PAGE EIaRT TIlE M 1 TITTAN D-ATLY _- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constteuctive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:34 p. in. (11:30 a.,im. Saturday's). Copy must be typewritten. Volume T1I FID1AYS J k-NTARY 21, 19*27 Number St) . ,,_..,W., _ _ _ _. -a t. _. . __,_ -a _.. .__ - - - F -,r Iii1 a tt e c es so ito class districts of the state have been LONDON. - Mar'y Ash l, daught- 'a- tt e c esA scaininvited. o r of Col. W\ilfred Ashk~y, minister of , ,r( ' ca1 o Y'kI There are two cities in the second; transort, one of the richest girls in "'' 'f ~ class Grand Rapids and Flint, and De-I England, is to niarry Capt. Cunning- t"(roit stands alone in the first class. hiam Rleid, M.P., who distinlguished (P~yAs~ ialc l'ts~) ~ rno s omplmentry ropoal-tat lint and Grand Rapids representa-3 himself as an aviator during the war. tives already have met with Mr. Coffey. LAN~iO, Au., Ja. ..i Iv7M- inivers.y, state colleges andnor-I sloe of the propx 4 osa 1((v. li(c V col alb etd bWn.RUSL. in let' it- P)ITLADELPIIA. - A 15-year old \mal shoalb ietdb n 'seecn in 1his 1'$Oeto tho e lgslia- .;BRSnot. beenlbrts sot-boy rode continuously for 84 hours on ''governing board-hasnobens rorship has ended. elevated trains, paying eight cents. tu1fr h j w rnt( h sae\armf. The second proposal, too, will sril pernaend 'ant o ]A, i, inImrcioi int a c i c~ic V nbyppe~ conme i lor di5sisoni att onmorrow's~t vote "as L; OVD o neis (Xe(ldtoi t~ i Jle ~ii~ o vhete x\ilford1.('esuperintendent I B3az-i~ aimsBa ai s tive'(O~i1 e i1h coiiiuii c , ts ; f01 l Iic; il~t' ction, has called a! achy'' ss~htio met hre metig urModayIndicus heWe have purchased THE W/HOLE QUARRY jExpres cin ,cvcfhr from edwil- ct ss three section of the codification DRUG Stock. Also Carl Boys jewelry Store cat . Cli over LLC SIt 2 inicate thaC. 'of the school laws which he is p.,epar- I stock of tiepanslhsictW,1he !,arty ap- irrg for introdmu tion in the logisla- proval, bait thet ,,c onttoii of 'he Co v- ture. PRepresentativas of a,11 the third !"bA Fo ens ni3 "i~ Ficulty, Collcege of Literatuire, Science zand tlie Arts: The next meeting of the Faculty will 4,e held Mbondaty, January 24, at 4:05 P. -M. in Room 2225 Ant; -l hall. At thh: tlme a revised report: of t _ Committee on the Curriculum of the Jun-lor andI Senior Years will he'pre- sented by Professor 0. J. Camtpbell, CQlairnman oY the Comm,-ittee in th . absence of Dean Day. john R l. duge+.r, Senakte CbiwP 0 <_,3 on Stu~dent An~ There will be a Tneeting of the Commnittee ou S'tudent Affairs Friday, January 21, at 4:00 P. M. in Room 2, 17aiversity Hall. J.,A. Buys ey, C lii~rrnai1. Faculty, College of Literate re Science, and tie Arts: Class cards for the second semester may be obtained by calling at tile Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hlil. Florence i3obir, Re(',crd i.. Mr. Dowv's Freshnmn Group: My Freshman group will meet twiig t at 7:15 in the Union, Rooln 362. To All Organizationls: All organizations desiring space in the Michiganensian must sign a contract this week. Nothing will appear unless contracted for by January 25. O~rganization 1)eparincut. Reserve Band: .Practice this afternoon at 4:00 P. M. All nmombers rae requested at Attend. W. R. Leslie. Jewish Art and Ceremonial 'Exhibit: Under the Auspices of the B'ntai B3'rith -lillel Foundation an exhibition of Jewish art and ceremonial objects is to be held at the Foundation head- quarters, 615 East University Avenue, Saturday and Sunday, January 22 and 23, from 2 to 6 P. M. L~eonard Cohen. 0;md Ila A NNO UNCES That More Than I4 ms cnac r n nnm~swamc..+ wnonnrr..meanssrcaa re 'I ii; UMiD t Ljwis Streri'gI." Let's get together H in the Chamber of Commerce. And will sell them while they last at These stocks are in first-class condition. 5® 66 3® ; - q, Our Patrons Are united in so2 g that the 20'/( discount -wall paper sale we are rin through the -Wont? of January is one of the finest values received for their money ever put on in the city. We also have many remnants of papers in room lots from 50c up that mill be of interest to anyone in need of good papers at one-third the original price. cot; aw@ vqff 4W ® %w We guarantee to exchange any pen purchased at price paid towards one of our regular, pens any time within 30 days. aa Pn315 State Stveet i .I i Phone 9313 203 East Washington St. 11il. Delta Kappa : Members of the Fraternity will please take notice of the fact that our meeting for today noon will be held at the Union. We will have lunch in the main dining room and follow with a business session. It. A. llonin, President. Scalp and Blade Men : Special meeting at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, January 23, 1927, at the Union. Attendance is urgently requested, as is punctuality. W. J. D~odge, Sceretlaiy Polftula Literary Circle : A meeting of the Polonia Literary (circle will he held Friday evening at 7:30 P. M. in Lane Hall. J. lIInIIek, President. Girls Wishing W'ork: There are several chances for girls to wait. on table in exchange for their board. Please come in and see ine if interested. Beatrice IV. Jolhnson, Adviser of Women. Botanuy 1 Laboratory: Laboratory section 4 will meet Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the Botanical Garden on Packard Road. Go to end of the bus line on Packard and about one-fourth mile south. E. E. Dale. f I I t( I l 4 A kenock~er never wins, and a winner never knocks. join the Chamber of Commerce. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION Presents i . -o woww+*o w m: CHARLES U PSON CLARK Distinguished Author and Lecturer a-' +1 ]]ti.I TTi'GKAhlfu )je '1 Otlst '4 f Wrwt w+wzuvenra ++ es. ~ ', t/ History Department: History Department luncheon at the Union on Friday, at 12 ;15. 11. .111y on. 'Detroit Air Backers Hope For Port On Proposed Tans-Continental Mail Route (By Associated Press) matter and bank clearings deposited The possibility of D~etroit being in-,! at the end of the business day to reach cluded in the trans-continental 'air, 'the airport in time for the east andI mail route, if the New York-Chicago; west-bound planes without difficulty. section is awarded to the National Air 'The result will be that eastern Transport, Inc., is commanding the+' bank clearings will reach New York attention of Detroiters who wouldl by 6 o'clock the next morning, in time further the city's advantages growing! to be credited to local banks on that out of the swiftest transportation of day, thus saving one day's interest.I the age. Atpnt Detroit banks lose one The trans-continental route, extend- i day's interest on New York bankI ing from New York to San Francisco, clearings. On west-bound mail two or has been the experimental laboratoryt three days will be saved. 'In which the Government discovered' National Air Transport was, or-j that aerial transportation is practical, : anized in Detroit in, March, 1925. Ont but not profitable unless express and) the Chicago-Dallas air mail route, ac- passengers are carried- in addition to i cording to Mr. Coffin, the National Air mail. Consequently, the Government _lra1zt)iport has completed 9t9 per cent called on private operating companies of the mileage on the post officej to bid on contracts to carry thvv mail. I schedule and has been 91 per cent on it being the policy of the Government; time. not to carry pasengers or express. t - In bidding on the New York-Chicago ec section, the National Air Transport, a ;Expec Large Crowdl Deit opn eddb iovar te dA s m l . Coffin, offeredl to reroute ,,he line to include Detroit on the Chicago-Cleve- land section, using GYrosse le; for its terminal. ; In discussing the possibility of De- CH3ICAGO. - Nearly 2,000 pastors,i trout being on the tranzs-continzental Bible teachers, and other church and line, Mr. Coffin explained that his corn- ,Sunda(y school wvorkers will gte piny offered to reroute the line "be- hee oteanuaaoudr' hek cause Detroit now suffers a disadv'am- conference held by the Moody BibleI tage so far as effective air mail ser- ittu ohnrtemmryo vieis concerned. wvight L. Moody, according to officials "It is the only 0on0 of the eightl of the Bible school. largest cities not now included in the I l '1O conference will open Feb. 1 and I trans-continental route," he said. "TheClsFe., .Oteprgaaetie reslt s hatbusnes ad fnacia 1following well known men. Rev. _y.l institutions in New York, Cleveland, I Suar; olden, vicar of St. Paul's Chicago, Omaha, Salt Lake City, San churchL J1odn;Re. oh E Kizn Fr'zancisco and Los Angeles enjoy an ga. pm esid ent of the Western Trheolog- unfair advantage. The present air ical seminary; Rev. w.H.Rgrps mail schedule out of Detroit, while tfor of the First Conreatogershurah- efficiently maintained, requires thatI Ciero, Ill., and many others.i mail be posted at the central otlice ao( pr fte Irl i ob before noon, which is much too early br'oadca,.;t from the radio station own-' in the day to serve busines~s require- j d by the institute. nients.N "With the line rerouted, Nation,,l'1,Air ________ Transport planes will arrive at the Grosse Ie Airport between 11 and i L' 11A 2:30 o'clock, thus enabling urgent mail t - J.'~1.. Holbrook Is Granted: ifd""I S Id Zs -r, yGj " p i Z ffir a ,}3 O t 6t N' V N \ C 1 t ° 'ra r k aci l 7 3 J C f . - - - - WO-00000 'H.- Subject : "GREATER RO}UMANIA" Illustrated with still and motion pictures, and showing a collection of Roumanian tapestries. Hill Auditorium Monday, January 24, 8P. M. Prices : at! 120- PEOPLE Have Enjoyed Since Tuesday In The Theatre I r Reserved Seats, $1.00 General Admission, 50c Tickets at Slaters AMI'NM -m A== I 3s: Those fine looking Florsheim brogues you've been -w anting --they're now included in this short-time sale. Here's a de- cided saving-a gooO t ti to get a pair-TODAY. CAMPUS BOOTERY So. State St. Benefit of Woman's League Building Illustrated Lecture By Sir Douglas Mawson., F. R. S. Famous Polar Explorer Atntarctic BIizzards STILL AND- MOVING PICTURES Hill Auditorium SEATS ON SALE AT WOAHR'S PERFORMANCES f, 'tonight ad Saturday I' : U Ww~m , .._._. - I Seats at Box T d-I /A w 7 K-l", rip A rku w 41"roa'-f v " lu I I i i