a world conflict. Critics consider him
picture of the deep crevasse down a leading authority on continentalj
'which Ninnis plunged to his death. Europe, since he has become well ac-
In relating his experiences on the quainted with conditions there in hist
Shackleton expedition in 1908, in many trips abroad. He is a personal
which Sir Douglas was one of the friend of Queen Marie of Roumania.
party of six who succeded in climb- During the World war, he was special
ing Mt. Erebus, he said, "We finally leturer for the United States and
persuaded Shackelton to let us make Italian governments in several of
the attempt, and dragging sledges we their campaigns.
set out, discarding them at the 7,000 The speaker was born in Massa-
foot levelks.werserremd orequi- chusetts in 1875, and spent heis child-
foot level, thood in Springfield. When he was 22
ment to packs. Here we made a sur- h rdae rmYl nvriy
he graduated from Yale university,
vey of the glassy sides of the volcano and six years later, in 1903, he re-
through a powerful telescope to deter- ceived his Ph.D degree from the same
mine the easiest route through the
crevasses of ice and alternating rock ;university. In the meantime he hadI.
slopes, kbeen abroad, where he studied in the
slopes.universities of Munich, Grenoble,
"At the 9,000 foot level," he con- Pai santeMnic, GrenobleI1
tinued, "we ran into a violent bliz- Paris, and the American School of
teClassical Stde inRm.Fo
zard, and were forced to take the1eto 1916 ine held the. osition of
best shelter at hand, which happened asiantfe ftLattYale
to be two shallow niches in the ice.1 assistan per o Itin a Ya'e
At te 'op dgeof te sopethetheand then he returned to Italy and for
At the top edge of the slope is the three years was director of the school
rim of the former crater, which was for classical studies in the American
found to be several miles in diameter. acdem at Rom.In 1917 and 1918
Crossing this crater amid the steam acaemyatRe I197Und 191r
rising out of the ice and rock crev-( he lectured in the United States for
the Italian government, and in 1919
asses, we noticed peculiar formations he visited Roumania as the guest of
of crystalline ice tunnels which prov- the government. Since then he has
ed very treacherous and required the returned for two subsequent visits
use of the rope tied around each ofmd*n1921 and aain in 1925
us to prevent our falling through the mAt the present time he is a member
thin Ice. A remarkable view of theI of the advisory council of the Inter-
boiling lava and fuming sulphur of national Institute for girls in Spain,
the present crater was obtained. It and has written recently several ,
took only a few minute to slide back books on the countries he has visited,
down the side of this 13,300 foot moun- among which are"Greater Roumania,"
tain which had taken us two days in 1922, and "Collectana Hispanica,"
to ascend." which he did with Prof. J. B. Game in
In regard to the possibilities of an 1920. He is also the author of num
expedition to the Antarctic by air- erous Latin textbooks and has edited,
plane, Sir Douglas believes that such two volumes of the Latin historian
an attempt would be difficult and Ammianus Marcellinus.
hazarJous until more is known about
the localities in which the weather is TOKIO.-The posthumous title of
the, mildest. To reach the South Pole Emperor Taisho was conferred yes-
the plane would have to climb to a terday upon the late Emperor Yoshi-
great plateau 10,000 feet above sea hito.
level. A landing short of this plateau ___
would hardly be feasible in the face
of the high and treacherous coastal DAILY J-HOP EXTRA
winds descending from the pole. 1
Sir Douglas was born in Bradford, 1 Organizations giving house

Yorks, and received his education at parties in connection with the
Sydney University. He is now pro- 1928 Junior Hop are requested
fessor of geology at the University of ( to mail lists of their chaperones
South Australia, Adelaide. He fol- ( and guests to the J-Hop editor
lowed his first experience in explaro- of The Daily as soon as possible.
tion among the cannibals of the New i(These lists should include the
Hebrides islands by accompanying Sir names and home towns of the

All new fraternity and sorority from Manhattan and a hole was chop-
houses, with the exception of those al- ped in the steamer's side. The inrush-
ready built or in process of construe- ing water caused the Karroo to settle
tion, will be located in a zone with 1until it left it on the bottom, but the
a radius of approximately five-eighths heft of the pier was not great enough
I to permit complete submersion.
of a mile from the University campus, After the steamer had been scuttled
according to a decision reached by the the flames continued to race along the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs deck with fire boats pumping water
at a meeting yesterday. The reason from the bay; and land appartuh from
giventby the Committee for the action the pier.
was the expected avoidance of ob-
jectional features found by fraterni- I
ties whose houses were located in out-
lying districts. 1
The zone set by the Committee is
comprised of the territory within the I
following boundary: Fifth avenue IiO LAIIN SENATE
from Hill north to Detroit street, De- -___
troit street northeast -to Kingsley, State Of Illinois Will Not Attempt
Kingsley east to Ingalls, south on In- To Force Frank L. Smith Upon
galls to E. Catherine, east on E. Cath- Upper Chamber
erine two blocks, south to E. Ann,rh
east on E. Ann to Observatory, south
on Observatory to Geddes, southeast CARLSON IS SILENT 1
on Geddes to Oxford road, Oxford road
south to Washtenaw avenue, out (By Associated Press)
Washtenaw to Cambridge, west and WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-A maze of
southwest on Cambridge road to Pack- rumor and casuistry of fact surround-
ard, from Packard west on McKinley ed preparations today for the second
to S. State, north on S. State to Hoo- phase of the fight of Frank L. Smith
ver street, from Hoover north on Di of Illinois for a seat in the Senate.
vision street to Hill, west on hill to { One report which claimed rather
Fifth avenue. The zone includes wide circulation was that Attorney-
Cornwell place and Geddes avenue a General Carlson of Illinois was here
short distance beyond the limit set. before the elections committee in an
Permission for the construction of effort to show that Smith met the
new fraternity or sorority houses will qualifications laid down in the Con-
be granted only for the area within stitution and would demand on behalf
this zone, but will have nt effect on! of his state that the governor's ap-
houses already built or in construe- pointee be seated.
tion. Another rumor was that the attor-
Transportation Difficulties Removed ney-general would ask the Supreme
The committee stated that by the I court for a mandamus compelling the
ruling it was expected that many of Senate to accept Smith's credentials
the objectionable features of having and give him his seat pending a hear-
fraternity houses far from the campus ing before the committee.
could be thereby mitigated. Among Carlson was enroute to Washington
these were cited the difficulties of tonight from Chicago, but before
transportation, the tendencies of stu-; boarding the train he declined to
dents to fail to take the maximum in- make any statement with respect to
terest in University activities, and the the Sinith-Hayes controversy. From
fact that decreased use of the auto- his office at Springfield a communica-
mobile would impose a hardship on tion was released saying that the
the students of the outlying fratern- state would not undertake to force
sties. Smith upon the Senate, recognizing
Many students, the Committee mem-( that the body had a right to determine
bers stated, fail to enjoy full advan- whom it should take.
tages of University life when the dif-j


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. - Whiled
neither country has as yet approached
the other officially on the subject of
arbitration, the prospects of that
principle being adopted in an attempt
to settle the American-Mexican oil
and land law tangle at least have ad-
vanced a step with the announcement
by the Mexican foreign office that the
Calles government accepts arbitra-
tion in principle.
Previous to that announcement made
last night in Mexico City, President
P. Elias Calles has stated unofficially
that he might consider arbitration to
avoid a greater evil for his country,
and Secretary Frank B. Kellogg had
said that he had given that formula
consideration for possible application
in the present dispute. Neither has
indicated, however, whether a definite
official proposal would be made to
that end and both official pronounce-
ments thusafar have been made only
in press statements.
That made by the Mexican foreign
Soffice last night was very brief. Writ-.
ten in English, It said:
"Answering numerous questions
with regard to the present publication
in the press, the Mexican government
declares thattit is ready to accept
in principle that its difficulties with
the United States should be decided
by way of arbitration."'
Senate Will Act On
Withdrawing Troops
In Central America
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-The Nic-
araguan geustion comes to the fore
again today with a meeting by the,
Senate foreign relations committee
to consider whether it will make pub-
lic a "corrected" copy of Secretary
Kellogg's testimony before it and to
take up the resolutions calling for
withdrawal of American naval forces.
Although it is 'conceded that there
is slender prospect of any of these
resolutions being adopted, President
Coolidge believes that American ma-
rines and bluejackets now on Nic-
araguan soil should not be kept there
any longer than the situation de-
Accepting the credentials of Ale-
jandro Cesar, first minister from
Nicaragua under the present Conser-
vative regime of Adolfo Diaz, the
President said Thursday that although
American forces had been landed,
with the consent and at the request
of Diaz, in order to protect American
lives and property and legitimate in-
terests of the United States, "this
state of affairs should not continue
longer than is necessary."
The minister told Mr. Coolidge that
Nicaragua "looks confidently to the
United States for guidance, co-opera-
tion and aid."
The president further answered
critics of his policy in Nicaragua by
asserting that the United States "has
{ no selfish ends or imperialistic de-
signs to serve" in that country.
"Least of all," he added in addres-
sing the minister, "have we any de-
sire to influence or dictate in any way
the internal affairs of your country."
"The United States," he continued,
'"desires the independence and the
I prosperity of every Central American
republic. The foundations for per-
manent stability within Nicaragua
must, of course, be laid by its own
government and I have, been pleased
to see that the initial steps for the eli-
mination of disaffection and the com-
posing of factional differences are al-
ready being taken."
Relapse In Buffalo

the negative side on the ques- iy Robert Gessner
tion "Resolved that Prohibiltion In a debate almost as close as the
should be repealed." last contest Michigan had with Ohio,
Sinwhich we won by a place kick, the
decision last night was awarded to
the Ohio negative team on the basis
of "humor and rumor," which prevail-
ed throughout the evening.
r1 maiinn ONAt no time during the discussion
could the winner have been picked,
the contest being as close as the
Foreign Office Announces Statement I exams. After the debate, the sole
Expressing Hope For Success judge-Prof. W. N. Brigance of Wa-
Of Pending Negotiations e bash College-stated that his mind
Ocould not be made up until the final
Ispeech of the evening was delivered,
BRITISH MAKE GRANTS I and thus he gave Ohio its only forensic
(victory over Michigan.
(By Associated Press) I Stanley E. Dimond, '27, who opened
LONDON, Jan. 21-Great Britain the debate, clearly displayed Michi
has not modified its attitude of concili- gan's new style of speaking, based
largely upon an extemporaneous de-
ation for the "legitimate aspirations" lirey Diond etmitha ort
of hinse atinal, sys stte-livery. Dimond dealt with a short
of Chinese nationals,. says a sta history of prohibition and traced the
ment issued by the Foreign office to- influence of temperance, which proved
night. A statement says, "In face of, to be the chief argument of the af-
all announcements regarding the naval firmative. Michigan let the entire
and military actions taken by British question rest upon that point. Bring-
and miliar ato tkehns by Bri nlg forth the analogy of the high peak
with regard to the Chinese and ex-1 of temperance in pre-prohibition days
pressing hope that the negotiations I to the disheartening situation today,
now going on with China will sue- Michigan proved the necessity of
ceed. moderation. Dimond volunteered to
he s ms! state evidences of the college youths
The statement follows: "The naval who think it good form to consume
and military disposition made in con- more liquor than they can hold. Both
nection with the Chinese are precau- teams were fortunate to debate 'a
tionary. Sensational announcements1 question that affords the introducing
regarding them are to be deprecated of vivid personal expression and no
and discredited. Their sole object one hesitated at the opportunity.
is to enable His Majesty's government McCracken Announces Arguments
to fulfill an elementary duty of pro- Brooks McCracken, the first speaker
tecting the hives of British subjects from Ohio, was exceedingly successful
whose safety is in their charge, ifr in answering the argumentaof the
such protection is proved necessary. previous speaker. People blame the
Undertakings to that effect were given i Eighteenth Amendment for the reign
during the last session of Parliament ; of drunkenness, he declared, but no
by the Prime Minister and by the For- one would think of blaming the "No
Smoking" sign in a factory that burn-
eign secretary.eddw beaso acgrt.Mc
"There have been no modifications ed down because of a cigarette. Me
whatsoever of the conciliatory atti- Cracken stated statistics showing the
tude nor the legitimate aspirations of Idecrease of drunkenness and deaths
Chinese nationalism, so clearly laid I due to alcoholic dring since the en-
down in the memorandum upon the forcing of the Eighteenth Amend-
Chinese policy which the government ment. He concluded his constructive
issued Christmas. On the contrary, arguments with a plea for the home
j conversations are in progress at IHan- and the family of the drunkard.
kow and Peking which, if successful, Stephen E. Jones, '27, captain of
will go far toward complimenting the the hockey team, stepped forth on the
concessions which His Majesty's gov- platform wth what appeared to be a
ernment with the object of placing k
our relations with China upon a mu- I a chart showing the trend of drunken-
tually profitable basis. It is the hope uess in the state of Ohio. He then
f of His Majesty's government that stated that the Ohio team could
these conservations will lead to vouchsafe for this drunkenness, be-
friendly settlement of all questions in sides quoting the prices of bootleg
dispute." liquor of which he and his colleagues
were not familiar. Temperance
Michigan's main argument, was again
Christian Announced reviewed with the aim toward final
As Main Speaker In naien Most Effective Visitor
Alfred Cahen, Jr., Ohio's second con-
Dedication Services structive speaker, was the most ef-
fective of the visiting team. He spoke
of the two and a quarter billion gal-
Announcement that Dr. Henry A. Ions of liquor that were consumed be-
Christian, professor of medicine at fore prohibition-enough to cover the
Harvard university, would be the prin- entire United States two inches deep.
cipal speaker at the dedication cere- I But he failed to continue stating that
monies of Thomas Henry Simpson if such an amount of present bootleg
Memorial Institute for Medical Re- was consumed the United States would
search Feb. 10, was made by Pres. be covered with tombstones, two feet
Clarence Cook Little, today. high. The standard of living was
DrChristian is physican-inchifconsidered by the speaker along with
of Peter Ben Brigham hospital of the social benefits of prohibition.
Boston, Mass., and -former dean ofn Norman C. Bowersox, '27, was the
Harvard medical school. He istone I final affirmative constructive 'speaker.
of the country's leading pathologists, ,His rapier-like thrusts were the most
a fellow of the American Academy of effective in piercing the vitals of Ohio's
Arts and ,Sciences, and the American11agmnsHec pltyobirt
Society for Clinical Investigation, arguments. I{e completely obliterat-
S cityfrsC.nicalInvetig aon ed the discussion over the figures of
1Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, newly aP-;drknesInegdaaitoem
pointed director of the Simpson Me- durnkenness. In regard again to tem-
morial Institute ,who will arrive in penance he expressed the idea that
Ann Arbor Sunday, has been associ-Iliquors should be regulated so as to
ated with Dr. Christian for several satisfy with the least amount consun-
ter wed. A system of regulation is the only
years. m nc ni anlvina- li nr nrnhlmc


ficulties of transportation are notice-
tcWASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-Support-
able, both in its social and academic ers of Frank L. Smith, of Illinois had
aaspects. "The committee feels," said a protracted conference late today to
J. A. Bursley, dean of students and aprotractedc re late tos to
discuss procedure. Later his attor-
Committee chairman, "that the zone ney, C. J. Doyle, reaffirmed that Smith
is set large enough to be no hardship had determined upon no plan of ac-
upon any organization. It is made'tion.
in the best interests of the University It was learned, however, that
as a whole.tThe zone is large enough Smith's counsel will insist in the
so that of the hundred or more fa- elections committee tomorrow to car-
ternities and sororities but 9 or 10ry its inquiry under the Reed resolu-
are located outide the area and manyI tion beyond question of the amnity
of these are almost within the bound- and the legality of the credentials
aries set. Fraternity men of outlying presented to the Senate Wednesday.
residence have reported objectionable Such a stand by Smith's attorneys
features and though there are advan- probably would reopen the involved
tages, it was felt by the Committe constitutional question of the right
that the University as a whole would of the Senate to go beyond states' cer-
benefit by the construction of pro- tificate of appointment for election in
posed houses within a ten minutes' judging the qualifications of the po-
walking distance of the campus." tential members.
ruling will take effect immediately. _______members.
Opera Itinerary Approved
Permission was granted at the! Urges Government
meeting for Mimes to present a play1
on March 19 in Lansing under au- E Loan For Soldiers
spices of the American Association of f
University Women. Approval of the
tentative itinerary of next . year's (By Associated Press)
Union opera was given. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-Early ac-
Recognition as a University organ- 3 tion on legislation to authorize gov-'
ization was granted to the Hispanic- I ernment loans to former service menf
American club. The puropse of the on their bonus certificates was urged
organization is "the improvement of by Chairman Green of the House ways
relations between Hispanic American and means committee today after Di-
countries'and this country, inaugura- rector Hines of the Veterans Bureau
tion of a loan fund for members, and had discussed the subject with com-
a general attempt to improve social mittee members in executive session.
and academic life of members." Buen- He suggested that Congress supple-
aventura Jimenez, grad., is president ment the authority given banks to
of the club which will be associated make loans on the certificates by in-
with similar clubs in other univer- cluding the Veterans Bureau.
sities. Director Hines told the committee
Permission was granted to the today that of 20,000 authorized banks
Women's league to hold a life mem- only 1,270 had to date reported loans
bership drive on the campus begin- declaring that a mapority reporting
ning on Feb. 28 and ending March 5. loans apparently were restricting
Approval of the J-Hop and Military them to regular customers, the di-
ball budgets was also given. The rector said that many veterans had
Military ball will take place on April no banking connection, and the ques-
29. tion of identification was presenting




uieans m cvig aquo pro iem6
Bowersox pointed out.
Send Marines From Nelson Rozelle of Ohio concluded
n f om the cnstructive ar uments of the do..

Carl Lundquist, '28 who, on ac Guam To Philippines bate. Rozelle answered the point of
count of illness was removed from the temperance with the assertion that it
Union Opera special at Buffalo and can not be brought about by regula-
who has since been in a hospital there (By Associated Press) tion. He dealt considerably with our
suffering from pneumonia, has suffer- WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-The de-j present era of prosperity, Which has
ed a serious relapse, according to a tachement of marines at Guam have "never before been known in the his
telegram received yesterday. been ordered to the Philippines to be. tory of the world."
Considerable consternation was felt near China in case there is need for In the rebuttal speeches, McCracken
over Lunquist's condition several it in the civil war zone. assailed Michigan's government reg-

Approval of the broadcasting of the'
Girls' Glee club las night was als


a difficult obstacle.
"The veteran most naturally looks
to the Federal Bureau, for the pur-

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