IlDAY, J'ANUA1Y 21, 1927
'PA: "TrFrV
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flSflUhIl N W, IM any Years Service
Conveys Recognition,
Organization Active For 38 Yetr Is
Discontinued On Advise Of .
Cabinet Members ......
At ameeting of the members of the ...N"
University Y. W. C. A. held yesterday
afternoon at Newberry hail, the or-
ganization of the Y. W. C. A. on this
campus was officially dissolved. The "......
largest group of members which has "®"~ :: :{":
gbeenspresent at a meeting this year
attended the meeting and the eligible
'voters passed the following resolution a
by a count of 32 to 5:
"Whereas, many of the activities(
, which have been peculiar to the Uni-f
versity of Michigan Young Women's
Christian Association have been dupli--
cated by other organizations on the
campus or in the city, and
"Whereas, there has been a steadily!
decreasing interest on the part of the
members of the University of Michi-<
ganYoung Women's Christian Asso-
"We the cabinet of the University
of Michigan Young Women's Christ-(centralPress P oto
ian Association, recommend to the
members that this association be dis- After 25 years of faithful sevice for
solved as soon as the best interest of! ter Nas of Kafnsas
the present work will permit".the First National bank of KaKnsas
InepresetworkNwillperryita". wasCity, Mo., Miss Winifred Haines was
In 1889, when Newberry hail wasi
built it was dedicated to the use of appointed assistant cashiei She serv
the University of Michigan Christian private secretary to the president.
Association composed at that time of!?privatesecretarytotepresident.
all the men and the few women on
campus. In 1895 a local Y. W. C. A. tion and the next year Miss Mary
was organized which continued as an Ross came to be local secretary. The
independent group until 1906 when I group did not seem to have the same
the numerous local groups through- work to do as formerly and certainly
out the country consolidated into the did not find itself in. the same place
National Y. W. C. A. in campus life. Every effort was made
From 1901 to 1916 the organization to tit into some definite work, but
was especially successful. There wereI according to the statement made yes-
weekly meetings of a religious nature terday by various cabinet members,
kith an avetrage attendance of 75to:1001 there was nothing left for them to do
individuals. Their work included the which was not already duplicated by
employment bureau and the housing other organizations on the campus.
committee for women, which work was Th- world fellowship work with the
later taken care of by the office of i foreig~n stude ntrs which seems to have.
the Dean of Women. They supported ! been their one distinctive committee
a missionary in Arabia and contribut- will be carried on under the supervi-
ed substantially to the social service sion of the Women's league.
department of the University Hospital Various members of the advisory
both in funds and personal service. 1 board expressed their approval of the
About 1916, however, the condition stand taken by the cabinet members,
changed, the attendance at the meet- saying that they had been very honest
ings dropped off, interest seemed to with themselves on the question and
lag. Through a misundgerstading they were doing what they believed
about the basis of membership, the to be the right thing. From the final
local group lost its vote in the national-1 vote yest-erday afternoon, the rest of
Y. W. C. A. which they did iot attempt the membership showed its approval
to regain until after the war. - of the conclusions of the cabinet and
In 1921, therefore, it was again af- the work of the organization will be
filiated with the national organiza- finished as soon as possible.
GLEE CLUB WILL SING IDormitory And Zone h h......................Csny
OVER WWJ TONIGHT W in In Basketball . Thorpe.......G.........Thorton'
W in Basketball' . GCize .........u...........Olson
Members of the University Girls' Zone 15 won the Zone 15-Alpha Ep-
Glee club, accompanied by the direc- Couzens hall by a score of 24-16, silon Iota game by a score 18-13. The
tor, Miss Nora C. Hunt, will leave for on their basketball game which they ame was closely contested from the
. played Wednesday night with Gamma the ver s.tart and until the last few
Detroit promptly at 4 o'clock this aft- Phi Beta. Lucinda Sherwood, '27, of minut. of play it was impossible to
ernoon, where they will give a radio Gamma. Phi Beta team was individ- Utenine who would be the victor.
concert tonight from station WWJ in ual high scorer of the game but shl The lineup for the game is as fol-
the Detroit News nightly program. was not able to combat her opponents lows:
I Well known college airs will form al single-handed. The lineup for the Zone 1,)Alpha Epsilon Iota
part of the Glee club program. A din- 'game is as follows: ICil.....F.....ule
r will be given 'in their honor at theG ismna Phi s (Buzna Choal Morton . . . . . . . . . . F . . . . . . . . . . .Bagley
Book-Cadillac hotel before the pro- V. Moore .........F............ Cross __t___..___...__.F_..__..__.Bgy
gram. L. Sherwood ...... F........ H....ymonen
Knox .........S.C. .....Hunter
Sockett .......... G......,..Conrad
Hyslop .........G.......Williams
The schedule for today's games is as
follows: Four o'clock Adelia Cheever
vs. Alpha Chi Omega, Zone 14 vs. Zeta
Tau Alpha; 5 o'clock, Kappa Delta vs.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Delta
Delta vs. Kappa Alpha Theta. Satur-
day morning, 10 o'clock, Theta Phi Al-
pha vs. Mason house.
Furturist art is having its heyday in
tke new British sports costumes.
Junior Girl,' play relea-rsals for to-
day are as follows: At 4 o'clock, chor-
us 12 in parlor chorus in Sarah Cas-
well Anigell hall; at 5 o'clock, chiOrus 7
ini parlor, (chorils I in Sarah ii( ..wel
Angell hail.
int ramnural basketball games sched-
ul ed lor today are as follows: Four
o'clock, Adelia Cheever vs. Alpha (Thi
Omega, zone 14 vs. Zeta Tau Alpha;
5 o'loTk, Kappa Delta vs. Kappa Kap
pa Ca mma, Delta Delta Dlta v U. Kap-
pa Alpha Theta.
h LIW ...... ~ xma~r,,~wvr~kna~
bop .
Tihe House of
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Hot Waffles
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Leave your finms with us for pron pt a-
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ad y., c ,,.° -
f C '
pring Proende
iesomeNe Styles
'urday Afternoon
2:30 to 4:00 o'clock
Sport frocks that borrow brightness from
Spring's own colors. And lithesome afternoon
frocks in a rainbow of delicate shades. These are
the frocks for Spring--that student models will
display for your pleasure in Saturday's promenade.
I , , ,:r
It is not as difficult to acquire as
many people believe. In fact' all
that is necessary is a little self pride
and taste. Develop your pride to
the extent that you are concerned
with matters of dress.
The effect of a clever dress or a
stylish cut suit is ruined if there are
grease spots on it or it is wrinkled.
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with Extraordinary Trade
In Allouances on Your Old
erms ::
By our careful cleaning and
pressing methods, we will keep
your clothes looking their best and
aid you in acquiring distinction
among your friends,.
"Our Press Building station is
open evenings until 8 o clock.
Dial 4287
or 21816
So Sparkling
and Brilliant
$a&"L25 to 6
LASHING and scintillating and twink-
ling with beads, rhinestones, pail-
lettes ,and sequins, these Dance Dress-
es will add brilliance to an already brilliant
affair-the most brilliant of the season-
the Junior Hop.
Each dress in the Goodyear collection has
its own distinctive ways-gossamer silks
are draped and flared, resplendent with
beads and brilliants. Those of crepe satins
are simple, but alluring with self-fabric
flower and tulle; velvet frocks with bright
colored flowers-
A distinctive collection of exclusive modes.
:: Easy 1
The whole J-Hop costume
niay be selected at Good-
year's - trained fashionists
know the college girls' neeIs
and have provided attractive
asortments- daintily fash-
ioned undies, comfortgiving
dance girdles, beautiful silk
stockings to match the cos-
tunie, exquisite peurl bead
necklaces, mesh and beaded
handbags - lovely embroid-
ered shawls. It will be a
delight to choose.
Act Nolv While Stock
Is Complete